The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, April 05, 1918, Image 10

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FRIDAY, APRIL S, 1918 Keeping Our Soldiers Strong Early in the world war experience proved the extraordinary value of cod liver oil for strengthening soldiers against colds, pneumonia and lung troubles. Thousands of Our Soldiers are Taking S(9n3 EMULSION Because it Guarantees the Purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil fhigh in food value and rich in blood-making properties. Soott's will strengthen you against winter sickness. Beware of Alcoholic Substitutes. The imported Norwegian cod liver oil ued in Scott'* Emultion ia now refined in Our own American laboratories which guarantees it free from impurities, Scott tk Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. 17-23 INDIAN SPRINGS Mrs. J. E. Cornell spent the week end in Atlanta viith Mrs. Paul Baker. Miss Dovie Bryans has returned from a delightful visit in Jackson. Mrs. Eliza Fears is very ill; her friends are watching at her bedside. Good many from Indian Springs have been attending the series of meetings going on at the Baptist TO CONSERVE WOOL WEAR ALL-WOOL IET no man think he is conserving wool by wearing part-cotton clothes—wool adulter ated is only good material gone to waste .♦. . Instead of buying poorer suits and more of them— buy better suits and fewer of them . * * ♦ For clothesmaking as it is done in the Kirschbaum shops means better wearing clothes —means wool conservation in its only genuine sense - S2O to S4O Etheridge Smith & Cos. church. Miss Mabel Smith, teacher of the Indian Spring High School, attended the patriotic speeches in Jackson last Saturday. Miss Mary Ann Reeves has been a guest of Miss Joe Varner for several days. Mrs. Van Smith, of Cork, was a dinner guest of Miss Lindsey last ] GW' .<■ Eosrovoi on yygoU tor A. D. K.i:sch.bauia Cos. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS Friday. Little Edwin Lasseter, a primer pupil of the school, has invested one dollar and twenty-five cents in a Thrift Stamp. This money was his own earning. Mrs. E. D. Hoard is recovering from a serious attack of rheumatism. The public was invited to attend interesting exercises by the I. S. school children last Friday afternoon Papers on Thrift were read, judges were selected to decide on the best prepared and read. Elsie Coleman, a fifth grade pupil secured a certificate of Honor: a Thrift card and one stamp was presented by her teacher. The school room was decorated with crab apple blossoms, honey suckle, dog wood and sweet shrubs: also Easter decorations, paper rabbits and chickens. Miss Smith is very patri otic and tries to instill patriotism, in its full significance, in her school. A bright, cheery home makes bright, cheery peo ple. Furniture of the right sort helps to make a home A home.—S. H. Thornton. All Traces of Scrofula Cleansed from the Blood Impurities Promptly Wiped Out. If there is any trace of Scrofula, or other impurities in your blood, you cannot enjoy the full physical devel opment that a healthy body is ca pable of until your blood has been thoroughly cleansed and purified of all traces of impure matter. S. S. S., the wonderful old purely vegetable blood remedy, has no equal CEDAR ROCK CLUB NEWS The literary and club societies were combined in a contest on thrift. Each student present had a composi tion and the best from each grade was awarded an honor certificate. The following received certificates: First grade—Evie Gregory. Second grade—Maud Williamson. Third grade—Oswell Ingram. Fourth grade—James O’Neal. Sixth grade—Marjorie Welch. Fifth grade—Ruth Pace. Seventh grade—Clyde Williamson. Eighth grade—Daisy Lee Nutt. for removing the last trace of Scrof. ula and other blood taints, and there is no case that it does not promptly reach. S. S. S. will thoroughly clean? e and remove every disease germ that infests the blood and give you new life and vigor. It is sold by all drug, gists and you should get a bottle and begin its use to-day. Write a com plete history of your case, and you can obtain expert medical advice free by addressing Medical Director, 30 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga, Ninth grade—Lucy Bond. The following original speech was delivered by a five-year- old first grade pupil, Evie Gregory: “All you little boys and girls save as much bread as you can and send it to the soldier boys just as quick as you can” We all enjoyed the program very much and learned some of the needs of our country at the presen time. We will have our regular meeting next Friday. All tomatoes up, hens setting, pigs growing and corn planted, and every member happy. First Baptist Church Sunday, April 7 9:30 Bible School. Evangelist Reese will talk to the school. 11 a. m. Rev. T. 0. Reese will preach. Subject “The History of Baptists, Their Persecutions, Strug gles and Triumphs.” The sermon will be illustrated by drawings. 7:45. Subject “Has Hell Been Abolished.” Mr. Rowland will have charge of the singing at both services. THE STORE MEETINGS These informal meetings are inno vations that have been interesting. They bring religion very close to bus iness life. They have been well at tended in every case. The meetings at the church grow* in interest at every service. A goodly number have already * joined the church. Call some day and we will show you as nice se lection of furniture as you could wish to see. When may we expect you? S. H. Thornton. Now let’s Butts county “go over the top” viith her quota of Liberty Bonds. LOOK AT A CHILD’S TONGUE WHEN CROSS, FEVERISH AND SICK Take no Chances! Move Poi sons From Liver and Bow els at Once Mothers can rest easy after giving “California Syrup of Figs,” because in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently moves out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, .and they become tightly packed, liver gets sluggish and stomach disordered. When cross, feverish, restless, see if tongue is coated, then give this de licious “fruit laxative.” Children love it, and it cannot cause injury. No difference what ails your little one — if full of cold, or sore throat, diar rhoea, stomach-ache, bad breath, re member, a gentle “inside cleansing” should always be the first treatment given. Fqll directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and grown-ups are printed on bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bot tle of “California Syrup of Figs,” then look carefully and see that it is made by the “California Fig Syrup Company.” We make no smaller size, i Hand back with contempt any other ! fig syrup, advt. TWO CARS OF FURNI TURE RECEIVED THIS WEEK. Our selection is large and varied and deci dedly “different.” It will payyou to make us a look ing call.—S. H. Thornton.