The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 15, 1918, Image 11

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Ugh! Calomel Sickens; Salivates! Please Try Dodson's Liver Tone I 'am sincere! My medicine 'does not npsef Iraer find bowels so you lose a day’s world. Calomel loses you a day! Yon Sfcnow what calomel is. It’s mer- Kujt; quicksilver. Calomel is dan icerous. It crashes into sour bile K^ e dynamite, cramping and eick- K you. Calomel attacks the a nd should never be put into |nnr system. mtofticn you feel bilious, sluggish ■Rtipatcd and ell knocked out anu Jwffvo yon need a dose of dangerous fifidoinel just remember that your PATRIOTIC LEAGUE ORGANIZED HERE Will Help Government in Various Plans WHOLECOUNTYINCLUDED MONEY WILL BE RAISED FOR RED CROSS AND Y. M. C. A. AND OTHER DEMANDS THAT COME UP DURING WAR For the purpose of carrying on pa triotic work connected with the war, the Patriotic League of Butts County was organized here last week with the election of Mr. W. 0. Ham as chair man, and Mr. J. P. Etheridge as sec retary and treasurer. The immediate plan is to raise $250 to take over the Blue Rdige Training r .School to train young men for Y. M. C A. work in France. An army offic er visited the city Thursday and made a talk to a meeting of business men. At that time $250 was pledged to the work. Another meeting was held Fri day afternoon and details of the or ganization were perfected. Jackson was organized first and la- A Texas Wonder The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves grav el, cures diabetis, weak and lame backs rheumatism, and all irregular ities of the kidneys and bladder in both .men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO. One small bottle is two ayionths' treatment, and seldom ever tails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. iiau, Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold b> druggists, advt. ZIRON IRON TONIC FOR YOUR BLOOD! -DO YOU NEED IT? Lack of Iron in the Blood Means Lack of Appetite, Loss of Energy, Pale Cheeks, and a General Debili tated Condition of the Entire System. ZIRON Win Put Iron Into Your Blood. Be physically fit! Guard your health as the most prized possession you bare. "When you find yourself losing your grip, becoming irritable, nervous, weak, anemic, take inventory. See what is wrong! Your blood probably does not contain sufficient iron. The red corpuscles may have become diminished, and consequently, your entire system suffers from insufficient and Impoverished blood supply, and the accumulation of poisonous waste matter. If you find this to be the case, you will want a remedy that will supply iron, which will increase the number of red corpuscles. Try ZIRON, the new Iron Tonic, which contains no alcohol, no habit-forming drugs, and is rec ommended as a safe, reliable, tonic remedy for men, women and children. Mrs. Lizzie Pennington, of Adamsville, Ala., writes: “About two weeks ago I was in bed with an awful bad cold, and I was awful weak. I had taken Purgative medicine, but wanted to try something with iron to see if I couldn’t ! pt back my strength. My 6on thought Ziron would help me, so I commenced R- My nerves generally run down in the Spring and I need something to | build me up.. .When I got some better and was up and around, we commenced > the Ziron and it surely helped me to gain my strength and throw off the cold. ..I have used only about a half bottle of Ziron but feel so much better ( and stronger that I may not have to take any more for awhile.” SPECIAL OFFER: Buy a bottle of ZIRON, today, at your druggist’s and give it a. fair trial, according to directions on the bottle. If, after using up one bottle, you find it has not benefited you, take the empty bottle back to the druggist and he will refund what you paid him for it We repay him, so there is no reason'why he should not repay yon, Thla offer osly applies to the first trial bottle. CZA 23 druggist sells for a few cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. * Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day’s work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straight ens you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children as well. ter the entire county will be organiz ed. Twenty-five committees were ap pointed, and each of these commit tees, consisting of a chairman and four members will endeavor to raise $lO. All above that amount will go into the treasury to be used for later calls, such as the Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. These demands will contin ue to be made during the war and it was deemed advisable to have a per manent organization to handle the matter, rather than put the work on a few men Any citizen of Butts county can be come a member of the League upon the payment of the fee. As soon as the organization is perfected in Jack son the several djistricts of the county will be organized, chairmen will be elected and members enrolled. In view of the fact that citizens must help out in the various war ac tivities, it is better to have a compact organization to raise the money and handle all these matters. The League is designed to serve a noble and patri otic purpose and no doubt there will be a ready response to all demands that present themselves. Members of the Patriotic League of Butts County, as at present organ zed, are as follows: W. O. HAM, Chairman J. P. ETHERIDGE, Sec. and Treas. R. N. Etheridge, Chairman A. L. Bickers L. B. Thompson J. M. Currie S. M. Pope J. B. Settle, Chairman G. D. Head F. S. Etheridge 3. F. Watkins, Jr. W. M. Settle W. P. Newton, Chairman H. O. Ball W. H. Mallet W. L. Nutt vV”. G. Morrison R. P. Newton, Chairman Tim Newton JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS W. A. Newton Jim Bowden H. W. Copeland L. P. McKibben, Chairman Jos. E. Edwards H. R. Slaton G. B. Carreker D. G. McMichael F. S. Carmichael, Chairman J. H. McKibben Hughlon Thornton A. F. Whitney H. W. Turner J. H. Carmichael, Chairman J. C Kinard C. E. McMichael J. G. McDonald W. C. Stodghill Dr. Robt. VanDeventer, Chairman A R. Conner J. L. Lyons J. R. Thurston V. W. Fretwell Rev. S. R. England, Chairman W. P. Nutt S. 0. Ham H. H. Ham W. M. Thompson R. L. Carter, Chairman J. A. Jarrell Avon Gaston S. H. Thornton Elwood Robison H. M. Fletcher, Chairman Troy Willis R. W. Mays C. H. Thornton J. B Mays A. T Buttrill, Chairman W. B. Thompson W. T. Scarbrough Z. T. Buttrill , , J. E. Woods R. P. Sasnett, Chairman R. A. Franklin , > , j J. W. Carter J. T. Moore C. L. Redman J. D. Jones, Chairman ; T. W. Hencely A. A. Howell J. C. Jones P. M Wise B. K. Carmichael, Chairman ’’rn-ren Furlow .' J. M. Gaston J. Lee Byron Tom Watkins , j W. E. Merck, Chairman P. W. Nolen T. H. Nolen ' ; J. S. Johnson T. T. Fletcher W. P. Martin, Chairman R. J Carmichael W. M. Barkley J. L. Barkley W. W. Jamerson S. P. Nichols, Chairman R. 0. Settle W. R. Sandifer W. J. Wood T. H. Turner T. A. Nutt, Chairman T. W. Ham [ff W. M. Bond S. J. Carmichael N. R. McCord O. A. Pound, Chairman T. H. Buttrill J. B. Hopkins C. T. Beauchamp C. W. Buchanan C. M. Kimbell, Chairman S. B. Kinard ;? ' Geo. H. Kimbell I. W. McClure E. R. Harper ] • Hugh Mallet, Chairman f. H. Ham ’J S. J Foster x t L. M. Crawford J. T. Goodman [f H. L. Daughtry, Chairman W. H. Maddox, Sr. A. H. S. Davis V. A. Kimbell D. M. Thornton J. B. Carmichael, Chairman W. E. Watkins 0. N. Brownlee J. L. Bailey H. J. Miller , ;, E. L. Smith, Chairman W. 11. Merritt C. M. Compton H. M. Moore Whit Newton A Short But Strong Statement Women with backache, rheumatic pains, sore muscles, stiff joints or oth er symptoms of kidney trouble should read this statement from Mrs. S. C. Small, Clayton, N. M.: “Foley Kid ney Pills have done me more good than all other medicines.” They strengthen weak kidneys and banish sleep-disturbing bladder ailments. The Owl Pharmacy, advt. §For Little Folks Milder Ills —when the food disagrees, the play has been too strenuous, or the dreaded colds are taking hold—the housewife of experience has a tried remedy at hand. It has proved her helper for many years, and she knows its value. Peruna Tablets Are A Quick Aid They regulate the disturbed diges tion, free the overloaded stomach, overcome the cold, remove the catarrhal conditions and re build the strength. Peruna Is A Reliable Family Remedy It has proved that in innumerable households from Maine to Califor nia, and in foreign countries. It is the chief reliance in the Ameri can home for all catarrhal trouble and wherever a tonic if needed, in con valescence and as a preventive. In tablet form it is