The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 23, 1916, Image 5

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WHATCANYOUDOFBR CATARRH? Ask Yourself the question. How often has the doctor failed, as have ointments, salves, vapours? What you should do. The easy, common-sense method — that costs so little —that is so quickly and vigorously effective —is often the last resort of many Catarrh sufferers. Why, it is hard to say. One of the specialists of the Swift Specific Com pany inAAtlantaa —a physician of stand ing and national reputation because of his knowledge of blood disorders, made the assertion that if the majority of Catarrh sufferers would buy and faith fully take S. S. S., they could effectu ally get rid of Catarrh. S. S. S. goes straight to the seat of trouble, the blood. It spreads its in fluence over every organ in the body, comes through the veins and arteries, enables the mucous surfaces to ex change acids and irritating substances for red blood corpuscles that effectual ly cleanse the system and thus put an end to all Catarrhal poison. S. S. S. cleans out the stomach of mucous ac cumulations, enables only pure, blood JACKSON NATIONAL MAKES GOOD SHOWING When the board of directors of the Jackson National Bank met last Saturday they declared a regular semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent. The earnings for the first six months of 1916 were de clared to have been the largest in the history of the bank. This was due, it was said, to the fed eral reserve svstem by which lo cal banks are able to secure money at a low rate of interest. The federal reserve system also enables local banks to bet er serve their customers, it is stated. The Jackson National is Butts county’s largest bank. The in stitution is in a prosperous con dition, as the semi-annual divi dend shows, and the annual report next January will probably be a most encouraging one. NOTICE The trustees of the Camp Ground give public notice that people will not be allowed to operate stores or stands of any nature whatever during the com ing meeting, without first making written application and recieving per mit signal by the Secretary and Presi dent of the association. Form of appli cation can be had by calling on F. C. Benson. The law is on our side and violators will not be permitted to operate. Still Another Cotton Blossom Is Reported Boss Tanner, of Towaliga, liv ing on Mr. T. J. Ridgeway’s farm, sent The Progress-Argus, Wed nesday, a cotton blossom, which is the fifth of the season received at this office. Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, inclose with 5c to Foley & Cos., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Fo ley’s Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar tic Tablets. Specially comforting to stout persons. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. For Rent or Sale The Webb place on College st., 6 room house with all modern conveniences. J. H. Stephens, Griffin, J, B. Quartermus or J. B. Guthrie. Jackson. 6 2-4tp C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years A,w *£ b “” Signature of making materials to enter the intes tines, combines with these food ele ments to enter the circulation, and in less than an hour is at work through out the body in process of purification. S. S. S. is made from barks, roots and herbs that are food and tonic for the blood. It stimulates —gives the blood power to throw off poisons. You will soon realize its wonderful influ ence by the absence of headache, a clearing of the air passages, a steadily improved nasal condition, and a sense of bodily relief that proves how com pletely Catarrh often infests the entire system. You will find S. S. S. on sale at all drug stores. It is a remarkable rem edy for all blood affections, such as Eczema, Rash, Lupus, Tetter, Psorias is, Boils, and all other diseased condi tions of the blood. For special advice on anv blood disease write The Swift Specific Company, Medical Depart ment, Room 11, Atlanta, Ga. Avoid substitutes. Some Mistakes About Animal Ailments (W. M. BURSON, Prof. Vet. Sc., Ga. State College Of Agriculture.) "HOLLOW TAIL.” A disease of the imagination of man. The tails of cows are not hollow. In many cows there is a section of the tail near the end in which the framework of gristle has failed to become changed into bone. This renders the tail very flexible at this point. It is not a diseased condition. Examination of the tails of the cows in a large herd will disclose that many cows that have never been sick have the condition as described above. Splitting the tail and rubbing salt or other substances into the fresh wound is very poor treatment for a sick animal. It is better to make a proper diagnosis of the ail ment and administer the proper treat ment. When in doubt call your veterina rian, it is his business to know. LOSS OF CUD: Rumination or chewing the cud is an essential pro cess of digestion in all animals hav ing multiple stomachs. Among the domestic animals these include the cow, sheep and goat. Rumination or regurgitation and re mastication consists in the animal belching up from the stomach a quan tity of coarse food that has soaked for some time in the paunch, remasti cating it and again swallowing it. The process is carried on usually when the animal is lying or standing at rest. It cannot occur when the animal is an gry or excited. It is stopped also dur ing periods of serious illness or de rangement of the nervous system. Loss of cud is usually indicative of a de ranged condition of the digestive sys tem of the animal. Indiana Man’s Experience Frank Moseley, Moore’s Hill, Ind., writes: “I was troubled with almost constant psins in my sides and back. Great relief w as apparent after the first dose of Foley Kidney Pills and in 48 hours all pah left me.” Foley Kidney Pills make kidneys active and health ful and stop sleep-disturbing bladder ailments. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the Voters of Butts C >unty: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Representative from Butts county in the next General Assembly, subject to the regulations of the state democratic executive committee. In making this announc merit for re-eb c tion I pledge myself that s ould tin* voters again entrust me with this posi tion of trust and honor t > continue to represent the interest of my county and state to the best of my ability. The votes and support of the people will be appreciated. Respectfully, 1 C. A. TOW LES. FOR CONGRESS I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congress for the Sixth Congressional District of Georgia, sul*- ject to such rules and regulations as the Executive Committee may provide governing the primary. I appreciate the past kindness of the people of the district to me. and assure you that I will be verv grateful for your “ UPr ”' l - J. W. WISE. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R I A LEGAL ADVERTISE MENTS NOTICE Notice is hereby given, as provided by law, that we intend to apply at the next session of the Legislature of Geor gia, for the passage of a local or special bill, with title as follows: “An act to fix the salary of theTreas user of Butts county, in lieu of com missions as now paid, to provide for the payment thereof, and for other pur poses.” C. A. Towles, Representative Butts Cos. H. M. Fletcher, Senator 26th Dist. FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND Georgia, Butts County. Notice is hereby given that Jack L. Patterson, executor of Mary Jane Pat terson, has applied to the Ordinary of said county tor leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Mary Jane Patterson for the payment of debts and for distribution among heirs. Said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in July, 1916. This sth day of June, 1916. J. H. Ham, Ordinary. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION Notice is hereby given that in the session of the General Assembly for 1916 there will be introduced a bill entitled “A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act to establish a new’ charter for the town of Flovilla, in Butts county, Georgia, approved December 27th, 1890, and published in Volume II of Georgia Laws 1890-1891, p. 588 et se<p, as amen ded by an act approved August 18th, 1907, published in Georgia Laws 1907, p. 649, changing the corporate name from the Town of Flovilla to the City of Flovilla; and for other purposes.” LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Georgia, Butts County. T. E. Watkins vs Grace Bell Watkins The defendant, Grace Bell Watkins, is hereby required personally or by at torney, to be and appear at the Super ior Court, to be held in and for said county on the third Monday in August next, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s demand in an action of com plaint, as in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Honorable Wm. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Judge of said Court, this 27th day of April, 1916. S. J. FOSTER, Clerk. How To Make Bordeaux Mixture (T. H. McIIATTON, Prof. Horticul ture, Georgia State College of Agr.) Recommendations are being made for spraying Bordeaux mixture for many fungous diseases or wilts, and care should be exercised in making it. By following the formula here with given an effective mixture cun be obtained: Dissolve 3 pounds of blue stone in a small pail of water When dissolved dilute to twenty-five gallons. Slack six pounds of lime in a small amount of water and dilute to twenty-five gallons. Pour the two so lutions at the same time into a bar rel through a screen to catch the lumps of material remaining. While pouring stir the contents of the bar rel vigorously. Mixing thoroughly in this way is very essential to prevent crystals forming and thereby bring about a reduction of the strength of the mixture. Making The Most Of June To enjoy the beautiful month of June to the utmost, one must be in good health. Kidneys failing to work prop erly cause aches and pains, rheumatism lumbago, soreness, stillness. Foley Kidney Pills make kidneys active and healthy and banish suffering and mis ery. Why not feel fine and fit? Be well! Be strong! The Owl Pharmacy, ad v. COAL From Mines to Consumer Bonita Jellico Coal Delivered in Jackson June Shipment $4.36 per ton July Shipment $4.46 per ton August Shipment $4.61 per ton HAMILTON FUEL SUPPLY CO. Knoxville, Tenn. Hugh M. Dorsey States Exactly Where He Stands Law enforcement and retention of the Western and Atlantic Railroad stand out conspicuously in the plat form of Hugh M. Dorsey, candidate for governor. Mr. Dorsey pledges, if he is elect ed, to use every power of the gover nor “to enforce all the law’s upon the statute books .... equally and impartially, alike to rich and poor and high and low.” “The Constitution bars the door of the jury room .... and bars the door of the courtroom to the gover nor . . . .” says he, declaring he will apply consistently the laws con trolling executive clemency. “Our courts only must be permit ted to punish violators of our laws, and must not be thwarted by any ag gregation