The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 29, 1918, Image 5

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CARMICHAEL-MALLET COMPANY JACKSON, GEORGIA Boxes of Wonderful Easter Things Are Being opened up every hour in our Millinery and Ready-to-Wear Departments. Enhancing Silk Frocks That Sing a Song of Spring Here For Your CHOOSING MOW v J A large shipment of Eas ter Dresses just in by ex press, and the showing is wonderful for the price. In all the popular Foulard, Taffetas and Crepe De Chine. All sizes, all colors are here in abundance for your choosing. UNVEIL SERVICE FLAG APRIL 6 MOTHERS URGED TO COME Patriotic Exercises Will Mark Occasion The Butts county young ladies at the State Normal School, at Athens, ■will unveil a Service Flag at the court house here on April 6, according to a letter received from Miss Bessie Compton. The unveiling, in honor of the Butts county boys now in service, will. take place at 11 o’clock Saturday morning, April 6. It is requested that .the mothers of all the soldiers be present, as well as the general public. The patriotic efforts of these young ladies is worthy of commendation. The full program and details will be given in the next issue. INDIAN SPRINGS Miss Dovie Bryans is visiting the family of Mr. H. L. Daughtry in Jackson. Sergeant L. B. Vaughn, a nephew of Miss Lindsey, was her guest last week. Sergeant Vaughn is awaiting orders to go “Over the Top.” Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Perritt, of Forsyth, Mr. H. L. Daughtry, Jr., ow of University of Georgia, Misses Emily Daughtry and Margarita Bry ans were guests of Idlewilde on Sat urday. Letters from Ben Ed Watkins, of the AviatioifCorps, have been receiv ed from England. He had a fine trip over and is now ready for the firing line. Mrs. Polly Edwards, of Macon, mother of Mr. J. B. Edwards, has been spending several days with him. Many relatives and friends from a THOS. N. McKIBBEN GRIFFIN : : : : GEORGIA MANAGER OF THE GRIFFIN DISTRICT FOR THE New England Mutual Life Insurance Company THE OLDEST MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS YOU CANNOT DELAY MUCH LONGER BUYING YOUR EAS TER HAT. WHY NOT VISIT OUR MILLINERY SALON TODAY EACH DAY SCORES UPON SCORES OF NEW HATS TAKE THE PLACE OF THOSE SOLD THE DAY BEFORE. To be Correctly Hatted you nat urally choose a store which of fers varieties in each general type of hat, yet no quantities in any one style. This is one of the things we specialize on particu larly. ALL KINDS OF HATS FROM 98c TO $15.00 SEE OUR DISPLAY SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS BELOVED WOMAN DIES ATJENKINSBURG HOME After a period of ill health and af fliction extending over several years, Mrs. D. B. Moore passed away at her home at Jenkinsburg Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. Mrs. Moore was one of the most beloved women in the county and her passing caused sincere regret among a wide circle of friends. She was held in the highest esteem, and was truly a faithful wife, good mother and kind friend. Before her marriage Mrs. Moore was Miss Anna Barnes, and a native of Butts county. She was 60 years of age and was a member of the Jenkinsburg Baptist church. She is survived by her husband, Mr. D. B. Moore, one son, Mr. G. C. Moore, of Atlanta; three daughters, Misses Addie and Carrie Leila Moore and Mrs. D. 0. Woodward, all of Jenkinsburg; four brothers, Messrs. W. H. and J. L. Barnes, of Jackson, J. M. Barnes, of Flovilla, and T. J. Barnes, of Florida; two sisters, Mrs. T. E. Redman, of Helena, and Mrs. Sam Haislip, of Eastman. The funeral was held at Jenkins burg Baptist church at 3 o’clock Tues day afternoon. The services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. C. C. Heard, and interment was in the cem etery at Jenkinsburg. | distance met with her and. formed a congenial house party. Among them were Mrs. J. E. Wallace and family, Mrs. Jim Wallace, of McDonough, Rev. T. H. Vaughn, Mrs. S. J Lind sey, Mrs. S. J. Bailey, of Griffin, and Mrs. Joe Rosea Edwards. Miss Lucile Elder has returned to Georgia after a prolonged stay in Florida. She is now visiting Mrs.. Mallet in Jackson. Friends at Indian Spring invite her to spend the week end with them during her stay in the state. