The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 21, 1916, Image 6

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TIT Ity not give your lad TV 111 the same training? “When I wu > growing Ud. and came upon many worda in my reading that I did not understand, my mother, in atead of giving me the definition when I applied to her, uniformly sent me to the dictionary to team it, and in this way I gradually learned many thinga besides the meaning of the individual word in question among other things, how to use a dictionary, and the great pleasure and advantage there might be in the ur.e of the dictionary. Afterwards, when I went to the village school, my chief diversion, after lea sons were learned and before they were recited, was in turning over the ppgee of the ‘ I'nahrldged ’ of thoee days. Now the most modern Una bridged— the NEW lio’iiiiii.’.TlONAL — gives me a re of the same sort. Bo far as nr.y knowledge extends, it in at present the best of the one-volume dictionaries, and quite sufficient for all ordinary uses. Even those who possess the spiendid dictionaries in several volumes will yet find it a great convenience to have this, which is so compact, so full, and ao trustworthy as to leave, in most cases, little to be desired.”— Albert S. Cook, I > h.D.,LL.I>.. Professor of the English Language and Literature, Ynie Univ. April 28,1911. V,'RITE for Specimen Pages, Illustrations, Etc. of WLBBTER B HEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY G. &C. MERRIAM COMPANY, For Over 6S Years Publishers of The Genuine Webster’s Dictionaries, SPRINGFIELD, MASS., U.S. A. FLOVILLA NEWS Mr. Van Moore, of Macon, is the guest of Mr. W. A. Dozier. Mrs. J. L. Holloway, Mrs. J. T. (Jib son and Miss Lois Allen were recent I Consider the Mothers He alth f after childbirth by taking necessary precautions be fore tln> trying ordeal, \ V by using “Mother’s An. Friend” to assist na ture in preparing I “ lwn<u | for many years has her for the Remedy for I been the means of giv sieal Pvnon+aW a in K relief to thousands of / -Lxpecxanx/ moth( , rs It is an exter . j nnl remedy with unex- M celled merits, and should be M T in the home of every expectant mother. Druggist sell it. i'”'' —-sj. a Send for free bopk on Motherhood. Address The Bradfield Regulator Cos., 202 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE We have sold our blacksmith shop, near Stodg hill & Crawford Company’s market and Mr. Thurston is back with Thurston & Harper on Second street, near Chero-Cola Bottling Com pany. We are prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing, Repairing, W eld - ing, Farm Work, Etc. In the most approved manner and will appreci ate a share of your patronage. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a call. Thurston & Harper Jackson, Georgia ■■ 7 . ; ——v-v, • jp v '"wj' ■nwupi t v. Emory University Academy Oxford, Ga. PiSNHS boys to unconditioned entrance into tbs bsst eoUe*** and atientiic schools, in full conformity with present standard requirements. Every facility for the beet cars of boys, physical, mental, moral, will be supplied as occasion demands. See the catalogue before placing your son elsewhere. Address A. M. BUGBLCTT, A. M., LL. D., Principal, OXFORD, GA. EMWEERINvi ARCHITECTURE and COMMERCE Georgia*!*ech is educating young men for positions of use* fulness, responsibility, and power in industrial and business life. Its graduates are trained to do as well as to know. Their success is the school’s greatest asset. Students have won highest honors fa various competitions. Thorough courses in Mechaaical, Electrical,' Civil, Textile end Chemical EaSiaeeriag, Chemistry, Architecture and Coal* merce. New equipment, including a $200,000 Power Station and Engineering Laboratory for experimental and research work.! Excellent climate. Complete library. .High moral tone. Free tui " >.nto fifteen siudents in each county in Georgia. ^m(hpgy visitors to Macon. Mr. Herbert White spent the past week-end in Atlanta. Miss Amanda Mitchell, of