The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 07, 1916, Image 8

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KNOXVILLE MAN BAS NOW LAID CRUTCHES ASIDE Rheumatism and Kidney Affedtion of Eight Years’ Standing Have Entirely Disappeared, He Says “Yes, sir. it's a fact, this time last month I was one of the sick est men you ever saw,” said Frank Jinks, who lives on the Martin Mill pike. South Knox ville, Tenn., “and today I feel as well and strong as I ever felt in my life. “I have been suffering from kidney troubles for the past eight years, and the pains in my back at times would almost kill me. When I had these spells I would have to quit work. I have lost as high as three weeks at a time. I also suffered a great deal with rheumatism. About six weeks ago 1 had it so bad I couldn’t walk without crutches. My feet were so swollen I couldn’t even put on my shoes. My suffering was terrible, and once or twice it got so bad I cried. “The doctor seemed unable to give me any relief and his medi cine seemed to tear my stomach all to pieces. You do not have to take my word for what I am telling you—there are 20 people who knew of my condition who will tell you the same thing. My case has been the talk of the neighborhood, and everybody is praising the medicine. “Tanlac has done me so much good I hardly know how to praise it. Only two weeksafterl began taking it I was able to lay my crutches aside and I can now walk as good as anybody. Only a few days ago I walked from the race track to the South Knoxville Macadam company, a distance of about four miles. I am now back at work again and can go about as good asanybody.* It has not only cured my back and rheu matism, but I feel absolutely well in every way. I simply can’t get enough to eat and everything seems to agree with me. My strength has returned also, and I have gained ten pounds in weight. When I go to bed at night I sleep like a child—something I haven’t done for months. * ‘I f anyone doubts what you tell them about my case, just tell them to call new phone 1923-B and I will be more than glad to tell them about the wonderful benefit I have received from it. Tanlac is worth its weight in gold and I will always feel greatful for what it has done for me.” Tanlac is sold bv Slaton Drug Cos., in Jackson, and Dr. A. F. White in Flovilla. Moore & Cos., at Cork, J. E. & W. R. Kitchens, Fincherville. Ga. (adv) Pension Checks Have Been Received Here Judge J. H. Ham. Ordinary, has received a check for the bal ance due on pensions, the total number of pensioners biing sand the amount S3OO. This includes those pensioners added to the roll last year and for which the legis made no provision for payment. The money has since been re ceived and the pensioners are now being paid. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA ST OR I A JACKSON BOY ON BORDER EXPECTS TROUBLE SOON That the situation on the Mex ican border is pretty tense and that action is expected now at any time is shown by a letter re ceived this vtfeek by Mr. J. H. Carmichael from Charles Pinck ney, a former Jackson boy, who resides now in Douglas, Arizona. Mr. Pinckney will be remember ed by many of the older citizens. He left Jackson about the time of the Spanish-American war. Not knowing of the changes that have taken place in Jackson, the letter was addressed to the Car michael Company, by whom he was formerly employed, and is as follows: Douglas, Ariz., June 28, 1916. To Mr. J. H. Carmichael, E. L. or R. L. Smith. Just to let you know that lam in the middle of things here, as we are located about half mile from Mexican line. Hope to see some of the Georgia boys out this way and can assure them a lively time as the Mexicans are massing be low the line and an attack on Douglas is expected anv time. Banks sent money out of town this morning. Regards to J. J. Thornton, A. H. Smith and old acquaintances, R. N. Etheridge. Very truly yours, Charles Pinckney. OCMULGEE BASEBALL LEA6UE IS SUGBESTEB Base ball enthusiasts—how does the name “Ocmulgee” league ap peal to you? We think it would be a splendid cognomen—inas much as Monticello, Eatonton, Covington. Madison, Greensboro, Jackson, Forsyth. Monroe and others are all in hailing distance of the “muddy waters” (ala In dian name for this river) and then too —inasmuch as the waters are somewhat muddy as to who is in the lead of games won so far this season. We do not intend the above squib as any thing that borders on “mudslinging” —we are in earnest. Let’s christen ITllfc “Ocmulgee” league!