The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 10, 1916, Image 5

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Phone 8--It’s Easy We are still on the job with the best of Fancy Groceries. You can trade here and get what you want when you want it. Try our cakes. We have six different kinds. They are cakes baked separate— that makes them better. They keep long er, 10c each. You all know what Tiptop and Butter nut bread is. We sell it. Kingan’s Bacon this week 30c. Breakfast Bacon in 3 to 5 pound strips this week 17 l-2c. No kick yet on Sweet Violet, Crystal or Postell’s Elegant Flour. If you have the kicking habit try a sack of either one and be cured. Phone B—The Easy Number and we will do the hustling. J. C. Kinard & Cos. THE LITTLE BUSY PLACE FREE Aluminum Ware We will give away absolutely free to customers of this store a complete set of the world’s best quality brand Alum num Ware. Guaranteed for twenty years. Every time you make a CASH pur chase you will receive a Free Aluminum Coupon Corresponding to the amount of your purchase —you save the coupons, when you have the necessary amount of cou pons to entitle you to the one (or more) pieces of Aluminum Ware you desire, bring the coupons to us and take away the Aluminum Ware they entitle you to, Absolutely FREE In this way we share our profits with our customers. Call and see this beau tiful ware and get started for a set. SLATON DRUG CO. Jackson, Georgia The Stan MACKEY ESTATE LANOS SOLD HERE TUESDAY Some of the cheapest land ever sold in Butts county, since before the war, was that of Tuesday, when Mr. A. McGibony, as ad ministrator of the estate of Henry Mackey, Sr., sold 100 acres in the 616th district for SSOO. The land was bid in by Mr. Martin. It was rather unusual to see Butts county land selling for $5 per acre. This was the only property sold at public sales, Tuesday. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in Dotn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. Call 114 for your meats and you will call again, for you will be pleased. Con ner’s Market. CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK Adts like dynamite on a Sluggish liver and you lose a day’s work There’s no reason why a per son should take sickening, sali vating calomel when 50 cents buys a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone—a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable li quid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn’t make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, be cause it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty cal omel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomor row. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liv er Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more bil iousness. constipation, sluggish ness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts better than hor rible calomel your money is wait ing for you. ad. Card of Thanks We take this method of thank ing our many friends for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our little son. We wish to also thank the phy sicians, for they did all that could be done. May the richest of God’s blessings rest and abide with them all. I. D. Edalgo and Family. HARD CHRONIC COUGH Made Well by Delicious Vinol Crestline, Ohio. “ I contracted a hard, chronic cough, and was weak, nervous and run down. I have a small family of three, and it was hard for me to do my work. I took different medi cines without benefit. Finally I heard about Vinol, and it has restored me to health and strength, my cough is all gone and I feel fine.’—Mrs. H. H. Carlisle. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, for chronic coughs and colds, and for all weak, nervous, run-down conditions. Woods-Carmichael Drug & Hook Cos. Jackson, Ga. SCHOOL NEWS The news of the re-election of Mr. Martin was received with much pleasure by every student of the school. He has now been with us four years and has done so much for advancement of ed ucation that we feel we could not let him leave us. Martha King gave a reading Wednesday morning, which was enjoyed by all. We are always glad to have Miss Wrenn’s pupils give readings. The present Senior class is the greatest in the history of the school. It has done more and better work in literature than any class before, besides Domestic Science work by the girls and the study of electricity by the boys. We are very glad that Mrs. Martin is still improving and will be able to meet with the Phi The ta society soon. Mr. Perritt will spend the week-end in Atlanta. Has Eight Children Mrs. P. Rehkamp, 2404 Herman Ht., Covington, Ky. writes: “I have been using Foley’s Honey and Tar for nearly two years and can find no better cough syrup. I have eight children and give it to all of them. They were subject to croupe from babies on.” It is a safe and reliable medicine. The Owl Phar macy. adv. WHAT CAN YOUDOf OR CATARRH? Ask Yourself the question. How often has the doctor failed, as have ointments, salves, vapours? What you should do. The easy, common-sense method— that costs so little —that is so quickly and vigorously effective —is often the last resort of many Catarrh sufferers. Why, it is hard to say. One of the specialists of the Swift Specific Com pany inAAtlant a physician of stand ing and national reputation because of his knowledge of blood disorders, made the assertion that, if the majority of Catarrh sufferers would buy and faith fully take S. S. S., they could effectu ally get rid of Catarrh. S. S. S. goes straight to the seat of trouble, the blood. It spreads Its In fluence over every organ in the body, comes through the veins and arteries, enables the mucous surfaces to ex change adds and irritating substances for red blood corpuscles that, effectual ly cleanse the system and thus put an end to all Catarrhal poison. S. S. S. cleans out the stomach of mucous ac cumulations, enables only pure, blood FLOVILLA NEWS Mr. Herbert White came down from Atlanta Friday to visit his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. White. Miss Margaret Giles left Mon day for Knoxville, Tenn., where she will reside in the future. Miss Giles has made many friends here who regret that she will make her home elsewhere. Mr. W. A. Dozier was a recent visitor to Macon. Mrs. Davis, of Athens, spent a part of last week with Mrs. C. C. Ingram. Rev. J. S. Lewis and family moved to Jackson last Friday to make their home. Their many friends were sorry to have them leave Flovilla. Miss Willie Terrell, who teach es in Macon, spent the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Terrell. Miss Marilu Webb, of Blount, was a visitor here Saturday. Mr. E. L. Philpot, of Atlanta, was a visitor to his aunt, Mrs. T. C. Giles, Saturday and Sunday. A few young people were invited by Mrs. Giles Saturday evening to meet Mrs. Philpot and give Miss Margaret Giles a farewell party before her departure for Knoxville. The guests included Misses Johnson, Sharp. Millen, Messrs. R. T. Smith, B. C. Hard ing, J. C. Funderburk. Mr. D. B. Plymale, of Sandy, and Miss Roxie Torbett, of Ber ner, were married at the home of Rev. W. 0. Sharp Sunday after noon. Mr. E. L. Lawson, Misses Lur line Lawson, Marilu Terrell and Mr. Joe Bill Terrell motored to Covington Sunday for the day Cold Settled in my Stomach. Lost My Took Appetite. Wm Perunao Could Not fIHHJ Am Cured. Sleep. Peruna All wHj A Great Remedies Family Failed. Medicine. Mr, Chat. Sauerbier, 815 Main street, St. Joseph, Mich., a constant Friend of Peruna, Uses it in his Family. making materials to enter the intes tines, combines with these food ele ments to enter the circulation, and in less than an hour is at work through out the body in process of purification. S. S. S. is made from barks, roots and herbs that are food and tonic for the blood. It stimulates —gives the blood power to throw off poisons. You will soon realize its wonderful influ ence by the absence of headache, a clearing of the air passages, a steadily improved nasal condition, and a.sense of bodily relief that proves how com pletely Catarrh often infests the entire system. You will find S. S. S. on sale at all drug stores. It is a remarkable rem edy for all blood affections, such as Eczema, Rash, Trupus, Tetter, Psorias is, Roils, and all other diseased condi tions of the blood. For special advice on any blood disease write The Swift Specific Company, Medical Depart ment, Room 11, Atlanta, Ga. Avoid substitutes. A Little Blossom To Delight the Home When it is known that In the near future the home is to be blessed with a new arrival the first IMK4I thought should bo CGt (lv\ jf vfUftjEl “Mother’s Frl c n d." This is an external I remedy gently applied Ss LyP I ov tr the stomach mua- I clcs. It makes them j I firm and pliant, they ™ I expand naturally with a ou * un d uo strain, it IBaSflSl removes from the nerves those infiu- II I cnees which are rc* II I sponsible for much of 1 **■ ii J the pain Incident to the period of expectancy, ft is for this reason that much of the distress such as morning sickness is avoided. All prospective fathers should see to it that the expectant mother is provided with a bottle of “Mother’s Friend.” The directions nrc simple. Oct it at any drug store. It Is applied by the expectant mother herself, it penetrates deeply and af fords quick and splendid relief in a most gratifying mnnncr nnd reflects a physical betterment to the nervous disposition of the baby. Don’t fail to get a bottle of “Mother’s Friend’’ today and then write Brudfleld Reg ulator Cos., 41S Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, fJa., for a pretty little lx>ok brimful of informa tion for expectant mothers. It la a delight to read it. with relatives. Mrs. Lizzie Edwards returned Monday from a two months stay in Florida. Mrs. S. M. Glover and Mrs. M. A. Middlebrooks went to Cork Tuesday for a visit of several days with friends. Judge and Mrs. J. H. Ham and Miss Exie Ham, of Jackson. Rev. G. I). Stone, of Decatur, and Miss Kate Lynch were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Al len, Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Lane, Miss Mary Lane and Master Robert Lane, of Jasper county, Mrs. H. L. West brook and Master William West brook, of Blount, were guests re cently of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Thompson. Mr. George Smith was down from Atlanta for a short visit be fore going to Texas, Tuesday, for a month on business.