The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 26, 1915, Image 9

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LEGAL ADVERTISE MENTS FOR ADMINISTRATION Georgia—Butts County To all whom it may concern. H. O. Ball having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Leonora Ball, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of the said Leonora Ball to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to IL O. Ball, petitioner on Leonora Ball’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this Ist day of Nov. 1915. J. H. Ham, Ordinary ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Georgia—Butts County. By virtue of an order from the Court of ordinary of said county will bes Old at public outcry on the first Tuesday in December, 1915, at the court house in said county between the usual hours of sale the following real estate situated in Butts county, to wit: 285 acres of land and bounded as fol lows: North by Joel B. Watkins, east by L. D. Hoard and A. H. Smith, south by Joel B. Watkins, west by Joel B. Watkins. Said property lying and being in 614 district G. M. of Butts county and known as the Evans P. Watkins farm, three miles from Jackson. Also at the same time and place one gin house with machinery attached, one steam engine, two sixty saw gins. Said gin house and machinery former ly owned Evans P. Watkins, Joel B. Watkins and A. M. Watkins. Also all the farming implements be longing to the estate of Evans P. Wat kins. Terms cash. W. A. Watkins, Administrator estate of E. P. Watkins. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Georgia—Butts County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary granted September term, 1914, will be sold to the highest bidder on the first Tuesday in December, 1916, the following described property towit: 25 acres of land more or less, lying and being in the 552 district G. M. of Butts county and being a part of the real estate belonging to F. S. Noswor thy at the time of his death; also the ■yvater priveleges on said property as set lout in a deed made to the said F. S. Jany 10, 1910, by W. B. Hodges, Mrs. Willie Carroll, Mrs. Lil lie Tucker, Mrs. Eula Thomas and L. M. Hodges. Said property bounded as follows: North by land Judson Roberts and L. M. Hodges, west by L. M. Hod ges and Lillie Tucker, south by the es tate of W. M. Presron and W. B. Hod ges, also by Yellow Water Creek, east by land belonging to J. B. Thomas es tate. Terms cash. This November Ist, 1915. John W. Norsworthy, Admr. of the estate of F. S. Norsworthy, de ceased. EXECUTORS SALE Georgia—Butts County Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the will of Jas. F. Carmichael, deceased, as Exec utors under said will upon the estate of said deceased, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, before the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property towit: Three residence lots lying and being in the city of Jackson, said state and county, and each of said lots fronting on West Third street the distance of 78 feet more or less, and having a depth of 278 feet more or less. The tract of ground sub-divided into three lots, is bounded on the south by West Third street, on west by property of Mrs. M. C. Thaxton, on north by property of C. L. Redman and I. V. Smith, and on the east by the home place of the es tate of Jas. F. Carmichael. Also at the same time and place the home place of the deceased Jas. F. Carmichael, containing a good six room house, and lot fronting on \\ est Third street, 80 feet more or less and running back 278 feet more or less, and bounded as follow r s, on south by NS est Third street, on west by vacant lot be longing to the estate of Jas. F. Car micheal, and on the north by property of C. L. Redman, and on ths east by property belonging to the First Nation al Bank, of Jackson. There is no more desirable property now offered for sale. A plat of this | Cut This Out— It Is Worth Money Cut out this advertisement, enclose 5 cents to Foley & Cos., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will re c -ive in return a trial package con taining: (1) Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound, the standard family remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, tightness and soreness in chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. (2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over worked and disordered kidneys and bladder ailments, pain in sides and back due to Kidney Trouble, sore muscles, stiff joints, backache and s heurnatism. (i) Foley Cathartic Tablets, a v-holeso ->e and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Especially comforting to j-icut persons, and a purgative needed by everybody with sluggish bowels f and torpid liver. You can try these .tU’cd i&mlly remedies for only sc. THE OWL PHARMACY property can be seen at the office of Jlobt. TANARUS, (eftHJiichaeh This property will be sold free of liens, and for pay ment of debts of the estate, and titles without encumbrance will be made to the purchasers. Geo. Carmichael, Andrew W Lane, Executors upon the estate of Jas. F. Carmichael. NOTICE OF APPLICATION Georgia, Butts County. After four weeks notice pursuant to Section 3065 of the Civil Code, a peti tion of which a true and correct copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court, at the court house in Griffin, Ga., Spalding county, on the first day of December, 1915. This 2nd day of November, 1915. Mrs. Leila Kinsman, Guardian for Marlin Spencer. To the Honorable W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Courts of said county: The petition of Mrs. Leila Kinsman shows: (First) That she is the guardian of Marlin Spencer, a minor, heretofore duly appointed as such guardian in said county. (Second) That she desires to sell for maintenance, support and education at private sale the following property, the undivided interest of said minor in three hundred and ten acres