The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 29, 1918, Image 11

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laiomel Users! Listen To Me! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone our druggist gives back your money if it doesn’t liven your liver and bowels and straighten you up without making you sick. There’? no reason why a person id take sickening, salivating cal- B when a few cents buys a large Bio of Dodson’s Liver Tone—a substitute for calomel. B, is a pleasant, vegetable liquid will start vour liver just as Helv as calomel, but it doesn’t |^L t . vou sick and can not salivate. and grown folks can take Boon’s Liver Tone, because it is harmless. Balomel is a dangerous drug. It IIGHWAY FUNDS ARE ALLOTTED \ btts County Not Included I This Year 400,000 WILL BE SPIN I EDERAL APPROPRIATION FOR GOOD ROADS WILL BE SPENT ON HIGHWAY LINES, SAYS CHAIRMAN PATTERSON / The Georgia Highway Department las apportioned $402,750 of the fed eral aid road fund among 28 counties, to be expended during 1919. Butts county is not included in the list. Speaking of the matter Judge T. E. Patterson, chairman, says: “These allotments are apportioned JACKSON EVIDENCE FOR JACKSON PEOPLE The Statement* of Jackson Residents Are Surely More Reliable Than Those of Utter Strangers Home testimony is real proof. ..Public statements of Jackson peo ple carry real weight. ..What a friend or neighbor says compels respect. The word of one whose home is far away invites your doubts. Here’s a Jackson woman’s state ment. And it’s for Jackson people’s ben efit. Such evidence is convincing. That’s the kind of proof that backs Doan’s Kidney Pills. Mrs. Gordon Carmichael, Oak St., says: “Kidney trouble caused me a lot of suffering. I had pains all through the small ofmy back and they were especialty severe in the morning. My kidneys acted unnaturally. I knew I need ed a kidney medicine but didn't know what to take until a friend ad vised me to try Doan’s Kidney Pills. They cured me of all signs of kid ney trouble and I have had no return of it.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that cured Mrs. Carmichael. Foster- Milburn'Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. We Sell, Buy Lease or Manag e PROPERTY In Any Part of the United States J. B. GUTHRIE REALTY CO., Real Estate and Renting Agents Hark ness Ruildini? JauK-sOti. viCOfki^ is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, slug gishness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist savs if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you. for the completion of the links in the general state wide scheme of road projects covered by the federal aid plans in this state. “Some projects, such as the Camp Gordon to Decatur road in DeKalb county to the artillery range were temporarily laid aside for a further conference with the War Department officials. “In other cases, such as Butts, Gor don, Whitfield, Pulaski, Screven, Bar tow and Laurens, were carried over for similar reasons, and further, that some of them might be altered some what to coincide more fully with the policy of the department. As each year the federal fund increases more than $130,000,000, it is thought that all Georgia projects will be aid ed either this year or next.” County Commissioner J. O. Gaston is very much interested in securing part of the federal funds for use on Butts county’s roads, and has worked tirelessly to secure favorable consid eration from the State Highway Com mission. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all that were so good and kind to us during the sick ness and death of our darling little Asa Donson. And also for the many beautiful flowers. May God bless you each and every one is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hodges. A Short But Strong Statement Women with backache, rheumatic pains, sore muscles, stiff joints or oth er symptoms of kidney trouble should read this statement from Mrs. S. C. Small, Clayton, N. M.: “Foley Kid ney Pills have done me more good than all other medicines.” They strengthen weak kidneys and banish sleep-disturbing bladder ailments. The Owl Pharmacy, advt. LARGE COTTON SALE MADE BY A BARNESVILLE MAN J. C. Collier Sold 752 Bales at 35 Cents for $140,000 One of the largest cotton deals ev er made in middle Georgia was that of last Tuesday when J. C. Collier, of Bamesville, sold 752 bales for 35 cents the lot bringing $140,000. Part of the cotton was grown by Mr. on his farms, but some of it was bought at around 20 cents. Nat urally, a large profit was cleaned up on the sale of the cotton. At a bargain will sell seven-room house and store room, with one acre of land, at railroad crossing, known as J. H. Land’s crossing. Good lo cation for suburban store. You had better investigate this. 103 acres, with enough timber to pay for land, in 3 miles of Helena, close to railroad, will sell for SI,OOO T,,r ' *ackcon PROGRESS-ARCUS TAX SLACKERS TO BE ROUNDED UP Internal Revenue Collec tor Gives Notice TIME EXPIRES APRIL 1 GOVERNMENT INTENDS TO PUN ISH MONEY AS