The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 23, 1916, Image 6

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-u 1 ' - * 1 ; sfet Contents 15 Plaid Drachms ' / • *■ • * ,-C <ir. .•/.,■ fi, >4* -.-■- ‘-v a -' .■ -Wr ■ , - . , , , *.,'! - . . . / i 4 \ ** >*■* con#, rn O/mo. Ncm J <..<-*,' 4 ?. Dr Saiwuci Pifrhrc, i}rrm Poinc<ffo r. rfcfo rnxm Conii tir ac 5 o r ;.^ t o Jurfispoificao. Tcbl'i cit.Vntc r PeRCAJO Sovo - : XEW YORK. CASTORIA alcohol-3 ran A Vegetable PreparationtorAs simiiatiuftllicToodandnc^ 1 Sin mactis awl Bnwelsoyj I’roiimlcsl)i^cblion.(i ncssandßcstCoutiuns^l Opium,Morphine noriUMfliJ Not Narcotic. , MapofOhlDrAUnmnOEL j, PmnnMn ~ JlxSrrmu * 1 P I JfrclifUf S(diS - I I AnixSted* I HnviSftd- I (laritM.'hmr J Ufiiirrjmn nmr 9 j facsimile Signature o£ 1 THE^ENrjui* l COMPAKt | NKVV r Exact Copy of Wrapper. INDIAN SPRING Mrs. Lula Saunders Heath is at the Calumet for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Mead Crawford and Virginia are com fortably domiciled at the Varner House cottage. Misses Bessie ami Daisey Butler of Madison, attended the dedica tion of the Varner-Mclntosh Me morial exercises. Miss Butler is a member of “The Ellen Wil son Memorial Fund.” She went on to Atlanta to attend a meeting of the committee. Misses Fannie Gibson and Viola Slaughter were shaking hands Pay Roll Butts County Chain Gang For May, 1916 Vouchers 904 Stark Gregory, repairs $ 28 15 905 Dink Hodges, free labor •*._ --- 35 00 900 E G Duke, pistol... 12 50 907 J H Smith, syrup. --- 30 75 908 H G Singley, provisions 12 48 909 Walter Creg, provisions 900 910 Emmett Williams, peas 312 911 Thurston & Harper, repairs 31 70 912 Emmett Toney & Cos, provisions 137 00 913 A L Perdue, vegetables V. 200 914 J T McClure. Warden 90 00 915 Sam Cook, guard 45 00 916 J A McClure, guard 45 00 917 H C Mote, guard 45 00 918 J C Duke, free labor 35 00 919 Dink Hodges, free labor 35 00 920 Walter Cole, free labor 40 00 921 Gus Lavender, free labor... 29 04 922 W R Mayson. free labor 35 00 923 McKibben Buggy Cos, oil 476 73 924 J S Edwards & Son, repairs.. 109 40 925 Slaton Drug Cos. drugs 16 05 926 A R Conner, fish 625 927 J H Patrick, hauling 300 928 Newton-Carmichael Hardware Cos. tools 61 64 929 J S Johnson & Cos. chairs 450 930 Jackson Mercantile Cos. stock food and provisions 190 69 931 W L Varnado, work 39 80 932 Armour & Cos. provisions... 74 37 933 Fletcher Duke, provisions 125 934 AC Wooley &Cos. provisions. 63 79 935 Dempsey Hardware Cos. tools 33 15 936 L D Hoard, provisions 20 18 $1,795.54 J. O. GASTON. Commissioner JOSEPH JOLLY, Clerk iCASTQRIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always I . Bears the /%$ S ™ ft 1° HhK Se VA For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. | with their many Indian Spring \ friends, Monday. Misses Maggie Currie and Marie McMichael are early birds to get a good drink of water every morning. They motor down. Mrs. William Lee Eilis, of Ma con. a daughter of Hon. Gazaway Lamar, one of the signers of the Treaty at Indian Spring, is a guest of the Wigwam. Mrs. T. M. Furlow’s friends will be glad to know of her im proved health. She is a guest of the Bryans house. Miss Lucile Elder is in Athens attending the graduating exer- ROSTER OF FAMOUS BOTTS COUNTY COMPANY OF VETS The following is a roster of the “Byars Volunteers,” Cos. I, For ty-Fifth Georgia regiment, C. S. A., which The Progress-Argus