The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, January 21, 1916, Image 8

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SUFFERED FOR TWENTY YEARS “For twenty years I have suf fered with catarrh in m.v head and throat. Everybody who know me, and I know a great many of people, knows this to be a fact,” said C. F. Cartwright, who lives in Alton Park, Chattanooga, Tenn. “Every night my head would be so stopped up I could hardly breathe, and I would have a choking feeling and shortness of breath that nearly drove me wild, I guess I had catarrh of I he stom ach, too, becausel had indigestion most of the time. In fact I have not had a well day for years, and have been so nervous and restless I simply dreaded to see night come, because I could not sleep, and to tell the truth, I was so weak and run down I have not been able to do any work for I don’t know how long. No kind of medicine, and I took nearly every thing, seemd to help me a particle until I heard of this Tan lac. My son-in-law induced me to try it, he said he had been hearing lots about it. “I have used two bottles of the medicine, and am proud to say I believe I am as well and strong as I ever was. My appetite and digestion have improved and I am gaining right along. I sleep good at night and can breathe fine. Ino longer have those chok ing, smothering sensations like I used to have. “Everybody certainly ought to know about this medicine, for it surely has done wonderfully for me. The only thing I hate is that I did not hear about it years ago, as I believe it would have aaved me lots of suffering.” Tanlac is sold in Jackson exclu sively by Slaton Drug Cos. and in Flovilla by Dr. A. F. White, adv WRITES OF RICHARO SPEAKE, A REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIER A few days ago I wandered to the hills and woods out in Iron Springs district and out there where the soft winds whisper and the trees murmur, I came across an old cemetery and in looking through it we came to a newly erected monument. And thereon we found these words -10 CENT “CASCARETS” BEST LAXATIVE FOR LIVER AND ROWELS Don’t dtay constipated, headachy, bilious, with breath bad or stomach sour. No odds how bad vour liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfortable you are from a cold, constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels— you always get relief with Oasea rets. Don’t let your stomoch, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take Cascarets to-night; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, bad cold, offensive -breath and all other distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which is producing the misery. A 10-cent means health, happiness and a clear head for months. All druggists sell Cas carets. Don’t forget the children —their little insides need a gentle cleansing, too. adv engraved: “Richard Speake, 3S. C. Mil., Rev. War.” And there we paused and began to soliloquize. Then all memories came up from Valley Forge, King’s Mountain and Bunkers Hill, and then a whisper came and said: “Here lies one who, when battles raised each war like band and carnage loud his trumpet blew, gave his services to the call of his country.” And on some inquiry we find that this newly erected monu ment is the result of the efforts of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and the inscription thereon has recently been taken from the records of the War De partment at Washington, D. C. And on further inquiry we find the following descendants of Richard Speake in Butts countv: Grandchildren, Joseph Jolly: great grandchildren, W. D. Jolly, Jesse T. Jolly, Mrs, J. D. Jones, Mrs. Lucy J. Maddox. In centuries to come no doubt this sacred spot will be visited and with tender hand-: a wreath will be placed there in memory of the one who went through po lar snow and trod the burning sand in defense of his native land and country. “My country, ’tis of thee I sing. ” Plow Handles ANNOUNCEMENTS TO CANDIDATES The political campaign is now rounding into form and a brief statement may be appropriate. All announcements of countv officers, only, will be inserted in the Progress-Argus at the rate of $5.00. This fee must be paid cash. No deviation will be made from this rule. Candidates desiring political cards will be charged the regular advertising rates. Provided, that no scurrilous or libelous cards will be printed in these columns. The Progress-Argus will play no favorites in this campaign. Every candidate must pay for what he gets and in return will be treated with consideration, fairness and impartiality. FOR TAX RECEIVER 1 take this method of notifying the people that 1 am a candidate for Tax Receiver of Butts county, subject to the rules of the 1916 Democratic prima ry. In making this announcement 1 wish to state most emphatically that I will run my own race and that I have not and will not enter into any combi nation with any candidate or set of candidates. Your goodwill, support and vote will be heartily appreciated. On account of bad health I may not be able to make a house to house canvass but will endeavor to see all the voters possible. Respectfully, J. I*. VAUGHN. FOR TAX COLLECTOR To the Voters ot Putts County: l hereby announce myself as a can didate for tim otttee of Tax Collector of Butts county at the coming primary to be held this spring. 