The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 23, 1916, Image 10

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CALOMbL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK Ac*ts like dynamite on a Sluggish liver and you lose a day’s work There’s no reason why a per son should take sickening, sali vating calomel when 50 cents buys a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone—a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable li quid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn’t make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, be cause it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty cal omel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomor row. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liv er Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more bil iousness. constipation, sluggish ness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts better than hor rible calomel your money is wait ng for you. ad Plow HANDLES SAYS CORN CROP IS FINE Last week was a busy one with the farmers. After swinging the hoe all the week we went to Jack son Saturday afternoon for a rest-up. Col. Threatt Moore with Jack Leverette took me on a spin out a few miles on the Griffin road in Mr. Leverette\s car. We passed the Barkley Bros.’ magnificent farm and their ten acres of corn on the road is in perfect keeping with their splendid mode of farming, which is so well known through out the state. A mile further on we came to the 8 acre corn field of Col. Moore, and as we walked through it we found it to be a thing o f beauty and joy forever. I told him it will make 75 bushels per acre and I honestly think so. We stood in the field just as the sun went down and as the soft winds whispered through the rustling corn it made an impression on my soul as lasting and indelible as the foot prints on the sand of time. Col. Moore’s broad acres of corn and cotton shows he is a fine farmer, as well as an orator, lawyer, statesman and legislator. Plow Handles rag Emory University Academy o * r t Ga Prepares boys for unconditioned entrance into the best colleges and scientific schools, in full conformity with present standard requirements. Every facility for the best care of boys, physical, mental, moral, will be supplied as occasion demands. See the catalogue before placing your son elsewhere. Address A. M. HUGHLETT, A. M.. LL. D„ Principal. OXFORD, GA. ENGINEERING ARCHITECTURE and COMMERCE Georgia Tech is educating young men for positions of use fulness, responsibility, and power in industrial and business life. Its graduates are trained to do as well as to know. Their success is the school’s greatest asset. Students have won highest honors in various competitions. Thorough courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Textile and Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Architecture and Com merce. New equipment, including a $200,000 Power Station and Engineering Laboratory for experimental and research work. Excellent climate. Complete library. High moral tone. Free tui i:on to fifteen students in each county in Georgia. For catalogue address, K. G. MATHESON, Pres., Atlanta, 6a. (TEODGIASf HOOL OfTeCHNOIOGY SAYS PEOPLE WILL PROFIT i Believes Tick Eradication Good Thing MR. PACE WRITES VIEWS Thinks Opposition to Dip' ping Vats Due to Misun derstanding-Points Out Advantages of System Asa man reads, he thinks, as he thinks, he acts, whether for or woe. One may read after one author only, and he becomes narrow minded. He has no thoughts of his own. His mind is controlled by another. If one is prepared to meet all emergencies and con verse intelligently he must be well posted. Study our great writers and get their conception of life. Where a man reads the works of Dickens, Cooper, Thackery, Sha kespeare, Tennyson, Browning, and some of our modern writers. Roosevelt and Wilson, and bulle tins of state college and federal government, he becomes broader in his views of life and is able to look at it from all sides and is thus saved from fossilization. A man becomes what his author or teacher is. Therefore, if your teacher is in favor of lawlessness, so a>e his followers. On the other hand if an individ ual or a county, state or the Uni ted States is striving for the best interests of its people it is the duty of those involved to lend a helping hand. Now in the matter of tick erad ication. canning club work and farm demonstration, before con demning these things one should inform himself on the subject. What is the cost to county for the demonstration work? the can ning club? also what has been the cost of bills of injunction, man damus and other procedure? what has been the increase in corn per acre in the state of Georgia dur ing the past three years? The increase for corn has been 3 bush els per acre, making an average of twelve million bushels. How many little girls have learned to can vegetables and fruits equal to those of any canning plant in the United States? 