The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 10, 1916, Image 7

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NEWS OF INTEREST IN THE ~ SOCIAL REAL-M NO UNBELIEF There is no unbelief; Whoever plants a seed beneath the sod And waits to see it push away the clod, He trusts in God. Whoever says when clouds are in the ' sky, “Be patient, heart, light breaketh by and by,” Trusts the Most High. Whoever sees ’neath Winter’s fields of snow The silent harvest of the future grow, God’s power must know. Whoever lies down on his couch to sleep, Content to lock each sense in slumber deep, Knows God will keep. Whoever says “Tomorrow',” “The Un known,” “The Future,” trusts the power alone, He dares disown. The heart that looks on when the eye lids close, And dares to live w hen life has only woes, God’s comfort knows. There is no unbelief; And day by day, and night, uncon sciously The heart lives by that faith the lips deny— God knoweth why. —Edward Bulwer Lytton. Sale Postponed On account of the change of dates of the opening days, the "Necessity Sale” which was to have been given by the Civic League, has been postponed. W. C. T. U. Meeting The local W. C. T. U. will meet Friday afternoon, March 17th at Mrs. J. H. Carmichael’s. "Pro portionate and Systematic Giv ing” will be the theme for dis cussion and Mrs. Carmichael will be in charge of the program. Mrs. Mallet Hostess The members of the bridge club were entertained delightfully on Fridav by Mrs. Hugh Mallet, when a series of interesting games were enjoyed. A salad course with ices, which was fol lowed by hot coffee was served at the small tables. Mrs. Mallet was a gracious hostess and in formal hospitality was enjoyed. Mothers Club Mrs. R. A. Franklin was hos tess to the members of the Young Mothers club on Thursday after noon at her home on Indian Springs street. An interesting program was rendered and the afternoon was an ideally pleasant one for the mothers and also for the little folks who were enter tained by Master Robert Franklin. There were a number of visitors present. A delicious salad course and hot chocolate were served the guests. Mrs. Pitts McKibben will be the next hostess when “Child’s Work for Brain and Hand” will be the topic for dis cussion. 134 You Can’t Find 134 GROCERIES ANY FRESHER, PURER, CLEANER Or more nicely kept than the line carried by eJ. A. JOYNER Try Serv-Us-Brands-Pure Foods 134 PHONE 134 134 Powell-Maddox Miss Janie Powell and Mr. W. E. Maddox were married at the Methodist parsonage Thursday of last week. Trapp-Lynch Sunday at the Methodist par sonage occurred the marriage of Miss Mary Jess Trapp and Mr. J. P. Lynch. They reside near Stark. Mrs. Watkins Hostess The members of the William Mclntosh chapter. D. A. R. were delightfully entertained on Tues day afternoon by Mrs. B. F. Wat kins on West Third street. The short business session was pre sided over by the regent, Mrs. J. P. Etheridge. Growing plants decorated the living room, where the guests were entertained. A number of prospective members were invited at a later hour and enjoyed Mrs. Watkin’s charming hospitality. Cream and cake, in white was served and this was followed with coffee. The hos tess for the April meeting will be announced later. Study Club Organized Wednesday morning a Study Club was organized at the home of Miss Lucy Goodman. An en thusiastic meeting was held and the following officers were elected: President, Miss Lucy Goodman. Vice president, Mrs. Doane. Secretary, Mrs. Morris Wright. Treasurer, Miss Laura Daugh try. Librarian, Mrs. R. W. Mays. The following committees were appointed: Program —Mrs. Raymond Car michael, Mrs. Morris Wright, Miss Nelle Woods, Mrs. Lamar Etheridge. Membership—Mrs. R. W. Ox ford, Mrs. 0. Lee Chesnutt, Mrs. S. 0. Ham. Finance —Mrs. R. W. Mays, Mrs. W. E. Watkins, Miss Nettie Rae Pittman, Miss Ina Miller. The next meeting will be held with Miss Laura Daughtry Fri day, March 18th. The subject for discussion will be the opera, "Samson and Delila”—Saint Saens. PERSONAL Mr. E. L. Adams was a visitor from Atlanta, Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Kimbell is spending this week in Twiggs county. Mrs. F. S. Etheridge returned to Atlanta, Monday afternoon. ! Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Powell motored over from Newnan Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Newton. Mrs. J. W. Crum and Mrs. W. J. Wood spent Monday in Atlan ta. Judge and Mrs. J. H. Ham and Miss Exie Ham spent Sunday in Flovilla. Mr. M. M. Welch, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Ham. Messrs. T. B. Me Michael and E. R. Rudisil were up from East man, Sunday. Mrs. W. M. Mallet returned a few days ago from an extended visit in Orlando, Florida. Miss Mary Newton is visiting friends in Tallahassee, where she is being delightfully entertained. Miss Lena White left Wednes day for Royston, where she will be during the spring millinery season. Miss Ada Sharpe, of Flovilla, has accepted a position in the dress goods department at Car michael-Mallet Company. Miss Mumma, of Baltimore, has accepted a position in the milli nery department at Carmichael- Mallet Cos. Miss Rosa Thompson, of Jackson, is assistant trimmer. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Landers, of Eastman, announce the birth of a daughter. March 3rd, who has been named Annie Laurie. Mrs. Landers was formerly Miss Janie Lemons, of this city. On Thursday afternoon, a num ber of young women of the Bap tist church met at Mrs. R. P. Newton’s and organized a Young Woman’s Missionary Society. Mrs. W. O. Ham was elected president and Mrs. R. P. Newton, vice president. Tea and sand wiches were served after the business hour. The meetings were set for the first Monday in each month and for the next date Mrs. W. O. Ham has invited the members to meet with her. Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Cos., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets.— The Owl Pharmacy, adv Nyloii's Log* Iwcle/ Asa finishing touch. sbe uses Nylotu Face Powder—it clings unseen yet brings an added ckarin to tbe complexion—you'll like its sweet fragrance. 25c an J 50c box,. WOODS-CARMICHAEI TpQu£i%2^ QUALITY FIRST COURTESY ALWAYS 319 PHONES 62 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. March 12 11 a. m. The pastor will preach on “Christian Communism.” There will be no services at the evening hour. Special meetings at the Methodist church are in progress and we urge our people to attend those services, especially Sunday night. 9:30 a. m. Bible School. Let the teachers remember the special half hour begining at 9 in the church study. 3p. m. The Young Peoples Meeting. Thursday, March 9 Cottage prayer meetings at Bro. S. P. Nichols, led by Bro. Buchanan: at the home of Bro. J. S. Johnson, led by Bro. Hence ly; at the home of Bro. Moore on West Ave., led by pastor; at home of Bro. W. E. Jackson, led by Dr. Heard; at home of Bro. McClure, led by W. T. Burke. Special Meetings March 26 Dr. Bruner writes about Dr. Cofas. He says “he is a great soul winner, a fine preacher and a man of fine Christian spirit.” The Singing The organ chamber will bold a chorus. The church has pur chased new books, everybody who will help sing is invited —we want you—Come Sunday at 4 p. m. and practice. BAD STOMACH TROUBLE Yields to Delicious Vinol Shreveport, La. —“I had a bad Btom ach trouble for years and became so weak I could hardly walk or do any work. My appetite was poor, my food would not digest, I bloated and was very weak and nervous. I tried many reme dies without help. I saw Vinol adver tised and tried it, and now my stomach trouble is completely cured and I am well.”— E. L. Marshall. Vinol is guaranteed to tone up the tired, over-taxed and weakened nerves of the stomach and create strength. Woods-Carmichael Drug & Book Cos. Jackson, Ga. For Sale New double seated rub ber tired buggy. R. A. Franklin. 3-10-tf Should you jgask me whence my spices, Whence such bargains for the prices. Where I found those canned tomatoes, Nice Elbertas, fresh potatoes. Every kind of fruit in season, Prices low—always In reason. Any cereals, nuts or candy Cakes of all kinds that are handy. Soap in cake or pulverized, Prices and quality both sur prise. Lard and meat, and meal and flour, Pickles that you’d just devour. Whence these things may be provided Just as quick as you’ve de cided. I must answer—must tell you, You must know as others do, *Tis Paul Nolen’s Third Street Grocery Quick delivery, perfect courtesy. There you’ll get most prompt attention To any order you may men tion. Phones 24 and 60