of land known as the Sara E. Spencer farm, two and one half miles from Jackson Ga., bounded as follows: North by lands of J. M. Ball, and G. R. Ridge,, way, east by lands of W. VV. Wright south by lands of Mrs. L. S. Wood ward, and public road, west by lands of Miss Puss Patterson. (Third) That said undivided interest is a one-fourth interest in one share of said estate and one-fourth of one elev enth of one share. The sum for which she wishes to sell same is $297-52. (Fourth). That petitioner desires to use the proceeds of such sale for the support, maintenance and education of said minor. Therefore petitioner prays an order for the sale of said property for the purpose herein set forth. Yes—Many People have told us the same story—distress after eating, gases, heartburn. A ftexogg. D £sr a before and after each meal will relieve you. Sold only by us—2sc. Slaton Drug Cos. Another year or two of hog and hominy will place the farmer on top. Are You a Woman ? !*> Canhii The Woman’s Tonic FM SALE AT ALL MUttISTC NOTICE OF SALE Georgia, Butts County. By authority of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Butts county, Georgia, granted at the November term of said court, J. W. Maddox, as administrator of the estate of C. S. Maddox, late of said county, deceased, authorizing him to do so, will sel 1 at public outcry to thehighest bidder for cash, before the court house door of Butts county, in Jackson, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December, 1915, the following described property, to-wit: 1. Nine (9) shares of stock in the Jackson Mercantile Cos, 2. Two (21 shares of Jackson Bank ing Cos. stock. 3. Ten (10) shares of Jackson Na tional Bank stock. 4. One lot of land situate and being located in the 612t1i district G. M. Butts county designated as lot U on plat of property described as Harkness Heights, said plat being recorded in office of pjerk of Butts superior court in deed book Y page 333, gakl lot of land fronting south on the Griffin road 200 feet and extending back north uniform width 410 feet. Also one vacant lot of land lying an'? being in the City of Jackson, Ga., front ing west on Mulberry street 100 feet and extending back in uniform width east 225 feet, bounded north by Mrs. M. L. Maddox, east by T. J. Dempsey, south by J. H. Pope and west Mulber ry street. * Also 2| acres of land lying and being in 613th district G. M. Butts county, Georgia, bounded on the north by pub lic road leading from High Falls to Indian Springs, on the east and south by lands of J. W. fthd A. C. Maddox and on the west by lands of A. C. Maddox. This Nov. 3rd, 1916. J. W. Maddox, admr of theeitate ofC. S. Maddox, deceased. W. E. Watkins, Attorney. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. C. D. HEARD Office in Mays Building, Resi dence Buchanan Hotel. Phone Connections. Specializing in Diseases of Wo men and Children. J. THREATT MOORE, Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, Jackson : Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts. SAM LEE First-Class City Hand Laundry Next door to Joe Leach’s stables. Jackson : : : : : Georgia Patronize Home Industries THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA. S. B. Kinard, Gen. Agent. J, Matt McMjchael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. $100,000.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money on your farm. W. E. Watkins. DR. J. A. JARRELL [Physician and Surgeon Office Mulberry street. Residence phone 152-2—Office 152-3. Jackson : : : Georgia. DR. O. LEE CHESNUTT DENTIST Office in New 7 Commercial Building back of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. MRS. MARY BRYANT PASSED AWAY SUNDAY At the age of 70 years, Mrs. Mary Bryant died at the home of KNOWING THAT they are getting the real, genuine article—under its own label in a sterilized bottle--absolutely pure and always uniform in its delicious flavor— 1 is one of the rea sons why Chero- Cola is the satis- 1 fvincr choice - * / 2? ' i particular people I ggggggggg her daughter, Mrs. Rena Faulk ner, Sunday afternoon at 2:30. She had been in feeble health for some time ana death was not un expected, though it came as a shock tor her family and friends. Mrs. Brvant was highly esteem ed by all who knew her. She is survived by two sons, Messrs. Best Treatment for Catarrh S. S. S. Removes the Cause Specialists In Catarrh troubles have agreed that It Is an Infection of the blood. The laboratories of the S. S. S. Cos., at Atlanta, have provenJt. Once you get your blood free from Impurities—cleansed of the Catarrhal poi sons, which it is now a prey to because of its unhealthy state—then you will be relieved of Catarrh —the dripping in the throat, hawking and spitting, raw sores in the nostrils, and the disagreeable bad b?eat}i. It was caused, in the first place, because your impoverished blood was easlWinfected. Possi bly a slight cold or contact with someone who had a cold." But the point is— don’t suffer with Catarrh —it is not necessary. The remedy S. S. S., discov ered over fifty years ago, tested, true and tried, is always obtainable at any drug store. It has proven its value In thousands of cases. It will do so ir your case. Get S. S. S. at once and begin treatment. If yours is a l<r standing case, be sure to write the S. S. S. Cos., Atlanta, Ga., for free ex* medical advice. They will tell you how this purely vegetable blood ' cleanses the impurities from the blood by literally washing it clean, will prove to you that thousands of sufferers from Catarrh, after co' treatment with S. S. S., have been freed from the trouble and all greoable features and restored to perfect health and vigor. Don’t treatment. Take S. S. S. at once. Tom and Hubbard Bryant; four daughters, Mrs. Nannie McKin ley, Mrs. Rena Faulkner, Mrs. Orrie Blankenship and Mrs. Liz zie King. The body was laid to rest at Union cemetery, in Spalding county, Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.