The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, December 03, 1915, Image 11

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LEGAL ADVERTISE -1 ' ■ imEnts ? • FOR ADMINISTRATION Gei rgia—Butts County , jTo ill whom it may concern. FR O. Ball having, in proper form, applied lo me f permanent letters of ad ntinist ration on the estate of Leonora' Ball, late of said county, this is to cite aj.l and -ingular the creditors and next Of kin of the said Leonora Ball to be and'appear at 1115’ office within tin tnud allowed by law, and show cause, if aily they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to H. O. Ball, petitioner on LeOnora Ball’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this Ist day of Nov. 1915. * J. H. Ham, Ordinary * ADM IN IBTRATO R’£ SA J, L Georgia—Butts County. By virtue of an order from the Court of O rdinary of said county will be sold at public outcry on tlie lust Tuesday in December, 1915, at the court house ih said county between the usual hours of sale the following real estate situated in Hulls county, to-wit': A 5 aoe 1 land and bounded as fol lows: North by Joel B. Watkins, east by L.D. Hoard and A. H. Smith, sou til by Joel B. Watkins, west by Jbei B. Walking Said property lying and being in 611 district G. M of B'iitts county and known as tlie Leans I’. ’SValkins farm, three miles from Jackson. 'Also at the same time and place one gin house with machinery attached, one steam engine, two sixty saw gins. Saiel gin house and machinery former ly owned Evans T. Watkins, Joel B. Watkins and A. M. Watkins. Also all the farming implements be longing to the estate of Evans P. Wat kins. Terms cash, W. A. Watkins, Administrator estate of E. PAN at kins. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Georgia—Butts County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary granted September term, 1914, will be sold to the highest bidder on tlie first Tuesday in December, 1915, the following described property tow it: 25 acres of land more or less, lying and being in t the 552 district G. M. of Butts county and being a part of the real estate belonging to F. S. Noswor tliy at the time of his death; also the water priveleges on said property as set out in a deed made to the said I. S. (Norsworthy Jany 10, 1910, by W . B. jllodges, Mrs. Willie Carroll, Mrs. Lil lie T ucker, Mrs. Euia Thomas and L. M. Ho .ges. Said property bounded as follows: North by land Judson Roberts and L. M. Hodges, west by L. M. Hod ges and Lillie Tucker, south by the es tate of W. M. Bresroa and W. B. Hod ges, also by Yellow Water Creek, east by land belonging to J. 8.-Tbomas es tate. Terms cash. November Ist, J9lo. John W. Norsworthy, Admr. of the estate of F. S. Norsworthy, de ceased. EXECUTORS SAFE Georgia—Butts County Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in the will of Jus. F. Carmichael, deceased, as Exec utors under said will upon the estate of said deceased, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, before the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in .December next, the following property to wit: Three residence lots lying and being in the city of Jackson, said state and county, and each of said iots fronting .on West Third stree t the distance cf "S feet more or less, and having a depth of 278 feet more or less. fhe_ tract of ground sub-divided into three lots, is bounded on the south by West Third street, on west by property of INI rs. M. C. Thaxton, on north by property of U. JL. Bed'll an and I. \ • Mmlb, ann ou the east by the home place cf the es tate of Jas. F. Carmichael. Also at the same time and p ace da home place of. the deceased Jas. F. Carmichael, containing a good six room house, and lot fronting on West Tili i-(is;: eet, id feet rnore or les an * : ’. opi- fc j €t more or less* Rud bounded as follows, on south by W “-t Third street, on west by vacant lot be -I;iicln:T