The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, August 04, 1916, Image 8

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w i 3S I ||p CT^i (fcss^s^^^^i^^.i 1 DP. MAYS ANNOUNCES FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY States Platform in Card to Butts County Voters Dr. R. W. Mays is a candidate for Representative from Butts county in the primary of Sept. 12, his announcement being priv -6n out this week. Dr. Mays is one of the county’s wealthiest and best known citizens and will no doubt receive strong support in the present contest. In all prob ability the race will be between Dr. Mays and Representative C A. Towle3. who is a candidate to succeed himself, and a lively and hotly contested campaign is pre dicted. Dr. Mays’ card is as fol folows: “Mr Editor: Citizens of Butts county have solicited me person ally and bv letter to permit my name to appear on the ballot to be cast at the primary on 12th of Sept., next, as a suitable person to represent the county in the next general assembly. A ma jority of the voters have not so licited me. but the number and reasons given cause me to give their plea consideration, after which I consented for my name to appear on the ticket. I will appreciate it if a sufficient num ber of the voters will join my so licitors in allowing my name to remain on ticket in a number sufficient to nominate me and if done, I will devote my energy, strength and ability of body and mind to .the best interests of the county and state. “Mv views were expressed two years ago as to the imperfections of the equalizing tax act. I don’t charge Butts county equalizing board with any favoritism, but it is permissible; the act also al lows about 600 appointive county officers, virtually fixing their own salary. Such law appears to be on the line of despotism. There are many other matters pertain ing to state legislation that need attention. There is too much time and thought given as to how to raise money, and not enough as to how it should be disbursed. Local Mattets x “Since the adoption of the pub lic road system and the use of convict labor, both of which I ap prove, has increased the business and expense of the county to an extent that justifies several com missioners. which could be done without adding very little, if any more expense, to the countv. "Taxes are Becoming oppress ive, embarrassing and discoura THE big value car—because it’s big in service—big in economy—big in general satis faction. More for your money —every dollar representing actual service-value. Touring Car $595; Roadster $580; Cabriolet $865; Town Car $915; Sedan $985. Fully equipped , including electric starter and lights. All prices f. o. b. Detroit. McKibben Buggy Cos., Agents, Jackson, Ga. HAVEYOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle oil your chest or in your bronchial tubes? Do coughs hang on, or are you subject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the strengthening powers of Scott's Emulsion to guard against consumption which so easily follows. Scott’s Emulsion contains pure cod liver oil which peculiarly strengthens the res piratory tract and improves the quality of the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott’s is prescribed by the best special ists. You can get it at any drug store. Scott A; Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. MAODOX FAMILY REUNION WAS PLEASANT OCCASION On the 271 h of August my better half and I were invited to the Khug Mad dox family reunion. We were there a year ago, but this time we found one vacant chair. But around it still lin gers sweet memories. There still stands the old homestead with its fine orchard, garden and fine shade trees. Across the hills aft' the fine fields of green corn and under the wagon shelter are stored bales of cotton of the last year’s crop. From the veranda can be seen a green, grassy dell, where the child loves to play, and fine cattle and mules brows ing on it, and on its hill sides are the primaeval oaks, where the stock rest in their shadows. At 12 o’clock under the old white o*k a fine dinner was spread and the bar beeued shoal, loaf bred and grand mother’s cake were some of the things I gave special attention to. William Long and Edmond Hay were there and we talked of other days of our youth. There is nothing in this world that will beat an occasion like this where we meet old friends and live in the years that are gone The day was happily spent in mixing and mingling with the old folks and the young folks and when the whispering soft winds came up gently from the sea and as the sun began to dip his wings into the unknown, %ve took leave of this happy family and wendefi our way to the Wren’s Nest Farm. BLOW HANDLES. ging and the remedy is to sys tematize the expenses. “This card is directed to every voter. If we agree, stand by me, if not, strike me. “Yours with respect, "R. W. MAYS.” When Visiting Strange Places It is wed to be prepared with a relia ble cathartic. Salts and castor oi! can not be taken b many. Foley Cathar tic Tablets are wholesome and cleans ing. act surely but gently, without gri ping, pain or nausea. Relieve sick headache., biliousness, bloating, sour stomach, bad breath. Fine for a torpid liver. The Owl Pharmacy, adv GOODY Mr. Walter Mangham was the week-end guest of his aunt, Mrs. Fletcher Bearden, in Monticello. Misses Martha Jane Tbaxton and Susiannaßidgeway are visit ing relatives in Griffin this week. Mrs. Quinton Washington and children, Ethel and Broaden, are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Mangham. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mangham will regret to know of the death of their lit tle daughter, which occurred rii f rSuiSi • blip a few rnnee Albert smokes into your system! You’ve heard many an earful about the Prince JRjjr patented process that cuts out bite and parch and lets smoke your fill without a comeback! Stake your bank roll that it proves out every hour of the day. * \\ Lf Prince Albert has always been sold 'M 11 MM Jj without coupons or premiums. We LSI# | vX fj prefer to give quality! /|r There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling 1 ra l] your own, but you know that you’ve got A ¥ /•j to have the right tobacco! We tell you 8 ¥* idf 8 \\ fjf Prince Albert will bang the doors wide A¥ M M t open for you to come in on a good time the national • smoke V| K firing up every little so often, without a L regret! You’ll feel like your smoke past |1 V; __ ,j maws has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot ti hack up for a fresh start. If You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a /Jr thousand-dollar bill! It’s worth that in happi- j|f ness and contentment to you, to every man [] w h° knows what can be fJ 1 ?P‘ ten out °f a chummy Is] pipe or a makin’s^^pf MM ‘rC\\ S R - y SETNOU)S5 ETNOU)S TOBACCO CO. >r^^y^in lb Ind ti 1i V if ,C. Albert sf V It v-rC.tO Thiitithereverse a real message-to-yoi f AM mm\ - 7 I IViGIM ft vV ® July 30th, 1907.*’ That meani /JWjadtaMfcl h 5 -atsasasaasrs g* 5 ■- 1: \%/ SSTlSiff^Si^arJi fe/1 HI -til i'llllll !1 Vi' \ throat parch are cut out/ Every TjijS ffl’t •mltMlMV* j/t where tobacco is sold you’llfinc HUB Kl V\\ \V, Ar . Prince Albert awaiting yot Miff *, ft iT 0 (s\un.v;\ ' 'ntoppy red bags, sc: tidj ill! ILh S < LiilM*Un li' kW. -'A tAt*' \s'W\\ _ e.' P***l red tins. 10c; handsomi cZZ&B&M ,MIM& PPEA\u AWft 1 /(* -rvl \QQ ' pound and half-pounc MMs P^ 0 ~ V3O ' ' 1 \ tin humidor, and If „ ill# 0 \ tor,th.tkeep.uh v\Q d.*'v jXub' a \ tobacco in suet A high grade automobile — built as you want it built —runs as you want it to run —for only $595. A demonstration will give you new ideas regarding motor car values. We have a car ready for you. Monday morning about 7 o’clock, after a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cooper and family were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks and family. Mrs. Minnie Jones is much im proved from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petti grew announce the birth of a son, last week. Mr. Charlie Tingle and Miss Florrie Ezell attended the barbe cue at Mr. Charlie Sutton’s in Monroe Saturday, and reported a delightful time. Friends are glad to know that M.r. Cyrus Bvars is improving from his illness. Miss Rosa Kate Washington was the guest Monday night of Misses Ora Belle and Sallie Mae Brooks. Mrs. Drew Washington spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer / Washington and family. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S . CASTOR I A