Juliette, ■pent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. T. O. Linch. i)r. W. J. Waits and Mr. Lepn Good man attended the singing Sunday at New Hope in Jasper county. | Misses Laura, Maude and Jewell Smith, la-la and Ruby Maddox after a pleasant visit with relatives, left Mon i day for Jftckson to attend the house ' party of Mrs. \V. M. Audrews. * The-young people enjoyed a water | melon cutting on the law n at Mrs. (). D. Smith’s Tuesday evening. Miss Ada Sharp is at home for a ; week’s vacation from Carinichael-Mal i let Cos. in lacxson. Miss Lurline Lawson left Tuesday f,r Covington to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. NV. R. Roberts. Misses Annie Reid and Beatrice Mandux have returned from a pleasant visit to Atlanta. They were accompa nied home by Miss Aline Mayo who will be their guest for s -ine time. Mr. W. A. Watkins, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Mr. E. L. Lawson and Miss Lurline Lawson. x Mrs. McCune McMichael, Mrs. Kate Valentino, of Jackson, were guests Tuesday of Mrs. F. C. Maddux. Mrs. Mamie Edwards and Mrs. E. R. Kd w ards spent Tuesday in Jackson with Mrs. J. F. Chambliss. Mrs. B. H. Fudge, of Colquitt, arriv ed Monday fora visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. (J. Millen. The many friends of Mr. J. W. Ter rell regret to know he is on the sick ii fffff Prince Albert ie told everywhere in toppy red bagt. Sc; tidy red tint, 10c; handtome pound and half-pound tin humidort and— that clever cryttal-alaee pound humidor with tponae-moittener top that keep t the tobacco in tack tplendid condition. j>Ri nce ± Albert R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Cos., Winston-Salem, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Cos. list. Misses Nelle Davis and Beatrice Maddux and Mr. W. G. Preston motor ed to Forsyth Tuesday. Mr. an 1 Mrs. M. Peacock, of Atlan ta, are with Mrs. Sal lie Thompson for some time. For Summer Troubles Hay fever afflicts thousands and asthma sufferers endure loiture. Fo ley’s Honey and Tar gives relief. It allays infiamation. clears air passages, eases rasping cough, soothes and heals. This wholesome family remedy’ con tains no opiates—a bottle lasts a long time. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. A B aovk; Deposit is five to ,s' | IjKS^ knocks once at every man's door." But many an cppoi. tunity is lo6t when the man who sees it hasn’t the wherewithal to take advantage of it. It is the man with the READY CASH IH BANK who derives the benefit! If you haven't an account, open one today. When the opportunity arrives YOUR CHECK BOOK WILL BE READY! FIRST FARMERS BANK JACKSON, GEORGIA I jfv jflicj Ail mi TOBACCO fS PREPARE!) I FORSMOKERSUNDERTHE PROCESS DISCOVERED IN MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO PRODUCE THE MOST D£- j SkLIOHTFUL AND WHOLE 'SO™ E TOBACCO FOR CIG- I itsaHJ <fu2roNSAtEM.ftC.USA I I- 1 ■ i- ; TTHT ,■! S HOT BITE THE TONGUE '! I , cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you With a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch! You can smoke it long and hard without a come back ! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn’t any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for “a supply of P. A.” You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it’s the cheer fullest investment you ever made! 6000 ATTENDANCE AT THE PARAN GENERAL MEETING There was a notably large atten dance at the General Meeting ef the Kimbell Association held at Paran church Friday and Satur day. A good program was ren dered, and an elegant dinner was served on the grounds. The 1917 session will be held atTowaliga church. P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it’s cer tain-sure you’ll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy 1 pipe or a hand rolled Don’t forget to put in a gooc£ word for the county fair. COAL From Mines to Consumer Bonita Jellico Coal Delivered in Jackson June Shipment $4.36 per ton July Shipment $4.46 per ton August Shipment $4.61 per ton HAMILTON FUEL SUPPLY CO. Knoxville, Tenn. Five Per Cent Interest Paid On Time Deposits