and on the mTth by property , f C. L. Tied man, and on ths cs i ~r • • rty b iong'ng to the First Vation •a! Fvu 1 :, of Jackson. ■■ ■ •• , - . I f . _ ' .. for sale. A i ■ Cut Thip Out — Cut out this advertisement, enclose 5 i.i-nls to Foley & Cos., -535 Sheffield A. t riiicago, 111., writing your name . address clearly. You will re ceive in return a trial package con taining: A!) f’F’oiey's Honey" and <Tar Com :d; ti'O standard -family 'remedy . <y colds, cftQup,. rmiglr, tightness'.,and' soreness '.'in chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. (2) Folov Kidney Fills, for over worked ard disordered kidneys and ( ladder ailments, pain in sides and hack due to Kidney Trouble, sore ninidfs, stiff joints, backache and . i.eumatism. (3) Foley Cathartic ' Tablets, a Wholeso ’e and thoroilghly cleansing cathartic. Especially, comforting to r: lit persons, and a purgative needed 1 everybody with sluggish bo>vc)s ; torpid liver. You can fry these :1.,-ee family remedies fpr only'sc.~ THE OWL PHARMACY property can be seen at the office of Robt. T. Carmichael. This property will be sold'free of liens, and for pay ment of. debts of the estate, and titles without encumbrance will be made to the purchasers. Goo. Jdarmiphael* Andrtfw Vf . Lane, Executors upon the estate of Jns. F. Carmichael. NOTICE OF APPLICATION Georgia, Butts County. After four weeks notice pursuant to Section 15065 of tlie Civil Code, a peti tion of which a true and correct copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court, at the court house in Griffin, Ga, Spalding, county, on the first day of December, 1915. This 2lid day of November, 15)15. Mrs. Leila Kinsman, Guardian for Marlin Spencer. To the Honorable W. R. H. Searcy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Courts of said county: The petition of Mrs. Leila Kinsman shows: (First) That she is the guardian of Marlin Spencer, a minor, heretofore duly appointed as such guardian in said county. (Second) That she desires to.sell for maintenance, support and education at private sale the following property, ihe undivided interest of said mi§pr£n r—' i- }.' ■ ■ a £ j •• three hundred* and ten acres of land known as the Sara E-. Spencer farm, two and one half miles from Jackson Ga., bounded as follows: North by lands of J. M. Hall, and G. It. Ridge, way, east by lands of W. VV. Wriglit soutli by lands of JVlrs. L; S. Wood ward, and public road, west by lainls of Miss Puss Patterson. (Third) That said undivided interest is a one-fourth interest in one share of said estate and onetfourth of one elev enth of one share. The sum for which she wishes to sell same is $2)7.52. (Fourth) That petitioner desires to use the proceeds of such sale for the support, maintenance and education of said minor. Therefore petitioner prays an order for the sale of.said property for the purpose herein set for* h. Our Jitney Oiler —This anti 5c DOXT MI8!S THIS. (Jut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Cos., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets.— The Owl Pharmacy, adv Another year or two of hog ana nonnny will place the iarmei’ on top. 5 ka You a Woman ?! 1 m Jy A ITfV*W 1 . Jmy 0 faUiilP K * - ~ | **?? ,*? fit fHHICeiT'' Georgia, Bulls County. By anthijirity of :wi order of tiled kpfr! of Ordinary of Butts county, Geprgia, ranted at the November term tjf said court, J. W. Maddox, as administrator of the estate of C. S. Maddox, late §fsiiid county, deceased, authorizing him so, will sell at public outcry to theffigliest, for cash, before the court Louse 'door of Butts county, in Jackson;, Gs. v ♦within the legal hours of sale, on the lirst Tuesday in December, 19 lb, the following described properly, 10-tvil: I. Nine (9) shares of stock in the Jackson Mercantile Cos. Two (2j shares of Jackson Bank ing Cos. stock. J. Ten (10) shares of Jackson Na tional Bqnk stock. 