has been requested to publish: Officers Capt., L. J. Dupree Ist Lieut., J. I. Jiiill 2nd Lieut., J. M. Carter iird Lieut., C. M. Dickerson Ist Sergeant, 0. K. Garsides 2nd Sergeant, J. 15. Nutt 3rd Sergeant, W. G. Heard 4tli Sergeant, J. M. Hodge sth Sergeant, W. D. Thomas Ist Corporal, J. J. Kelley 2nd Corporal, \V. M. Ridgeway 3rd Corporal, Janies Moore Itli Corporal, L. M Seigler Privates R. W. Aik in R. It. Wilson 11. M. Amos Wm. Banks W. W. Benson H. G. Bearden J. T. Byars Richard Byars J. 1-:. Bancroft A. R. Jones J. S. Britton J. R. Kindrick J. I*. Britton J. G. Kimball S. J. Bankston W. J. Kimball S. N. Carson J. T. Kimball W. It. Carr W H Kimbrough J. Carter C. M. Kimbrough A. J. Coleman J. H. Kelley J. F. Cook It. P. Lindsay W. It. Dickerson W. S. Leguinn S. M. Etheridge T. W. McDaniel It. Fincher J. S. McDaniel A. G. Gunn J. H. McGougli John Lee Z. Maddox W. C. Gilmore J. W. Mayo J. H. Garr H. H. Martin W. L. Grant J. B. Murphey W. G. Goodroe H. S. Mays J. P. Herring J. W. Nutt A. Hammond 8. J. Norris It. Heard E. Nelms W. M. Harris J. N. Phillips Early Higgins G. W. Phillips W. K. Haswell W. W. Proctor J. A. Hardaway J. Robinson 1). W. Hudgins J. M. Ridgeway W. L. Jones Wm. Smith G. W. Sharp J. C. Smith J. It. Thurston Thos. Shepard T. Turner W. W,Thaxton M. Turner J. H. Tollison J. D. Thompson j. F. Tingle J. P. Weaver A. J. Varner W. M. Wise C. M. Wise W. M. Wooten S. Wyatt L. J. Whitehead Magnolia Balm is t Liquid Face Powder used by famous beauties. If you have Sunburn, Tan or Freckles try ZlZagnolia palm. It quickly -??ops the burn and removes Tan and Flemishes. Makes your skin soft and smooth. Easy to use and .rf-SSSsGk— sure to please. W hile, ‘Pink, Pose-Red. 75c. at Druggists or by mail direct. V. SAMPLE FREEmB,#'- LYON MFG. CO., jf 40 So. sth St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Cg cises of Mr. Joel Mallet. Mrs. Elder Cornell and two sons, of Macon are spending the summer at the New Elder. Rev. Robert VanDeventer, pas tor, will preach at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Everybody invited. FLO VILLA NEWS Messrs. G. R. Lynch, M. H. Barnes and J. L. Holloway, of Macon, were guests of relatives Sunday. Misses Annie Kate Lynch and Lois Allen spent Sunday in Jack son with Miss Lucie Goodman. Mr. George Smith, of Atlanta, is spending a few days with rel atives. Mr. Julian Fleming, of Gog gansville, waa a recent visitor to Flovilla friends. Mr. H. E. White spent Monday in Atlanta and Mrs. A. F. White spent Tuesday in Macon. Miss Lurline Lawson spent Monday in Atlanta. The young people enjoyed a will r T~ , HF man who uses Fisk Nc - pi \\\ \ 1 Skids knows he cannot buy ai/V \\\ ii. greatertirevalue.moremileageor %4a\ \W Is* JsX\ \V w f£\ Present Low Prices ! ig&l y\ On Fisk Grey Non-Skid Casings V"~ \ • \\ > v MOV || 11 31x30.13.40 41x36.31.55 4 rr° 3x37,3730 Buttrill Bros. delightful picnic and fish fry at Smith’s Ferry Tuesday evening. Miss Willie Wrenn left Monday for a visit in Kentucky. Mrs. Lucy Douglas, Master Dozier Walker, Mr. Joe Bill Ter rel, Misses Opal Vickers, Inez Smith, Lula Dozier, Alice Cum ming, Nelle Millen and Marilu Terrel are enjoying a very pleas ant outing at a camp near the Central Georgia power plant on the Ocmulgee river. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Blackwell, of Monticello, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Thompson. Mr. M. H. Thompson, of Jack son, Miss., is spending sometime with relatives. Miss Elizabeth Lewis, of Jack son, is spending several days with friends. Mrs. Andrew Wood of Douglas, and Mrs. F. L. Watts, of Jack son, spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. S. Gumming. Miss Minnie O’Neal came over last Thursday from Columbus to bring little Dorothy Jewett and when she returned Saturday was accompanied as far as Macon by Mrs. C. C. Jewett who spent the day there. Miss Bettie Lindsey, of For syth is spending the week with Miss Alice Smith. Miss Nelle Davis spent the past week-end in Jackson with relatives. Mrs. Leila Glover, of Macon, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S: M. Glover. Miss Elizabeth Westbrook, of Blount, is spending the week with relatives. Mr. Harry Thomas has accept ed the position of night clerk at A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in ootn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. LISTEN Till further notice I will make pictures Friday and Saturday only. J. B. GUTHRIE. Hotel Elder. Miss Ruth Roberts, of Coving ton, is with Mr. E. L. Lawson and Miss Lurline Lawson for a visit of several days. Masters Charles and Claude Jewett are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. West brook at Blount this week. Mrs. R. B. Thompson enter tained informally Thursday even ing for two attractive visitors, Miss May Lane, of Monticello, and Miss Brown, of McDonough. Miss Lizzie Edwards entertain ed at a pleasant spend the day party recently in honor of Mrs. McCann, of Lakeland, Fla. The other guests were Mrs. Lizzie Goodman, Mrs. T. G. Preston and Mrs. F. C. Maddux. How To Feel Good Tomorrow Indigestion quickly develops sick headache, biliousness, bloating, sour stomach, gas on stomach, bad breath or some of the other conditions caused by clogged or irregular bowels. If you have any of these symtoms, take a Foley Cathartic Tablet this evening and you will feel better in the morn ing. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Kingan’s Breakfast Bacon 32c with order. Paul No len & Cos. Another Cotton Blossom Was Reported Tuesday Mr. A. R. Conner sent in the second cotton blossom of the sea son, Tuesday. He states that he has about an acre of that growth and that it is looking particulary fine. Mr. Conner in addition to being a first class market man finds time to do a little high grade farming on the side. The Boy is Father to the Man Old sayings like this are fraught witli 3 most important meaning. And what mother In conserving | / eence of vexati ou a vast moment Among 3 splendid remedy the muscles ft P sinks in \ J deeply to make them JkJha/ B firm and pliant it thus " lifts the strain on ligaments that produce pain, it lightens the burden on the nervous system, induces calm, restful nights of health-giving sleep and makes the days sunny and happy. Get a bottle of “Mauler's Friend” of any druggist and you will then realise why it has been considered true to its name in our best homes through three generations. It is perfectly harmless but so effective that once used It Is recommended to all expectant mothers by those who went through the ordeal with surprising ease. By writing to Bradfleld Regulator Cos„ 412 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Gs* you can have a free copy of a wonderful stork book that nnfolds those things which all expectant mothers delight W raoT Write today.