The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, December 24, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS OF INTEREST IN THE SOCIAL REALM “I Wonder What's in It” WANT LIST My- name is on your Christmas list? And you with emphasis insist That I shall straightway search this brain, And let you know what I would fain Possess, in token of the day When cheer and good-will hold full sway? Now, do not think me obstinate, If l shoud scratch this thikened pate, Smile in your eyes, and catch your hand, And say, to your steadfast demand, That almost anything will do, So long as it shall come from—you. This answer only serves to vex Your troubled spirit, and perplex You that much more, when, if I would, I could so easily be good, And play a real angelic role, And lift the burden from your soul?— Well, if I must confess to show My aim is not to cause you woe, Come, cuddle close against this breast, And let the kisses bring you rest; For, dear, above all tinseled art, I want you love —straight from your heart! —Ralph Methvin Thompson. PERSONAL Miss Ezra Morrison spent Sat urday in Atlanta. Col. A. W. Lane was up fr< m Macon, Saturday, Mr. Jim Biles, of Valdosta, is the guest of relatives here, this week. Claude Spencer is at home from Emorv college. Mrs. C. A. Butner is in Flovilla for a few days. Judge A. H. Ogletree was in the city Monday. Misses Pauline Mallet and Janie Hearn visited in Atlanta Wednes day. Mrs. A. H. Smith has returned from Atlanta. Mr. C. B. Glass was a business visitor to the city Monday. Mr. H. L. Worsham, of Cullo den, was recent visitor in the city. Mrs. Roy Gunter and children will spend Christmas in Atlanta. Miss Annie Lou McCord will visit Mrs. McCarthy in Douglas ville, next week. Mrs. J. P. Mcßryant and Mrs Fannie Mae Maddox were recent visitors to Atlanta. Miss Jennie Bryans, of Indian Springs, was the recent guest of Mrs. H. L. Daughtry. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Head will entertain a number of their rela tives at dinner, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robison and son. Stillwell, will visit Mr and Mrs. W. A. Newton next week. Mrs. T. H. Buttrill has return ed from Graymont, where she has been for the past several weeks. Misses Florence Crawford and Fredna Allen are at home from the G. N. and I. college at Mil ledgeville, for the holidays. The teachers in the public schools will spend the holidays at their respective homes, a number of them having left, Thusrdav. On account of the inclement weather of Friday evening, the recital of Miss Morrison’s piano pupils was postponed until Tues day evening. Rev. and Mrs. John W. Ham, of North Carolina, are visiting relatives here for several days. Mr. Ham will study at the Uni versity of Chicago this winter. Ensignßobin Daughtry, United States Navy, is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Daughtry, and is be ing warmly welcomed by a large circle of friends. Frank Curry is at home from Gordon Institute for the Christ mas holidays and was accompa nied by his classmate, Leon Wood ruff, of Macon, who spent the week-end with him. JENKINSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Ray of Florida are here to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ingram. Miss Carrdu Harper, a student of G. N. & I. and Mr. Frank Childs, a student of G. M. C. are spending the holidays at home. Mrs. E. C. Cawthon left Wed nesday for Macon where she will spend several days. Miss Jewel Glass had as her guests Sunday Misses Lizzie and Helen Fletcher and Mr. Davie Fletcher of England’s Chapel, Misses Florence Stallsworth, Beeriie Thurston and Carrilu Harper and Messrs. Gordon Bankston, James and Frank Childs. Mr. H. C. Childs and Mrs. J. W. Childs motored to Phillippi Sunday. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES I —*-r Aik jmrr tnnbt for CHT-CH ES-TBR 9 A DIAMOND brand PILL 9 la Bed and /j\ Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BluetO) Ribbon. Taxis ho other. BardTMr v/ kramM aad sk fop m V DIAMOND BKAND PILLS, for t went r-firc years regarded as Best,Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME PUPRYWIIFRP WORTH tilled twtni nncnc tested FLO VILLA NEWS Misses Annie Kate Lynch and Mildred Allen spent; a few days recently in Macon shopping. Mr. G. C. Brannen, of Savan nah, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. Claud Hendrick, of Lin dale, arrived Tuesday for a few days visit with friends in Flo villa. Miss Laura Smith left Wednes day of last week to visit Miss Caddie Williams in Cordele. Misses Louise Brown, of McDon ough, Maude Smith and Susie Etheridge will join Miss Smith Thursday and they will go to Live Oak, Fla , for the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rhodes. The pupils in the grades taught by Misses Ray and Paullin gave an entertainment Wednesday morning that was enjoyed and appreciated by those in attend ance. These exercises closed the school for the term. Miss Lucy Goodman has return ed to her home in Jackson after successfully supplying the prin cipalship of the Flovilla High School since the resignation of Prof. Patton. The trustees would have been pleased to have had Miss Goodman continue with the school duiing the spring term, which begins Jan. 3, but not be ing convenient for her to remain, they have elected Prof. E. B. Flanagan, of Mcßae, who comes highly recommened. Miss E. Alee Johnson left Wednesday to spend Christmas at I er home in Columbus. The pupils of the expression closs of Miss Willie Wrenn accom panied by the pupils of Miss John son’s music class gave quite an interesting recital Tuesday eve ning at the school auditorium. Both departments show careful training and reflect great credit upon their teachers. Misses Lois Allen, Willie Ter rell, Lillie Lewis, Annie Laurie Thomas, Messrs. R. B. Ply male, J. B. Terrell, W. G. Prestod, Parham Smith, Butler Smith, Harry Thomas and Herbert While have come home for the holidays. Miss Marilu Terrell entertained rroit delightfully last Saturday evening at a progressive rook party. Her guests included Miss esJLurline Lawson, Nelle Millen, Annie Reid Maddux, Opal Vick ers, Inez Smith, Mildred Allen, Beatrice Madduz, Messrs. Howell, R. T. and J. B. Smith, J. C. Fun derburk, J. B. Terrell, Marvin Thomas and William Lvnch. Observe The Warning A cold that promises to “hang on all winter” is to be dreaded. Prompt ac tion whould be taken at the brut warn ing of a cold—sneezing, chillinen*, slight shivering. Foley’s Honey and Tar makes quick work of coughs, colds and croup. Itclears air passages, stops coughing, eases difficult breathing. The Owl Pharmacy, adv PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m. Subject: “Gold, Frankin cense and Myrrh.” Warm wel come, warm house, seats free. I. H. Miller. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, | M Lucas County, f * Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Cos., doing business in the City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me.and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. , Take Ball's Family Pills for constipation. We Take This Opportunity To thank our friends and customers for their patronage during years now past. By giving honest, reliable merchan dise, at reasonable prices, we hope to continue to merit your patronage. We will strive to make 1916 the vear yet and to that end we ask your co-operation. Wishing each and every one of our friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR Paul Nolen 6 Cos Jackson, Ga. Phones 24 and 60