The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 24, 1916, Image 8

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We Can Sell HARDWARE Cheaper There Is A Reason You are cordially invited to attend the demonstration of THE RANGE ETERNAL EVERLASTINGLY GOOD, At our Hardware Department from Nov. 23 to Nov. 29. The exhibit will be in charge of a demonstrator diredt from the factory. He will take great pleasure in showing you the Range and explaining it. Outlasts, outlooks and outcooks any other Range on the market. A SIO.OO set of Aluminum Ware given with each Range bought during the demonstration. You cannot afford to let this op portunity slip. If you are needing a Range come and let us show you even if you are not ready to buy at this time. Remember The Place THEBUSY 'ORNER Carmichael-Mallet Cos. Phone 186 T^ i S„ r urA r „ e y D ir P r e , „ m s r Jackson, Ga. 9,615,833 BALES GINNED TO NOVEMBER 14TH Washington, D. C., Nov. 21 —Cot- ton ginned prior to Nov. 14 amount ed to 9,615,833 running bales, in cluding 168,348 round bales and 93,003 bales nf sea island, the census bureau today announced. Last year to that date 8,771,275 bales were ginned, including 82,312 round bales, and 68,941 bales of sea island. Ginning by states follows: Alabama 451,540 Arkansas 926,443 California 14,707 Florida 44,421 Georgia 1,581,683 Louisiana 394,932 Mississippi 649,434 Missouri 47,014 North Carolina 479,850 Oklahoma 685,493 South Carolina 740,589 Tennessee 276,5t>7 Texas 3,297,130 Virginia 19,963 All other states 6,06 1 Took the Hurt Out of Her Back Mrs. Anna Byrd, Tuscumbia, Ala., writes: “I was down with my back so 1 could not stand more than half the time. Foley Kidney Pills took all ©f the hurt out. Rheumatic pains, swollen ankles, backache, stiff joints and sleep disturbing bladder ailments indicate disordered kidneys and bladder trouble. The Owl Pharmacy. Adv. Ladies, Plush Coats are here in abundance of styles from $12.50 to $35.00. You can be suited in price and style. The Busy Corner. THE BUSY CORNER Hardware Department MRS. J. W. BENSON CALLED TO UNKNOWN Died at Her Home at Jen kinsburg Wednesday Friends throughout the county will be grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. J. W. Benson, one of the most highly respected and best beloved women in the county, which occur red Wednesday afternoon at her home at Jenkinsburg. The end came after a period of ill health extending over several months, and while not unexpected was a shock to the fam ily and a large circle of friends. Mrs. Benson was a most excellent woman, a faithful wife, a dutiful mother and a true friend. She was 41 years old and before her marriage was a Miss Potts. She was a member of the Baptist church, and was known for her unselfish devotion to her fam ily. Her death was a blow to the whole community and in their be reavement the family have the sym- pathy of many warm friends. Surviving Mrs. Benson are her hus band, Mr. Jas. W. Benson, one of the county’s leading citizens, and nine children; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Potts, of Conyers; three broth ers, Messrs. W. G. Potts, of Mari etta, J. S. Potts and G. S. Potts, of Conyers; one sister, Mrs. W. R. Mountcastle, of Stone Mountain. The funeral was held from the Jenkinsburg Baptist church at 11 o’clock Thursday morning. Rev. I. G. Walker conducting the services. Interment was in the Jenkinsburg Cemetery. Many beautiful floral tri butes and a larger number of friends and relatives at the funeral attested the esteem in which the deceased was held. Condensed Statement Of The Condition Of The J ackson Banking Company # At the Close of Business Nov. 22, 1916 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Real Estate . . . $ 10,899.90 Capital Stock ... . $50,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures . 2,834.17 Surplus and Undivided Bills Receivable . . 116,787.94 Profits .... 21,709.63 Overdrafts . . . 4,329.77 Deposits . . 187,068.82 Stocks and Bonds 8,270.99 Cashier - s Checks . . . 1)299 . 10 Cash and due from Advances on Cotton and Bills Payable . . . 15,000.00 Cotton Seed . . . 94,761.24 Due to Banks . , . 5,000.00 Total .... 280,077.55 Total .... 280,077.55 MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANK F. S. ETHERIDGE, Pres. A. H. SMITH, Vice Pres. J. W. BROWN, Cashier. We Will Sell HARDWARE Cheaper There Is A Reason