The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 08, 1918, Image 6

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FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1818 LOW REUNION RATES FOR BLUE AND GRAY VETERANS Announcement Made That Govern ment Can Furnish Tranaportation t Washington, March I.—Director General McAdoo has decided that the Confederate Veterans shall have spec ial rates and no interference of trans portation to their reunion this sum mer at Tulsa, Okla., and that the Grand Army of the Republic shall have the same for its meeting at Portland, Ore. Because of the congested condition of the railroads, and also as a war measure, there was some probability that transportation facilities and rates might be denied to these special trains. The situation has cleared, Mr. F armer- The problem of producing enough food stuffs in this country to feed our armies abroad, our people at home, and at the same time supply a large surplus essential to our allies, has become so acute that the solution of this question may prove the actual turning point in a success ful conclusion of the war. DON’T YOU THINK IT YOUR DUTY TO YOUR COUNTRY to go the limit in aiding this situation? If you do, you ought to begin now by buying a good Here ford bull and crossing him with your native cattle, and if you haven’t any native cattle, you ought to get some. The beef stocks and breeding stocks of Europe have become terribly depleted by the war, and when the war is over the United States will be called upon to supply the tremendous shortage in foreign breeding stocks. DON’T YOU THINK IT YOUR DUTY TO YOURSELF to share in the extraordinary profits which this demand will bring about? If you do, buy a few Hereford cows or heifers now and lay the foundation for a purebred herd. If you give them reasonable care you will be amazed to see how rapidly they grow in numbers and in money value. LET NO ONE MISLEAD YOU. The Hereford is the best beef breed. The United States Government, through Farmers’ Bulletin No. 612, dated January 21, 1915, said: *‘As a ‘rustler’ the Hereford is surpassed by no breed of beef cattle, and they excel the Shorthorns in this respect •—they have been recognized as a breed which responds readily to favorable environment as w r ell as being able to thrive under adverse conditions where other breeds would not do well—as a breed they have a better heart girth, stronger constitution and can withstand adverse conditions better than the Shorthorns—they are early maturing and fatten readily in the feed lot—on plantations specially, and farms with only fairly good pasture, the Hereford will give better results than the Shorthorn.” If you are interested, be sure to attend the AUCTION SALE of FIFTY SELECTED HEAD of GEORGIA OWNED HERE FORD CATTLE to be held under the aus pices of this Association at MILLER UNION STOCK YARDS IN ATLANTA, at 12 o’clock noon, MARCH 29, 1918. For any information, apply to GEORGIA HEREFORD CATTLE BREEDERS ASSN. 1608 Third Nal’l Bank Bldg. Atlanta, Georgia <3) We Sell, Buy Lease or Manage F R O F* ERT Y In Any Part of the United States J. B. GUTHRIE REALTY CO., Estate and Renting Agents Harkness Building Jackson, Georgia however, and is expected to clear fur ther before the reunions are held, so Director General McAdoo decided to day he could promise train facilities and special rates of 1 cent a mile. This will be welcome news to the Veterans of Butts county. It was stat ed in last week’s issue that no reun ion would be held this year, but this definite announcement Betties the mat ter. FOR SALE Velvet Beans, the 90 day variety. The only bean that will mature in this section. Only a limited number of bushels on hand. See me at once. 3-l-6tc. E. 0. HUSON. At a bargain will sail seven-room bouse and store room, witb one acre of land, at railroad crossing, known as J. H. Land’s crossing. Good lo cation for suburban store. You bad better investigate tbis. 103 acres, witb enough timber to pay for land, in 3** miles of Helena, close to railroad, will sell for SI,OOO. JACKSON PROCRaM^ARCUB |9 -rfsssr 4tl *s. §■ ji|f| Why Morris Brands fl Chir SUPREME and PACKING HOUSE BRANDS being pjjgw JjaaKagfi ammoniated 100% with the highest grades of genuine old time Packing House Tankage and Blood, are not leached away, by exces sive rains like ordinary fertilizers. Their ammoniates, being slowly soluble, insure constant feeding of the plant till late maturity, thus (llujEflH preventing shedding and promoting vigorous, healthy growth. The Tankage in them is rich in potash and also liberates idle potash in fMflyflKjgfr the soil, thus supplying the potash requirements of ordinary field iQ®3| crops cost. Read what jjurjjustomers Bay about them jOlply We use the same grade of and Mood in our GOLD I wMjjfi ■ BOND BRANDS which insured their high quality and contin- ft ! I \ Monticello] Ga. ' . I EDUCATION BOARD HELD MEETING HERE TUESDAY Only routine business was transact ed at the March meeting of the Coun ty Board of Education, held here Tuesday. With one exception there was a full attendance of the mem bers, it was said. New arrival of Trimmed street Hats, shapes and trimmings for our Milli nery department. As fast as millinery is created in New York we get it by next express. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. Exports of corn to Canada for feed ing and manufacturing purposes have been limited to those varities and grades which are not suitable for seed purposes. ; >- . •* U> i; GIRLS! HAVE A MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR, SOFT, GLOSSY, WAVY A Small Bottle Destroys Dandruff and Doubles Beauty of Your Hair Within ten minutes after an ap plication of Danderine you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks’ use, when when you see new hair, fine and downy at first—yes—but really new hair—growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just m oisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is amaz ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have appearance of abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Get a small bottle of Knowlton’s Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any—that it has been neglect ed or injured by careless treatment —that’s all—you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Danderine. advt. Progreas-Argus want ada bring results. He who laves his country, saves all things; all things saved do bless him. He who lets his country die, lets all things die, and all things dying, curse him.—Benjamin H. Hill. ' /.‘v’ 'fif ‘ ■ One girl with a typewriter can excel manil men writing long hand One salesman with this utility car increafl his efficiency 33V3 per cent. I With it a physician serves many more patienl —a plumber gains more customers —a rel estate man makes more money! This thrift car you enjoy while employim it —looks as good as it performs. Appearance, Performance, 1 Comfort, Service and Price ’ , M Litkl UoJd po Tovrint Cat /A II r*y#-ri Pvm prite lfrtf to rtfc— §$ witm* M 0& n ~t > McKibben Buggy Company J JACKSON, GA. - I Oil on a stagnant pool prevents t newly hatched mosquitoes from ma ing their way out into the world torment mankind?