The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, April 21, 1916, Image 4

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LITTLE GIRL NOW PLAYS LIKE OTHERS Gapt. T. M. Harrell Says Tanlac Has Given His Child Health “It wouldn’t bedoing right not to tell you what your medicine has done for our little girl,” said Captain T. M. Harrell, of Atlanta, conductor on the Seaboard Air Line for 25 years and one of the most popular men in the service, ‘‘She’s 11 years old,” he con tinued, “and has been a little suf ferer all her life—weak, puny, nervous, no appetite, no control over her kidneys and had head aches almost all the time. “The child never was strong, even from the cradle, and when she got a little older and would trv to play with the other children and was too weak to romp and keep up with them, it just didn’t seem right, for she seemed so anx ious to be with them and do as they did. It made me mighty sad and brought many a big lump into mv throat to see her that way, and somehow I never could get used to it. “There was nothing on earth too good for her, and we did ev erything we could think of to try and rid her of the pains and weak ness and make her like other chil dren; but nothing seemed to do her any good. “It has always been a great worry to get something for her to eat that would agree with her, and it was a disheartening job, too, for almost everything would give her heartburn or sour stom ach or cause her to wake up in the night with pains. We’d try first one thing after another, and when everything would fail we would feel disheartened and help less. “There is nothing quite so op pressive as the feeling that gets hold of you when a little one of your own flesh and blood is sick and helpless and depending on you, and you can’t find anything on earth to help them. “1 saw in the paper where Tan lac was helping so many women and elderly people with delicate vital organs, and who were in weak and run-down conditions, and as I studied over the matter I didn’t see why it wouldn’t help children; so 1 got the child a bot tle, for I believed it was the right thing. “I just can't tell you how much good it has done her, for she seems like a different child. She’s picking up weight and strength right along, has control over her kidneys and sleeps and eats as well as any youngster I ever saw. “Tanlac has given my child health and happiness, I do believe, and I don’t think there is anything like it in the world. She now plays and romps like the others and is just crazy about her Tan lac. Just now she phoned me from our home in Ingleside to he sure and get her anew bottle. “She goes to school now. is jol ly and playful and enjoys life.” Tanlac is sold bv Slaton Drug Cos., in Jackson, and Dr. A. F. White in Flovilla. Moore & Cos., at Cork, Ga.. J. E. & W. R. Kit chens, Fincherville, Ga. (adv) LISTEN Till further notice I will make pictures Frd'v and Saturd y only. J. B. GUTHRIE. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Edwards and children, of Forsyth, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hencely duringthepastweek-end Mrs. Leila Kinsman’s many friends here will be glad to know that she is convalescing from a recent illness at the Wesley Me morial Hospital in Atlanta. Messrs. R. P. Sasnett, J. W. Brown, J. B. Carmichael and J. H. Carmichael attended the Bank ers Convention in Fort Valley, Wednesday. Mr. J. L. Joyner was up from Macon several days this week. His friends will be interested to know that he is now with Jesse B. the well known Macon undertaker. Among the number who will attend the Grand Opera in Atlan ta next week are: Mrs. J. H. Car michael, Mrs. Emma Mallet. Mrs. W. E. Merck, Mrs. R. N. Ether idge, Mrs. George Damour, Mrs. Raymond Carmichael, Misses Lucy Goodman, Nina Harris, Pau line Mallet, Lucile Elder, Helen Carmichael, Viola Slaughter. Miss Earle Humphries, who is teaching in the Jenkingburg high school, accompanied by Misses Hill and Culpepper, of the high school faculty, motored down from Jenkinsburg and spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. S. Humphries, at their country home near North Highlands.—Macon Telegraph. Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure. The worst cases, no matter of how long; standing;, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing; Oil, It relieves Pain and Heals at tfce same time. 25c. 50c, SI.OO PROGRAM AT THE DIXIE Monday Edmond Breese in a 5 reel Me tro wonderplay entitled “The Lure of Hearts Desire.” Tuesday Majestic Mutual masterpicture in 4 reels,” A Child of God.” Wednesday Julia Dean and Howard Hick man in a5 reel Triangle-Ince dra ma, “Matrimony.” Thursday Ford Sterling featured in “Father’s Footsteps,” 2 reel Tri angle-Keystone comedy. Also “The Fallen Standard,” in two reel, Pathe drama. ' Friday Geo. Probert ahd Fania Mari notf featured in “Nedra,” a five reel Pathe Gold Rooster plav. Saturday “Ford Weekly No. 40.” “Lost Secret,” Pathe drama in 2 reels. “When Mice Made Merry,” Pa the comedy in one reel. LOST Between A. R. Conner’s in Parkland and J. R. Conner’s on Indian Springs street, a .32 S. & W. hammerless pistol. Return to this office and receive reward. 4-21-lt A DELICATE CHILD Made Strong By Our Vinol Fayetteville,N.C. —“My little daugh ter was in poor health, delicate and bo weak it made us very uneasy. I heard about Vinol and decided to try it and the results were marvelous, ner appetite improved, she gained in weight, and istiow one of the healthiest cHluren in town. Mothers of delicate children should try Vinol-” Mrs. Gordon J essup- Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, a constitutional rem edy which creates an apnetite, aids di gestion and makes pure healthy blood. All children love to take it. I Woods-Cannichael Drug A Book Cos. Jackson, Ga. Only the Best Is Good Enough For Our Customers These are Leaders in Their Lines Nunnally’s, Norris’, Huyler’s Candies Fresh Always. Ice Cooled KINNETT’S VELVET ICE CREAM Melba, Djer Kiss, Mary Garden, LaValliere Toilet Waters, Powders, Perfumes, etc. Nyals Patent Remedies Faultless Wearever Rubber Goods Waterman, Parker Fountain Pens Whitings, Montags Writing Papers Carters Inks, Remington Ribbons and Supplies Vidtor, Vicftrolas and Victor Records We Want You to Trade With Us W oods-Carmichael Quality Courtesy Always 310 PHONES 62 SUNDAY SCHOOLS TO HOLD MEET Annual Convention Goes to Indian Springs DATE IS NEXT FRIDAY Good Speakers Down on The Program—Citizens of Indian Springs Will Serve Dinner to Visitors The annual meeting of the Butts County Sunday School As sociation will be held at Indian Springs Friday, April 28. Sev eral speakers of state-wide repu tation will make addresses and the occasion doubtless will be one of interest, pleasure and inspira tion to all who attend. Hon. J. Matt McMichael, the veteran and popular president of the association, requests all Sun day schools to send delegates and written reports and especially to be on hand promptly at the open ing. The county is divided into three divisions—Jackson, Indian Springs and Jenkinsburg—each of which is composed of seven Sunday schools, and having their own officers. The citizens of Indian Springs, noted for their hospitality and public spirit, will serve dinner to the visitors at the midday hour. This feature will be one of the real pleasures of the day. Following is the program: Called to order 10 a. m. Invocation—F. C. Benson. Delegates enrolled. Reports of different divisions. Talk—Mrs. C. D. Heard. Address —D. W. Sims, state superintendent Sunday Schools Address—Miss Daisy MaGee, state superintendent Primary De- Phone 8--It’s Easy After Sunday the Easter hen goes to setting. Get your Easter Eggs here. Big eggs, little eggs and eggs. We have them. We are still selling good Holsome Cakes 10 cents. Butternut and Tip-Top Bread—none better. Fresh vegetables when we can get them. We deliver when we get the orders. We get the orders when you phone 8. When you phone Bit tickles us. Tickle us often. We don’t mind it. J. C. Kinard & Cos. THE LITTLE BUSY PLACE $1.7 5 ATLANTA And Return Account Atlanta Music Festival Tickets on sale April 23 to 28, and for trains reaching Atlanta before 8:00 p. m., 29th. Good returning until May 2, 1916. Southern Railway partment. Talk—G. I. YVatkins. Questions. Election of officers. Selection of next place of meeting. Adjournment. Information For Women Housework is trying on health and strength. Women are as inclined to kidney and bladder trouble as men. Aching back, stiff, sore joints and mus cles, blurred vision, puffness under eyes, should be given prompt attention. Foley Kidney Pills restore healthy ac tion to irritated kidneys and bladder. The Owl Pharmacy, adv.