The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, September 15, 1916, Image 10

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More Goods For Same Money Same Goods For Less Money All tine Ladies Are Cordially Invited to the First Showing of Millinery, Suits, Dresses and Coats Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 20 and 21 A careful preparation has been made in the selection of the Autumn and winter of Millinery. Kichness of material, grace of lines, art in the blending of colors, in the simplicity of the trimmings, indeed its a free sort of sea son of many lovely shapes. WIITHOUT SILKS THE NEW FALL FASHIONS WOULD BE AS DRAB AS A SUNLESS DAY But with silks—ah, the new things are beautiful to behold. Mark our word, we’ll take them literally, this is a more comprehensive display than we have ever had at this season. And the reason is the glory of the silks themselves. There are so many kinds, lovely in themselves, that our display would be lacking in authenticity and completeness were any of them missing. Just a few of our new silks Paelette De Soeu, Grau Londre, Faille, Satin Stripe Tafeta, White Bingadene, Crepe de Chines in all Colors, Pussy lillow, Check Tafeta, Plaid Silks in all latent shades, Tub Silk for Mens Shirts FALL DRESSES In the collection are dresses for street and everydav wear. They are made of Serge, Serge combined with Georgette Crepe, Satin combined with Taffeta and satin combined with Serge. Many have White Satin collars and cuffs and show embroidery. There is an easy freedom about our New Coats and Suits for which women will be highly grateful this season. With ail their excellence, refinement and correctness of the prices are exceedingly moderate. We shall be glad to show you the new Coats and Suits at your convenience whether you are ready to make your fall purchases or not. We are telling you what we would have you see and enjoy with your own eyes, and WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 and 21 Are The Show Days THE JACKSON MERCANTILE CO. PROPRIETORS OF THE STAR STAR STORE Recognized by Thousands I , I hli 11/„ _ S. S. S. U todny the World’* SUndxd r.lood Purifier —■ reputation gained by its I own merit as Nature’s true assistant in successful treatment of blood diseases. | Your own blood may be calling for help D in fighting some form of blood disease — ■ Ifl Get a bottle of S. S. S. today and ayoid P Ur ® discomfort. for *" e titmTh swm specific c. ■ iIB Atlanta, Ga. INDIAN SPRING Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cornell, of Albany, and little Miss Frances Cornell are guests of Mrs. Texas Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wall, of Fitzgerald, were guests of Rock Castle the past week. Miss Grace Watkins has re turned to Paris, Texas, to resume teaching. MOTE WATTS UNDERTAKER LICENSED EMBALMER Phones Day 61 Night 149 The Kimbell Association held at Mt. Vernon church was large ly attended. The dinner on the grounds was bountiful and mag nificent. Rev. Bryan W. Collier, of Calhoun, visited his aunts, the Misses Collier, Wednesday. A charming house party was held at the Calumet as guests of Mr. W. A. Elder. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. White, Miss Virginia and A. F., Jr., of Flovilla, Mr. snd Mrs. R. L. Smith and daughter. Eugenia, of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Harmon and T. J. Jr., of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ren froe and baby, Ruth. Misses Jes sielu and Estelle Lindsev, of At lanta, formed the party. Rev. Dr. Soloman, of Atlanta, is convalescing after a serious ill ness. Dr. Soloman is a guest at the Arnold House. He preaches twice on Sunday at the Baptist church. Miss Frances Davis Clay, in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Clay, arrived Monday, the 11. Mrs. Clay was formerly Miss Myrtice Arnold, of Ihdian Spring. Miss Carrie Collier was honor guest of Mrs. Maury Stapler, of Macon, on an automobile ride Friday afternoon. Miss Collier and her friends enjoyed the kind ness of Mrs. Stapler. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A For Rent A three horse farm, known as John LeGuinn place, on Tussahaw creek, 35 or 40 acres in pasture. Apply to W. H. Maddox. Jack son, Ga. 9-7-4tp FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday, sept. 17 11 a. m. Gallio’s Mistake. 7:30 p. m. Text Ruth 1:16. 9:30 a. m. Bible School. Sept. 24 Rally Day, Promotion Day. State Mission Day. Get ready for it. CURBS' INVASION TROUBLES. DON’T "Wait for Your Strip to Come In.” It may get submarined and never make port. Be captain of your own destinies and Anchor your Money in "Our Bank.” “On the Great Clock of Time there is but one word—NOW!” A hint to the wise $ is sufficient. The Jackson National Bank The Place of Safety, Service And Accommodation