The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, December 24, 1915, Image 7

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PROFESSIONAL CAROS DR. C. D. HEARD Office in Mays Building, Resi dence Buchanan Hotel. Phone Connections. Specializing in Diseases of Wo men and Children. J. THREATT MOORE, Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, Jackson : Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts. SAM LEE First-Class City Hand Laundry Next door to Joe Leach’s stables. Jackson : : : : : Georgia Patronize Home Industries THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA S. B. Kinard, Gen. Agent. J. Matt McMichael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. DR. J. A. JARRELL IPhysician and Surgeon Office Mulberry street. Residence phone 152-2 —Office 152-3. Jackson : : : Georgia. DR. O. LEE CHESNUTT DENTIST Office in New Commerciallßuilding back of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. E. M. Smith H. D. Russell SMITH & RUSSELL Attorneys at Law f Office in Warthen Bldg Jackson : : Georgia FOR FARM LOANS Apply to J. W. NISBET Macon, Ga. $100,000.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money on your farm. W. E. Watkins. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS Brown & Brown McDonough ga. "C. L. REDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Carter-Warthen Building, JACKSON, GA. Call on or write Brown & Brown, McDonough, Ga., for loans on farm lands. 3-26-tf Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Yotrr druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fall# to cure any cage of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c, I am now prepared to offer to the public SWEET MILK, BUTTER MILK AND BUTTER On Short Notice Call 210 and the goods will come Everything delivered to regular customers Respectfully, T. B. CONNER P. S.—l have 8 good milk cows I will sell or exchange for beef cattle Assist Your Stomach To Get Rid of the Poisonous Gases and Fermenting Food. A good long fast will do this sometimes. A trip to the moun tains. Tramping. Roughing it. Yes, very good remedies. But aro you going to avail yourself of either one of these remedies. No? Then the next best thing is to try a bottle of Peruna. Take it according to di rections. You will have a natural appetite. All gas and fermenta tion in the stomach will dis appear. Read what Mrs. Emma Bell, Box 204, Fort Pierce, Florida, says: “/ was taken suddenly with swelling of the stomach and bowels, and great distress. Very painful. Three doctors gave me no relief. Could not eat any thing. Everything soured, i was starving to death. I began taking Peruna and was soon strong enough to do work. Alter taking five bottles / can truth fully say lam well. I gained twenty pounds. ” THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ALL SHOULD HAVE On last Sunday we worshipped at the Methodist church in Jack son. One of the finest roads in the county is from my house to Jackson. It is four miles and we decided to walk it. They have a fine choir and to listen to it lifts you and your thoughts into the land beyond the pearly gates. Brother King, the pastor, read from the 41st Psalm, which starts out with these words, “Blessed is he who considereth the poor,” You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman’s life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take —Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can’t make a mistake in taking Cardui The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Arfc, says: “I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.” Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. and some of the things he said were these: “As the Lord has prospered you, remember the poor and needy by bestowing on them some substantial gift, such as a sack of flour, a ton of coal or anything else that would help them.” Brother King is a de vout man and is fully consecra ted to his work. Now that Christmas will soon be here let's all meet it with that good cheer that will make every one we meet feel cheerful and happy and any difference that might exist or have existed let the dead past bury the dead, and face the new year with a bright and happy future and go about our business with new energy. Let’s all strive to make the year 1916 one of the best and most prosperous ever. So on the night of Christmas eve while footsteps are hurrying by let us all remem ber that a kind word or a kind look will go a long ways with those who are disheartened, dis consolate, bereft and sick. So let us raise the fallen, cheer the faint, heal the sick and lead the blind. Plow Handles. Letters to Santa Claus Dear old Santa: lam a little boy most 11 years old and go to school at Sandy Plains and my teacher’s name is Miss Evie Mad dox and I am in the sth grade. Please bring me a box of No. 22 rifle cartridges, a knife and lots of good things to eat. Your little boy, Robert Lee Flynt. "]/ DRINK J Chera-Cola * ®Ht)oteome bottle with the II label on it "In n Bottle Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a little doll, a dresser and a whole lot of good things to eat and don’t forget mama and papa. Your little girl, Annie Ophelia Flynt. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a knife, lots of apples, oranges and a heap of good things to eat and I want an air gun if you can spare me one. Your little boy, Willie Paul Flynt. Dear Santa Claus: lam a little boy 6 years old going to school. Please bring me an air gun, fire works, sparklers, Roman candles, all kinds of fruit, candy and nuts. Your little boy, Palmer Jolly Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl going to school. lam only 9 years old. I like my teacher and my books too. I wish you would bring me a ring, a piano, fruits, some fire works, a Roman candle too, and bring me some English walnuts and Brazil nuts. Lovingly, Sallie Mae Willis. i*-r. . ... Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 9 years old. I like to go to school and I like my teacher and books. I have two pets, a baby brother 4 vears old and a pretty kitty. I want you to come to see us Christmas. I want a drinking cup and a trunk. Brother wants a train, candies, fruit and every thing nice. Maggie Payne. HAVE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles ? < Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott’s Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott’s Emulsion contains pure cod liver Oil which peculiarly strengthens the res piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott’s is prescribed by the best special* fate. You can get it at any drug store. Scott at Bowne, Bloomfield, N- J-