The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 16, 1916, Image 5

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TOM STRINGFELIOW GAINS 22 POUNDS Railroad Man Says Tanlac Is the Only Thing That Ever Helped Him After Suffering Four Years “If the people of this town only knew what Tanlac had done for me you would sell a thousand bot tles tomorrow.” said Tom String fellow. a wellknown employee of the Southern Railway, who lives at 126 East Ninth Street, Annis ton. Ala. Mr. Stringfellow is well known in railway circles and is on the Atlanta and Birmingham division. His many friends will be glad to hear of his complete restoration to health, “I suffered from stomach trou ble and indigestion for four years,” continued Mr. String fellow, “and got so I couldn’t eat hardly anything. I fell off until I only weighed, 119 pounds and finally got so weak and run down I was on the point of having to resign my position. To tell you the truth I just felt like life was not worth living because I just seemed to be getting worse all the time and nothing seemed to do me any good. “I would have awful pains in my back and kidneys and could hardly sleep. Two hours each night would be about all the sleep I would get. Most always after eating I would have gas on my stomach and my heart* would pal pitate, I would get weak in my limbs and have dizzy spells and would have spots in front of my eyes. “About a month ago I began reading about Tanlac, and heard the railroad men talking about it. Several of my friends had taken the medicine and said it was a fine thing for stomach trouble, so I decided to give it a trial. The first bottle helped me so much I kept on taking it and have just finished mv fifth bottle. When I weighed the other day I kicked the beam at 141 pounds, and was so surprised I turned around to see if someone was not standing on the scales. Yes, sir, that’s a fact, I had actually gained 22 pounds and feel like a well man again for the first time in four vears. “Tanlac helped me right from th" start, and before I had fin ished taking the second buttle I got so I would eat and sleep and work as good as anybody. That’s what the medicine did for me and everybody who knows me will tell you the same thing. Why, I can just eat anything now and indigestion never bothers me a particle anv more. I can sleep good, too, and feel just fine in every way. Speaking of eating, my grocery bills have gone up to almost double. “Just to show you what I think of the medicine I bought a dozen bottles today in order to always to have a supply on hand. I wouldn’t be without it for any thing in the world.” Tanlac is sold bv Slaton Drug Cos., in Jackson, and Dr. A. F. White in Flovilla, Moore & Cos., at Cork, J. E. & W. R. Kitchens, Fincherville, Ga. (adv) SINGING AT WORTHVILLE All singers and lovers of music are cordially invited to a singing atWorthville Baptist church third Sunday afternoon. SATURDAY DAY OF FAIR MEETING * Several Business Matters to Be Considered CITY WILL CO-OPERATE Meeting in Court House at 10 O’clock Saturday--To Discuss Installation of Lights And Other Plans There will be a meeting of the Butts County Fair Association in the court house Saturday morn ing at 10 o’clock to discuss sev eral business matters. It is likely the fair grounds will be incorporated within the city limits, so as to secure adequate police protection, and for other reasons. The city of Jackson has been asked to co-operate with the as sociation and furnish lights dur ing fair week. It is thought this request will be granted by Coun cil, before whom the matter was laid Monday night. The various departments of the fair are in first class shape, and the prospects are bright for a most successful fair in October. Several details will be gone over at the session Saturday and a full attendance of the directors and members is urged. How To Feel Good Tomorrow Indigestion quickly develops sick headache, biliousness, bloating, sour stomach, gas on stomach, bad breath or some of the other conditions caused by clogged or irregular bowels. If you have any of these symtoms, take a Foley Cathartic Tablet this evening and you will feel better in the morn ing. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Miss Irene Gamble Is A New Teacher Miss Wilson having resigned as a member of the faculty of the Jackson public schools, the board of education has elected Miss Irene Gamble, of Macon and a graduate of Wesleyan Female College, as teacher of the second grade. Full force of competent salespeople. Full of all kinds of merchandise. Full value and satisfac tion every time. Full page ad of bargains this week. Full week’s work in s‘/a days. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. Card of Thanks Mrs. J. A. Kimbell and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends fot the many acts of kindness and ex pressions of sympathy rendered during their recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral offerings. May God’s richest blessings reward each act <f kindness shown us. For Sale Bunch Potato Slips. 15 cents per 100. J. H. Patrick, Jenkins burg, Ga. 5-26-4 t — ——- STRAYED I , —. English Setter named Pete, i black and white spots with little tan and black ears. Suitable re- I ward for return to L. D. Watson at Sylvan Grove Farm. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CAST O R I A aR ii.. , _ t 11.... mtf ■ * TTrtt mS i non-skids gMr have the reputation among car own- Ik ers of representing more dollar-for- Ah /A v dollar value than you can buy in any The Cost Is Less Vy' L 'A>fT Compare them tread prices of Nj. Jp Prices on Fisk Grey Nojn-Skid Casings Fisk FREE service in more than 125 direct Fisk f | . i A Branches. Promptest attention assured both tire 1 1 VV A Buttrill Bros. Fisk Branches in More Than 125 Cities ::K:ss:::s:sr2s:::=-:^?::ss;ssss ::: s : :::: s s s^::: iii=ssi r CSr : r ,1 *■ !