The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 15, 1918, Image 4

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1918 10 GENT "CASCARETS” BEST LAXATIVE FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Don’t Stay Constipated, Headachy, Bilious, With Breath Bad or Stomach - Sour No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches; how miserable and uncomfort able you are from a cold, constipa tion, indigestion,biliousness and slug gish bowels—you always get relief with Cascaretts. Don’t let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take C&scarets tonight; put an end to the headache, biliousness, dizziness, ner vousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, bad cold, offensive breath and all oth er distress ;cleanse your inside organs of all the bile, gases and constipated matter which is producing <the misery. A 10-cent box means health, happi ness and a clear head for months. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don’t forget the children —their little insides need a gentle cleansing, too. PERSONAL Mrs. J. W. Moore, Mrs. L. A. Mad dox and Morris Moore visited Mrs. Moore's sister, Mrs. Hand in Griffin, Sunday Mrs. H. L. Jenkins returned to Ma con Saturday after spending part of the week with her mother, Mrs. S. C. Paul. ' Mrs. Emma Mallet left Tuesday for a stay in Orlando, Fla., where she will join Miss Pauline Mallet and Miss Lucile Elder. Mrs. H. W. Nally who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M- Pope for several weeks returned, Saturday, to her home in Alabama*, ac companied by Mrs. Pope who will re main for an extended visit. A, ifitfpip® f MaineO jyG9'& - ■'-• ■ < v.'- m~: —W.T.JII rm*. jar "mm- ■ |Ar\ f J W s .. y i mmr ii IVI fawipra yf fi p '/ .. .. _ ...... -i . $1195 F. O. B. DETROIT There is inflexible logic in the fixing of that price for the Maxwell closed cars. The purpose of the Maxwell builders was to strike the MIDDLE LINE of ab solute value. They have done so with scientific ac curacy. The Maxwell closed cars have grace, beauty, comfort, efficiency, durability, economy and standard equipment. But, if built to sell for less than $1195 one or the other of these would be lacking. On the other hand, for a higher price you could get only larger size or fancier furnishings—not any greater VALUE or finer “class.” % That is what we mean by “the Middle Line.” Fi-xe-Pauengr' Sr,lan, $1195; Six-Passenger Town Car, Sll<?s, Touring Carivilk All- If tather Top, iSSS Towing Car, $7-15; Roa.lster, f. J 5 All Prices F. 0. B, Detroit I KING & SONS PHONES: GARAGE 101. RESIDENCE 46 THIRD STREET ' JACKSON. GA Mrs. George Kimbell and Mrs. , Rolph Settle went up to Atlanta Sat urday to see “Twin Beds” at the At lanta Theater. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Allen, Mr. Er nest Al}en and Mrs. J. D. Little, of Forsyth, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Allen last week. David Settle was at home from Camp Wheeler Saturday and Sunday, being the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Settle. M iss Lucy Goodman has as her guests this week Misses Mamie Min ter, of Monticello, and Miss Annie Kate Linch, of Flovilla. Mr. H. L. Daughtry and Miss Mag gie Currie have returned from New York where they spent several days in interest of the Jackson Mercantile Company. Mr. J. G. McDonald left Tuesday for Albany, where he wll spend this week with his mother, Mrs. M. C. Mc ; Donald, and with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. I Edwards. Mr. J. A. Joyner, district manager of the F. E. Block Cos. at Spartan burg, S. C., spent the week-end with his family in Jackson, returning Monday night. Miss Jessie Jones and Mrs. L. A. Maddox will spend the week-end in Griffin as guests of Miss Lois Hand. Miss Hand will accompany Mrs. Mad dox home for a visit. Mrs J. H. Carmichael, Mrs. O. A. Pound, Misses Helen Carmichael, Mar tha Pound, Virginia Carmichael, Messrs. James and Joe Carmichael motored to Atlanta Monday. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Eunice Nelson, of Flovil la, and Mr. Ulysees Horton, of Macon. The ceremony was performed at the Methodist parsonage at Hardwick, Ga., on Jauary 7. Mr. E. E. Price was a visitor in Jackson Monday, having recently re turned from Jacksonville where he has been employed. Mr. and Mrs. Price, former residents of Jackson, will make their home in Monticello. JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS Jackson Banking Cos. STATE DEPOSITARY ESTABLISHED 1888 J \ - The Road to Wealth There is but one door that opens to the road of prosper ity and wealth. You will find that door at the front of our bank. Why not open it today? You will find a N warm welcome. A checking account at our bank will simplify your bus iness deals, your cancelled checks will be a receipt and record of every transaction. It makes errors impossible. Better start right today. We Solicit Your Banking Business For 1918. We Sell Thrift Stamps, War Saving Stamps and Liberty Bonds—Always at Your Service. OFFICERS: F. S. Etheridge, President E. L. Smith, Vice President W. O. Ham, Cashier W. P. Newton, Asst. Cashier CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends for'the many kindnesses and expressions of sympa thy during our bereavement. W. J. WOOD AND FAMILY. CUT THIS OUT —It’ Worth Money “ DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose ith 5 cents to Foley & Cos., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111. writing your name and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs and colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic fills. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. First Baptist Church Sunday, Feb. 17 11 a. m. the Pastor will preach. The subject “Camouflage.” This is an old principle in anew dress. Hear the sermon. 7 p. m. Union service at the Meth odist church. 9:30 a. m. Bible School. 2 p. m. Young People’s Urvion. Our revival meetings to begin March 24. , Mission Study Class The lass will meet Monday the 18", at 3 p. m. The text book is “The Country Church in the South.” We are ex pecting a large and enthusiastic class. The B. Y. P. U. Social will be held this week, Thursday night at 7:30. MHTHODIST CHURCH S. R. England,Castor Sunday School 9:45 a. m., R. P. Sasnett, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the Pastor. Dr. Robert VanDeventer will preach at the union service at 7 p. m. Let all who can attend these ser vices. The study class of the Woman’s Missionary Society wall meet at the Pasonage Monday afternoon at 3. IT is very much desired that a large number of the ladies will be present at this meeting. The class will take up the study of “South American Neigh bors.” Avery interesting book. Mid-week Prayer Meeting Wednes day 7 p. m. i*‘Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is.” To Cure a Cold in One Day.. Take LAX ATI VK BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works ofi the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GKOVS & signature on each box. 50c. You Can’t Rub It Away; Rheumatism is in the Blood Liniments Will Never Cure. If you are afflicted with Rheuma tism, why waste time with liniments, lotions and other local applications that never did cure Rheumatism, and never will? Do not try to rub the pain, away, for you will never succeed. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain, and g<k*after that. Remove the cause, and there can be no pain. You will never be rid of Rheuma FARMERS’ UNION WILL HAVE MEETING HERE SATURDAY • 1 ■ 1 Number of Business Matters Will Be Considered / A meeting of the Butts County Farmers’ Union will be held in the court house Saturday afternoon at. 2 o’clock. One object of the meeting will be to discuss the reduction in tho cotton acreage and farming methods during war times. All members and other persons interested in the organ ization are requested to be present. New- Spring COATS, DRESSES, SUITS AND WAISTS. New Millinery, Dress Goods, Silks, New Gingham, Percale, White Goods. No waiting. We are ready for you. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. r \ Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s. The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. DIRECTORS: F. S. Etheridge E. L. Smith H. O. Ball J. T. Goodman W. P. Nutt J. B. Settle R. P. Sasnett tism until you cleanse your blood of I the germs that cause the disease.! S. S. S. has never had an equal as a| blood purifier and scores of sufferers! say that it has cleansed their blood ofl Rheumatism, and removed all trace! of the disease from their system. Get a bottle of S. S. S. atr your drug store, and s get on the right treatment to-day. If you want spe4 cial medical advice, you can obtain .it free by addressing Medical Director. 23 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. , Inactive Kidneys % Cause Disease “I shall not soon forget the benefits I derive' from the use of Foley Kidney Pills.”—AL A Godfrey, Forest Grove, Oregon. Too<much work and too little wor eeem to have about the same effec on persons past middle age. Prope action of the kidneys is necessary t good health. They act as a filte and remove from the blood poisonou wa-ste matter which if permitted t< .remain in the system leads to manj ’ computations. Many nervous, tired, run-down men and women suffer from pains in thf back and sides, dizzy spells, bladder weakness, sore muscles and sun joints and fail to realize that rheuma tism, diabetes or even Bright’s dis ease may result. If you have cause to believe thaw your kidneys are weak, disordered o inactive you should act Foley Kidney Pills have been used by young, middle aged and old with complete satisfaction. They act quick ly and surely and Slave given relie. in cases of ten years’ standing. THE OWL PHARMACY Miss Mattisu Ham spent the weei end with Judge and Mrs. J. H. Har Miss Ham recently stood the civil se vice examination and is now in Atl ns where she has a government pos tion at the State College of Agr culture. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S OASTO R I A LET A GOOD MECHANIC TELL YOU that to prolong the life of your nia chine (and possibly your own life) you should have it thoroughly in spected occasionally. Whether juu are using it to the limit on the road, or often leave idle in the garage, you will pairs, and we are thoroughly patent to make them. * Wagner’s Gaisge.