The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 11, 1916, Image 6

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ANNOUNCEMENTS TO CANDIDATES The political campaign is now rounding into form and a brief statement may be appropriate. All announcements of county officers, only, will be inserted in the Progress-Argus at the rate of $5.00. This fee must be paid cash. No deviation will be made from this rule. . Candidates desiring political cards will be charged the regular advertising rates. Provided, that no scurrilous or libelous cards will be printed in these columns. The Progress-Argus will play no favorites in this campaign. Every candidate must pay for what he gets and in return will be treated with consideration, fairness and impartiality. FOR TAX RECEIVER I take this method of notifying the people that lain a candidate for Tax Receiver of Butts county, subject to the rules of the 1916 Democratic prima ry. In making this announcement I wish to slate most emphatically that I will run my own race and that I have not and will notenter into any combi nation with any candidate or set of candidates. Your goodwill, support and vote will l>e heartily appreciated. On account of bad health I may not In* able to make a house to house canvass but will endeavor to see all the voters ijossible. Respectfully, J. I*. VAUGHN. I wish to announce that 1 am a can didate for Tax Receiver of Butts coun ty, subject to the democratic primary. I earnestly solieit and will appreciate tbt‘ votes and support of my fellow cit izens. 1 have lived in Butts county ever since the war, am a Confederate veteran 70 years old, and have never held an office. Your vote and influence will always be appreciated. Respect fully, ' E.C. OAWTHON. 1 take this method to announce my self a candidate for the cilice of Tax Receiver of Butts county, subject to the rules of the primary election to be fixed by the executive committee for the coming primary, promising if elec ted to till the ottice as the law directs to the best of my ability. Will appre ciate the support of the people over the county. Resiwctfully, O. B. KNOWLES. FOR TAX COLLECTOR To the Voters ot Butts County: 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for tht' office of Tax Collector of Butts county at the coming primary to be held this spring. 1 have never held an office in this county in my life, but 1 have al w ays helped the other fellow. If elected l will do my best to follow the law. I therefore solicit all the voters to helpme in my race. Yours respectfully, LEWIS M. ATKINSON. Jenkinslmrg. Oa. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Butts coun ty, subject to the action of the demo- S Saved Girl’s Life S “I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s JF Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without Black-draughT In my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dlzzi- | ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar p ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, S reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. A A If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- V A Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for Jj £ young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. ft W [MSI 1 W cratic primary. The votes and support of my fellow citizens will be heartily appreciated. I have been a resident of Butts county all my life and my char actor and standing is well known to the citizens of the community. On ac count of being crippled in the foot for the past three or four years I am una ble to do much work. If elected T promise to discharge the duties of the office according to law. Respectfully, JOHN BI LLIE BENSON. I take this method to announce that I am a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to the action of the democratic primary. I will appreciate the support and votes of my fellow citizens, prom ising if elected to discharge the duties of the office as the law directs to the best of my ability. Respectfully, T. W. NELSON. I wish to announce that I am a can didate for Tax-Collector of Butts coun ty, subject to the white primary to be ordered by the executive committee. The votes and support of my fellow citizens will he highly appreciated and if elected I promise to fill the office to the best of my ability and according to law. Respectfully, J. J. PELT. I take this method of announcing: that I am a candidate for Tax Collector I of Butts county, subject to the action of the executive committee. I will ap preciate the support and votes of my fellow citizens and if elected I pledge myself to a strict and impartial dis charge of the duties of the office accord ing to law. Respectfully, J. G. MADDOX. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Butts county at the coming primary to be held in t lie near future. I appreciate j what the good people did for me two years ago. I have been faithful to the trust tin* voters of the county bestowed upon me for this term. My books speak for the manner in which 1 car ried on the business, and 1 will appre ciate the support from the people to succeed myself in the coming election. Respectfully, JOSEPH P. MADDOX. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Collector of Butts coun ty, subject to the white primary. If the people see proper to elect me to this office I will not ask for re-election. 