The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 24, 1916, Image 5

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raj Which? gaw ing power - the most economical jrj Received Highest Awards l^jjl Cheap and big canßakingPowders do not save you money. Calumet does—it’s Pure and far superior to sour milk and soda. JAMES-SINGLEY Codial interest centers in the mar riage of Miss Rosa Belle James and Mr. Hudie Lee Singley, which was solemnized Sunday evening, Rev. F. G. Spearman officiating. The living room where the ceremony was per formed in the presence of relatives and close friends was beautifully dec orated with handsome yellow chry santhemums and ferns artistically ar ranged. The altar of ferns and cut flowers had a back ground of stately palms and smilax, with burning ta pers on either side. Miss Lillian Duke rendered the wedding music. “Bar colli,” from the “Tales of Hoffman,” You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman’s life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take —Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can’t make a mistake in taking CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: “I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as 1 ever did, and can eat most anything.” Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. „ was played softly during the cere mony. Miss Verna Singley was the bride’s only attendant, and Mr. Obie Wat kins was best man. The bride was lovely in a smart taffeta suit of blue, her corsage was of snowy chrysan themums and brides roses. A reception followed the ceremony. Fruit punch and cake was served by Miss Gussie Singley and Mrs. J. H. Norsworthy. .After a short visit with the groom’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Singley will re turn to Griffin where the groom is a young business man. First Baptist Church Sunday Program 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. the pastor will preach. He will also preach at In dian Spring at 3 p. m. You are invited to hear the sermon, to come under the influence of the music and worship with us. 2 p. m. the Sunbeams meet. 3 p. m. the Young Peoples Union. Come at the evening service. The music is led by a chorus of our young people. The sermon is on im portant topics. Sunday afternoon a committe of 24 will make the annual every mem ber canvass for 1917 Budget. The committee wants to find you at home. Please be there. This circle of men lunched to gether Friday afternoon at the church. WANTED TO BUY Chickens, eggs, corn, peas and country produce. See me in rear of First National Bank. H-10-tf E. O. HUSON. GIRLS! TH GKEN AND BEAUT FY YOUR HAIR AND OT DANDRUFF Try this! Your hair gets wavy, glossy and abundant at once. To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffffy, wavy and free from dan druff is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. It is easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine now—all drug stores rec ommend it—apply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, fresh ness, fluffiness dnd an incomparoble gloss and lustre, and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real sur prise will be after about two weeks’ use, when you will see new hair— fine and downy at first—yes—but really new hair —sprouting out all over your scalp—Danderine is, we believe, the only sure hair grower, desroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp and it never fails to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair —taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a few moments—a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this, advt COTTON GINNED IN THE SIXTH DISTRICT COUNTIES The number of bales of cotton ginned in the twelve counties of the Sixth district, with comparisons for 1915, is given herewith: County 1916 1915 Bibb 8,240 6,221 Butts 9,129 8,745 Clayton 5,310 8,692 Crawford 4,449 3,967 Fayette 7,097 9,620 Henry 13,378 16,237 Jasper 17,048 15,811 Jones 8,274 8,511 Monroe 14,132 14,125 Pike 17,015 15,921 Spalding 11,556 11,356 Upson 9,544 9,314 Pay Roll of Chain Gang For October Voucher No. Amount 70 Thurston & Harper, re pairs $ 31.70 71 Jack Webb, wood 4.50 72 Lee Perdue, provision.. 15.50 73 J T McClure, warden.. 90.00 74 Sam Cook, guard 50.00 75 W; ter Cole, free labor. 40.00 76 A C Aiken, free labor. 35.00 77 Charlie Lummus, “ “ 27.84 78 W R Mason, guard 40.00 79 Dink Hodges, free labor 35.00 80 Buttrill Bros., oil &e.,__ 32.22 81 A L Perdue, vegetables 10.15 82 Russell Grader Mfg Cos. grader 18.00 83 Good Roads Mach. Cos.. tools 10.00 84 Dempsey Hdw Cos., tools 13.45 85 A R Conner, fish 2.50 86 R A Thaxton, hay 71.25 87 W H Singley, beef 44.10 88 E Toney & Cos, provis’n. 139.90 89 J W Flynt, free labor. _ 4.00 90 Leach & Cos, haulipg>__ 9.00 91 W J Thurton & Cos, re pairs 22.15 92 McKibben Buggy Cos, oil 7.44 93 J ‘M Greer, oats 7.59 94 Carmichael-Mallet Cos, provision 25.33 95 Dr J B Watkins, treat ment of mules 27.50 96 Empire Products Cos, disinfectants 48.60 97 F M Hodges, provisions 1.45 98 Jackson Mer Cos , stock food and provisions._ 350.84 99 McKibben Buggy Cos, oil 141.09 100 G I Watkins & Son, tools 19.77 101 F M Hodges, provisions 2.55 102 L B W Bond, hay 38.50 103 L L Tison, free labor.. 20.00 $1467.02 J. O. GASTON, Com. of Roads and Revenues. JOSEPH JOLLY,CIerk. Ha* no equal Creole Fruit Cake. Joyner’s. MANY WHEAT AND OAT CLUBS BEING ORGANIZED That a large number of Wheat Clubs are being organized and that keen in terest is being displayed in this work which Butts county was first to in augurate in the state, is the declara tion of Agricultural Agent G. E. Rice. He reports that already some seventy-five or more of these clubs have been formed. The Fair Association will give of ficial recognition to this work by of fering a number of prizes to be com peted for during the fair next fall. The number and amount of these prizes will be announced later. MEN FEEL TIRED, TOO While much is said about tired wo men it must be remembered that men also pay the penalty of overwork. When the kidneys are weak, inactive or or sluggish, when one feels tired out and miserable, has the “blues,” lacks energy and ambition, Foley Ki dney Pills are tonic and strengthening. They act quickly. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. Georgette Waist* in all the new effect* and they are beauties. Special prices prevail. The Busy Corner. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S . CAS "TO R I A * Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachma iTTw aTT'Jmi! txj. s ex•r'w Hit L pro c. 1 ay < n t/ t cl i £ >rr m <ao. b om h (J m o r r- nous and . N io co m op* O - r - in .. r, mineral - .VA O 6 NAHCOTICA -Keciiita do VCihO Dr. Slfrtul rc/ncJ io ctt/I />yiso6 dc ventre e djttrr/ica.febres intermit* ntcs.rAKAS e consequeac/as disto*na infancift. ‘ "vYltfß'. I* ijiniijiiaiiiiiilMMiimMiiAiß CASTDRIA I ALCOHOL-3 PER CERT. 1 Avertable Prcparalionfon\s byßcgula . liniitiu'stomachsandls^b Thereby Promoting Mfe*®*, Cheerfulness and Rest Con tarns neither Opium, Morphine n . Mineral. Not Nahcotic ( | jteip t rfoiMrSAHW irTam Pumpkin Semi AL\ Senna Pnchelle Salt* Aru'sr Seed fyZZLsd* ' Warm Sent Clarified Sugar Ifo/eynrnflamr ' A helpful Remedy for Constipation and Dtarrhoc | J and Feverishness and I: Loss of Sleep f : rcsuUin^J^rcfro5 ,n ' j| fac simile Sidnat^ of [; The J Exact Copy of Wrapper. Cotton hasn’t doubled in price dur ing the past year, while print paper has. Paper is nearly three times high er than it was a year ago. Cotton is not the only high flyer. If you have any speckle peas for sale see J. A. Joyner. MOTE WATTS m UNDERTAKER LICENSED EMBALMER Phones Day 61 Night 149 Fop Sale Close in on Avenue one large lot and six room house. Will sell cheap. On North Mulberry st., one two story 11 room house, 1 acre lot with servant house and barn. Will sell at great bargain. 225 acre farm 2 Vi miles south of Jackson. This place is well im proved and will sell for S3O per acre. 100 acres I'A miles west of Jackson. About 20 acres out at Harkness Heights will sell cheap. Also have a considerable amount of bank stock for sale. J. B. GUTHRIE REALTY CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents Harkness Building Jackson, Georgia CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / . Bears the /jjf $ R Jr* rtX Use Ia For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CINTAUN COMPANY. NIW YOHH CITY. j. w. McDaniel Contracting, Interior and Exterior Painting and Paperhanging South Mulberry Street Jackxon, Georgia 11-3-4tp. SPECLE PEAS WANTED—wiII pay market price caih. J. A. Joyner.