—Monticello News. ‘fe Only Grand Prize (HiJliestAward^^hk Dictionaries at IKe Pacific nos giinkJfo WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL vom Superiority of Educational Merit This new creation answer* with final authority all kinds of puzzling questions such as “How is Pnemytl pronounced?" “Where is Flan dent ” “ What is a continuous voy age?” * ‘What is a hoicitzerf” * ‘What ia white coalt” “How is skat pro nounced?” and thousands of others. More than 400,000 OocaWary Taiuifc 30,000 Boagraphical Biographical Entries. On* o#o ni trations. 2700 Pages. The only dictios f uKhttraOMM page— •• Writ* for rperi , 4 fl|n men rw% a nd nui you name hia W 4 MEttiAM*CA, Says They Are Wonderful Hot weather is doubly dangerous when digestion is bad. Constipation, sick headache, biliousness, or other conditions caused by clogged bowela yield quickly to Foley Carthartic Tab let*. Mis. Elizabeth Slauson, So. Nor walk, Conn., writes: “I can honestly say they are wonderful.” The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Y lk /r Ek f y.B i .//7 f ii hpj I CK flr Vf m ah Br # like a cool drink 'when youre thirsty— they satisfy f When ycuVe reel thirsty— cold water! It satisfies! When you want to smoke — Chesterfields! They satisfy! But, Chesterfields are mild, too! This new? Aindf of enjoyment — mildnett together with “satisfy 99 offers smokers what no other cigarette can offer, because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield Get £• ..;s nssf; &£m/ of enjoyment today# j > Get Chesterfields! / 'f Or, c 1 GAR.GTTE S Xfo<jSAft££]f { ii? p .ck2L„riS *** *' Willie Thelma Maddox Passed Away Thursday Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Maddox have the sympathy of their many friends in the death of their eighteen-months-old daughter, Willie Thelma, which occured at their home at 5 o’clock Thursday afternoon of last week. The child had been sick only a short time, death being due to dysentery. Besides its parents, little Willie Thelma is survived by four broth ers and sisters. i The funeral took place at Sardis .church Friday afternoon at 3 j o’clock, and Rev. Jas. Fincher conducted the services. Inter ment was in the Sardis cemetery. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as the? cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Halls Ca tarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall’s Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect com bination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Cure is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal condi tions. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY * CO.. Props.. Toledo, O. All Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation With our un-uniformed and un equipped soldiers in camp at Ma con, it is about time for Sister Susie to quit knitting socks for the sick soldiers of Europe, and for Sister Bertha to quit basting belly-bands for the Belgians, and BEST TONIC IS S.S.S. Few people get through the winter and spring without attacks from one of the many blood maladies that leave them weak and unfit to meet the try ing warm season, and the blood so freighted with poisons that it is in capable of supplying the energy and tissue building properties necessary to health. This condition is revealed in manr ways, and by many symptoms, but all point to one thing—infected blood. And just as surely they call foe the one true and tried S. S. S. Emory University Academy Oxford. Ga. rrinarne Tinr fnr rnirnnilitinii-il ffltrsnrnintn ttuitirrt rnTlf n %Eniriilinr ■i bnnls Tn full conformity with present standard requirements. Every facility 9w the beet care of boys, physical, mental, moral, will be supplied as occasion demands. Sea the catalogue before placing your sou elsewhere. Addreea A. M. BOGHLETT. A. M.. LL. 0.. Principal. OXFORD. GA. for both of them to light in and!? mend a few old garments, or make some new ones, for our own sol dier boys before they are sent 4 * away to Mexico.—Augusta Chron icle. It insures blood purity and health. S. S. S. for 50 years has been the standard treatment for all blood trot** bles. Catarrh, rheumatism, malaria, skin diseases, and other troubles aris ing from impure and impoverished* blood yield to S, S, S. The best tonid Get S. S. S. from the drug store, and regain jrour health. Don't take a sub stitute. It is guaranteed purely vege\ table. Write us for free medical ad-' vice. Address Medical Department 53 Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, Ga. iTHE NEW,