The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, February 22, 1918, Image 11

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Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone y-V *”* • lake nasTy, dangerous constipated, headachy,*! listen fr> mel f Calomel salivates! It’s mercury. pCalomel acts like dynamite on a kluggish liver. When calomel comes contact with sour bile it crashes into it.causing cramping-and nausea. Jf you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go |to your druggist and get a bottle of [[Dodson’s Liver Tone for*a few cents | which is a harmless vegetable eub- Utitute for dangerous calomel. Take P spoonful and if it doesn’t start [SALVATION ARMY WANTS FUNDS Organization Helping in War Relief Work ASKS FOiToNE MILLION ORGANIZATION WORKING TO BETTER CONDITIONS IN THE WAR ZONE ENDORSED BY GENERAL PERSHING Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 14.—1n the Salvation Army’s campaign for funds with which to continue its war work among the American troops, now in progress throughout “the southeast as well as the entire na tion, there will no doubt be many friends of the Army and its fine work who will desire to contribute, but who are not in close touch with any of the Army’s posts. Friends throughout the southeast, in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, GeorgJla,' Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, desirous of making voluntary con tributions to this fund, are request ed to mail them direct to Hon. Asa G. Candler, Atlanta, Ga., “All-Dix ie” Treasurer for the campaign and who will gtladly "receipt for them. Mr. Candler is Atlanta’s mayor and one of Georgia’s foremost financiers. The first contribution to come was from Dr. W. C. Linville of the State Hospital at Goldsboro, N. C., whose check Mr. Candler has already ac knowledged. All contributions will be most gratefully received. This campaign for a million dol lar fund, began February 12 and will continue through February 22. The army is maintaining 168 “Huts” LOOK AT YOUR TONGUE! IS IT BROAD, WHITE, FLABBY? ; -YOUR BLOOD NEEDS ZIRON! \Vhen Your Tongue Is White and Flabby, It Is a Sign That You Are Anemic and That Your Blood Needs Ziron Iron Tonic, For the Benefit of Your Weakened System. Look at your tongue in the mirror! It ought to be pointed, pink, clean and firm. If it is broad, ■white, coated, flabby, it is probably a sign that you ar9 anemic, that your blood lacks red corpuscles, that you are not in good health, that your system needs iron to bring it up to proper condition. "When your blood needs iron, take Ziron, the new Iron Tonic, which con tains also the hypophosphites of lime and soda and other valuable tonic ingre dients prescribed by the best physicians for this form of trouble. When you feel tired and miserable, lack ambition, suffer from indigestion, rheumatic pains, gastric catarrh, depression of spirits and a general feeling Of being “under the weather”, why not try Ziron to help you back to health? Ziron, the new compound of Iron, contains no habit-forming drugs. It is a safe, reliable tonic remedy—good for men, women and children. Mr. R. L. Poston, of Lillie, La., writes: “Some weeks ago I was suffering with something like dumb chills. I just ached all over, my skin would feel clammy. I ached worse from my knees down. I didn’t rest well nights, and my appetite wasn’t good. I was afraid I w r ould get down in bed and so much to do in the Spring of the year. I began to look around for something to help me and decided to try Ziron...l had not taken one third of a bottle until I felt much better. I grew stronger, began to get hungry and did not have any more of the chills. I think Ziron is a splendid tonic.” SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a bottle of ZIRON, today, at your druggist’s and give it a fair trial, according to directions on the bottle. If, after using up one bottle, you find it has not benefited you, take the empty bottle back to the druggist and he will refund what you paid him for it. We repay him, go there is no reason why he should not repay you. This offer only applies the first trial bottle. (ZK'il your liver and straighten yon up better and quicker than nasty calo mel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you’ll ba sick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson’s Liver Tone yon will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work o* play. It is harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children; they like ii. Free Flower Seed # Hastings’ Catalogue Tells You About It No matter whether you farm on a large scale or only plant vegetables or flowers in a small way, you need Hastings’ 1918 Seed Catalogue. It’s ready now and we have a copy for you absolutely free, if you write