The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, April 12, 1918, Image 5

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HARNES9 THE LONG UPB OF A We bought our two StutUbabera i i from your agent, Moses Lotion, 37 OurneighboruHnve wocnnut three we bought ours. We have never broken anything -^-j3 on the wagons and the hubs are per- t^ja***^ feet yet. One is a lumber wagon, the other Cf A 11 1 r> W ;sz& E ““"”“" otudebaker 6 7 “'■"S;uk..p. years old—hubs llHllllllllllllllllllHlllllllHlllllllllllliillilHtlllHtlHimitKilllli Not strange for the Studebaker because the hubs are of fine, close grain tough, strong and treated with a secret sealing solution that is weather resisting. Notice the hubs on the next Studebaker you pass on the road you’ll find they are not split or checked like the ordinary wagon. And in these hubs are set the famous Studebaker slope shoulder spokes. Ihe Studebaker Farm Wagon Wheel is best made. We sell the Studebaker because we believe it is the big gest wagon value on the market. R. V. and R. T. Smith F’lovalla, Georgia YOUR FIFTY DOLLAR LIBERTY ' BOND It will protect 1,000 soldiers from small pox and 666 from typhoid. It will assure the safety of 139 wounded soldiers from lockjaw, the germs of which swarm in Belgian soil. It will render painless 400 opera tions, supply 2 miles of bandages enough to bandage 555 wounds. It will care for 160 injuries in the way of “first-aid packets.” It will furnish adhesive plaster and Party Line Courtesy The quality of service on a party line is largely dependent upon the co-opera tion of the subscribers on that line. No subscriber should use a party line . for long periods of time, to the total ex clusion of others. When a party line is found to be in use, hang up your receiver immediately. While it is off the hook conversation is interfered with. Each neighbor on a party line is en titled to a reasonable use of the telephone service, and should not be interrupted or have the privacy of his conversation inter fered with. The Golden Rule applies with partic ular force to party line telephone service. When you Telephone—Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY v*.- * THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA. FRIDAY. APRIL 12. 1918 surgical gauze enough to benefit thousands of wounded soldiers. Every pui’chaser of a Liberty Loan Bond performs a distinct individual service to his country and to our boys fighting in France. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s. The Old Standard Grove’s Tastelesa chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. LET A GOOD MECHANIC TELL YOU tliat to prolong the life of your ma chine (and possibly your own life) you should have it thoroughly in spected occasionally. Whether .you are using it to the limit on the road, or often leave it idle in the garage, you will need re pairs. and we are thoroughly com petent to make them. Wafer’s Garage. l> GEORGIA IDEAL STATE FOR POULTRY RAISING More Poultry Will Help Solve Meat Shortage Georgia is an ideal state for poul try, yet we are importing from 60 io 75 per cent of the poultry and poul try products we consume. It is al most impossible, at the present time, to buy good fresh eggs in Georgia. The reason for this deplorable condi tion is simply because we have been neglecting our chickens. In the past it has been a simple matter to get fresh eggs and good eating chickens at reasonable prices. Therefore, it was cheaper and easier for most per sons to purchase what they wanted. While the demand is constantly in creasing, the supply is growing small er. Many poultrymen have gone out of business because of the high price paid for grain compared with the low price received for eggs. As chickens have brought a good price on the mar ket many farmers simply robbed their own roosts and sold nearly all the stock they had. Mr. Hoover has ask ed you to eat more poultry and save beef and pork for our soldiers. Yet in order to eat more we must raise more. It is the patriotic duty of ev ery family that has room to raise a few chickens. It is not necessary to have an elaborate house for poultry but if. must be airy and have an abun dance of fresh air and sunlight. There Is a great shortage in all kinds of Ineat. The Food Adminis tration realizes that one of the quick est methods of improving this condi tion is to raise poultry, as the time taken to reproduce and mature is com paratively short. Mr. Hoover has, therefore, asked all farmers to in crease their flocks and also asked every individual that can to do his bit and raise a few chickens. Chick ens may be raised in the city and town as well as in the country. If the husband has not time to care for the birds, then the wife or chil dren will find pleasure as well as profit In doing so. Many of the table scraps that are thrown in the garb age cans should be producing eggs and meat if fed to chickens. If you are willing to assist the Food Administration, which will be helping our soldiers and, at the same time, assure yourself of fresh eggs and poul try at cheaper prices, do it now. If you have never kept chickens and do not understand feeding, housing, etc., write to Prof. J. H. Wood, Georgia State College of Agriculture, Athens, Ga„ for "literature or assistance. AMERICAN ARMY RIFLE SUPE RIOR TO THAT USED BY HUNS American troops are armed with a faster firing and more accurate rifle than used by the Germans, according to our expert designers, manufactur ers, and marksmen, says a statement by the Bureau of Ordnance. One mil itary critic and vsriter claims the Ger man Mauser does not permit the most skilled user to get more than 50 per cent of the firing speed of the modi fied Enfield adopted for the United States service. The superiority claimed for the American weapon is based on three counts: Quicker firing as a result of bolt-handle design, easier and quicker sighting as a result o f sight design, greater accuracy of bullet flight re sulting from bullet design and great er mechanical accuracy of chamber bore. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard gcneiat •si.renKthetica tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria,enriches the blocxJ, and builds npthe sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 60c There are now four times as many vessels in the naval service as a year igo. The estimated pay of officers and men in the navy for the first year of the war vias $125,000,000. During 12 months the army hospit i als increased from 7 to 63 in number and from 5,000 to 58,400 beds; 30,- 000 more beds are being added. CHAPTER MASONS WILL CON FER DEGREES ON THE 22 Jackson Chapter No. 54, Royal Arch Masons, held a meeting Monday night, when two applications for membership were received. There v. : ll be work at the next regular com munication, to be held on April 22. production of 10.000 new automo bile trucks is in progress for the army. SECOND ATTEMPT ROB FARMERS BANK Jenkinsburg Bank Dam aged by Explosion NO MONEY WAS SECURED The second attempt within five weeks to rob the Farmers Bank at Jenkinsburg was made Wed nesday night. Like the first ef fort, the burglars failed to ob tain any money. The vault door was blown open but the burglars failed to force the inside door to the vault in which the money and securities are kept. The powerful explo sives used shattered (he brick in one side of the building, it was stated. The explosion is said to have been heard about 11 o’clock by a negro man, but he took it to be the report of a gun and did not give the alarm. Officer 0. If. Knowles was coll ed to Jenkinsburg to make an investigation. The safe crackers, as in the previous attempt, trav eled in an automobile. Officers are working on a clue. The first attempt to burglarize the Jenkinsburp bank was made on Wednesday night, March 6. OUR COMMUNITY’S PART IN THE WAR (Mae Childs, Jenkinsburg Public School) Every community must take a part in the war. Why not have our commu nity take a leading part in the work? There are many ways in which we can help win the war. We can help feed the soldiers, help in the Red Cross movement, buy Thrift Stamps and first of all we must boost it. We all know this war is depending on the farmers. The mild climate we eujoy and the fertile lands which will produce as nearly everything as can be produced in one place places (us) our community in the garden spot of the world. She must exert all energy to raise corn, wheat, oats and ather foodstuffs, educating her sons and daughters, and giving God the praise of her very heart, to pay the debt of gratitude she owes the vorld in this great struggle for Freedom and De mocracy. We can help by buying Thrift Stamps, but even more important than his we should be willing to give a few quarters to Uncle Sam. By be ing a Red Cross member we can knit sweaters and many useful things to protect their bodies from the cold. Above all things there is something j we enjoy far greater than our soil j and climate. It is the friendship of a very highly cultured and Christian people. We should with all means and by all ways possible strive to give our boys and the Allies who are in the trenches fighting our fight for Demo cracy and decency, the most possible enjoyment and furnish them with the material to win the war. 000000000000000 o BURY THE KAISER BE- O O NEATH AN AVALANCHE O O OF AMERICAN DOLLARS O O O O This war is coming home to O O us as the casualty lists grow O O longer with each passing day. O O American boys with eyes goug- O O ed out and throats cut by beas- O O tial foes who found them help- O O lessly vvjunded force us to real- O O ize the truth and the horror of O O the Belgium atrocities in which O O non-combatant men, women and O O children were tortured and mur- O O dered in cold blood, deeds over O O which the kaiser calls God to O O share in his rejoicing. There O O can be no safe or lasting peace O O while the monstrous autocracy O O that inspires such crimes cum- O O hers the earth. O 000000000000000 Brain the kaiser with a Liberty Bond. SUFFERING FROM COLD If you shiver in frosty weather, if you have cold hands and feet, if colds are stubborn and frequent, then your blood may be thin and impoverished. scorn EMULSION has been correcting this condi tion for nearly fifty years. It possesses rare powers for creating natural body warmth, for charging summer blood with winter richness and strengthening both throat arid lungs. si ill The Norwegian cod liver oil in 11 J I Scott’s EmuUion is nov refined in our 111 I\ °' VII American laboratories which lift Lv_ makes it pure and palatable. Scott & Bowne. Bloom field,N.J. 17-13 Round up Loafers Pool room loafers, hotel lobby loungers, parlor parasites and plain bums will be put to work in the city of Atlanta if Com missioner of Commerce and La bor IT. M. Stanley has anything to do with it. Several states in the Union have already passed such laws, for money is more plentiful than labor. Public sen timent and laws are going to de mand the idlers to go to work, for this is no time for idling.— Talbotton New Era. Either a job at something useful, at good pay or work on the chain gang, is the way to break up idleness and vagrancy. The new time schedule is not a re quest. It is a law. Fall in line and observe the new time. Health About Gone Many thousands of women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardui, the woman’s tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z. V. Spelt, ofHayne, N.C. “I could not stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly,' * she says. “As my suf fering was so great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had us get Cardui. . . I began improving, and it cured me. 1 know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my nerves and health were about gone.” TAKE The Woman’s Tonic She writes further: "I am In splendid health ... can do my work. I feel I owe it to Cardul, for I was In dreadful condition.” If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Spell. Give Cardui a trial. AH Druggists J 72