of citizens who may seek to assume the functions which our whole people have delegated to our courts. Prohibition Laws “I favor, and if elected governor, shall enforce in letter and spirit to the full limit of the powers vested in that office the laws prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicants in this state. I shall oppose consist ently any change or modification of the present law’s unless such change or modification first has been declar ed to be the expressed will of the white voters of Georgia.” Mr. Dorsey says the courts are hampered too often by technicalities and urges that this condition be rem edied without depriving those charged with crime of any right now guaran teed to them. W. and A. Railroad "I oppose the sale of the Western and Atlantic Railroad,” Mr. Dorsey de clares flatly, “and if elected governor I shall exercise all the influence and authority of that office to defeat any measure looking toward the sale of this valuable property.” He shows how this position is based not on sentiment but on sound busi ness principle. “The policy of the state, expressed in recent legislation forbidding the paralleling of this railroad, will be carried out to the letter by me as governor,” he declares. He favors letting the Georgia coun ties through which the W. and A. passes, tax it as it is taxed in Ten nessee; favors separate disposition of the terminals in Atlanta and Chatta nooga; and a short term lease of 29 years for the railroad. He says the extension of the W. and A. to the sea may become necessary for the preservation of the property, hut that, in any event, it merits seri ous consideration as offering wonder ful advantage in developing and di versifying our commerce. Better Education Terming the children of Georgia her (ADVERT! Agricultural Engineering Building Erected at College A large and handsome three story building has just been completed at the College of Agriculture for use of the Department of Agricultural En gineering—the largest and best build ing of the kind in the south. It. was dedicated at commencement of the University. In this building are for ges, woodworking plants, drawing rooms, farm machinery of every kind, concrete testing laboratories, farm home appliances, farm engineering implements, etc. It has been built from proceeds of the farm under direc tion of the College at remarkably low cost. MOTE WATTS UNDERTAKER TROY WILLIS LICENSED EMBALMER Phones Day 61 Night 149 first asset as a state, Mr. Dorsey fa vors liberal appropriation to the com mon schools and some provision of law’ insuring fuller utilization of school facilities. He favors the atat© making a beginning in the matter of furnishing school books free or at least at cost of production. He favors appropriations to the state’s other edu cational institutions fully commensu rate with their needs. He declares the constitutional limitation with reference to disposition of money from the pub lic treasury should be observed strict ly; and that the state should pay her school teachers promptly. Mr. Dorsey declares the development of farming should be encouraged in every way and all inducements offered to young men to engage in its prof itable pursuit. The marketing of farm products being of paramount im portance, and good roads being a first essential to this, he favors co-ordina tion of the state’s road building under a highway commission, in order that even better roads than now may be built more economically, and also that the state may qualify for federal good roads funds. Pensions For Veterans Mr. Dorsey favors continuing the state’s present appropriation for pen sions and distributing its total each year among the fewer and fewer vet erans and widows who remain, until some reasonable maximum payment per pensioner has been attained. Mr. Dorsey urges that part of the state prison farm equipment be used to care for the criminally insane, for whose custody the state now makes no special provision. He favors bi ennial legislative sessions, of fifty days each; health legislation suggest ed by the progress of science; says conditions under which a large body of our citizens live and labor in factories should receive the Intelligent supervi sion of the state. He says the penalty for violation of the law against usury should be made effective and more uni formly appropriate to the offense. Auditing And Efficiency In order that the auditing of public accounts of the state and its counties, now being done irregularly and at con siderable aggregate cost, may be done better and more economically, Mr. Dorsey favors the centralization of all this work in one responsible state de partment of auditing. He favors also the creation, without cost, of an efficiency commission composed of the governor, the treasurer and some other state house officer, to save much money from waste by systematizing the present cumbersome plan of state accounting. “Our people should receive even, greater benefits than now from praM ent revenues,” says Mr. Dorsey in ooiM elusion. “No increase in the ta* XMM should be necessary.” ** BEMENT) Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S OASTO R I A Kingan’s Breakfast Bacon 32c with order. Paul No len & Cos. How To Get Rid Of A Cold Read how ('. K. Summers, Hold redge, Neb., got rid of his cold: "I con tracted a severe cough and cold and could hardly Bleep. By using Foley’s Honey and Tar as directed my cough was entirely cured and I give it full credit for my sjreedy recovery.” Foley’s always soothes and heals. Children love it. The Owl Pharmacy, adv.