1 will appreciate the votes of my fel low citizens and 1 promise if elected to till tht' office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, J. C. TOLLEBQN 1 am a candidate for Tax Collector of Butts county, subject to the action of the democratic executive committee. The support of my fellow citizens is solicited, and if elected I pledge myself to a strict performance of the duties of the office as the law directs to the best of my ability. Respectfully, J. E. KING. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won’t Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, SI.OO $48.30 was paid twice by farmer Thomas R. Kalm. He kept no bank account. He paid his bills in cash. The last time he paid a coal and feed blil he lost the receipt. The clerk forgot to make a record of it. The firm sent Kalm another bill. He had no receipt showing he had paid it. The clerk had forgotten. Kalm was sued. He paid again. Had he kept his money in the First Farmers Bank his check would have been his receipt. A check always tells who got it. Cash is silent. FIRST FARMERS BANK SAFE LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE Your Account Is Invited FOR COUNTY TREASURER I am a candidate for Treasurer of Butts county, subject to the democrat ic nomination, and will appreciate the votes and support of the people. I have spent my life in Butts county and an endorsement at the hands of the voters will be held in grateful remembrance. If elected I pledge myself to a strait forward, business administration of the affairs of the office. Respectfully, JOHN M. McMICHAEL. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Treasurer of Butts county, subject to the white primary to be or dered by the democratic executive com mittee. 1 will appreciate the votes and support of my fellow citizens and if eleted will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, J. L. BAILEY. To the Voters of Butts county: I ■hereby announce my name as a candi date for Treasurer of Butts county, subject to the actions and rulings of the democratic executive committee, and I respectfully solicit the support and good will of all the voters. S. J. SMITH. To my Friends, the voters of Butts county, Ga: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Butts county in the coming primary, subject to the action of the democratic executive committee. Should my friends compliment me with the nomi nation, 1 pledge myself to fulfill my every duty to the best of my ability, and do its the law requires in every act and show my appreciation by extend ing to every party every accommoda tion possible for me to do. Most re spectfully yours, A. H. S. DAVIS. 1 hereby announce my name for Treasurer of Butts county, subject to the white primary to be ordered by the democratic executive committee. The votes and support of my fellow citizens will be appreiated and if elected I pledge myself to dischaige all the du ties of the office according to law and to the best of my ability. Respectfully, JAMES W. BENSON. Jenkinsburg, Ga. LISTEN Till further notice I will make pictures Friday and Saturday only. J. B. GUTHRIE. Wh&tChfldren Need Now In spite of the best care mothers can give them this weather brings sickness to many children. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau t'laire, Wis., writes: “Foley’s Honey and Tar cured my boy of a se vere attack of croup after other reme dies bad failed. It is a wonderful rem edy for coughs, colds, crop and whoop ing cough.” It stops iagrippe coughs. The Owl Pharmacy, adv NOTICE I have purchased anew lot of cows and can furnish you CREAM, SWEET MILK, BUTTER ANDBUTTERMILK Thanking my old customers for past patronage and hope to serve them again. Phone your orders to phone No. 2002. Sweet Jessamine Dairy, Gordon H. Thompson, Prop. WE PROPOSE To reduce our teams and re place them with auto trucks. If you are in the market for mules we have some bargains worth investigation. THE JACKSON COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. Mil. JAS. W. BENSON OUT FOR TREASURER An announcement that will be of widespread interest is that of Mr. Jas. W. Benson, of Jenkins burg, for Treasurer. One of the county's finest and most useful citizens, Mr. Benson will have a strong support in every quar ter of the county. He is not on ly* widely popular, but is held in the highest esteem by ail who know him. He possesses those qualities of character and busi ness experience that fit him to After Lagrippe—What KG, Prevo, Bedford, Ind., writes: “An attack of lagrippe left me with a severe cough. I tried everything. I got so thin it looked as if I never would get well. Finally, two bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar cured me. lam now well and back to my normal weight.” A reliable remedy for coughs, colds, croup. The Owl Pharmacy, adv fulfill the duties of handling the public funds. Mr. Bienson states he has had many assurances of support and it is the opinion of his friends that he will be a hard man to beat. invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening tonic G R OVE-S TASTELESSchHf TONIC, drfve°out Malaria.enriches the blooiand builds npthesy*. tem. A true tonic. Fos adults and children. 56c