The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 10, 1916, Image 11

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U * N m ii Prince Albert ii sold everywhere in toppy red bags, Sc; tidy red tins , 10c; handsome pound and half-pound tin humidors and— that clever crystal-glass pound humidor with sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such splendid condition. >rincelAlbert R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Cos., Winston-Salem, N. C. Copyright 1916 by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Cos. PITY THE POOR MAKE-UP MAN Recently a Broadway star refus ed to perform because the name of another actress had benn billed over hers on the program. It is the custom of the Cosmopol itan Magazine to list its star con tributors of each issue on the cover. On the cover of the December num- NO DOUBT ABOUT THIS Foley Cathartic Tablets are just a plain honest, old-fashioned physic. They act promptly and effectively on the bowels without pain, griping and nausea. They keep the stomach sweet, the liver active, and the bow els regular. Theybanish biliousness, sick headaches, sour stomach, indi gestion. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. STOP to consider what a GOOD EANK ACCOUNT INSERTS. The business man can employ the best help and insure SEE. /ICI. De pression may come in his line, but his big CASE ON HAND means 6ECTJRITY. The fine line of credits may be drawn tight, but none will question his STABILITY. Give your business SERVICE, SECURITT? and STABILITY with your bank deposits. FIRST FARMERS BANK JACKSON, GEORGIA TOBACCO IS PREPARED j FOR SMOKERS UNDERTHE | PROCESS DISCOVERED IN 1 MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO PRODUCE THE MOST DE \ LIGHTFUL AND WHOLE- j TOBACCO FOR CIG- 1 AND PIPE SMOKERS. PROCESS PATENTED JULY3C™ISO7 "?.J. R iivf-CLvsToBACCo Company , | | Wl 3STON SAIEM.N.C.U.SA. | GOES HUT BITE THE TONGUE | cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch! You can smoke it long and hard without a come back! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds. P.A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn’t any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for “a supply of P. A.” You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it’s the cheer fullest investment you ever made! ber, on sale November 10th, these writers and authors, everyone of them a star of the first brilliancy are as follows: John Galsworthy. Jack London. Robert W. Chambers. Rex Beach. Samuel Merwin. Arthur Train. Herbert Kaufman. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Arthur B. Reeve. Elinor Glynn. Howard Chandler Christy. Andre Castaigne. Why not some feed mills for Butts county? Let’s be ready before the boll weevil comes. P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it’s cer tain-sure you’ll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled Notice to the Public The ordinance regulating the running of automobiles in the city of Jackson will be strictly enforced, if it takes extra police men to catch the violators. Read the ordinance of the city, and the state law, and kindly adhere to the same. This is timely warn ing. This Oct. 30, 1916. J. T. Moore. Mayor. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching:, Blind, Bleeding: or Protruding Piles in 6tol4days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. Five Per Cent Interest Paid On Time Deposits FINCHERVILLE Misses Annie and Oudioa Barnes and Mr. Ray Chafin, of Jasper coun ty, spent Sunday with Miss Ermond Fincher. Messrs. P. P. Johnson and Al bert Townsend spent Thursday and Friday in Macon attending the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Maddaox and family, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Wilson and family motored Jackson Sun day afternoon. Miss Lillie Johnson spent Satur day afternoon with Miss Lonnie Alien. Miss Hattie Reeves, of Jenkins burg. is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. Mitchell. Mr. Morris Hayes was a visitor to Jackson Saturday. Messrs. Wiley Mitchell, Roam Stewart, Wayman and Claude Cow an and Carl Horton spent the week end in Macon. Mr. Ira Fincher spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Washington, of Worthville, spent Saturday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kitch ens. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allen, of Beth any, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mi's. Roam Stewart. Miss Deanie Buckalew spent Sun day with Miss Wilma Cowan at El lison. The Parent-Teacher Association met at the school house Friday af ternoon. Messrs. E. A. and J. T. Fincher were visitors to Macon Wednesday and Thursday. COODY Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wise were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter near Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ezelle spent Sunday with relatives in Milner. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goddard were the guests Sunday night of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Washington. Mr. and Mrs. ITarvie Tingle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom God dard. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pettigrew spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mangham. Mrs. Anna Thaxton and daugh ters, Annie Mae and Nellie, spent Sunday with Miss Alice Barnes. Miss Annie Mae Thaxton honor \ ed the ydung people with a singing I Saturday night, which was well at- ] tended and highly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Washington were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones. ! Mrs. Nepie Weaver is spending a few days with Mr. Raymond Weav er in Jackson. Mr. Verner Godsey, of Fincher ville, Messrs. Coyle Perdue and Hul ston Turner, of Jenkinsburg, were guests at the singing at Miss Annie Mae Thaxton’s Saturday night. Ladies Furs are here in great abundance, the mojft magnificent showing of all the popular shapes and prices The Busy Corner RECORD OF THE PAST No Stronger Evidence Can Be Had in Jackson Look well to their record. What they have done many times in years gone by is the best guarantee of fu ture results. Anyone with a bad back; any reader sufferring from urinary troubles, from kidney ills, should find comforting words in the following statement, W. J. Evans, carpenter, .0005!) W. J. Evans, carpenter, 425 W. Broadway, Griffin, Ga., says: “I had been having a dull ache across the small of my back for some time and I noticed an irregularity in the kid ney action.Doan’s Kidney Bills en tirely freed me from pain and the kidney secretions became regular in passage.” The above staement was given on March 25, 1008, and on Feb. 12, 1915, Mr. Evans said: “At times when my back feels weak or a cold settles on my kidneys 1 use Doan’s Kidney Pills. They always give rne quick relief.” Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy- - get Doan’s Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Evans has twice publicly recommended. Foster-Milbum Go., Props., Buffflfalo, N. Y. advt. Express shipment Beau tiful Coats in Plush, also Velour Cloths. They are very swell indeed and con servatively priced. See these. The Busy Corner The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of ita tonic and laxative effect, LAXA- ] TIVK BROMO QCININKi* Oetterthan ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look lor the signature of H- W. GROViJ. 25c PLENTY TO EAT, BUT NO APPETITE Declares He Had Bad Case of Stomach Trouble and Began Going Down Hill. Gains 25 Pounds on Tan lac “It may sound unreasonable, and you may believe me or not, but af ter taking four bottles of this Tan lac medicine I have actually gained 25 pounds,” said ,T. IL Williams, a Well-known and prosperous farm er who resides at Greenbrier, Tenn. near Nashville, Tenn. “I had a case of stomach troudle last summer, and itcame pretty near pretty near knocking me out,” con tinued Mr. Williams. “It was some thing like nervousindigestion. I be gan to go down hill. It looked like the more medicine 1 took and the harder I tried to get well, the worse I would get. We had petty near everything to e,\, ed right and T ■")( > vous I couldn’t do •’ ”I'' ’•> fact I was just completely knock ed out. S “Before I had this spell I weigh ed IfiO pounds, and kept falling off until I got down to where 1 only weighed 135 pounds. “I am now back to my regular weight again, and feel strong and well. My appetite is simply fine now and I don’t mind my work. This medicinejust took right hold of and put me on my feet. “Well, sir, the second day after I began taking it,l got hungry and oh, how good that old ham did taste! I sleep fine now too and am not ner vous like I was. Even the barking of the dogs at nightdoes not wake me up. “I never believed a medicine could be made that would do any body as much good as Tanlac has done me, and I want to recommend it to anybody who has suffered with the same troudle I have.” Tanlac is sold by Slaton Drug Cos., in Jackson, and Dr. A. F. White in Flovilla, Moore & Cos., at Cork, J. E. & W. R. Kitchens, Fincherville, advt. A lot of tall folks are short and some big dogs are mighty little when it comes to working for things worth while. NOTICE OF SALE Atlanta, Ga., Office of the Col lector of Internal Revenue, October 30, 1916. The following described jroperty seized of Harvey McMulleh, Jackson, Ga. October 24, 1916, by Deputy Collector A. C. Sowell for violation of Section 3279-81 a*d 3450 it. S. will be sold as provided in section 3460 R. S. before; the court house in Jackson, Ga. Saturday, De cember 2, 1916 at 12 M. if claim is not sooner filed: One white mare mule, weight about 1000 pounds, about 16 years old; one white mare mule, weight about 900 pounds about 15 years old; one two-horse Mitch ell wagon and two sets plow harness. O. A. BLALOCK, Collector of Internal Revenue. 1 l-3-3t. 10 CENT “CASCARETS” BEST LAXATIVE FOB LIVER ANO BOWELS Don’t stay constipated, headachy, bilious, with breath bad or stomach sour No odds how bad your stomach, liver and bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and un comfortable you are from cold, con stipation, indigestion, biliousness and sluggish bowels—-you always get relief with Cascarets. Don’t let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take Cascarets tonight; put an end to the headache, biliousness dizzi ness, nervousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, bad cold, offensive breath and ail other distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the bile, gases aud constipated matter which is producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, hap piness and a clear head for months. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don’t forget th** chilldr^n—their little insides need a gentle cleans ing, too. adv