The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 10, 1916, Image 10

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Saved Girl’s Life “I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. 1 shall never be without to*. THEDFORDS „ Htag * BLACK-DRAUGHT in my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- Draught. It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. ri sal FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday, Nov. 12 The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Special elforts are being made to present sermons that are timely. They are builded with the people -of Jackson in mind. Wo promise you the best we have. The Sunbeams meet at 2 p. m. At 3 [>. m. the Young People’s Union meets. James Carmichael is presi dent. This service should appeal to the young because it is in charge of young Christians. The singing at the evening service is led by a chorus of young people. The Bible School meets at 9:30. You will be welcome here too. The Georgia Baptist Convention This body of Christians meets in Commerce Tuesday, 14. The pastor and others will attend from Jack son. The Womans Missionary Union is Direct Line to Memphis and the We^t Leave Atlanta 5:15 p. m. or 6:25 a. m. Arrive Memphis 7:35 a. m. or 7:50 p. m. Train leaving 6:25 a. m. runs through to Kansas City 1 hrough trains carrying coaches, sleeping cars, dining cars Connections made for all points West For complete information write J. S. Bloodworth, T. P. A., Macon, Georgia Southern Railway Low to Fares MACON • Account Georgia State Fair November 2 to 11,1916 Tickets on sale Nov. Ito 11 and for trains scheduled to reach Macon before 1 p. m., 12th, good returning until 14th. ,You doubtless know of the many educational feat ures and amusements you find at this Fair. J. S. BLOOD WORTH, Traveling Passenger Agent, Macon, Ga. Southern Railway in session in Athens. Sister C. R. Gresham represents the women of this church. The Boy Scouts Tuesday night brought together a fine bunch of Jackson’s youths. Indded, the finest boys in Jackson are the Scouts. They sat down to a table loaded with oysters and chick en and salad and fruit and ice cream —and the good cheer was unbound ed. This was the Scouts second ban quet. Took the Hurt Out of Her Back Mrs. Anna Byrd, Tuscumbia, Ala., writes: “I was down with my back so I could not stand more than half the time. Foley Kidney Pills took all of the hurt out. Rheumatic pains, swollen ankles, backache, stiff joints and sleep disturbing bladder ailments indicate disordered kidneys and bladder trouble. The Owl Pharmacy. Adv. In writing Revelation John spoke I of death on a pale horse. The motor j car, driven by a heartless or reck- I less driver, was not known then. If jit had been we must believe that .John would have put death at the j steering wheel of the car.—Daw-son i News. i Automobiles, recklessly driven, are killing more people than the railroads in their balmiest • , i slaughter. Forty people race kil e<. in Chicago alone last tomobiles. Isn’t it about time to call a halt? Why not some legislation along the line of enforcing the speed limit on the public highways? I or Rent Two horse farm in Henry coun ty, northeast of Jenkinsburg; 7 room house, two tenant houses, store house, two large barns, blacksmith shop with tools, 60 or 70 acres in pasture. Apply to W. H. Maddox, Jackson, Ga. Box 132. • 10-27-3tp For Quick Sale Mv place 1 mile from town. Terms half cash, balance defer red payments. GORDON H. THOMPSON 11-3-lt NOTICE City tax books will close Mon dav, Nov. 20th. All city taxes must be paid on or before that date. J. W. Carmichael. City Tax Collector, office at Carmichael Buggy Cos. 11-3-tf For Sale Will be sold before the court house door first Tuesday in De cember 47. acres of land, one of the best one-horse farms in Tow aliga district, dwelling and barn on the place; also one share First National Bank stock. 11-3-tf DAVIS KINARD For Winter Colds /J ’jV \\ . Y . ou ’“eed a real tonic. Strength is required to overcome ft! f the trouble. Let that tonic be one that is specially valuable in gO 1 71 catarrhal conditions, and you can conquer the cold. A cold is # “ I acute catarrh; it may become chronic. Chronic catarrh fre quently becomes systemic, involving the stomach and the intaT JM tinal tract as weU as the nose or throat. It means stagnation M PERUNA IS INVIGORATION ft Vi?**in catarrh by thousands of grateful sufferers, who willingly iiwM tell the world of their relief. Peruna’s long history of helpful- ~* *S. ness is the best evidence that it i3 MW ’ ‘"'hat you should take. W ri'l I II 1-1 Liquid or tablet form for your con |\ I gg IfildKH venience. 11 fWlM*.a)uciivcotos.t*TML Manalin is the Ideal lnvotlv. ifZLi liver tonic. 13 I „tahM a form X it tlV il d“- IV/C* l 11 Vl?