The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 14, 1916, Image 3

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NO. 5709 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Fir&National Bank of Jackson At Jackson, in the State of Georgia, At the Close of Business Nov. 10, 1915 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts (except those shown on b) $165,736 35—5165,736 35 Overdrafts, secured, $ unsecured, $ U. S. bonds deposited to secure circu lation (par value! __S2O,QOO Ob Commercial paper deposited to secure circulation {book value) - Other securities deposited to secure circulation (book value) Premiums on U. S. bonds -00 00— 0,-00 00 Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock 1,446 13 Subscription to stock of -• Federal Reserve banks4,3oo 00 Less amount unpaid— 2,150 00 -,ioo 00 Furniture and fixtures * 3,384 ?„ Real estate owned other than banking house 9< < m Due from Federal Reserve bank - - 3, <46 66 Due from approved reserve agents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis 1,365 17 Due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities 2,230 4o— - ®,SJo 6- Due from banks and bankers (other than above) 14 < Outside checks and other cash items, $6,016 42 Fractional currency, nickels and cents 276 <9— () ,295 _1 Checks on bank in the same city or town as reporting bank Notes of other National banks Federal reserve notes Lawful money reserve in bank: Total coin and certificates 3,657 o 0 Legal-tender notes ---- -r ■--- yu4 w Redemption fund with U. S. Treas., (not more than 5 per cent on circulation) Bills of exchange Total $245,735 66 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in... $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund 21 ’000 00 Undivided profits r $10,9J7 3 < Less current expenses, interest and , 01 _„_ cSatingnoies;..'. 20,000 00- 20,000 00 Less amount on hand and in treas ury for redemption or in transit - Demand deposits: . Individual deposits subject to check.. - 46,1 11 4b Cer. of dep. due in less than 30 days Cashier’s checks outstanding 1,919 08 Total demand deposits 54 Time deposits: Certificates of deposit due on or after-30 days__u.- ------Toi 19,b9_ n Total time deposits... - _i Rediscounts with Federal Res. bank 56,529 26 Notes and bills rediscounted elsewhere that at Fed Res Bk. 10,200 00 66,729 26 Bills payable, including obligations representing money borrowed K) ’ wu w Total - —5245,735 66 State of Georgia—County of Butts: „ , ~ . . . . I C T Beauchami), Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to thebest cff 6 Cashier** Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11 day of Jan., 1916. G. B. Carreker, N. P. Butts County, Ga. Correct—Attest: Geo. E. Mallet, J. H. McKibben, W. A. Newton, Directors. Cut This Out — It Is Worth Money Cut out this advertisement, enclose S cents to Foley & Cos., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111., writing your name and address clearly. You -will re ceive in return a trial package con taining: (1) Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound, the standard family remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, tightness and soreness in chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. (2) Foley Kidney Fills, for over worked and disordered kidneys and bladder ailments, pain in sides and hack due to Kidney Trouble, sore muscles, stiff joints, backache and rheumatism. (3) Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whoieso 'e and thoroughly cleansing e&thartic. Especially comforting to stout persons, and a purgative needed 1 v everybody with sluggish bowels and torpid liver. You can try these three family remedies for only sc. THE OWL PHARMACY Some men may be capacitated to run their own business, but make a mess of trying to run the politics of the community. Pay Roll Butts County Chain Gang for Dec. 1915 Vouchers q 734 M G Bond, provisions * ™ 735 Henry Singley, provisions &c 00 736 HC Mcßride, beef . 737 R H Henderson, butter and milk 2 •*> 738 Thurston & Harper, repairs 48 2o 739 Conner & Crawford, meats lo 40 740 Whit Nelson, free labor 10 00 741 J D Bur ford, vegetables ™ 742 A C Woolley & Cos., stock food 230 40 743 J W Benson, mule o io 744 W E Owens, oats f JO 745 J M Leach, mule 746 J A Kimbell. 