VIG OROUSLY AS MANHOOD SLACK ERS—WARNING SOUNDED / ' “Tax slackers will be prosecuted as vigorously under the war revenue act as draft slackers were prosecuted under the selective service act. The aid of all good citizens is invoked in bringing to justice the man who de liberately seeks to evade his just share of the war burden.” This was the statement today of In ternal Revenue Commissioner Daniel C. Roper. With only ten day left in which to file income tax returns, he practically completed the organiza tion of a huge dragnet for bringing into camp all persons who fail to file their returns by April 1. Revenue of ficers in every section of the country are checking up returns with a view to beginning prosecutions against tax dodgers. The word has gone forth that such offenders need expect no leniency. “Through its educational campaign the Bureau of Internal Revenue has endeavored to cover the field so thor oughly that ignorance of the law can not be consistently offered as an ex- cuse” said Commissioner Roper to day. “The press, the four minute men, the State and County Councils of National Defense, the field force of the Department of Agriculture and other government departments, banks, post offices and hundreds of volun teer agencies have co-operated in bringing home to the tax payer his duty. “The man who failed to register under the selective service act was regarded by the War Deparment as a slacker and prosecuted as such. The man who fails to file his income tax will be regarded as a “money slacker,” and when discovered, as he will be, will be made to suffer full penalties of the law. “To the credit of the nation it may be said that I have gratifying and conclusive evidence that these in come taxes will be paid by the great majority of the American people cheerfully and willingly. But the du ty of the honest man does not end with the payment of his own tax. I call upon him to aid in bringing into camp the tax dodger. A man so nig gardly as to seek to evade what his represnetative in Congress declared to be his just share of a tax im posed for the support of our arms is deserving of no consideration and will receive none. “Congress has distributed this tax justly and equitably. The rate is fix ed so that the rich man and the man of moderate means are assessed, each according to his income. No man can offer the excuse that his neighbor es capes what he has to pay. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all good citizens to aid in carrying out the intent and ■kpirit of the law, which is that the burden of the war tax be evenly dis tributed and every man compelled to pay his just quota.” I “IT SURE DOES THE WORK” Mrs. W. H. Thornton, 3523 W. 10th St., Little Rock, Ark., writes: “My lit tle boy had a severe attack of croup and I honestly believe he would have died if it had not been for Foley’s Honey and Tar. I would not be with out it at any price, as it sure does the work.” Best remedy known for coughs, colds, whooping cough. The Owl Pharmacy, advt. WILL NOT PLAY PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL THIS SUMMER George Manley writes that he has accepted a good position, and will not try out with the Atlanta team for catcher this season. He was to have re ported Monday, but has given up base ball to accept an attractive position. Mr. Manley is also in class lA, and may be called to the colors during the year. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take LAXATIVR BROMO Quinine. It stop* the Ccufch and Headache and work® off the Cold. L>rutrgisi® refund money if it tail® to cure. $/ # w. GUOVU’S aiga&ture on each box* 30c* PERUNA in Your Home A housewife must give the first aid in colds, coughs and other ailments. Her promptness in applying the remedy often saves a serious illness. Her experience with remedies has led her to know that PERUNA is always reliable, that she should have it on hand for the immediate treatment of coughs and colds, and that it is always to her SSH The Family “We have used Pe- m m run* la our family P . f for a number of iin iPfllllirn fears, aud have UUI vtufll U found it a perfectly The experience of one S^!d a Ynd woman, given herewith, is vents serious oon- typical of thousands of let nstng it ters that reach the Peruna i°BuS h ’wi'th lC a Company from grateful good many years. friends who have found their but had not been very seriou3 until recently. , „ f Sin-e I have taken Peruna the dropping in my nOm e S mCOm i throat has discontinued, and my head and nose nipt#* nnrl their 1 are net eo stopped up in the morning. lam JMCIC, tucu im \ J jl -ased with the results, and shall continue to family Bafety in 1 use It until I am entirely rid of catarrh. jy/IWA 1 I hr-firtilyrecommend itas an hoaestjmediclne.” danger WlUlOllt Ij /. \’A I Whet it does for her it is ready to do for you. J PERUNA. J) 'UVM Colds and Catarrh j The great weight of testimony that has accumu latecf in the 44 years that PERUNA has been oil the market proves it, beyond question, to be |he reliable family rem j edy, ever ready to take, preventing the