The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 16, 1916, Image 3

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Here's A ‘Tip ’ On Rheumatism Follow AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION When your arm or your leg feels “all knot ted” with rheumatism, when you feel as though your muscles were “tied up with a rope," you are really describing your pains accurately. Rheumatism is a condition of the body when acids and other deposits of impurities are ac tually “tieing up” the strands of muscles in your body, or strangling the nerves and thus producing the awful shooting pains of sciatica, lumbago, etc. Medical authorities agree that these acid deposits are carried and deposited by the blood in the various parts of the body. It stands to reason, therefore, that local appli cations such as rubbing with so-called remedies can’t do any permanent good. At best they can relieve the pain a little and only for a little while. The only way to effect a real cure is to attack the real cause—the blood. It is cleansed from the troublesome deposits by S. S. S., the reliable blood purifier that is now easing the pains and healing the ills of the third generation. S. S. S. “goes after” the impurities in the blood as relentlessly, as eagerly and as thoroughly as a ferret goes after rats; pursuing the poison into every vein and artery, into every nook and corner of the body, and chasing the troublesome substances out of the system. The blood thus cleansed, carries off the acid and other injurious deposits and “filters” them out of the body through the kidneys. S. S. S. is not a drug. It is a purely vegetable blood purifier. You can get S. S. S. at every drug store. But if in addition you should like to have the advice of the doctors in charge of our laboratory, do not hesitate to write us. You will receive free, conscientious and confidential advice. This is in line with our policy to make every effort to insure the best results from S. S. S. to every sufferer. Get a bottle at your drug gist’s today. If you wish special advice, write to Medical Department, Room 45, Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. HON. J. W. WISE JACKSON VISITOR IN INTEREST OF R. F. D. Bill Introduced For Post Office Building Here Hon. J. W. Wise, representa tive in congress from the Sixth district, wss a distinguished vis itor to Jackson and Butts county this week. He was most cordial ly greeted and welcomed by his hosts of friends, political and personal. Mr. Wise came to Butts county primarily to investigate the rural route service, concerning which there has been a good deal of complaint since the changes of the past few months. With a view to improving the service in some way, Mr. Wise went over some of the routes gathering first hand information in order to be able to report the matter fully, intelligently and comprehensive ly to the post office department. It will be of cordial interest to the citizens of the county that Mr. Wise has introduced a bill pioviding for a $50,000 appropri ation for a site and post office building in Jackson. In case an appropriation bill is acted on this session it is thought that Jackson will get the post office building. Mr. Wise returns to Washing ton Saturday. Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, inclose with oc to Foley & Cos., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Fo ley’s Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar tic Tablets. Specially comforting to stout persons. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. * For Rent or Sale The Webb place on College st., 6 room house with all modern conveniences. J. H. Stephens, Griffin, J. B. Quartermus or J. B. Guthrie. Jackson. 6-2-4tp CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of I[S.SSj| I a f |jfj i MAJ*vrACTvn ro trr THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. !*CPCTCD ATLANTA. CA. U. S.A. fr*m tartar CanUtn* *o Mineral*. Mrrciien* • fee Ml Mwi4a IS.*!**^ Prtce,Sl.ooPcr Bottle (LA*Ot SIZE) Price, 51.75 Perßoftfe. Holding Double the Quanilf* THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CQ INCC**o’>o laotx PHOWIITOH*. ATLANTA.GEORGLt. tin MRS. CLAUD EVANS CLAIMED BY DEATH After an illness of several months, Mrs. Claud Evans, of Hawkinsville, aged 25, died at Alto Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock. The body was brought to Jackson Wednesday afternoon and the funeral was held at lovv aliga church at 11 o’clock Thurs day morning, Rev. T. H Vaughn condcuting the service. Mrs. Evans was Miss Bessie Skinnes, of Macon, before her marriage. She is survived by her husband and two small sons; her father and mother, three broth ers and one sister, who with a very large circle of friends mourn her passing. It's worth a trip to town to eye our show window of Millinery and the prices, the result of another big close-out purchase. No ex cuse now for not buying. Prices less than half. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the Voters of Butts County: I hereby announce inyeeif as a can didate for Representative from Butts county in the next General Assembly, subject to regulations of the state democratic executive commit l ee. In making this announc ment for re-elec tion I pledge myself that should the voters again entrust me with this posi tion of trust and honor t • con inue to represent the interest of iny county and state to the best of my ability. The votes and support of the people will be ap p reci ate and. Res pec tf ull y, C. A. TOWLES. FOR CONGRESS I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congress for the Sixth Congressional District of Georgia, sub ject to such rules and regulations as the Executive Committee may provide governing the primary. I appreciate the past kindness of the people of the district to me, and assure you that I will be very grateful for your support. J. W. WISE. How To Get Rid Of A Cold Read how C. E. Hummers, Hold redge, Neb., got rid of his cold: “I con tracted a severe cough and cold and could hardly sleep. By using Foley’s Honey and Tar as directed my cough was entirely cured and I give it full credit for my speedy recovery.” Foley’s always soothes and heals. Children love it. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. LEGAL ADVERTISE MENTS NOTICE Notice is hereby given, as provided by law, that we intend to apply at the next session of the Legislature of Geor gia, for the passage of a local or special bill, with title as follows: “An act to fix the salary of theTreas user of Butts county, in lieu of com missions as now paid, to provide for the payment thereof, and for other pur poses.” C. A. Towles, Representative Butts Cos. H. M. Fletcher, Senator 26th I fist. FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND Georgia, Butts County. Notice is hereby given that Jack L. Patterson, executor of Mary Jane Pat terson, has applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Mary Jane Patterson for the payment of debts and for distribution among heirs. Said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in July, 1916. This 6th day of June, lf>l6. J. H. Ham, Ordinary. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that in the session of the General Assembly for 191(i there will be introduced a bill entitled “A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act to establish anew charter for the town of Floviila, in Butts county, Georgia, approved December 27th, 1890, and published in Volume II of Georgia Daws 1890-1891, p. 533 et seq., as amen ded by an act approved August 13th, 1907, published in Georgia Laws 1907, p. 649, changing the corporate name from the Town of Floviila to the City of Floviila; and for other purposes.” SARDIS W. M. S. TO MEET The Woman’s Missionary Socie ty of Sardis church will give an ice cream festival for the benefit of the church, in the grove at Mr, Howard Carter’s, at Elliston, Saturday afternoon begining at five o’clock. PROGRAM AT THE DIXIE WEEK OF JUNE 18—24 Monday Barbara Tennant and Howard Esterbrook featured in “M’Liss,” in five parts. Tuesday Famous drama in four parts, “World, and The Devil.” also a good comedy. Wednesday Five part Patrotic drama enti tiled, “For The Honor of Old Glory.” Thursday Tom Wise in one reel comedy “The Bare Ball Bug.” also “The Two Sergeants,” four part mili tary drama. Friday “Lights of London,” in five parts. Saturday “One of Millions,” featuring Loma Sawyer, also Weber and Fields in a good one reel comedy. COAL From Mines to Consumer Bonita Jellico Coal Delivered in Jackson June Shipment 14.36 per ton July Shipment $4.46 per ton August Shipment $4.61 per ton HAMILTON FUEL SUPPLY CO. Knoxville, Tenn. TRADE MARK REGISTERED PHOSLIME FOR Peanuts “I have also used it on Peanuts and Corn with splendid results. “I have been using the Phoslime unpulverized but know that I could have gotten much better results had it been pulverized to 100 mesh for the reason that it would be in much better form to be taken up more readily.” IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Prices F. O. B. Phoslime, Fla., in Bags CARLOAD $9.00 Per Ton WRITE FOR BOOKLET FLORIDA SOFT PHOSPHATE & LIME COMPANY BOX 462 OCALA. FLORIDA BUTTS COUNTY MEN LED THE WHOLE STATE Their friends will be gratified to learn that two Butts county men, Messrs. J. Mote Watts and J. Luther Joyner, led the entire stale in the examination before the Georgia State Board of Em balmers in Macon Tuesday. With an 100 per cent, Mr. Watts made the highest mark, followed by Mr. Joyner who also made a fine record. Mr. Watts operates un- NEWTON-CARMICHAEL HARDWARE CO. Hardware Pajpts —and Oils —— . _ MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT Save 58 cfs. per gal. trrs SIMPLE --- THIS IS HOW Just mix 3 Gals. Linseed Oil costing about - $2.7(9 4 Gals L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, u $2.25 per gal. ' s - 9.00 You then (hake 7 Gals. Pure Paint for $lL7O.' IPs only $1.67 per gaL Made with right proportions of Lead, Zinc an(f t Linseed Oil, to Insure longest wear Use a gal. oul ol any L.&M. PAINT you buy and iS not Ihe best paint made,, return Ihe paint end get ALL your money backJ JUDGE FLETCHER GOES TO LOS ANGELES MEETING Judge H. M. Fletcher left Mon day for Los Angeles, Cal., to at tend the Grand Conclave of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar, going as a representa tive from Alexius commandery of this city. He will be away for several days, returning in time for the opening of the legislature on the 28. Judge Fletcher went over the Santa Fe route, and re turning will probably take the Northern Pacific route. MOTE WATTS UNDERTAKER TROY WILLIS LICENSED EMBALMER Phones Day 61 Night 149 Less Than Carload SIO.OO Per Ton dertaking parlors on Third street and Mr. Joyner is connected with Jesse B. Hart, of Macon. Friends of Messrs. Joyner and Watts are proud of the great rec ord they made and congratulate them heartily. Indiana Man’s Experience Frank Moseley, Moore’s Hill, Ind. t writes: “I was troubled with almost constant puins in my sides and back. Great relief was apparent after the first dose of Foley Kidney Pills and in 48 hours all pain leftme.” Foley Kidney Pills make kidneys active and health ful and stop sleep-disturbing bladder ailments. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. CONVICT MADE ESCAPE TUESDAY AFTERNOON Woodie Watts, a negro sent up for abandonment and having only a few weeks more to serve, es caped from the Butts county con vict camp, stationed on the Flet cher place, Tuesday afternoon. He was captured Wednesday night by Chief J. E. McNair. You remember the big millinery sale a year ago, well there’s another one going on at Etheridge, Smith & Cos. We close Wednesdays 1 p. m.