The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 18, 1916, Image 6

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CAPT. A. H, MILLER GAINS 23 POUNDS Southern Ry. Conductor Says His Wonderful Res toration to Health Is I alk of the Yards “Yes. sir, it, is a fact. I have taken seven bottles of Tanlac and have gained twenty-three pounds.” said Captain A. H. Mil ler. one of the best known rail road men in Knoxville. “Before 1 began taking it,” he continued. “I only weighed one hundred and fifty-one pounds. I now weigh one hundred and seventy-four pounds, and feel like a sixteen-year-old boy.” Captain Miller, who is the con ductor on trains Nos. 711 and 74, plying between Knoxville and Harriman, on the Southern Rail way, had just arrived in Knox ville, checked out his train and reached his attractive home on Scott street, when he was met by the Tanlac Man. “1 am indeed glad you called,” said Capt. Miller, as he shook the hand of the Tanlac represenative and invited him into his spacious parlor. “For several weeks Mrs. Miller and myself have been read ing the testimonals of Knoxville citizens regarding the beneficial effects derived from taking this wonderful medicine, and I had promised my wife to go up to the Kuhlman-Chambless Drug Com pany’s drug store and tell them what Tanlac has done for me, but have been too busv. “My restoration to health is the talk of the railroad yards, and every day I am being congratula ted by my friends upon how well I look. “I had for years been afflicted with catarrh and stomach trou ble,” continued Capt. Miller, “and when spring came I was in a wretched run-down condition, a walking skeleton, if you please, and just had to drag myself about. Before I became afflicted with the terrible double complaint I weiged 190 pounds, and was strong, ro bust and healthy. I went from bad to worse and occasionally was patched up, but nothing 1 took in the way of medical treatment reached the spot, and I was on the verge of taking an extended lay-off from my duties. “1 could scarcely eat anything at all. and what l did eat seemed to sour on my stomach. I would fill up with gas and seemed to be bloated all the time, and mv suf fering was intense. My stomach would pain me and burn like a coal of fire. I was so constipated I had to take a purgative pellet every night to get any temporary relief. I was cross and fretful and so nervous that I never en joyed a night's sleep. Hissing gteam. the noise of the train and the ringing of the bell grated on my nerves and all through the hours of the night I could hear these noises. “At times 1 would have dizzy spells and would stag ger and frequently had palpita tion of the heart. This was my condition when I heard of Tanlac. 1 was willing to try anything to get well, and started in on a bot tle. In a few days I noticed a marked improvement in my con dition, and sent and bought six more bottles. I have taken seven bottles and here I am, in better health than I enjoyed for twenty years. “I can eat anything, have k gained twenty-three pounds, as I Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent HAVE on aieVALUE and PROTECTION Oi A Safety Deposit Box Haven’t you Deeds, Bonds, Stocks, Notes, Wills and other valuable pa pers to keep in some private place that is Positively Secure From Fire, Burglars And inspection by any one without your presence or key. We have re cently built and equipped a modern up-to-date Safety Deposit Box Vault. This vault is separate from the regular vault of the Bank and is fixed and planned especially for this purpose, entering from the Directors room without having to pass through on the inside of railing of the Bank or trouble the Cashier or others in the Bank to assist you to enter to your box. You have the key and can enter in and out of vault as often as you please without disturbing any one and be absolutely private with your papers and valuables yourself. VAULT OPEN FROM 8 A. M. TO 4 P. M. Come Let Us Show You Nice Small Box SI.OO Per Year We only have a few of these boxes unoccupied. Make