The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, May 19, 1916, Image 8

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MRS. J. B. RICH PASSES TO REWARD Mrs. J. B. Rich, aged 64, and a beloved women residing near Jenkinsburg, died at 3 o’clock Wednesday morning, death re sulting from a complication of diseases. Mrs. Rich, who before her marriage was a Miss Collins, is survived by her husband, three daughters, Mrs. M. E. Oakes, of Alabama, Mrs. Atha Bowden, of Jenkinsburg, Mrs. A. H. Davip, of Henry county; three sons, Er nest and Raymand Rich, of Butts county, and Willie Rich, of Louis iana. The family have the sym pathy of many friends in their sorrow. The funeral took place at Fel lowship church Thursday morn ing at 11 o’clock and the services were conducted by Rev. T. H. Vaughn, assisted by Rev. J. H. Atkinson. Interment was in the Fellowship cemetery. dddddd For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man amd Ecasf: 25c. 50c. sl. At All Dealerc. ddddd INDIAN SPRING Miss Fannie Gibson is a house guest of Rock Castle. Miss Lucile Elder is a visitor to friends and relatives in Atlan ta. Mr. Sherwood Thaxton has leased the Foy House for this season and will open May 27. We wish great success for Sherwood. Miss Falma Gregory has re turned after an extended visit to friends in Macon. Mrs. A. H. Alfriend, of Atlan ta, is a guest of the New Elder. Mrs. Alfriend is a great friend of Indian Spring and is always welcome. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Clay spent Sunday with Mrs. Clay’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Dolvin have ren ted Idlewilde for the summer and are pleasantly located and the so ciety element ot Indian Spring will soon expect a house party. Mr. Miller will preach at the Indian Spring church Sunday af ternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Picnics are the order the day. 'ifre Mammoth Yellow Soja Bean promises to be one of the most profitable crops for southern farm ers everywhere. Makes a large yield of beans, which arc readily salable for oil-producing and food purposes, in addition to its use for forage, soil-improving and stock feeding. Splendidly adapted to our southern soils and climate. The New 100-Day Velvet Bean the quickest growing: of Velvet Beans, promise to supercede Cow Peas very largely as a soil-improv ing, forage and grazing crop throughout the South. Cheaper to seed per acre than cow peas. Write for prices and "Wood’s Crop Special** giving full in formation in regard to Sofa and Velvet Baans, Cow Pss*, Millet, Sood Corns, Sorghums, Sudan Grass, etc. Mailed free. T.W.WOOD C) SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Will always find games, cream and plenty of fine Indian Spring water. Miss Carrie Collier was honor guest at an afternoon party Satur day at the residence of Mr. T. H. Nolen. Mrs. Nolen and Miss Em malu being the lovely hostesses. The invited guests, old friends of Miss Collier, were Mesdames Watson, Etheridge, Daughtry, Ham, Mallet. Carter. Pope. Mays, Wilson: Misses Gibson, Bryans, Wright, Collier and Cleveland. Two charming young ladies. Miss es Furlow and Kinard, in a most graceful wav. served refresh ments. Card of Thanks Mr. A. R. Gilmore and family wish to extend thanks to the cit izens of Jackson for their kind ness and expressions of sympathy during the illness and death of Mrs. A. R. Gilmore. For Rent Six room cottage, all modern conveniences, with servants house in yard. Known as W. M. Tay lor place, West Ave., Jackson. Ga. Apply to Mrs. J. B. Thom as. West Ave. 4-2S-4t Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds op the Whole System. 50 cents. The ALL Virginia cigarette- §2^22^l ffiecUngrvfc \m ** OfeCigawe of I lO for | cAlso "Packed 10 for 10$ VALUABLE COUPON IN EACH PACKAGE Ever taste Virginia sunshine? YOU did—if you ever smoked a cigarette of Virginia tobacco. Virginia, you know, is “the tobacco man's tobacco”, because it gives to a cigarette the one quality no other tobacco can give —that refreshing liveliness called “character”! And smokers want “character” above all else. Piedmonts have “character” in full measure—they’re highest grade Virginia. ALL Virginia! Golden, lively, mellow as southern sunshine! Next time, buy your regular brand— But say “Piedmonts”, too, just so you can know them for yourself! NOTE: —It fa ocean freight, and import duty , and wasteful handling which make ordinary foreign - grown tobaccos cost more than they should. That is why cigarettes made of this foreign-grown tobacco cannot have in them as good tobacco as Piedmonts, which are made of highest-grade Vir ginia, grown right here in the U. S. A! Little Child Dies Gladys Henderson, the two and a half year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henderson, of Pepperton, died Tuesday after noon at their home. The little girl had been sick for about ten days. The family have the sym pathy of their friends in their sorrow. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon. POTATO PLANTS Nancy Hall. Porto Rico. Tri umph and Dooly Yams. $1.75 per 1.000. Phone 224. Thanking my friends for their patronage last year and hoping to receive their orders again. G. W. Alien. 5-5-4 t Was Troubled At Night Painful, annoying, bladder weakness usually indicates kidney trouble. So do backache, rheumatism, spre, swol len or stiff muscles or joints. Such symptoms have been relieved by Foley Kidneys Pills. Henry Rudolph, Car mi, 111., writes: “Since taking Foley Kidney Pills I sleep all night without getting up.” The Owl Pharmacy, adv. High class, entertaining, clean pictures at the Dixie. For Sale Good gentle horse and rubber tired buggy. C. D. Ingram, Flo villa, Ga. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drive* out Malaria,enriches the blood.aud builds up the sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. jfi-■ f.,/, r yl'' ft| Sfljtor Hiq I Jit your first and best thought is |||| Oftenest thought of for its deliciousness— highest thought of for its vholesomeness. Refreshing and thirst-quenching. Demand the genuine by full name— I nicknames encourage substitution. |||t THE COCA-COLA CO.. ATLANTA, GA.