The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, April 05, 1918, Image 2

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FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1918 Jacksen Progress - Argus PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY J. DOYLE JONES Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Jackson, Ga. TELEPHONE NO. 166 OFFICIAL ORGAN BUTTS COUN TY AND CITY OF JACKSON NOTICE Cards of thanks will be charged •t the rate of fifty cents, minimum for 50 words and less; above 80 words will be charged at the rate of 1 eent a word. Cash must accompany copy in all instancea. Damn the kaiser. To hell with the Germans. There is but one progra mnow—kill- Germans. Now let’s Butts county “go over the top” with her quota of Liberty Bonds. The nation’s business is to win this war. Everything else must take a back seat. A Baptist preacher in Atlanta has announced for senator, but we have forgotten the gentleman’s name. Murphey Candler is a fine, clean man and had he run for senator he would have made a remarkable show ing. The big drive has made America see red. At last we are aroused. It is now war to the knife and knife to the hilt. German prisoners are to be worked on military roads, it is stated. Be careful that they don’t leave a bomb to blow up traffic. The sentiment of the people is for a real man to run against T. W. Hardwick for senator. The right man has not yet announced. When the right man announces for senator, Hardwick, Cooper, Harris, Upshaw, Shaw and the others will have to take a back seat. Ohio is treating pro-Germans just like they ought to be treated. Every hun-lover ought to be made to kiss the flag or leave the country. If the ku klux clan were in exist ence now it could do some effective work. And there seems to be need lor just such an organization. Old Hindenburg was a liar when he said he would eat dinner in Paris on April 1. He will eat brimstone in hades a sight sooner than he will dine in Paris. There is a distant pleasure and satisfaction in knovvng that every Liberty Bond you buy is a lick at the baby-killing, kaiser-worshipping buns. Let’s go over the top. The whole duty of our army now is to kill Germans and more Germans. The duty of the people back home is to back up the government to the lim it. How many bonds are you going to buy? The news from Europe for the last few days has been eagerly devoured by the American people. The great battle on the western front has final ly put our hearts into the struggle. From now on there must be action and more action. The people are in no mood for quibbling, whether it comes from congress or pro-German agitators. WATCH THE LINE-UP (Macon News) The Jackson Progress-Argus has a way of speaking timely words of wis dom on a great many topics of vital interest, but nothing it has said re cently is more truly like an apple of gold in a picture of silver than its warning against political influence in getting the farmers’ boys sent back home from the army to work the crops. The farmers are perfectly willing to do their part in this war, and are asking no special favors, as the poli ticians of narrow vision seem to think. ' y resent the very suggestion of being coddled. The crops must be grown, of course, if we are to win this war, but surely there should be no useless shifting of one set of men from the farms to the army and another set from the army to the farmrers. Our contemporary says: Efforts to have the farmer boys in the army fucloughed home to make a crop, while it sounds good on the surface is a proposition that is loaded. The plan is full of cheap poli tics of the rottonest sort. Schem ing politicians are behind the movement. If the plan is carried out, there will be a stampede of politicians claiming all the credit for this legislation. Watch the prediction. Men in the army, who have al ready received military training, should stay there. Men needed on the farms, or in other lines of industry, should stay there until they are actually needed. Why send home the men who have al ready had training and take away from the farms and other industries men vitally need ed ? Such a plan will not only disorganize the army, but it will disorganize what farm labor there is in the country. Men already on the farm, who have their plans for the year mapped out, should be allowed to remain until it is vitally nec essary that they be called to the colors. Men taken out of the army now are not in position to make a crop, and any man vho has given the question any thought will admit it. Farmers are just as loyal to the country as any other class. They have given their sons, their money, their time to the nation’s call. But the farmers of America don’t want any special favors. They are not even asking it. Why send farm labor home and let other classes of labor re main in the army? Isn’t it a fact that there is a shortage of labor in every line of endeavor? Not only is hard to get enough farm labor to make a