The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 11, 1916, Image 8

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buy Cheaper ;o pay more. § Don’t forget that a coffee cheaper >. than Luzianne in the end actually costs more, for you are guaran teed that there are twice the usual number of cups in a pound of Luzianne. It is guaranteed to * please you, too. Buy a can today, use it all according to directions, then if you are not satisfied, if you are not dead certain it has gone twice as far, your grocer will return your money without question. Write for our premium I (*r catalogue. , ijUSSIANNB COFFEE 11 The Reily -“Taylor Cos. New Orleans ■' • ■ . . , * ■: - ‘ ' \ ■ ' COTTON SEED MEAL BEST FERTILIZER This Is Opinion of Hon. Jim Price WARNS AGAINST "LYES’’ Commissioner of Agricul ture Discusses Fertilizer Situation in An Interst ing Article As before stated, the question of fertilizers is giving this depart ment no little trouble. Nunierous inquiries are being received re garding materials of an inferior character. Some of these ma terials are being offered in a wav calculated to mislead the farmers of Georgia. The department is, of course, answering all inquiries as prompt ly as possible, but I take this method of putting before the .public some of the more import ant questions raised. For exam ple, we have had many inquiries \ m I I ' rv *\\ (t , .* ' - f ' * * - Lv When constipation causes headache use ■1 (%dc\£ico ■■■ The laxative tablet -with the pleasant taste lO 4 25 4 50 4 , Bi. . We have the exclusive selling rights for this great laxative. Trial size, 10 eeuts. SLATON DRUG CO. 1 r ■ THE REXALL STORE , Z WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN Hade Strong and Well By Vinol Waynesboro,Pa. —“ I was all run down after a hard spell of bronchitis so it was hard for me to keep about. I had pains in my chest and took cold easily. A friend asked me to try Vinol. I did and it built me up so I am strong and well and 1 am able to do my housework which I had not done for three months before taking Vinol.”— Mrs. Y. R. Hor bough, Waynesboro, Pa. Vinol creates an appetite, aids diges tion, makes pure blood and creates strength. Your money back if it fails. Woods-Carmicbael Drug & Book Cos. Jackson, Ga. as to the use “lye,” usually sold for making soap, as a substitute for potash. Some appear to have the idea that this contains potash which may be used in the place of potash salts for fertilizing pur poses. This material is not pot ash, but contains caustic soda, and upon many of the containers is so marked. These lyes contain no potash whatever, and more over are worthless as a fertilizer. This imformation is given for the benefit generally of the farmers of Georgia. Many questions have been a>ked the department as to the use of limestone and ground phosphate rock. In this connec tion I am quoting the opinion of the State Chemist, Dr. R. E. Stallings: “Replying to communications asking information as to the use of ground phosphate rock as a fertilizer, some manufacturers of this material have been making great claims for it, stating that it is quickly available to plants. All the phosphoric acid present in ground phosphate rock is insol uble and it contains no available phosphoric acid. “This material should be used only on lands that contain a con siderable amount of organic or vegetable matter, or with a large amount of manure. In this way and by proper cultivation, con siderable benefits may eventually be derived from its use. “Those who use ground phos phate rock on the average Geor gia soil, which is deficient in or ganic matter, and expect immedi ate results will be disappointed.” I particularv want to warn the farmers of Georgia against using substitutes for potash, unless they really know what these sub stitutes are and what they will do. We have a natural product in Georgia which all farmers have been using for many years with good results, namely, cotton seed meal. The mixture of cotton seed meal and acid phosphate in prop er proportions makes a good fer tilizer, but naturally under pres ent conditions, the farmer is j ustly alarmed at the prices of these products which are unprecedent ly high. But, considering the high price of cotton seed and that of acid caused by the European war, we can readily understand why this product costs more than it did before. Every farmer knows there is some potash in cotton seed meal. It may be gathered from the State Chemist’s assertion pub lished in the department’s ferti lizer bulletins, that the average amount of potash in cotton seed meal is 1.8 per cent. Therefore, in calculating the value of cotton seed meal, it is necessary to mul tiply the nitrogen content by the value of nitrogen ruling for the season, namely, $4.00 per unit this year, as against $3.80 last year, and adding to this result $13.50 to cover the value of 1.8 percent of potash calculated last season at $1.50 per unit, and this year at not less than $6.00, and 2.7 percent phosphoric acid calcu lated last year at 70 cents per unit and this year at SI.OO. Stan dard meal contains 6.18 per cent nitrogen, equivalent to 71 per cent ammonia, while high grade meal must contain not less than 6.60 percent nitrogen, equivalent to 8 per cent ammonia. Taking this average content of cotton seed meal, you can clearly see from this calculation that the Chemist considers cotton seed meal at the present prices of the ingredients which it contains, worth something like $35.00 per ton for fertilizing purposes. This imformation is given vou, Mr. Farmer, for such assistance as it may render you in the mat ter of choosing the fertilizer you will use this year. You will un derstand that this department cannot advertise or recommend any particular commodity or ma terial. Our duty is simply to CITROLAX CITR O L A X CITROLAX Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and sat isfactory Hushing—no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome, Ask for Citrolax. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Speaking i offye j !~ . i Weather These are all catarrhal conditions. All dependent upon the same cause, climatic changes. Sloppy weather underfoot. High winds, chilling blasts, changing from day to day. Thermometer dancing a jig. Barometer follow- and ing suit. All of the acute catarrhal conditions above referred to, call for They call loudly, too. If Peruna is neglected these catarrhal conditions are liable to become chronic. One bottle of Peruna used at the right time will save months, even years, of suffering and sickness. THE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, . . Ohio 3Sold U ill Drag Score*) place before you the facts. It is exceedingly gratifying to this department to receive so many encouraging reports from the bacteria furnished to many farmers over the state for the inoculation of leguminous crops. Many have inquired as to whether or not this bacteria will be furn ished at 25 cents per acre this year. lam glad to say that the price will be no higher and those wishing the bacteria can obtain it from this Department by mail ing to us either Post Office money order, check or cash. In ordering it should be stated for what crops the bacteria is wanted, for the reason that each legume reqiures a special strain of bacteria. J. D. PRICE, Com. of Agriculture of Georgia. GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY TANARUS! STOP DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Hair stops falling out and gets thick, wavy, strong and beautiful Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl’s after a “Danderine hair cleanse.” Just try this — moisten a cloth with a little Dan derine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once. Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and fall ing hair. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks’ use when vou will actually see j new hair—fine and downy at first i —ves—but really new hair grow ing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine trom any druggist or toilet counter, and just try it. adv Card of Thanks We wish to thank the friends and neighbors for being so good I to us in the sickness and death of our husband and father and also thank Dr. Woods for we know* he did all that could be done. May God’s richest blessings dwell with each and every one is our prayer. Mrs. J. B. Thaxton and Family. pe-ru-nal WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that vve have a network of nerves, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin ing; the same nervous system gives the alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervousness, Scott’s Emul sion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole system responds to its refresh ing tonic force. It is free from alcohol. Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, N. J. WILL OBSERVE “GO-TO-SUN DAY-SGHOOL DAY” THE 1? Indications are that “Georgia- Go-To-Sunday-School-Day,” Feb. 13, will be celebrated with more interest than ever this year. Ir respective of denomination the oc casion will be general observed by the Sunday schools of the state. It is said that more than one thousand Sunday schools will ren der the program furnished by the Georgia Sunday School Associa tion. Showing his interest in the movement. Gov. Harris has issued a proclamation calling upon the people of the state to unite in observing the day. The local Sunday schools in common with hundreds of others over the state will render a pro gram appropriate to the occasion. Choice registered Durpc-Jersey pigs sl2 per pair. G. E. Mallet. IT IS SERIOUS Some Jackson people Fail to Realize the serious ness of a bad back The constant aching of a bad back, The weariness, the tired feeling, The pains and aches of kidney ills may result seriously if neglected. Dangerous urinary troubles often follow. A Jackson citizen shows you what to do. Mrs. J. R. Thurston, Brookwood Ave., Jackson, says: “I strained iny back while house-cleaning and my kid neys beeame overtaxed. I suffered so that I had to put pillows under my back and I was-so sore that I couldn't stoop over. My kidneys felt as though they were swollen. The kidney secre tions caused me much annoyance. I procured Doans’ Kidney pills from Slaton Drug Cos. and they* relieved the pains in my back and all symptoms of kidney trouble disappeared.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Thurston had. Foster-Milbum Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv € February and March bring weather conditions very trying to most people. Colds, coughs, sore throat, tonsilitis, catarrh, bronchitis, pneumonia, are all prevalent.