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS Easter Coats Gems of models in all the new shades and styles and prices very conservative. Tailored Coats and Novelty Coats in the smartest spring styles. Suits are here in abundance all sizes, all colors and a good se lection of models in all sizes. FLOVILLA RED CROSS WILL HAVE BENEFIT "PATRIOTIC PARTY" 29 Proceeds Go to Surgical Dressings Fund Auxiliary No. 1, Flovilla Red Cross, will give a “Patriotic Party” at Red Cross headquarters Friday evening, March 29th. A cordial invi tation is extended to every one in this and adjoining communities. Ta bles decorated to represent our “Al lies” and young ladies wearing na tive costumes will refresh ments typical of the countries rep resented. Nothing over ten cents. Miss Lurline Lawson will represent England; Miss Virginia White, France; Miss Opal Vickers, Canada; Miss Marilu Terr-011, Japan; Mrs. Mae Smith, Italy; Miss Lula Dozier, Ire land; Miss Ruth Duffey, United States; Miss Lois Allen, The Navy; Miss Annie Kate Lynch, The Army; Miss Mildred Allen, The Red Cross; William Lynch, Uncle Sam. Patriotic music will prove an inter esting feature of the evening. The proceeds of this “Benefit Party” will go to the Surgical Dress ings fund. The class in Surgical Dressings organized last fall has done splendid work and will appreci ate your liberal patronage. BUTTS COUNTY GINNED 14,324 BALES LAST YEAR | According to a report of the cen sus bureau the total number of bales of cotton ginned in Butts county for the year 1917 amounted to 14,324. This is compared with 12,011 bales of the crop of 1916, showing an in crease the past year of 2,313 bales. This is a far larger crop than it was estimated Butts county would make last season. The total number of bales ginned in Georgia in 1917 was 1,882,554,as against 1,852,104 bales in 1916. Burke county leads the state with a total of 66,828 bales ginned. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist wi!! refund money if TAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Best. SO'' FOY HOTEL WILL OPEN ABOUT APRIL THE 20 The Foy Hotel, under the manage ment of Mr. Sherwood Thaxton, who has been in charge for the past sever al years, will open this season on April 20. Mr. Thaxton was a visitor to Jackson Wednesday, having been summoned here to appear before the draft board for physical examina tion, and while in the city stated he was arranging to open the Foy a few weeks earlier than usual. He has made a distinct success of -the hotel business, and in addition to being in business for himself, he has been con nected with some of the largest ho tels in the South, and knows the game from the ground up. Mr Thaxton is confident this will be a good season at Indian Springs. Despite the vnr, the fact remains that there is money in abundance in the country and the number of auto mobile is growing constantly, all of which helps the hotel business. Under the management of Mr. Thaxton the Foy Hotel has become one of the best known and most pop ular hostelries in the country and en joys a liberal patronage. PIPE’S DIAPEPSIN FOB INDIGESTION DB SOUR. ACID STOMACH In Five Minutes! No Dys pepsia, Heartburn or Any Stomach Misery Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indi gestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments into gases and upsets you; your head aches and you feel sick and miserable, that’s when you realize the wonderful acid neutralizing power in Pape’s Diapcp sin. It makes all such stomach misery due to acidity, vanish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a continuous revolt—if you can’t get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Pape’s Dia pepsin. It’s so needless to have an acid stomach—make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a lit tle Diapepsin. There will not be any distress—eat without fear. It’s be cause 1 epe’s Diapepsin “realiy and es” sweeten ou:-of-order stomach? that give it its m'Hions of sales annually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pipe’s Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest antacid and si *.n ach rehef known. It acts almost like magic—it is a scientific, harmless and pleasant stomach preparation which truly belongs in every home. advt. REGISTERED HEREFORD STOCK TO BE SOLO AT AUCTION