4. One lot of land situate and Being located in the 612th district G. M. Butts county designated as lot li'on pint of property described as Hark ness Heights, said pint, being recorded in otFice of clerk of Butts superior court in deed book V page 638, said lot of laud fronting south on Hie Griffin road 200 feet and extending back north uniform width 410 feet. Also one vacant lot of land lying and •i * ! * being in the City of Jackson, Ga., grout ing west on Mulberry street 1(H) (eel and extending back in uniform width is* 225 feet, bounded Jiojjjj by. M,(rs- M. U. Maddox, east I&’MY .Tr'Denipsey, south by J. 11. Rope and west .Mulber ry street. Mso 2:J acres of land lying and being in 618th district G. M. Butts county, Georgia, bounded on the north by pub lic road leading from High Falls to Indian Springs, on the east and south by lands of J. W. and A. C. Maddox ■mil on the west, by lands of A. <’. .Maddox. This Nov. 3rd, 1915, ■ J. W. Maddox, admr of the edate of C. S. Maddox, deceased. W. E. Watkins, Attorney. PROFESSIONS). CAROS DR. C. D. HEARD Office in- Mays Building, Resi f.;dence , , Phone Connections. ;u . . Specializing* Bi < ftf , a&hs v '’6 i f' Wo ' ■ 1U1.1,11 '■ O Mill J. THREATT:"MQpP.£, , Attorney At 'l,aw. 11 '- • edi >•*. *■-.-> • Office in Crum Jackson <>, . M v.r. Georgia. Will practice in all tfhe"Courts. ‘ SAM LEE First-Class. City Hapd Laundr Next door to Joe Leach’s stables. Ja'ekkon : : : :'. : Georgia Patronize Home Industries THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE TNSURVNOE CO. OF GA S. B. Kinaed, Gen. Agent. .1, Matt "McIVI ipn a lj., Local A sent JACKSOis. GEORGIA. SIOO,OOO 00 TO T OAN op form lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. Sen mo before you borrow any money on irmif w. E. Watkins. J. A. JARRET L "Physician and Surgeon o<Ti on XTljlV'Orry et.root, lon f> ° rhone 152-2 —Office 152-7. Jackson : : : Georgia. DR. O. LEE CFESNUTT DENTIST Oil ice in New Commercial Building Pack of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. 'vQ.gand 75c "\ P Wool Dross Goods cur to 37c as leu*? os they laift. The Star Stor- . 1 / Chsro-Cpla v, R from the original \ “Through a Straw” \ m This insures cleanliness,. / 3 and is a guarantee / jj cf puiitjT Each / S bottle is measured aad L • filled by mexhinery, thereby making each j F? bottle uniform in flavor. / y W :}sUmn ; iwb /Jfj M 3fee£resl)ins //\ Served at Soda Founts / / 1 m and high-class / / / jR refreshment stands / / f I “In a bottle / / ■ Through // % a Straw” // Ww iChErD-CoB Fax Colledtor’s Notice rut . u : t to ; n order from the Comptroller General the tax books lor 1915 wui be closed the 20th of December. i. P. Maddox, Tax Col. Get Rid of Scrofula How? Talie S.S.S. Fifty Year*’ U*e Prove* S. S. S. Will Relieve Stubborn Case* You have noticed the little fester ing pimples on the free ami body— swelling of the glands—soreness In the legs and arm muscles. These are the symptoms of Scrofula. You may have some of those symp toms, possibly the taint of Scrofula Infection. But in either case, It is a dangerous condition. Your blood is infected, Impure, and you can never FOR SALE 1 Oakland 1914 model, dirt cheap. Apply W. L. j Etheridge, Jackson, Ga. COME QUICK. ] hope to gain perfect health until the impurities are washed from the sys tem. If you feel badly ah the time, you must crave health. If you want to feel renewed spirits, the glow of perfect health, bright eyes, clear skin, the knowledge that you are well, you can do so. Cleanse your blood by taking S. S. S. For fifty years it has been the standard blood purifier. It relieves the trouble by renourishing the blood, renewing its strength, and stimulating the flow so hat the blood regains its lost vitality, and throws off the poison. Even long-standing cases respond. But you must use S. S. S. Take It for all blood infections. ) Get it at your druggist’s today. If you need special advice, write the S. S. S. Cos., Atlanta, Ga.