serious effects of colds, coughs, grip and derangements of tho digestive organs. This ! proof is published from time to time and many fumilies have 1 i profited by it. XSQ/ Remcadwr you r.r.n elite I- FERtTNA in taUtt (one for your convenient*. Carry it rfv'aysa ao<fse fortKir-’. against sudden aUac'.s. The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio RABIES SHOW INCREASE IN GEORGIA DURING YEAR More Cases Treated in 1917 Than During Previous Year Hydrophobia is increasing in Geor gia, according to a statement of the State Board of Health. During the year 1917 a total of 1,972 cases re ceived treatment. Of that number 382 received treatment at the laboratory, and 1,590 patients received treatment by mail. Only 1,500 cases were treated in 1916, the increase for 1917 over the previous year being 472. There has been a marked increase in the disease every year since 1910. This is due, it is claimed, to the large 1 number of stray dogs running at large i i ; For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Cos., manufacturers of Laxative Brcmo Quinine and Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic. Sales of War Savings Stamps have run as high as $3,000,000 a day. This amount provides the Treasury with about one-tenth of the amount now being expended by the nation for the war. While $3,000,000 is only 3 cents a day for every man, woman and child in the country, the entire cost of the war is but 30 cents per capita a day. Arrangements are being made to keep a complete record of all Indians who serve in the army or navy dur ing the war. i'O PALE PEOPLE — YOUR HOOD MAT EE STARVING FOR IRON! If Your Blood Needs Iron, It Needs ZIRON, the New Compound of Iron, Which Acts as a Strength ening Tonic, Enriching the Blood and Building up the System. When your blood lacks the proper proportion of red corpuscles fo give your complexion the “rosy hue of health” and your complexion is pale, “pasty-look ing”, perhaps even greenish-tinged, yen are probably cf an anemic or chlorotic n: lure, and your blood needs Ziron, to bring back the rich, red flush of health. Ziron, the new compound cf iron, the hypophosphites of lime and soda, and other tonic, strengthening ingredients, has been found cf great value in conditions cf simple anemia, chlorosis, debility, nervousness, lack of ambition, loss of appe tite, dyspepsia, etc. It is a valuable reconstructive tonic, in cases of weakness, and helps build up the constitution after severe illness. Mrs. Mae Belle Perkins, of Adairsville, Ga., writes: “About two months ago i get to feeling badly. My back hurt me badly, ar.d rny legs and arms hurt too, and i didn’t have any appetite at all to cat. About two weeks ago 1 commenced taki.'.g Ziron, according to directions on the bctlle ... By the time I had taken the medicine fora week, I could see it woo doing me good. I had been weak and nervous, and it made me feel stronger, and I’m not a bit nervous now. My back is ad r: ..M, and my arms and legs do not ache. And n;y appetite is good again. Before I started using Ziron I wouldn’t rest at night, I was so tired feeling and felt worn out. I have used nearly the whole bottle ar.d now I sleep tine every night. It sure is a fine medicine, and lam glad I tried it.” Ziron is non-alcoholic, contains no habit-forming drugs, acts gently, lias :o bad after-effects, is good for men, women and children. It is a medicine of genuine merit, composed of ingredients prescribed by eminent physicians. Try it. SPECIAL Cl FUR: Buy a bottle of ZIRON, today, at your dr. ter Ist ‘s an J live it af^lr: .it, ac cording to directions on the label. After usir.U up one bottle, if you f'.r.d it /..• nol b< ye*. "uke it h n .ck if} c ,f rd he vs fit f€^ >r nd *hut y ,/yi i /;*/*? for 1 * uv r' rt, cy /?. *.?. * vky hi shouldr.oirepay you. This offer or.'.j applies to Hi: final IrLl'. ottlc. Z. A. t.) FRIDAY, MARCH 29. 1918 BUTTS COUNTY BOY IN SIGNAL CORPS ARRIVES IN FRANCE A cablegram has been received from Mr. Bernard O. Maddox, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Maddox, announc ing that he landed several days ago in France. He is attached to the avia toin section of the signal corps. NOTICE Bmig your wheat to High Falls Roller Mills and get good white flour. No flour mixed here. W. W. WYNN, Miller. 3-22-4tp. FOR SALE Velvet Beans, the 90 day variety. The only bean that will mature in this section. Only a limited number of bushels on hand. See me at once. 3-l-6tc. E. O. HUSON. INCREASE OF MEAT ANIMALS IN YEAR OVER 6,000,000 Reports based on figures from the De partment of Agriculture show that January 1, 1918, the number of meat animals in the United States was greater by more than 6,000,000 head than it was January 1, 1917. The number of inspections for slaughter indicate a decrease in consumption. The summary shows the total num ber of cattle in the United States Jan uary 1, 1918, was 66,830,000, an in crease of 1,247,000 head over the same day the year before. Hogs in creased 3,781,000 head, or 5.7 per cent. The increase in sheep was 1,284,000 head, or 2.7 per cent.