normal crop, but it is hard to get enough labor to keep vital in dustries running. The farmer feeds the world and food will win the war. But don’t disorganize the army by taking away trained men, and don’t disorganize the farms by by taking away labor that can bes pared. Watch out for the negro in the woodpile. The general public will, indeed, watch thi| process with vigilance. There will be no useless waste of man-povier if it can be helped, and no favoriteism out of which the poli ticians can make capital. Some of Butts county’s progressive farmers are buying Liberty Bonds in advance of the campaign which opens Saturday, April 6. Fine spirit. Let’s i all buy bonds and more bonds and help to kill the Germans. With transportation tied up as it is, I with all the food and fuel restrictions I in force, there will be an iron ring around Georgia next year. Unless ! you raise food you may not be able to buy it. Ever thought of that? _ _ _ . When a peanut politician wants to make a sure enough ass of himself he can do that to perfection by falling back on the “constitution.” The constitution is all right and democ racy is all right. What we want is speed in winning the war. ~ ■ - The boys at Camp Wheeler and Camp Gordon, and all the other camps are eager to get a try at the huns. And we have enough confi dence in our soldiers to believe some thing vvll happen when they do get their hands on the throats of the baby killing barbarians. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS THE GREAT W \R HAS MADE CIGARETTES A NECESSITY. “Our boys must have their smokes. Send them cigarettes!” This is a familiar appeal now to all of us. Among those most in demand i9 the now famous “toasted” cigarette— LUCKY STRIKE. Thousands of this favorite brand have been shipped to France. There is something home like and friendly to the boys in the sight of the familiar green packages with the red circle. This homelike, appetizing quality of the LUCKY STRIKE cigarette is largely due to the fact that the Burley tobacco used in making it has been toasted. “It’s toasted” was the “slo gan” that made a great success of LUCKY STRIKE in less than a year. Now the American Tobacco Cos. is making 15 million LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes a day. A good part of this immense pro duction is making its way across the water to cheer our bovs ~ It the blatant mouthed politicians were allowed to have their way the United States would not raise an ar my in fifty years. The idea of taking men out of the army to make crops and taking men from the farm to fill up the ranks! The scheme is as rotten as the politicians who started it. John D. Rockefeller paid an income tax of $38,000,000. But a little boost in the price of oil will soon pay it back.—Jackson Progress-Argus. Why should we care? The fellovi who is able to drive a benzine buggy is able to pay the price.—LaGrange Graphic. The press has been a mighty fac tor in selling Liberty Bonds, making the Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. cam paigns a popular success. With his home paper to back him up, the mer chant can whip the mail order houses to a frazzle. Keep the advertising fires burning. Don’t slow up or you are lost. Costly as it has been in blood and treasure, the drive on the western front has had beneficial effect in this country. It has aroused America to her peril and her duty. From this day on there must be no quibbling and wavering. We are in for a finish fight. “Lay on Mac Duff, and darned be him who first c ries, hold, enough!” FAT BIG IaLSTnT SOUR, ACID STOMACH, INDIGESTION OR GAS “Papes Diapepsin” is Quick est, Surest Stomach Relief Known—Try it! Time it! Pape’s Diapepsin will sweeten a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach within five minutes. If your meals don’t fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heantbum, that is usually a sign of acidity of the stomach. Get from your pharmacist a fifty cent case of Pape’s Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches or dizzinss. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape’s Diapepsin helps to neutral : ize the excessive acid in the stomach ' which is causing the food fermenta tion and preventing proper digestion. Relief in five minutes is waiting for you at any drug store. These large fifty-eent cases con tain enough “Pape’s Diapepsin” to usually keep the entire family free from stomach acidity and its symp toms of indigestion, dyspepsia, sour ness, gases, heartburn, and headache, for many months. It belongs in your home, advt. You’d jump at the chance to pay 50 per cent for fire protection if your warehouse was burning. Today your home, wealth and life are threatened by German oppression. Liberty Bonds are like insurance policies. Invest now. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE The Fee System I have read your editorial on the fee system in The Progress-Argus for March 22. You are doing a great ser vice in agitating this question. I have been thinking along this general line. One weak point in our system is the fee the lawyer gets when he defends a criminal. The effort of the court should be to get at the truth, and correct the criminal if pos sible and if not possible to put him where he can do no further harm. This noble purpose degenerates into a battle of two lawyers and their friends to get fees. The criminal is made a hero. Why not a Public De fender for criminals whose duty shall be to see that the accused gets a fair hearing, who is paid a salary for the sake of justice and not a lawyer who is paid a fee to enter into a disgrace ful contest like a rabbit hunt at pub lic expense? If a man is falsely accused he has a right to be vindicated without ex pense to himself. If a man is guilty the lawyer should not be forced to accept a fee from an enemy of his country or lose his labor. Asa tax payer I do not object to any system that checks crime; but I hate like thunder to pay for a system that makes a hero out of the criminal, be smirches the innocent, and degrades the lawyer. I am preparing a pamphlet on this subject. ALFRED AKERMAN, Greensboro, Ga., March 30. dtate of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me anf subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber. A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of -the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. BONO SUBSCRIPTIONS BE PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK Every week during the progress of the third Liberty Bond Campaign The Progress-Argus will publish the names of those who have bought bonds. The amounts will not be giv en, as that would hardly be fair. The names will be furnished by the local banks, who will handle the bonds. This list of names will be a Roll of Honor. Every individual who can do so should buy at least one or more bonds. The investment is as safe as the government itself, and in buying bonds one has the consciousness of knowing he is helping his country in its greatest crisis. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops tht Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. K. W. GROVE’S signature on each box. 30c. aft. S. H. THORNTON JACKSON, GA. UNDERTAKING, LICENSED EMBALMER Full Line of Caskets and Robes to select from My careful personal attention giv en to all funerals entrusted to me ALL CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY DAY OR NIGHT DAY PHONE 174 NIGHT PHONE 193 y a Pi I=3 Have this effective remedy at hand for croupy children. It’s thankful relief. Pleasant to take. Mildly laxative, psfe&s 1 W g s - ld by all druggists I1 ii ll%jf NEW§ I #JTpi 'W ifer- 1W Up ! 1 for Coughs s Colds Coistipatioe Ceases Sickness Don’t permit yourself to become constipated, as your system immediate ly begins to absorb poison from the backed-up waste matter. Use Dr. King’s New Life Pills and keep well. There is no better safeguard against illncss.Try it tonight,, All druggists SCHOOL NEWS The Demonsthenian boys society enjoyed a “prom” party given by the Phi Theta girls last Friday evening at the home of Margaret McKibben. About thirty couples participated in the different kinds of games played which were enjoyed by all. The house was beautifully decorat ed in ferns and cut flowers, and the colors of the two classes were carried out in the cards used. It was very no ticeable to see how anxious the Se niors were to get their colors, purple and gold and the see Juniors get theirs, the red and white. The table which held the punch bowl was decked with flowers and this was indeed a very attractive palce to the couples who made fre quent visits after their “walks.” After several hours of enjoyment and fun an ice course was served. The approaching debate is causing enthusiasm throughout the entire school. Not only are the Juniors and Seniors looking forward to the even ing of April 19th, but the outside people as well as the school. We will have our parade on Friday afternoon of the 19th, which is al ways a nexcitable time. The songs and yells viill also be judged thi syear as well as the de bates. The Seniors are expecting good results from their work in this debate. They are enthusiastic and their motto is “excelsior.” They were first to have their flag waving above the school house which indicates they are determined to succeed in their ef forts. "MY NOT BE GOOD to YOURSELF If you awaken weary and unrefresh ed in the morning, or tire early in the day, are bilious and “blue,” with coat ed tongue and bad breath—if you are suffering from indigestion o rconsti pation—you will find Foley Cathartic Tablets quick to relieve and comfort able in action. They are wholesome and health-giving. The Owl Pharm acy. advt. The sooner the irresistible might of this great republic is organized and put into full action the sooner the mr will end. Every dollar invested in government securities works to shorten the war, to save the lives of American soldiers and sailors.