The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 24, 1916, Image 3

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Which Do You Prefer? It is important for reasons of health and practical economy for every housekeeper to ask herself this question: “ Do I prefer a pure baking powder like Royal, made of cream of tartar derived from grapes, or am I willing to use a baking powder made of alum or phosphate, both derived from mineral sources?” The names of the ingredients printed on the label show whether the kind you are now using or any brand, new or old, that may be offered is a genuine cream of tartar powder, or merely a phosphate or alum compound. Royal Baking Powder contains no alum nor phosphate. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York PERSONAL Miss Mary Ridgeway filled the po sition as principal of Mt. Vernon school this week, Miss Winnie Mad dox having been called home on ac of the illness o*f Miss Tenella Tingle. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lester and chidren, Edmund and Mac Donnell, of Wichita, Kansas, Mrs. W. W. Mac- Donnell and Miss Gertrude Lester left Saturday for Jacksonville, Fla. Dr. Charles Cargile, of Benton ville, Ark., who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Crawford and other relatives for a few days the past week left for his home Monday. PAPE’S DIAPEPSIN FOR IND GESTION OR SOUR AGIO STOMACH Tonight! Clean your bow els and stop headache, colds, sour stomach. Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indi gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches and you feel sick and miserable, that’s when you realize the magic in Pape’s Diapepsin. It makes all stom ach misery vanish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a continuous revolt—if you can’t get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Pape’s Dia pepsin, It’s so needless to have a bad stomach —make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any dis tress —eat without fear. It’s because Pape’s Diapepsin “really does” regu late weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it its millions of sales annually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magic'—it is a scientific, harmless and pleasant stomach preparation which truly belongs in every home, ad HT tn tyfartTr?. S. H. THORNTON JACKSON, GA. UNDERTAKING, LICENSED EMBALMER Full line of Caskets and Robes to select from My careful personal attention giv en to all funerals entrusted to me All Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Day Phone 174 Night Phone 193 Sure, the Jackson Rifles must have a Christmas box—two of them if nec essary. The folks back home will see to it that old Santa Claus calls on the soldier boys. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining 1 of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube ia inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys tem. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Ladies see those beauti ful Silk Dresses which are the talk of the town at $9.75 to $14.75. The Bury Corner. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Leach returned Sunday from Atlanta, where Mr. Leach spent several days last week undergoing treatment. His friends are glad to know he is much improv ed in health. The best Fruit Cake is the home made handled by Joyner. Mr. J. P. Etheridge motored to Per ry Saturday returning Sunday ac companied by Mrs. Ether idge and children, James and Cooper, who spent a week there vis iting relatives. SALESMAN WANTED To sell lubricating oil, grease, spec ialties, and paint. Part or whole time. Commission basis until ability is es tablished. Permanent position and wide field when qualified if desired. Man with rig preferred. RIVERSIDE REFINING CO., Cleveland, Ohio. Messrs. G. E. Rice and R. A. Strat ford, district demonstration agent with headquarters in Barnesville, were visitors to Athens Saturday, having gone over to witness the Geor gia-Tech game and look after busi ness at the State College of Agri culture. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meade Craw ford and little daughter, Virginia, re turned Monday to Hawkinsville after a visit of a week to Mr. ar.d Mrs. L. M. Crawford. Rev. Olin King will come over from Griffin on Sunday and bring with him a visiting minister who will preach at the Jackson church both morning and evening. WATERMAN’S IDEAL FOUN TAIN PENS. Call on us for your “drug wants.” Woods-Carmichael. FOR SALE One Roller Top Desk and second hand buggy, cheap. Apply to X Y Z at Progress-Argus office. 11-24tf ON ACCOUNT OF NEEDING THE money elsewhere will sell five shares of stock of the First Farmers Bank at par. Address J. T. Smith, Moul trie, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN See me if you want a loan on your real estate. 11-24tf J. M. CURRIE. PIANO FOR SALE Good second-hand piano at bargain price, also household goods very cheap for cash. JNO. R. MILLER, 11-24-2 t Flovilla, Ga. NOTICE OF SALE Georgia, Putts County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, next, at public outcry, at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following descri bed property, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Jackson, Butts county, Geor gia, containing two acres upon which is a five room house, barn, etc., and bounded north, east and west by Mrs. Mary Watson, and south by road run ning between said property and lot of R. W. Mays. Said property levied on as the property of Jeff and J. 11. Holi field, to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Mrs. R. E. Stanfield against said Jefi and J. 11. Holifield, said prop erly being in possession of Jefi and J. H. Holifield. Property pointed out by plaintiff in fi fa. This Bth day of Nov. 1616. L. M. CRAWFORD, Sheriff. NOTICE TO SELL REAL. ESTATE Pursuant to an order of W. E. H. Searcy, Jr.. Judge of the superior court' of Butts county granted on the petition of Mrs. Amanda McDan iel et al.. dated 2nd day of Novem ber, 1916, now on file in the office of the clerk of Butts superior court, will be sold before the court house door in Jackson Georgia, to the highest bidder for cash on the sth day of December, 1916, the follow ing described real estate to-wit: South half of lot No. 94, lying and being in the 612th District G. M. Butts county, containing 101 1-4 acres, more or less, and bounded as [follows: North by lands of Stephen Jones, east by lands of J. S. Smith, ! south by lands of Van White and west by lands of Joel B. Watkins. Said lands being a part of the lands of the late J. S. McDaniel, deceas ed, and sold by order of the Judge of the superior cdurt. Purchase will get fee simple title. Terms cash. This November 7th, 1916. MRS. AMANDA McDANIEL. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT Georgia, Bntts County. Mrs. F. S. Norsworthy having made application for twelve month's support out of the estate of F. S. Norsworthy, and appraisers duly ap pointed to set apart the same hav ing filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Or dinary of said county on the first Monday in December, 1916, why said application should not be grant ed. This 7th day of November, 1916. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. For Sale Will be sold before the court house door first Tuesday in De cember 47, acres of land, one of the best one-horse farms in Tow aliga district, dwelling and barn on the place; also one share First National Bank stock. 11-3 tf DAVIS KINARD NO. 9186 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Jackson National Bank At Jackson, in the State of Georgia, At the Close of Business Nov. 17, 1916 REBOUROES Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) $215,750 69 Trade acceptances 66,000 00 Total 280,750 39 Notes and bills rediscounted... 89,000 00 — 191,760 39 Overdrafts, secured, $ unsecured, $2,744.38 2,744 38 U. 8. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) $76,000 00 75,000 00 Commercial paperdep. to secure circulation (book value) Premium on bonds for circulation._j Stock of Federal Reserve bank (,50 per cent of subscription) ...... 2,700 00 Banking house 9,806 30 — 9,806 30 Furniture and fixtures 6,400 00 Net amount due from Federal Reserve bank Due from approved reserve agents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis $ 1,987 97 Due from approved reserve agents in other re seve cities . 8,252 34 10,240 31 Due from banks and bankers (other than above) 11,116.58 Checks on banks in the same eitv or town as reporting bank Outside checks and oilier cash items 2,965 34 Fractional currency, nickels and cents 132 72 — 3,088 06 Notes of other national banks 520 00 Federal reserve notes 480 00 Lawful reserve in vault and with Federal Reserve Bank 27,668 83 Redemption fund with F. 8. Treasurer, (not more than 5 percent on circulation) 3,760 00 Customers’ liability Other assets, Total $346,214 85 LI ABILITIES Capital stock paid in ..... . $ 76,000 (M> Surplus fund 16,000 (JO Undivided protits -f 17*866 17 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid 3,306 40 — 14,249 7% Circulating notes ... 74,400 60- Dividends unpaid Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to check 139,674 Certificate of deposit due in less than 30 days 2,926 c t 6 Cashier’s checks outstanding 660 02. Postal savings deposits Total demand deposits ... 143,260 01 Time deposits* Certificates of deposit due on or after 3(i days ... 23,305 07 Rediscounts with Federal Reserve banks Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable, including obligations representing money borrowed Total $345,214 85 Liabilities for rediscounts, including those with Federal reserve Bank 89,000 00 i State of Georgia—County of Butts: I, R, P. Basnett, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. I*. HAHN FTT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day ot Nov. 1916. S. J. FOSTER, Clk H. C. Correct—Attest: J. Lee Byron, E. L. Smith, H. L. Daughtry, Directors. BEST LINE OF CIGARS IN town. Fresh and moist. Woods-Car michael. NOTICE OF SALE Georgia—Butts County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in the security deed executed by S. L. Johnson to J. W. and L. R. Capps, on the 9th day of March, 1915, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Butts county, in deed book X, folio 589, the undersigned will sell at public sale the first Tuesday in December, 1916, at public outcry, at the court house in said county, during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: One lot with blacksmith shop on same, being in the town of Jenkins burg, Butts county, Georgia, said lot containing about three-eighths of an acre, and bounded as follows: North by W. M. Glass, east by street, south by Southern Railway right-of-way, west by lot of Vaude and Claude Harris. Also one grist mill and gasoline engine located in one room of said shop; also all shop tools used in said shop. For the purpose of paying one cer tain promissory note bearing date of March 9th, 1915, made and execut ed by the said S. L. Johnson, for the principal sum of SBOO.OO, and stipu lating interest from date at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, the total amount due on said note being $700.00, together with the cost of this proceeding as provided in said deed to secure said debt. A convey ance will be executed to the pur chaser by the undersigned, as au thorized in said instrument. This 6th day of November, 1916. J. W. and L. R. CAPPS. FOR DISMISSION Georgia, Butts County. Whereas, H. C. Childs, adminis trator of the estate of J. W. Childs, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully admin istered J. W. Child’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons con corned, kindred and creditors, to chow cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in December, 1916 J. H. HAM, Ordinary. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S CASTO R I A A PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN TO fit every hand. A price to fit every pocket. Wood*-Carmichael. 11 13 S T A fi & For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals. Stops Pain At Once For Man and Dca&l 25c. 50c. SI. At All Deelero. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Georgia, Bntts County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary, of said county, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in December, 1916, at the court house in said county, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following real estate situate in Butts county, to-wit: One half undivided interest in fifty acres of land, more less, lying and being in the Clfltlk district, G. M., of Butts county, known as part of the old Bishop place, and bounded as follows: Ort north by the lands of J. 11. Pope, east by lands of Mrs. Annie Webb, south by lands of Lula Chambers and west by lands of Bill Carr. Terms cash. This Nov. 6th, 1916. MRS. R. H. MADDOX, Administrator of the estate of T. L. Chambers. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT l Georgia, Bntts County. Matilda Lamar having made ap plication to me for twelve months support out of the estate of John Lamar, and appraisers to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in * December, 1916, why said application should not be granted. This Nov. 6th, 1916. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. NO DOUBT ABOUT THIS Foley Cathartic Tablets are just a plain honest, old-fashioned physic. They act promptly and effectively on the bowels without pain, griping and nausea. They keep the stomach sweet, the liver active, and the bow els regular. Theybanish biliousness, sick headaches, sour stomach, indi gestion. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Nothing will equal Beet Pulp for cow feed—try it— car load at The Busy Corner.