-■ cious to take, mild and effective, with- I V II out unpleasant effects, and will not I WT il Prßun*Pfufk I l )d bit ' , 35c aIVf “ SI.OO ; “ Price do cis, tablets, 10c and 2oc. THE PERUNA CO., Coluabus, C. BITS OF INFORMATION Philadelphia has 200,000 school children. Chicago has 6,055 lawyers, a gain of 228 in a year. Cleveland has 1,000,000 street car riders daily. China yearly imports $4,000,- 000 worth of various kinds of leather. Color blindness is said to have been discovered by the fa mous Doctor Priestly in 1777. The tusks of an African ele phant sometimes weigh as much as 100 pounds, and reach nine feet in length. One hundred and fifty hosiery and knit goods mills in Phila delphia produce $15,000,000 worth of material annually. The Aristocrat's Duty. To subdue fear, desire, and jealousy, is the aristocrat’s personal affair, it is his ritual and discipline, like a knight watching his arms; but the destruction of division and prejudice and all their forms and is his real task, that is the common work of knighthood. It is a task to be done in a thousand ways; one man working by persuasion, another by example, this one overthrowing some crippling restraint upon the freedom of speech and the spread of knowledge and that preparing himself for a war that will shatter a tyrannous presumption. Most imaginative literature, all scien* tific investigation, all sound criticism, all good building, all good manufac ture, all sound politics, every honesty and every reasoned kindliness contrib ute to this release of men from the heat and confusions of our present world. —H. G. Wells. Powerful Effects of Music. Experiments on dogs showed that music was capable of increasing the elimination of carbonic acid and of in creasing the consumption of oxygen. It was also found that music increased the functional activity of the skin. In view of these powerful effects of musical vibrations upon the nervous system, it is easy to understand how savages and animals, with their habit of quick response to external stimuli, are acted upon by certain kinds of mu sic. If the savage hears a joyful sort of harmony, the vibrations of the music start tingling the particular set of nerves that produce good feeling, and the agreeable sensations felt by his nervous system have a very soothing effect Perfumery From France. France exported to this country last year more than $3,000,000 worth of perfumery and soap. This was nearly double the amount bought during the previous year. MOTE WATTS UNDERTAKER LICENSED EMBALMER Phones Day 61 Night 149 ANTS PUT ANOTHER TO DEATH Insect Imbibed Too Freely of Alcohol and Is Drowned by “Commit tee" of His Fellows. National prohibition is in force among the ants. The insects are so firmly set against intoxication among their fellows that the punishment of death is not too severe for one who oversteps the bounds. This was brought out in a lecture by Dr. S. C. Schmucher, vice president of the Uni versity of Notre Dame, at the St. Jas per county (Ind.) teachers’ institute. Doctor Schmucher told the story as an experience of Sir John Lovett, an authority on ants. A quantity of alco hol was placed on a piece of sugar, and one ant that imbibed too freely was put to death by a “committee” of four of his fellow ants. The one ant ate the sugar and alcohol until it became so intoxicated it could not move. One of the ants discovered the intoxicated one. and went back to the ant hill. Three others returned with it, and the four finally dragged the intoxicated ant to a tiny stream of water and drowned it.—lndianapolis News. EAT WITHOUT FEAR OF INDIGESTION SOUR, ACID STOMACH Instant relief! “Pape’s Di apepsin’’ ends your sto mach trouble forever Wonder what upset your stom ach—which portion of the food did : the damage—do you? Well, don’t ! bother. If your stomach is in a re- I volt;if sour gassy and upset, and what you just ate has fermented in to stubborn lumps; head dizzy and aches ;belch glasses and acids and eructate undigested food; breath foul, tongue coated —just take a lit tle Pape’s Diapepsin and in five minutes you wonder what became of the indigestion and distress. Millions of men and women today know that it is needless to have a bad stomach. A little Diapepsin oc casionallykeeps this delicate organ regulated and they eat their favor ite food without fear. If your stomach doesn’t take care of your liberal limit without rebel lion; if your food is a damage in stead of a help, remember the quick est, surest, most harmless relief is Pape’s Diapepsin which costs only fifty cents for a large case at drug stores. It’s truly wonderful—it di gests food and sets things straight, so gently and easily that it is real ly astonishing. Please, for your sake, don’t go on and on with a weak, disordered stomach; it’s so unnecessary, advt. The high price of cotton is not an unmixed blessing. Everything else is going out of sight and cotton is not really high in proportion to the high cost of living.