The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 16, 1916, Image 11

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They Let Him Sleep Soundly "Since taking’ Foley Kidney Pills I believe I am entirely cured and I sleep soundly all night." H. T. Straynge. Take two of Foley Kidney Pills with a glass of pure water after each meal and at bedtime. A quick and easy way to put a stop to your get ting up time after time during the night. Foley Kidney Pills also stop pain in back and sides, headaches, stom ach troubles, disturbed heart action, stiff and aching joints, and rheumatic pains due to kidney and bladder ail ments. Gainesville, Ga., R. R. No. 3. Mr. H. T. Straynge says: "For ten years I’ve been unable to sleep all night without getting up. Sometimes only a few minutes after going to bed I’d have to get up, and I tried everything I heard of for the trouble. Last year I tried Foley Kidney Pills and after taking one bottle I believe I am en tirely cured and I sleep soundly all tight.” THE OWL PHARMACY PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. THREATT MOORE, Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, Jackson : Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts. SAM LEE First-Class City Hand Laundry Next door to Joe Leach’s stables. Jackson : : : : : Georgia Patronize Home Industries THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA. S. B. Kinard, Gen. Agent. J, Matt McMichael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. DR. O. LEE CHESNUTT DENTIST Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers’ Bank. Residence Phone No. 7. $100,009.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money cn your farm. W. E. Watkins. C. L. REDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Carter-Warjhen Building, JACKSON, GA. OLD STRAWS and PANAMA HATS CLEANED WHILE YOU WAIT At Kiser’s Pressing Club NEXT TO LAUNDRY I Are You a Woman ? Cardui I The Woman’s Tonic j mi SALE AT ILL MU6STS < j Fire Insurance I represent companies with Assets of $135,332,506 (One Hundred Thirty-Five Mil lion Three Hundred Thirty-T wo Thousand Five Hundred and Six Dollars.) I will appreciate your business and give it prompt and careful attentention. Yours truly, S. B. KINARD W ORTH VILLE Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Washington spent Sunday in Stark. Messrs, J. J. Hammond, J. H. Pope, Lofton, Mrs. W. F. Stod ghill and Miss Lessie Stodghill were visitors to Jackson Saturday. Miss Laßue Pope spent Sunday with Misses Lola and Cleo Wash ington. Mr. H. P. Thomas was a visitor from Flovilla Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jene Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wilson were S. H. THORNTON JACKSON, GA. UNDERTAKING, LICENSED EMB ALMER Full line of Caskets and Robes to select from My careful personal attention giv en to all funerals entrusted to me All Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Day Phone 174 Night Phone 193 For Sale 6 room house, large lot, on Avenue, with water lights. Come to see me if you want a bargain. On North Mulberry st., one two story 11 room house, 1 acre lot with servant house and barn. Will sell at great bargain. Lumber yard with side track, will sell at a bargain. 6 room house and lot on East Third street will sell cheap. Corn and wheat mill with water right and 5 acres of land, 3 room house in 2 miles of Jackson, will sell at a bargain. You had better inves tigate this. J. B. GUTHRIE REALTY CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents Harkness Building Jackson, Georgia guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stodghill. Messrs J. J. Hammond, W. A. Aiken, Kenney Wilson, Robert White and Charles Hammond motored to Hampton Sunday. Misses lmogene and Ruth Wil liams. of Hampton, are spending the week with Mrs. W. A. Aiken. Miss Jewel Mae Aiken left Sat urday for a few week’s visit with relatives at Towaiiga. Mrs. Dock Duke and Mr, Wal ter Duke spent Thursday in Jack- B Step into this picture , —wherever you are, the same content and the same refresh- * ment are yours for the asking s in a cool, delicious glass of \Gee&K I . j Demand the genuine by full name — ; nicknames encourage substitution The Coca-Cola Cos. Atlanta. Ga. Send for free booklet jlj "The Romance of Coca-Cola" K ( son, There will be a singing at Worthville Baptist chureh, the ; 3rd Sunday afternoon, June 18. Everybody invited. COODY Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petti grew and little daughter, Mary Frances, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mangham. Miss Mary Tarpley, of Hamp ton, is spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Martha Jane Thaxton. Miss Jewell Mae Aiken, of Worthville, is spending two weeks with her grand mother and cous ins near Towaliga. Rev. T. C. Gilbert filled his regular appointment at Liberty Saturday and Sunday. The singing given by Miss Hat tie Lee Cooper Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. The singing at Liberty Sunday It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before 1 began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill me. 1 was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like anew woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I d<s~all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give Cardui The Woman's Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Todayl was largely attended and enjoy ed. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Weaver announce the birth of a daugh ter. Mr. Everette Proctor and Miss Ora Belle Brooks visited Miss Annie Lillian and Eva Mae Wash ington after the singing Sunday afternoon, Miss Eunice Belle, of Grifiin, returned home last Wednesday after spending several days with her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Goddard. Mr. Edd Wright, of Atlanta, attended the singing at Liberty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Washing ton spent Saturday night and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Grier, near Iron Springs. Little Miss Lucile Martin, of Jenkinsburg, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Herman Washington.