The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 30, 1916, Image 4

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JACKSON KNIGHTS PYTHIAS TO HAVE ’CUE WEDNESDAY Jackson Lodge No. 131, Knights of Pythias, will have a barbecue at Mallet’s Springs Wednesday afternoon, July 5, at 6 o’clock. All Sir Knights are requested to be present, with their wives or sweethearts. The committee is particularly anxious to have the ladies present. This is the first barbecue ot tie gggg r J'l J • ELEVEN well-known automobiles have advanced in price within the last ninety days. The Maxwell Company has not increased their prices. We do not know what their plans are, but we do know and you know that materials entering into the construction of good automobiles now cost from 20 to 300 per cent more than they did six months ago. Nothing is to be gained by delay. Much may be lost. Not only may you lose several dollars in the purchase price, but you are sacrificing the enjoyment, the relaxation, the health-giving prop erties—everything, in fact, that makes motoring the favorite pastime of the nation. We urge you to come in and investigate the Maxwell. Or, we will refer you to any number of Maxwell owners and let them tell you their own story in their own way. They will tell you what they have told us. That the Maxwell is good-looking —that it is powerful—that it is comfortable—that it is economical—in short, that it is the best investment they ever made. They will tell you more and they will tell you gladly and freely. That’s the way they feel toward us and the Maxwell Car. Whatever you do, don’t put this off. We have a few cars on hand and can take orders for immediate or future delivery —at present prices . If you can’t come in today, phone us for a Maxwell demonstration. Touring Car $655 Roadster $635 F. O. B. DETROIT McKibben Buggy Cos. AGENTS Jackson, Georgia Time Payments if Desired Indiana. Mao’s Experience Frank Moseley, Moore’s Hill, Ind., writes: “I was troubled with almost constant pains in my sides and back. tJreat relief was apparent after the first dose of Foley Kidney Pills and in 48 hours all pain left me.” Foley Kidney Pills make kidneys active and health ful and stop sleep-disturbing bladder ailments. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. season given bv Jackson lodge K. of P., and no efforts will be spared to make it elaborate and enjoyable. A large attendance is expected. STARK CANNING MEMBERS HEAR REPORTS OF WORK The Stark Progressive Club met June 10. when the questions discussed were pruning, staking and insect pests. The Sunbeams came to the meeting and there were also present Misses Mary Willard Lewis and Lois Conner from the Jackson club. After the business session Miss Lewis gave an interesting reading which was enjoyed by both old and young. The members of the club are requested to be present Saturday before second Sunday in July-at school house at 3 o’clock. Come prepared to tell the story of your work up to that time. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORI A ggggg How To Get Rid Of A Cold Read how C. E. Summers, Hold redge, Neb., got rid of his cold: “I con tracted a severe cough and cold and could hardly sleep. By using Foley’s Honey and Tar as directed my cough was entirely cured and I give it full credit for my speedy recovery. ” Foley’s always soothes and heals. Children love it. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. FOR KENT Rooms with bath for rent July first at the Crum House. Rates reasonable. J. W. Brown 6-16-tf