your application imme diasely. Ask those that are now using boxes with us about the convenience, etc. FIRST NATIONAL BANK FLOVILLA NEWS Mr. R. B. Plymale was down from Locust Grove Monday visi ting relatives. Mrs. Mamie Edwards and little daughter, Eugene, have returned from a week’s visit in Macon with the former’s mother, Mrs. Wade. Mr. W. A. Dozier. Miss Joe Varner and Mrs. W. B. Dozier, Mr. Howell Smith, Mr. Lamar Higgins, Miss Beatrice Maddux, Mr. Emory Duke and Mr. J. C. Funderburk went down to Macon last week to see “The Birth of a Nation.” Miss Margaret Giles invited Misses Ada Sharpe and Emma Alice Johnson, Messrs. B. C. Harding, R. T. Smith and J. C. Funderburk last Saturday even ing to meet Miss Lucia Massey, of Atlanta, who was her guest told you before: I am not const pated at all, eat- hearty, sleep well and of mornings my wife wife has to pull me out of bed I sleep so soundly. I sleep all night without hearing steam whistles and moving cars, and my nerves are now strong and I hard ly know myself, so great has been my transformation from a weak, run-down man to a strong, robust, healthy condition that it is the talk of all those who knew me. Tanlac is sold by leading drug gists in all principal cities of the South. Tanlac is sold in Jackson exclu sively by Slaton Drug Cos. and in Flovilla by Dr. A. F. White, by Moore & Cos., Cork, Ga., by J. E. & W. R. Kitchens, Fincherville, Ga. adv LARGER BOX $2.00 Per Year WEAK, AILING CHILD Made Strong By Delicious Vinol Lakeport, N. H.-“ Our little girl 8 years of age was in a debilitated, run down condition and had a stubborn cough so she was weak and ailing all the time. Nothing helped her until we tried Vinol. Then her appetite increased and she is strong and well, and 1 wish other parents of weak, delicate children would try Vinol.”— Geo. A. Collins. , This is because Vinol contains the tissue building, strengthening cod liver elements and trie tonic iron which a weak and run-down system needs. Woods-t'armichael Drug & Hook Cos Jackson, Ga. for the week-end. Misses Lillie Puckett and Bessie Pritchett, of Stockbridge are spending several days with Mrs. W. H. King. A large crowd was in attend ance at the quarterly conference of the M. E. church which con vened with the Flovilla Metho dist church Monday. Miss Annie Kate Lynch enter tained pleasantly at Rook Thurs day evening of last week, her guests including Misses Ada Sharpe, Opal Vickers, Messrs. William Lynch, W. G. Griffith and R. T. Smith. Miss Ada Sharpe left Monday for Jackson where she accepted a position with Carmichael-Mallet Cos. Miss Sharpe is a capable sales lady and will be glad to have her friends call. Mr, and Mrs. M. 0. Ellenberg returned to their home at Rome Tuesday after a visit with Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Pendley. Misses Annie Reid and Beatrice Maddux and Emma Alice John son were guests Tuesday night of Misses Laurette, Roxie and Sara EXTRA LARGE Heavy and Strong Box $4.00 Per Year Conner’s Market I am now in the Meat and lee Business Next door to J. C. Kinard & Cos. and would be glad to have my friends and customers call to see me there. I have for this week Georgia and Western Meats F*late Ice, Fish and Oysters And can give you the cut you want. Ask the operator to ring you Con ner’s Market. Your business will be greatly appreciated. A. R. Conner Smith at Cork. Miss Pearl Griffith and Mr. H. C. Morgan were married Saturday evening at the home of Rev. A. A. Goodrum. Mr. and Mrs. Mor gan will visit relatives for a few days before going to housekeep ing at Berner. Mr. Claude Hendrick, of Lin dale, visited friends here this week. Mr. J. L. Holloway, of Macon, spent the week-end with rela tives. Mr. Sam Etheridge, of Indian Springs, was here on business Tuesday. Rev. J. T. Pendlev went to Jackson Tuesday and purchased anew automobile. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. CABBAGE PLANTS Cabbage Plants, select leading varieties SI.OO per 1000, four Con cord grape vines free; quick or ders. W. L. Stewart, Valdosta, Ga. l-28-4t