0i1.... --- gx .Jackson Mercantile Cos., stock food &c 039 99 f 74b Newton-Carmichael Hdw Cos., tools 79 94 Total. i $1597 45 •J. 0. GASTON, Commissioner. JOSEPH JOLLY, Clerk. GOING TO ATHENS MEET Mrs. Butner and Mr. Rice Leave Saturday Mrs. C. A. Butner, Canning Club Agent, and Mr. G. E. Rice, Demonstration Agent, will leave Saturday, the 15, for Athens to at tend a meeting of demonstration agents held at the State College of Agriculture. They will return January 27. Down On His Back “About two years ago I got down on my back” writes Solomon Bequette, Flat River, Mo. “I got a oOc box of Foley Kidney Pills and they straight ened me right up. I recommend them to all who have kidney trouble.” Rheumatic aches and pains, soreness and stiffness, sleep disturbing bladder trouble, yield quickly to Foley Kidney Pills. The Owl Pharmacy. adv JENKINSBURG Mr. W. J. Bankston spent a few days last week in Atlanta on business. Mr. Austin Asbury, of Atlanta, was the guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Childs. Miss Estelle Thornton, of Jack son, visited Mrs. V. H. Mills Sunday. Mrs. T. J. Cook and Miss Lelia Lummus spent the week-end at Stark. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Childs and Mrs. J. W. Childs and daughter, Mildred, spent Sunday at Elgin, with Mr. and Mrs. Wade Ham mond. Prof. A. J. Fleming was a visi tor to Jackson Saturday. Mrs. J. R. McGough is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lee Collins, near Griffin. Rev. I. G. Walker has changed his meeting from the 4th Sunday afternoon to the second Sunday morning. A large crowd atten ded the services Sunday. Mr. Oliver Woodward spent the week-end at home. SCHOOL NEWS The board of education is talk ing of adding the 11th grade to Jenkinsburg High School, also building anew auditorium. The Senior class held a meeting and elected officers as follows: Charlie Benson, president; Mary Fletcher, vice president; Irene Bankston, sec.; Lucile Akin, treas. The county board of education has added an additional teacher who will make the seventh to Jenkinsburg High School. Miss Sarah Hogg, of Cedar town, a former student of Brenau col lege. She will take charge of seventh grade. We were glad to have Messrs. F. E. Land, G- E. Rice and Hugh Mallet with us Friday, and en joyed the speech given by Mr. Land very much. WEAK, NERVOUS OHIO WOMAN Made Well By Delicious Vinol Bellefontaine, Ohio.—“ My blood was very poor —I was in a weak, nervous, run-down condition. I tried different remedies without benefit and one day my druggist told me about Vinol. I tried it and it built me up in every way blood, strength and nerves, and I tell my friends it is the best medicine on earth. ’’— Mrs. Earl Brunson. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, sharpens the appetite, aids digestion, enriches the blood and in this natural manner creates strength. Woods-Carmichael Drug & Book Cos. Jackson, Ga. Pecan Trees Choice budded pecan trees fifty cents each. Order direct, cata logue free. Empire Pecan Com pany, Parrott, Ga. 5-21 -tf Our Jitney Offer—This and 5c DONT MISS THIS. (Jut out thin slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Cos., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets.— The Owl Pharmacy, adv NEW ROLLER MILL G. G. Leguin and B. F. Grant have just installed anew Roller Mill at Dr. Wynn’s old mill and will appreciate the patronage of Butts county friends. Satisfac tion guaranteed. 12-24-4 t-p Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. “ CABBAGE PLANTS We are filling orders for Early Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield, Flat Dutch and Succession. Prices—loo, 20‘Cents; 600, 76 cents; 1000, $1.25. Special prices on larger orders. By parcel post add 5 cents per 100, 10 cents for 600, 15 cents per 1000. Orders booked for fu ture deliveries. Our plants are large and well Tooted. S. D. Riegel & Sons Experiment, Georgia f Chero-Cola & from the original' \ M This insures cleanliness, / I and is a guarantee / m of purity. Each / I bottle is measured and jf A filled by machinery, I thereby making each 73 ! a bottle uniform in Savor. / 1 sure, 1 OTfjolessonte attb /d' I JAefregfjing Served at Soda Founts / / j A and high-class / / 1 ■ refreshment stands / / / ■ “In a Wattle S/' \ gggggggggg EMERGENCY WORK In auto repairing requires thorough skill. Send your car here where skill is assured. We don’t have to take the entire machine apart to find out what is the matter. We know at a glance what is wrong and we right it as quickly and thor oughly as can possibly he dune. Make us prove it. Wagner’s Garage.