IN ATLANTA ON MARCH 29th Held Under Auspices of the Georgia Hereford Cattle Breeders Association. Great Interest In Sale Atlanta, Ga., March I9fh —(Special) The first auction sale of high class, pure bred, registered Hereford entile, held under the auspices of the Georgia Hereford Cattle Breeders Association, will take place at Miller Union Stock Yards, Atlanta, Friday, March 29th, at noon. The announcement of the proposed auction sale is made by President John 1). Little, head of the Georgia Hereford Cattle Breeders Association. In speaking of the corning sale, Mr. Little said: “The growth and development of the purpose of our people to breed first class cattle within the past two years lias been marvelous. Only a few years ago, the total number of pure bred cattle in Georgia was negligible. Today there are dozens of large herds of Hereford.) alone, representing the finest Wood lines that money can buy. The appeal of our administration at Washington, arising from the necessity of feeding ourselves, our armies abroad and supplying our allies with their requirements, lias gi- en an added impetus to this purpose and is within itself an inspiration to the breed ers, and is spreading to farmers general ly, to r. ise more beef and better beef. This can only be done through the pure bred types of the best breeds. Unfor 1-inatcly, in this section we have had the I R DAY , MARCH 10- 3 Cough? To get quick relief take W Dr. Kings New Dcovery. Used 50 years. Checks the cold. Stops the cough. Try it. b-vbg EJT gSold by all druggists HK i itd’s N msmv%rY for Coutfhs g Colds The Evils ef Constipation Leaving waste material in the body poisons the system and blood and makes you liable to sick headaches, biliousness, nervousness and muddy skin. Try Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Prompt relief. At all druggists. Human life is the cheapest thing in the world. Thousands of brave men are bleeding and dying in Eu rope for a holy cause. Unless you value your money more than you do your own soul, put something into War Saving Stamps and Liberty Bonds. PROFESSIONAL CARDS $100,000.00 TO LOAN on farm lands. Rea sonable rate of interest. See me before you borrow any money on your farm. W. E. Watkins. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST ON CHOICE FARM LANDS AND IMPROV ED CITY PROPERTY H.M. FLETCHER Jackson, Ga. J. THREATT MOORE! Attorney At Law. Office in Crum Building, Jackson : Georgia. Will practice in all the Courts. C. L. REDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Carter Warthcn Building, JACKSON, GA. THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF GEORGIA S. B. Kinard, General Agent J. H. Pope, Local Agent Jackson, Georgia same thing that always follows Imme diately in the wake of a demand for pure bred cattle, the importation by carloads of alleged pedigreed cattle cf inferior type by irresponsible outside people, and their disposal to Georgia farmers as the best Types of theji breed. “The coming Association sales on March 29th is epoch-making. The Here ford Association proposes to have a similar sale annually. Other breeds will doubtless follow. These Association sales mean that only the best types and best blood lines of the breed are allowed to be entered and offered for sale, so that buyers are sure to get what they pay for. “In the coming sale, ten bulls and forty breeding cows and heifers, select ed from seven large Georgia herds, are to be offered to the public, every one representing the best blood lines and best types of the breed. Already wide spread interest in the sale has been manifested and buyers are expected from the Carolines, Alabama and Flor ida, as well as from the Middle "West. “The Hereford is a wonderful breed of Cattle. The Animal Industry Depart ment of the United States Government has said officially they do better under adverse conditions and better under favorable conditions than any other breed. The wonderful success that breeders in Georgia are having with 1 heir herds has proven beyond question their entire adaptability lo conditions in Georgia and the Southeast, and there is no reason in the world why this section, with practically ten months of pastur age in the year, shouldn’t rapidly develop ir to the best cattle breeding section of the country.”