1 have never held an otticein this county in my life, but l have always helped theotlier fellow. If elected 1 will do my best to follow the law I therefore solicit all the voters to help tne in my race. Yours respectfully, LEWIS M. ATKINSON. i Jenkinsburg, Ga. iIiiOHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND tADirs t v — r Ak yonr Ornigtit for CITI-CHKS-TER S /V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red nd/A Goto metallic boxes, sealed wiUi Bluefw) Ribbon TAKE NO OTHER. BiyaF;r \/ Unmlit nn4 uk for CIII.CHES.TeKS V DIAMOND BRA N D PILLS, for tweutT-fir years regarded aa Best,Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK rurRYWUCpC WORTH tjujkd tVtni Wrltnt tksiku I cZLiXF* ■ I gJXIGABCXTE roßATrft I Fringe Albert * the national joy smoke H>'Ni? j£ ... - ;S;V \ It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if men all over the 'J|Mi||k "i nation, all over the world, >, - Watch your step! prefer P. A. that it must p y v . v .; *s§■ it’s easy to change the shape have all the qualities to AW satisfyyourfondestdesires? j 1| \ Men, get us right on Prince Albert tobacco! The Alberti We tell you this I ’ ; '“ira tobacco a ” t oumore $H&£ , \ P I £ handsome pound and half-pound HjL \ Bk # jf i tin humidors -and —in that classy .. '. ,J. j crystal - glass pound humidor CONGRESSMAN HOWARD TO PUSH ANTI-USURY bill Washington, D. C., Jan. 15— That sixty-six of ihe 144 national banks in Georgia are among those that are charging usurious rates of interest on loans is one of the disclosures that John Skel ton Williams, comptroller of the currency, will make Monday af ternoon before the rules commit tee of the house. Mr. Williams will appear to urge a favorable report of Congressman William Schley Howard’s resolution con cerning usurious interest charges by national banks. The rules committee expects to devote most of Monday to a hearing, and the Atlanta con gressman professes confidence that it will he reported favorably following which it will be passed by the house and the special com mittee appointed by the speaker to make the inquiry. Comptroller Williams is ex pected to recite an instance in Georgia where a national bank, dealing with a woman, charged interest at the rate of 120 per cent on a sllO loan for a period of 30 days. She gave a horse as security for the loan, and it is reported that in a year’s time she paid interest to this bank more than the value of the horse. On one occasion she borrowed S2O for 48 days and paid in inter est $12.50 or 253 per cent. Down On His Back “About two years ago I got down on my buck” writes Solomon Bequette, Flat River, Mo. “I got a oOe box of Foley Kiduev Pills and they straight enetl me right up. 1 recommend them to all who have kidney trouble.” Rheumatic aches and pains, soreness and stiffness, sleep disturbing bladder trouble, vield quickly to Foley Kidney Pills. The Owl Pharmacy. adv Prince Albert is such friendly tobacco that it just makes a man sorry he didn’t get wind of this pipe and cigarette smoke long, long ago. He counts it lo6t time, quick as the goodness of Prince Albert gets firm set in his life 1 The patented process fixes that —and cuts out bite and parch! Get on the right-smoke-track soon as you know howl Understand yourself how much you’ll like A Jackson Man Gives Evidence His testimony will interest every reader The value of local evidence is indis putable. It is the kind of evidence we accept as true because we know we can prove it for ourselves. There has been plenty of such evidence in the Jackson papers lately, and this straightforward testimony has established a confidence in the minds of Jackson people that will not be easily shaken. Davis Kinard, of Davis Kinard & Cos., Jackson, says: “I don’t hesitate to recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills as a good kidney medicine. My kidneys were out of order and didn’t act regu larly. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they relieved all signs of the trouble.’ Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get THIS IS A BARGAIN 70 acre farm 2Vi miles south of Jack son, well improved, $60.00 per acre will buy. 6 room honse and lot on East Third street will sell cheap. On Lyons street the Davis Kinard home, a 7 room house, will sell at a bargain. The Goddard lots still for sale. J. B. GUTHRIE REALTY CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents Harkness Building Jackson, Georgia FOR SALE Wanamakers Cleveland Big Poll Cotton Seed. pure. $2 per bu.; Hastings’ Prolific Corn, $2 bu.; Patrick Prolific Corn, $2 per bu.; 30 head of shoats, 7c per pound gross. J. H. Patrick, Jenkins burg, Ga. 1-14 41 p Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Kinard had. Foster-Mil burn Cos. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ad Pecan Trees Choice budded pecan trees fifty cents each. Order direct, cata logue free. Empire Pecan Com pany, Parrott, Ga. 5-21-tf Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druKsdst will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching:, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles inf. to 14 days, Tbe first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c.