The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, December 10, 1915, Image 6

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INDIAN SPRINGS. Rev. and Mrs. W- H. Arnold have issued cards announcing the marriage of their daughter, Myr tice Modelle, to Mr. Thomas P. Clay, of Decatur. Ga., on Wed nesday, December the first, The marriage was solemnized at the home of the bride, the im pressive ring ceremony being performed by her father. An elegant luncheon was served the guests, who were only the relatives and close friends of the bride and groom. The bride was lovely in her going away gown of dark blue cloth with trimmings of fur Georgette crepe and silver, and her hat was a becoming model in silver lace. She wore a corsage of brides roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Clay is young women of charming personality and will be greatly missed in her home, town and county. Mr. Clay is prominently inden tified in the business and social circles of both Atlanta and Deca tur. They are at home to their friends 102 College Ave., Decatur. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cornell spent Friday in Atlanta. Mr. Robert Clay, of Atlanta, Miss Nobie Clay, of Decatur, and Mrs. W. 0. Brown and little daughter, of Rome, Ga., were out-of-town guests at the Arnold- Clay wedding on Wednesday. Miss Carrie Collier entertained the W. M. S. very delightfully last Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Van Deventer was present and gave a much appreciated talk. Immediately following the busi ness hour delightful refreshments were served. Miss Lucile Elder and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cornell will be guests at the Stanfield-Mallet reception on Tuesday evening. Mr. 0. D. Do Ivin, of Atlanta spent Sunday here. Recommended For croup W. (’. Allen, Boscly Mo., says: “I have raised a family of four children and ust'd Kolev’s Honey and Tar with all of them. 1 used it for eight or ten yenrs and can recommend it for croup.” Same satisfactory results for coughs and colds. The Owl Pharma cy. adv New crop Georgia cane syrup. Joyner, I—3—4. FOR SALE 1 Oakland 1914 model, dirt cheap. Apply W. L. Etheridge, Jackson, Ga. COME QUICK. LEGAL ADVERTISE MENTS FOR ADMINISTRATION Georgia, Butts County. To whom it may concern: A. MoGibony having made applica tion to me in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the es tate of Henry Mackey, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in January. 1916. Witness my ha(nd and otlicial signature, this 6th day of! December, 1915. J. H. Ham, Ordinary. People Say To Us M cannot eat this or that food, it does not agree with me.” Our advice to all of , them is to take a SaaS'ySK" before and after each meal. 25c a box. S'ston Drug Cos. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES I “A- Anlc your Druprgtiit for CTTI-CHES-TER S /\ DIAMOND If RAND TIDES in Red and AO Gold metallic boxes, scaled with Blue<€j>> Ribbon. Takb no other. Buyof jour''y Wrußßlrt and ask for t HI-CHJEB-TEK 8 V DIAMOND BRAND P 11.1.8, for twentjr-fir.- years regarded Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS SSS, EVERYWHERE tested LEWIS HOME AT “ FLOVILLA BURNED NOTHING WAS SAVED Family Narrowly Escaped From Building The residence of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Lewis at Flovilla was de stroyed by fire Wednesday night about 10 o’clock. Nothing was saved and the family escaped in their night clothes. The origin of the fire is not known. There had been no fire in the kitchen, where the blaze evidently started, supper having been prepared on an oil stove. The family was awaken by the roaring of the flames bursting into the sleeping apartments and the members of the family bare ly escaped before the building fell in. It required heroic work on the part of the Flovilla citizens to prevent the spread of the flames. The Lewis home was located near the Capt. Smith residence. It was stated Thursday morn ing there was probably a small amount of insurance on the build ing. The loss is a heavy one and the family have the sympathy of the people of the county in their misfortune. “Di&ridt Attorney” Wednesday Evening On account of illness, the date of ‘‘The District Attorney” has been changed from Friday even ing, Dec. 10, to Wednesday even ing, Dec. 15. Sale of Millinery, Coats and Suits begins Saturday 11th. This is the closing out sale. 58 Coats, 29 Suits came by express today. All new. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. CITROLAX CITROLAX CITROLAX Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and sat isfactory Hushing—no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome, Ask for CITKOI.AX. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. For Rent or Sale The J. T. Harris home, corner Third and Indian Springs streets. Apply to 0. A. Pound, or J. M. Currie. FINEST D W E^ L AT LOWEST PRICES We do notcharsre one penny more than the price we advertise. ONE PRICE Best Gold Crowns Bridge Work . . BEST Painless Method. Skillful Operators of years’ experience. We will pay yomr rail road faro to Atlanta if yoar work amount* to a* much a* fiO. One Price Dental Office, ‘ 106’ j WVtstail S> Cor. Mitchell. AUnts, 6a. U. D. G. MEETING HAS BEEN POSTPONED A WEEK The meeting of the U. D. C. chapter, set for this week, has been posfxoned to Thursday af ternoon, December 16th, and will be held at the armory. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a stove, a tea set and a doll and a carriage and oranges and fancy candies. Annie Mae Smith. (MOWN WOMAN Made Strong By Our Vinol Fort Edward, N. Y.—“ I was in a run down, nervous and weak condition, so I could not do the housework for my little family of three. I had taken cod liver oil emulsions and other remedies with out benefit. A friend told me about Vinol. I tried it and it soon built up my strength and made me a well woman so I now do all of my housework.”—Mrs. Elmer Glidden. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, for all run-down, weak and debilitated conditions. Woods-Carmichael Book & Drug Company, Jackson. Ga. Letters to Santa Claus Dear Santa Claus: lam a lit tle girl just 5 years old. I want you to bring me a sleeping doll and a tea-set and all kinds of can dy, fruits and nuts. Your little girl, Tommie Sue Ingram. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to please bring me a doll 1 foot and a half tall and a grinding organ and all kinds of confect ioneries. Your little friend, Mattie Sue Hodges. Talk is cheap but we can prove to you that we are doing stunts in Coats, Mil linery and Suits never at tempted before by anyone. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. Tax Colledtor’s Notice Pursuant to an order from the Comptroller General the tax books for 1915 will be closed the 20th of December. J. P. Maddox, Tax Col. $48.30 was paid twice by farmer Thomas R. Kalin. He kept no bank account. He paid his bills in cash. The last time he paid a coal and feed blil he lost the receipt. The clerk forgot to make a record of it. The firm sent Kalm another bill. He had no receipt showing he had paid it. The clerk had forgotten. Kalm was sued. He paid again. Had he kept his money in the First Farmers Bank his check would have been his receipt. A check always tells who got it. Cash is silent. FIRST FARMERS BANK SAFE LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE Your Account Is Invited |SINCE TAKING PERUNA - I can say my bowels are much j [ I Mrs. William H. Hinchliffe, 20 Myrtle St., Beverly, Mass., writes: “I have taken four bottles of Peruna, and I can say that it has done me a great deal of good for catarrh of the head and throat. I recommend Peruna to all sufferers with catarrh. Ido not think I ever felt much better. I am really surprised at the work I can do. Ido not think too much praise can be said for Peruna.” Those who object to fluid medicines can now procure Peruna Tablets. Dear Santa Claus: I am 5 years old and am going to school after Christmas, but I go to Sun beams and Sunday school and church every Sunday and I al ways enjoy everything you bring to me and I don’t want you to forget me this Christmas and I know you are thinking of what to bring me. I want a horn, a gun and a drum and a goat and wagon and every thing good to eat that you can bring me. Bring Lawrence some apples and I will let him ride in my wagon I guess you know where I live. Your little friend, Ezra Waller Lynch. gggggggg Many People In This Town never really enjoyed a meal until we advised them to take a •sg*M “Bg* before and after each meal. Sold only by us—2sc a box. Slaton Drug Cos. State of Ohio, city of Toledo. Lucas County, ( fa3, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing business In the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DC.LLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Sea!) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. EMERGENCY WORK In auto repairing requires thorough skill. Send your car here where skill is assured. We don’t have to take the entire machine apart to find out what is the matter. We know at a glance what is wrong and we right it as quickly and thor oughly as can possibly be done. Make us prove it. Wagner’s Garage.