•# : "V.W" <4# m • / au. r m Hi!!i|,;l!ll ll s€^iiiiil a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiaW *l4 I >■* M. ? n -W ------- AZ k ■ 'JL % ............ ••• CORK Mrs. C. A. Smith and Mrs. W. H. Towles spent Thursday in Jackson. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Ward and children came up from Macon, Sunday, for a few days visit with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Terrell McMich ael spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Torbet. Mr. Frank Ogletree spent Thursday of last week in Atlan ta with his brother, Mr. George Ogletree, who is quite ill in one of the Atlanta hosipital3. Mr. and Mrs. Ely Waits visited friends at Cabiniss, Saturday. Mr. R. D. Leverette made a business trip to Jackson, Satur day. Mrs. C. A. Towles spent Thurs day of last week in Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Lane have returned from Griffin, where they were called on account of the illness and death of their lit tle grandaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Edwards’ little girl. To all the relatives we extend sympa thy. Mr. Leo Gardner was a visitor to friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Towles, Misses Lurline Torbet, Lettie and Elizabeth Towles attended the singing at New Hope church Jasper county, Sunday. Mrs. C. A. Smith and Mrs. W. H. Towles were visitors at Indian Springs Sunday. Messrs. Tom Lane and Wilmer Dozier, from Monticello, visited friends here Sunday. Sterling and Julian Odom, grandsons of Mr. R. Van Smith, came up from Macon Monday, for a week’s visit. Mr. C. A. Smith spent Satur day in Jackson on business. LISTEN Till further notice I will make pictures Friday and Saturday only. J. B. GUTHRIE. INDIAN SPRING Mrs. Gumming, MissCurnming, of Savannah, and little Miss Mary Lee were visitors of Rock Castle Tuesday afternoon. t Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Watkins, Misses Lucile Watkins and Lucile STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First Farmers Bank Located at Jackson, Ga., at the close of business, June 6, 1916 RESOURCES Demand Loans $ 2,186 86 Time Loans. 105,753 02 Overdrafts, secured Overdrafts, unsecured 377 22 Bonds and (Stocks owned by the Bank. .... Furniture and Fixtures _ 3,511 85 Due from Banks and Bank ers in this State... 1,077 65 Due from Banks and Bank ers in other States 2,216 17 Currency 1,004 00 Gold Silver, nickles, etc. 920 04 Cash items Clearing House 6,288 03 Interest paid Advances on cotton 3,012 28 Collection account 15 00 Total $127,353 02 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in *40,000 00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, interest and taxes paid ... 7,822 10 Due to banks and bankers in this state 352 30 Individual deposits subject to check 23,692 35 Demand Certificates Time certificates 16,606 09 Cashier’s Checks 27 32 Notes and bills rediscounted 8,817 35 Bills payable, including time certificates representing borrowed money 30,000 00 Other liabilities (itemized).. Over anti Total. .1127,353 02 | Htate of Georgia, County of Butts: Before me came J. B Carmichael, i Cashier of the First Farmers Bank, who, being duly sworn, says the above i and foregoing statement is a true con- I dition of said Bank as shown by the I books of file in said Bank. J. B. CARMICHAEL 1 Hworn to and subscribed before me, | this 12th day of June, 1316. S. J. Foster, Clerk Supr Court. Elder are attending the Sunday school convention in Atlanta. Mrs. Furlow, of Jackson, and Mrs. Potts, of Winder, are guests of the Bryans Hou^e. The Sunday school will give an ice cream sociable atf the residence of Mr. Watkins Friday evening at 8 o’clock under the auspices of Mrs. W. O. Brown’s class. Mr. Ben Watkins has returned home after attending school at Maysville, Tenn. Mr. Miller, Presbyterian min-- ister, will preach Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. T. R. Harmon and young son are guests of Mr. W. A. El der at the Calumet. Mrs. Vallie Varner White, of Griffin, is visiting her aunt. Miss Joe Varner, and will be present at the dedication of the Varner- Mclntosh Memorial. Mr. J. P. Brittain of Americus, a former citizen of Indian Spring, is a house guest of Misses Collier and Cleveland. Don’t fail to see our ad this week. Come on any way. Prices cut to flinder ations. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. What is Home Without an Heir! This is a subject that has a place in all minds in all times. And it naturally di- K'&j I period of expectancy. J3 Mothers who know rec t|f| ommencl “Mother’’* ■H ternal remedy for the 121 stretching en- HH aides them to expand H without undue strain, HI assists the organs to Hi crowd against nerves, to thus avoid pain. Thus restful days are assured, peaceful nights are experienced, morning sickness, headache, apprelienslon and other dis tresses are among the various things which womeiy everywhere relate they entirely es caped by using "Mother's Friend. And by Its effect upon the muscles the form Is re tained and they return to their natural, smooth contour after baby Is born. Get a bottle of tills Invaluable aid to expec tant mothers. Any druggist will supply you. It is harmless but wonderfully effective. Write to Bradfleld Regulator Cos., 41S Lar mar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., for a specially writ, ten guide book for women interested In the subject of maternity. It will prove an inspi ration. U lOaUlu* information that every woman should know all about. Write todar.