for it, mentioning the name of this paper. In addition to showing you about all the varieties of vegetables, farm grass, clover and flower, seeds, our catalogue tells how you can get free five splendid varieties of easily grown, yet beautiful flowers, with which to beautify your home surroundings. Good seeds of almost every kind are scarce this season, and you can’t afford to tako chances in your seed supply. Hastings’ Seeds are depend able seeds, the kind yon can always depend on having “good luck” with. You are going to garden or farm this spring. Why not insure success so far as possible by starting with the right seed? Don’t take chances that you do not have to in seeds. Write today for Catalogue. It’s free and will both in terest and help you to succeed in 1918. —H. G. HASTINGS CO., Seedsmen, Atlanta, Ga. —Advt. in France, located close up to the lines, where Salvation Army Lassies contribute to the comfort of the sol diers in many ways, both physically and spiritually. Every dollar ,of the money collected in this campaign will be devoted to the Salvation Ar my’s work among American soldiers, two-thirds of it going to the~work in France and one-third to that in the various cantonments in the Unit ed States. Unless this fund is raised the Ar my will have to abandon its war work, concerning which General Pershing says: “The Salvation Ar my has stepped very close into the hearts of the American soldiers who are serving in France.” Progress-Argus want ads bring results. JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS THE BUSINESS FARMER’S CAL ENDAR: FIVE THINGS TO DO 1. Unless you are sure you have all you can manage, better get one, two or three more good brood sows. There’s money in,hogs rightly man aged, and the wise farmer will plan to get some of it. 2. When other work is not press ing, rake leaves and straw and put them in stables, bamard, or on the fields. They contain valuable plant food. 3. Better get prices on commercial fertilizers and plan with your neigh bors to buy in carlots. Doing so may save quite a tidy sum. 4. Unless you have one already, now is a good time to build an inex pensive implement shed. Machinery costs too much to be allowed to rust and rot. 6. If you have any tenants plan to make them your business partners next year. Mutual fair dealing be tween landlord and tenant is best for both and the land as well.—The Pro gressive Farmer. A WORD TO MOTHERS Mrs. E. J. Bedard, Cowich, Wash., says: “Foley’s Honey and Tar ia the best I ever nsed. I always keep a bottle in the house for the children. A quick cure for coughs and colds.” It heals raw, inflamed surfaces, loosens phlegm, eases hoarseness and difficult breathing, check* racking coughs. The Owl Pharmacy, advt. We never appreciate good roads until it rains and musses them all up, and then every man is a good roads booster. The war has stressed the ne cessity for improved highways. With the railroads run over with traffic, the public roads will be used more than ever and truck lines between the main trading centers is a probability of the near future. VINOL MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG Positive—Convincing Proof We publish the formula of Vinol to prove convincingly that it has the power to create strength. Ji Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron r and Manganese Peptonates, Iron and Ammonium Citrate, Lime and Soda Glycerophosphates, Cascarin. Any woman who buys a bottle of Vinol for a weak, run-down, nervous condition and finds after giving it a fair trial it did not help her, will have her money returned. , You see, there is no guess work about Vinol. Its formula proves there is nothing like it for all weak, run-down, overworked, nervous men and women and for feeble old people and delicate children. Try it once and be convinced. Carmichael Drug & Book Company, Jackson, Ga. REV. T. J. WEBB WILL GIVE PRIZE TO GIRLS Makes Proposition to Assist Red Cross Work Rev. T. J. Webb has a proposition to offer the Red Cross which he thinks will bring the organization a consid erable amount of money. The propo sition is this: He will give a cash prize of $5 to the girl under 15 years of age, who sells the most Sunday eggs between now and Sept. 25. Any girl, under 15, is eligible to join, and where there is no girl in the family a boy, under 15, may join. All eggs saved on Sun day must be sold and a report made twice a month to Mr. R. P. Sasnett, treasurer of the Red Cross. All con testants must have in their names be fore March 15. The girl or boy sell ing the most Sunday eggs will be re warded by Mr. Webb with a $5 prize on his next birthday, which will be Sept. 25. Every day your boy spends in school may be worth $lO and possibly SIOO to him in after life—worth this much to him in increased efficiency, knowledge and happness. Is it right therefore to let him stay at home in bad weather when a few dollars in vested in a good overcoat or raincoat, together with either rubber boots or overshoes and leggins to prevent wet feet would prepare him to brave the storms without damage?