The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 16, 1916, Image 4

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i•* - . ’v ‘ If ' ■ l•. . . j. / ; . ~ ' 1 MISS JOE VARNER Miss Varner’s patriotic gift of the historic Varner Hotel to the Daughters of the American Revolution as a chapter house is genuinely appreciated. JACKSON WINS EXCITING GAME FROM OLD RIVALS Jackson defeated Locust Grove 2tol in 11 innings Wednesday afternoon in one of the best games ever seen on the local grounds. Features of the game were hits by Nutt and Finley. Seashore Excursion To Jacksonville, Tampa, Brunswick and Other Resorts Friday, dune 16tii FIVE DAYS AT SEASHORE Round Trip Fare From Jackson To Jacksonville $4.00 Tampa 6.00 Atlantic Beach 4.60 St Augustine 4.50 Brunswick 4.00 St. Simons 4.00 Cumberland Isl’d 4.00 Train will leave Jackson 9:43 a. m. Arrive Jacksonville 7:30 p. m. Connexions for Tampa. Train will leave Jackson 9:21 a. m. Arrive Brunswick 5:40 p. m. Connexions for St. Simons and Cumberland. AN OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT THE SEASHORE AT SMALL COST SOUTHERN RAILWAY J. S. Blood worth, T. P. A.. Macon, Ga. which tied up the game in the ninth round, the locale putting across the winning run in the eleventh. Score by innings: R H E Locust Grove .1 7 4 Jackson 2 6 4 Combs and Manley; Fears and Nutt. Two base hits Nutt and Finley: struck out bv Combs 9, Fears 11: bases on balls, off Combs 1, off Fears 1; hit bv pitcher, Redman, Dozier, Ham. Umpires, Childs and Heard. Many Women Need Help Women are as much inclined to kidney trouble as men are, but too often make the mistake of thinking that a certain amount of pain and tor ture is their lot and cannot be avoided. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from backache, pains in sides and mus cles, still', sore, aching joints, and blad der ailments. The Owl Pharmacy, ad. Rev. Z. M. Leverette Speaks to Baracas In the absence of Prof. W. P. Martin, Rey. Z. M. Leverette will conduct the Baraca class of the First Baptist church Sunday morning. All members are urged to be present. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES ! "A— Ask your Druggist for CHI-CHES-TER S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Red and/a\ Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue(O) Ribbon. Takb NO OTHER. Buy oF your V/ Drugs!.! and ask for cm.CHKB.TKK S v DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME PI/rRYUfUFRP WORTH IJUBIJ Lltn I IlnLilL TESTED Statement of the Condition of The Bank of Flovilla, Located at Flovilla, Ga., at the close of business, June 6, 1916 RESOURCES. Demand Loans $ Time loans. 44,883 13 Overdrafts, secured (cotton). 6,013 46 Overdrafts, unsecured 69 31 Banking house 1,250 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,710 60 Other real estate 1,408 55 Due from banks and bankers in this State 8,737 40 Due from banks and bankers in other States 517 14 Currency $ 1270 00 Gold 135 00 Silver, nickels, etc.... 355 94 Cash items. 564 34 2,325 28 Current expenses Total $66,914 87 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $15,000 00 Surplus fund 4,604 66 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, interest and taxes paid 485 62 Due to banks and bankers in this state Due unpaid dividends Individual deposits subject to check.. 28,338 09 Time certificates 20,295 37 Cashier’s checks 191 13 Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable, including time certificates representing bor rowed money Total $66,914 87 State of Georgia, County of Butts. Before me came J. T. Gibson, Cashier of Bank of Flovilla, who, being duly sworn, says that the aoove and forego ing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. T. GIBSON, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th day of June, 1916. W. D. HENCELY, N. P. and Ex-Ofl. J. P. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S OASTO R I A Round Trip Fares ATLANTA TO NEW YORK (tOn 1A GOOD JO DAYS \\ 1 111 All rail. Going and A v Returning same route (TOO 1 r GOOD 60 DAYS in Ii Going by Rail, Re- I turning by Water (P J A r A GOOD 60 DAYS J lM jll Going via Cincinnati, \ysj / m\j\j returning via Washing ton, or vice versa SOUTHERN RAILWAY J. S. BLOODWORTH, T. P. A., Macon Card of Thanks As it is almost impossible to write separate letters to the hosts of friends and relatives who were so kind and helpful during my mother’s illness I take this opportunity to express my un dying gratitude and appreciation through the columns of The Pro gress. Words are inadequate to express my thanks to all who so cheerfully and lovingly rendered such devoted and unselfish atten tion to my mother during her af flictions. I wish to thank each of you with a heart full of ten derest feelings of gratitude. Such friends will ever live in my thoughts and will ever be cher ished in my memory. Thanking you again, I beg to remain, yours truly, Mrs. M. E. Oakes, Eclectic, Alabama. Statement of the Condition of The Farmers Bank Located at Jenkinsburg, Ga., at the close of business June 6, 1916 RESOURCES Demand loans § Time loans 24,824 94 Overdrafts, unsecured 43 94 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 1,200 00 Banking House 1,500 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,499 44 Other Real Estate Due from banks and bankers in this state 1,622 09 Due from banks and bankers in other states 2,605 34 Currency 5 135 00 Silver, nickels, etc., 141 04— 276 04 Cash items Advances on cotton Total $ 33,571 19 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 15,000 00 Surplus fund 1,500 00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, interest and taxes paid 581 94 Due to banks and bankers in this state Due unpaid dividends Individual deposits subject to check 11)167 41 Time certificates 5,321 19 Cashier’s checks 1 25 Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable including time certificates representing borrowed money Total $> 33,571 19 State of Georgia, County of Butts: Before me came H. C. Childs, Cash; ier of the Farmers Bank who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. H. C. Childs, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before m®, this 13th day of June, 1916. W. J. Bankston, N. P. Butts Cos., Ga.