44. What is the value of a calf in a tick in fested region and what will the ’same calf bring when free from \nt ht UfttH Jt Mvert f>am 6„ Km* Tm-k ticks? It will bring He per pound more. Hence, a farmer who sells only one calf a year will receive more in value for his calf his than tax on all of the above. Our inspectors may have made some mistakes or said something they should not have said. lam sure that they have credit for more than they have said. They are all human like the rest of Adam’s race. My brethren, if the inspectors or demonstrators have made some mistakes, have not you? Do their faults license you to abuse them privately or publicly? Remember, my dear reader, that after the ticks have been eradicated from the county and this political year is over we will still have the same fellows as our neighbors to mix and mingle with. So it behooves us to be more careful and’ bridle our tongue. “Consider thyself lest thou also offend.” The vats are all right when properly used by a competent person. Our people should not fear anv danger to their cows when in the hands of the Doctor in charge. He is familiar with How America's largest cigarette manufac turer accomplished “the Impossible’ by producing a MILD cigarette that SATISFIES. It is the Chesterfield Cigarette : : ALMOST anybody can make a cup of coffee. But there are said to be not over a half-dozen restau rants in the United States where they know how to make it right. Similarly, almost anyone can make a cigarette. Just roll up some tobacco in a piece of pure paper —and there you are. There are, perhaps, over 800 brands of cigarettes sold in this country today. But not one of them does what Chester fields do for Chesterfields are MILD ; and yet they SATISFY. Some cigarettes may be mild, but they don’t satisfy. Only one cigarette does BOTH —Chesterfield! This truly unique cigarette has all of that refreshing taste - delicacy (or mildness) which any good cigarette must have. Yet, without sacrificing any of this delightful mildness, Chesterfields go one step further they do more than merely ‘ ‘ please your taste ’’ — they let you know you’ve been smoking. They satisfy ! And yet they’re mild { A Step Forward in Cigarette - Making ARE proud to be the firm that * Y brought about this important development in cigarette enjoyment — for that is exactly what the Chesterfield blend is. This cigarette is an outgrowth of long, earnest effort on the part of this, the largest cigarette manufacturing con cern in the United States. the work and wholly competent. He handles cows in a humane manner. As to our officers, I am sure they are able to take care of them selves. But this is not in their defense, but in yours and mine. Remember that all reform meets with opposition. The greater the reformation the great er the opposition. Though we may differ in me Double the Life of Your Wagons and Implements It cakes little work and money to make your wagons and implements look better and last longer with Plantation Wa</on and Implement Pcnnt *'** A weather-resisting paint especially ... . made for use on plows, harrows, * It. wagons and all implements where a ti 'a bright gloss finish is desired. sLji Ask for Color Card 1 DEMPSEY hardware CO. \j WJ?’ Jackson, Georgia The mild, yet satisfying Chesterfield blend is not the result of happy chance. It is one of the results of our many years of cigarette experience —of the heavy volume of our purchases of cigarette to bacco — of the prestige and advantage these enormous purchases give us in se curing the choicest leaf from the tobacco fields of the world. Chesterfields are an achievement. A New Thing for a Cigarette to Do do the one thing you have always wished a cigarette would ando —they satisfy ! Smoke them and we believe you will find that ordinary cigarettes seem by comparison almost flat. Give Chesterfields a trial. T vVe believe you will be glad to learn what they can teach you about cigarette enjoyment. ★ * * You have been reading here some rather unusual, almost daring, state ments about a cigarette. If Chesterfields were an untried cigarette if we had not been observing their behavior in other cities —if we did not KNOW that they make good with smokers, we could not afford to make these statements to you over our signature. But these statements, strong as they are, can mean little or nothing to you until you have actually smoked your first Chesterfield. You will find that your own dealer has Chesterfields waiting for you. Largest cicarette manufacturer in the United States as shown ty internal Revenue reoort*. thods let us respect our neighbor’s opinion as we would have him respect ours. Yours for peace and prosperity. A. M. Pace. Kingan’s Breakfast Bacon 32c with order. Paul No len & Cos.