The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 14, 1916, Image 8

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TO THE PUBLIC The following condensed report of The Jackson National Bank As rendered the Comptroller of the Currency at the close of business Dec. 31, 1915, should be of vital interest to every citizen in this county, because it reflects the Prosperous Condition of the present time. It should be very grati fying to every depositor in the Bank, encouraging them not only to increase their own business with us but to rec ommend their BANK to their many friends desiring Responsible Banking Connections ASSETS Loans on Cotton . . $130,946.67 Other Loans . . . 117,635.33 Overdrafts .... 2,437.18 U. S.and other bonds to secure Circulation . . . . 76,000.00 Stock in Fed. Reserve Bank 2,700.00 Real Estate Fur. and Fixtures 16,251.02 Cash and Exchange . . 38,747.30 Redem. fund and other assets 3,983.30 $388,700.80 LIABILITIES Capital Stock fully paid . $ 75,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 24,906.80 Circulation .... 75,000.00 Deposits . . . • • 101,903.93 Rediscounts with Federal Re serve Bank all on Cotton . 111,890.07 $388,700.80 Small Accounts as Well as Large Accounts Appreciated THE JACKSON NATIONAL BANK JACKSON, GEORGIA TO ELECT CITY OFFICIALS Probably Be Named Next Monday Night The newly elected mayor and council of the city of Jackson will take charge of the city’s af fairs next Monday night, the 17, it was said this week. Following the organization, the election oi a mayor pro tern and the appoint ment of standing committees by Mayor Moore, the election of offi cials will be gone into. Just who the officials will be is ttot known, though the dopesteis * Ve it that several changes are Six-Year-Old Had Croup ‘•I haven little girl six years old who has good deal of trouble with croup.” writes W. K. Curry, Kv nsville, lnd. “1 have used Coley's Honey and Tar, obtaining instant relief for her. My wife and l alo use it an t will sav it is the best cure for a bad cold, cough, throat trouble and croup that I ever saw.” The Owl Pharmacy. adv pending. The employees to be elected are clerk and treasurer, tax receiver and collector, chief of police, assistant chief, citv at torney, bond commissioner, sex ton of city cemetery, superinten dent of water and light depart ment. It is understood there are a number of applicants for some of the above places. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7p. m. The pastor, Rev. I. H. Miller, will preach at both services. You are cordially in vited to attend. Some of the finest La dies Hats of the season, beautiful shapes. Your choice while they la& at sl.lO. The Busy Corner. FOR SALE 1 Oakland 1914 model, dirt cheap. Apply W. L. Etheridge, Jackson, Ga. COME QUICK. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ON Mr. J. P. Vaughn Fires The Opening Gun The first gun in the political campaign in Butts county has been fired. To Mr. J. P. Vaughn belongs the distinction of making the first announcement. He is a candidate for Tax Receiver and his card will be found in this issue. Mr. Vaughn is well and fav orably known over the county. It will be recalled that he was a candidate for the same office two years ago and in a field of s'x candidates stood second, making a surprisingly strong race his first time out. Mr. Vaughn states he has receiyed many as surances of support and his friends believe he will be well up among the candidates when the votes are counted. He is an up right, honest and sterling citizen and would no doubt serve the county conscientiously. For Rent House on West Third street, with all modern conveniences, Jan. 1, 1916. Apply to Mrs. M. C. Wright. 11-26-tf invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS chili TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the blood.and builds up the sys tern. A true tonic. For adults and children. 56c DIPPING VATS ARE BUILT Fight on Cattle Tick Now Under Way Farm Demonstration Agent G. E. Rice has recently superintend ed the building of two new dip ding vats, one on the farm of Mr. T. W. Moore, the other at Mr. W. N. Treadwell’s place, and the fight for the eradication of the cattle tick is steadily becoming more determined. This makes a total of four dipping vats in the county, the other two being on the farms of Messrs. L. M. Craw ford and G. E. Mallet. Mr. Rice states that he hopes t -> be able soon to start a county wide fight on the cattle tick and within a few months to bury the pest finally in an arsenical solu tion. How’s This? v7e ofTer Cne lie •tired Dollars no ward for any cano of Catarrh th:-T cannot bo cured by Hall's CatariL F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. Of. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constiDatlon. MOTE WATTS UNDERTAKER Curry Building Phones Day 61 Night 149 DAIRY FARMER GAINS 30 LBS Everybody in Columbia, Tenn., knows F. C. McGavock, who owns and operates a large dairy business in that city. “If there ever was a believer in Tanlac,” said R. M. Smiser, the well-known Columbia, Tenn., druggist, “it is Mr. McGavock, as he talks about it all the time. But he has a right to talk, as no medicine has ever helped any one as much as Tanlac has help him. He really does not look like the same man.” Here is Mr. McGavock’s statement: “I have now Taken five bottles of Tanlac and have gained thirty pounds. If you don’t believe it, right here I am come and look at me. I don’t know what my trouble was, but I was all run down and unfit for work. I think though it must have been my stomach, as I had no appetite and nothing seemed to agree with me. I was also nervous and could not sleep good. I iust kept going down hill and losing weight right along, and nothing did me any good until Smiser,. the druggist, told me about Tan lac. “I tried it on his recommenda tion and it helped me from the first few doses. The medicine seemed to take hold right at once and I began to eat better, sleep better, and feel better right, from the start. If anybody? wants to know what I think of Tanlac, just tell them to come and see me. lam right, here in Columbia. Tanlac has simply made anew man of me and I ex pect to tell all my friends about what it has done in my case.” Referring to the above state ment, G. F. Willis, southern, dis tributor of Tanlac said: “Tanlac is without question' the greatest medicine of its kind on the American market today. The extreme popularity of Tan lac can only be accounted for by the extra-ordinary merit of the medicine. The system besides being purified, is toned up and invigorated, as the preparation aside from cleansing the blood, revitalizes the constitution, over coming, as it quickly seems to do, nervousness, indigestion, non assimulation of the food, head aches, dizziness and other troubles that are so common.” Tanlac is sold in Jackson exclu sively by Slaton Drug Cos. and in Flovilla by Dr. A. F. White. ad\r If you have a kicking cow or a balking horse you want to trade see T. B. Conner.