ever -ready-to take, a real life insurance. If you haven’t used it in this form, get a box today. THE PERUNA COMPANY Columbus, Ohio YOUNG SOLDIER INDICTED IS RETURNED TO CAMP Pending Trial Henry Amos Brown Will Serve His Country Private Henry A. Brown, who has been in the Butts county jail for sev eal days on the charge of shooting Otis Leverette at Indian Springs Feb ruary 24, was carried back to Macon Tuesday night by Sergeant W. F. Lavender. Brown was indicted by the g rand jury, but it may be several months before the trial comes off, and during that time he will serve his country as a member of Cos. A 121st infantry. SPRING IS NICE, BUT— Lack of fresh vegetable food and interrupted changing habits make these trying weeks for anyone inclin ed to constipation. Foley Cathartic Tablets are just the thing for indi gestion, biliousness, gas on stomach, furred tongue, headache, or other condition indicating clogged bowels. Cause no bad after effects. The Owl Pharmacy, advt. “SATURDAY NIGHT SKETCHES” Storie* of Pioneer Days in Wiregrass Georgia on Sale “Saturday Night Sketches,” “hu morous, sentimental, pathetic,” be ing fify-eight of the sketches appear ing under the title “Saturday Night“ in the Tifton Gazette, are on sale, price $2.50 postpaid. The book has 304 pages and seven illustrations from original sketches by Tom J. Nicholl. It is an Author’s Autographed Edition, bound in ma roon silk cloth, with gold lettering. Clear print, large type, a neat and attractive volume, that should be in every Southern library. Sent on re ceipt of price by J. L. Herring, Tif ton, Ga. Local agents wanted. Especial in ducements to boys and girls working their way through school. Massachusetts and Michigan chap ters of the Daughters of the Revolu tion are establishing “mending rooms” in cantonments. These departments are opened for hospitals, where hun dreds of garments are mended each week. From Weak and Lame To WeU. and Strong Try them. Foley KSdnsy Fills will do for ether men and women —qu.c*- ly—what they have done for Mra. Bird y g “Laist vear, I got almost down with my back,' writes 14m. H. T. Str&yngo of Qalnearllle, Ga.. 1L No. 3. "I suf fered frocr. inflammation of the blad der. and whenever X stopped doctoring I grew worse. I tried Foley Kidney Pilla, and after taking them awhile my bladder action became regular and the stinging sensation disappeared. I am now stronger In my back than I've been for ssverai years, and since get ting well, I’ve stayed well and had no return of the trouble." fc. Start la now to use Foley Kidney PUlam Ton will feel an Improvement very first doses, showing how quickly they act on kidneys and bladder. They stop Irregular urinary action, ease pain In baek and sides, limber up stiff joints and aching mus cles. They put the kidneys and blad der in noun*, healthy condition. Try them. THE OWL PHARMACY FRIDAY. MARCH 15. 191* pSfSI The campaign to raise a second $100,000,000 has been announced by the American Red Cross for the week beginning May 6. To date nearly $00,000,000 has been appropriated for war relief work. Only the 12-cylinder type of Liber ty motor for airplanes is now being built, it having been thought best n view of developments abroad to con centrate on the high-powered engine instead of the eight-cylinder. Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M. Jones, of Palmer, Okla., writes: “ From the time 1 en tered into womanhood ... 1 looked with dread from one month to the next. I suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me was a misery. 1 would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and I gradually got worse. . . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . • • 1 decided to TAKE The Womans Tonic “ I took four bottles,” Mrs. Jones goes on to say, “and was not only greatly relieved, but can truthfully say that I have not a pain. . . “ It has now been two years since I tookCardui, and 1 am still in good health. . . I would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who is a sufferer from any female trouble.” If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or if you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up your run-down system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped her. We believe it will help you. All Druggists J. 68