—The Pro gressive Farmer. WILL YOU BE ONE 7 Thousands ol thoughtless people neglect colds every winter. A cough follows; they get rundown —then stubborn sickness sets In. Sickness can be prevented easier than it can be cured and if you will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of you will find your whole system strengthened. It will fortify your lungs fand throat and enrich your blood against rheumatism. It is powerful concentrated nourishment without alcohol or opiates. Don’t neglect taking Scott’s —cotnntonco today* The imported Norwegian cod liver oil always used in Scott’. Emulsion is now refined in our own American laboratories which guarantees it free from impurities. Scott St Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. 17-17 BILLY SUNDAY IS A RAPID FIRE PRAYER In making the opening prayer at a session of congress recently, Billy Sunday rattled it off at the rate of 547 words per minute. A good average is 120 words per minute. The official stenographers were hard put to it to keep up with the rapid fire of the evangelist Constant Sufferer Finds Relief “I have been a constant sufferer from kidney trouble andwas down sick in bed,” writes C. F. Reynolds, 412 Herrick St., Elmira, N. Y. “I com menced taking Foley’s Kidney Pills.* In a few days I was up out of bed.” Recommended for rheumatic pains, backache, biliousness, sore muscles, stiff joints, “tired out” fueling. The Owl Pharmacy, advt. GOVERNMENT IN URGENT NEED OF SKILLED SHIP BUILDERS Local Council of Defense Will En roll Members The United States is in urgent need of ship builders and enrollments are now being accepted through the local Council of Defense. Hon. J. D. Weav er, of Dawson, is director for Geor gia U. S. Shipyard Volunteers. Geor gia’s quota of men needed in ship building is eleven thousand. In the present war ship building is probably second only to food. Ger man submarines have sunk an enor mous tonnage during the past year and the government must put forth every effort to build ships faster than the subs can sink them. J. D. Jones is chairman of the Butts County Council of Defense and any person wishing to enroll for this ser vice may do so by calling at The Progress-Argus office. Net, Contents 15 Fluid Drachn r— || ALCOHOL -3 PER GLUT, j If AVe^elablc PreparationIbrAs- ' b yßcgiib*' tin^tiieStomachsandßowch : rThereby Promoting Digestion' : Cheerfulness and RestContatto. 1 neither Opium, Morphine nor ; ; Mineral. Not Narcotic ■'j j JietfpetfOldDr.SAMU£LHT aIER j 'pumpkin Seed \ Mx Senna | JbckuUt SgUt I Seed I 1 / Warm Seed 1 Clarified Sugar } frmtrrgrrrn Sfimr J A helpful Remedy for J Constipation ami Diarrhoea., j! and Feverishness ana !: Loss of Sleep i facsimile Signature. 0 * |j J,lf NT.'.t !* f , rnorpHin .t rw-,, cr n l • N AO’? X ARCOricA n) SiPffw v c J h Sa"iUc i *??? ic- i> / rernr .Ac onro art ■son tie vcntr* o bri -s’ tH termite ntc a.FALXASJDE SOM At) -fIATTI / , ■•ons.-qui-TU cl >to -n; mr.mna. I* . \/Vv4® g Exact Copy of Wrapper. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1918 About time to begin the spring clean-up campaign. It costs too much to be sick in these war times, and as a clean town means a healthy town, every citizen should lend his co-ope ration in making “clean-up” week a great success. LIKE AN ELECTRIC BUTTON ON TOES Tells Why a Corn is so Pain ful and Says Cutting Ma kes Them Grow Press an electric button and you form a contact with a live wire which rings the bell. When your shoes press against your com it push es its sharp roots down upon a sen sitive nerve and you get a shock of pain. Instead of trimming your corns, which makes them grow, just step into any drug store and ask for a quarter of an ounce of freezone. This will cost very little but is suf ficient to remove every hard or soft com or callus from one’s feet. A few drops applied directly upon a tender, aching com stops the soreness in stantly, and soon the com shrivels up so it lifts right out, root and all, without pain. This drug freezone is harmless and never inflames or even irritates the surrounding skin. advt. MILLION POUNDS SMOKELESS POWDER PER DAY Plans and contracts are completed for the construction of two smokeless powder plants, each to cost approxi mately $50,000,000. The estimated capacity ofeach is 500,000 pounds of powder a day, and from 10,000 to 16,- men will be employed in each plant. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / . Bears the rv Jjv• In ntX Use O' For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY.