The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, April 19, 1918, Image 4

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Society and Personal i fcrby mmt fth* rtwtk achat. Am mßcatioa at Sou’i Liniment brief* tek robot. Nonibbitf. It oemttntm. Nloc\nls Liniment K’l > > V* \ I S COL. BOLDING WILL BOOST LIBERTY BONDS Col. Mark Bolding, of Atlanta, will deliver a talk on the war situation and the Liberty Bond campaign at the auditorium Friday night while the judges are making their decision on the debate between the juniors and seniors. His talk will be short, prob ably 20 or 30 minutes, but in that time he will endeavor to present the issue in the strongest light possible. Those who attend the debate will be fortunate in having an opportunity of hearing Col. Bolding. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS POTATO PLANTS NOW READY for shipment—Nancy Hall, Porto Rico, Triumph and other varieties, $2 per SI,OOO. Sykes Brothers, Ty Ty, Ga. 3-29-4 t FOR SALE—VELVET BEANS FOR Planting. The 90 day variety. Wire or write me at once. E. O. HUSON, Jackson, Ga. 3-l-6tc FOR SALE—PORTO RICO AND Nancy Hall Potato plants $2.25 per 1,000; also Webber’s 49 Cot ton Seed, $3 per bushel. Apply G. W. Allen at Jackson Milling & Feed Company or phone 224. 3- HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COT ton seed, sacks, scrap iron, rubber casings, innertubes, brass alumi num. E. 0. HUSON, In rear First National Bank. 4- LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH ME for potato plants, will have fifty thousand to arrive the 20 of this month. E. 0. HUSON, In rear First National Bank. 4-12-2tc. FOR SALE—GOOD BUGGY AND Harness. See Homer M. Vaughn at Empire Buggy Cos. 4-12-tfc TWO FORD TOURING CARS IN good condition for sale at attrac tive prices. T. J. LAND, at Kimbell & Kinard Warehouse. ROOM FOR RENT—SUITABLE FOR young man or two young men. Ap ply to Mrs. F. B. Outhouse. 4-19-2tc. LOST—AN AUTOMOBILE CRANK between Jenkinsburg and Jackson. Finder bring to this office and re ceive reward. When the war is over the man who has a Liberty Bond will be mighty proud of it. He will have a sure and safe investment and best of all he will have the satisfaction of knowing he helped his country. NEWTON HARDWARE COMPANY, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT with L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINT and _ your own Linseed Oil. You obtain greatest durability and cover ing power. The L & M PAINT is so positively good that it is known as the □ ‘‘Master Paint." Whereas the best of other high grade (j paints cost you $3.70 a gallon, our L & M oTI^LAM YOU SAVE dAlSf!* ON "tVERr GALLON THE JACKSON PROGRES3-ARGU3, JACKSON, GEOC!A, FRIDAY, APP.IL IS, PERSONAL Miss Grace Thaxton spent Tuesday' n Jackson. Mrs. H. M. Fletcher spent Saturday in Atlanta. Prof. A. J. Fleming was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. S. H. Thornton spent Wednes day in Atlanta. Mr. C. R. McCord was up from Ma- Macon Sunday. kr. R. P. Sasnett spent Monday in Atlanta on business. Mr Sherwood Thaxton, of Atlanta, was in Jackson Monday. Hon. J. T. Moore spent Monday in' Atlanta on business. Mr. and Mrs. S. ?. Nichols spent j Tuesday in Atlanta. Judge J. H. Ham was a business visitor to Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs : A. A. Howell an nounce the birth of a daughter. Miss Emma Hays, of Fincherville,' is the guest of Miss Jessie Jones. Mr. J. H. Carmichael has returned from a business trip to New York. Mrs. Fred Hahn, of Macon, spent the past week with Mrs. Smith Settle. | Mrs. Ethel Carmichael and Miss Ila Rook will spend Sunday in Atlan ta. Miss Nettie Barrett spent Saturday and Sunday in Covington with rela tives. Mrs. G. T. Fossett has returned from a visit in Macon and Toombs boro. Mrs. George Dozier and children have returned from a visit in Shell man. Mrs. Hugh Mallet has returned from a stay of sevral weeks in At lanta. Mrs. J. O. Beauchamp, of Decatur, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Beau champ. Miss Lois Hand, of Griffin, is the attractive guest of Mrs. Fannie Mae. Maddox. Miss Nelle Gilmore is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Suffrage, in Macon. Mrs. George Mallet has returned to Macon after a week’s visit to her home {iere. Mrs. R. N. Etheridge is the guest if her sister, Mrs. H. D. Moore, in Leesburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gilmore, of Vienna, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holifield. Mr. LeGree Bullard, of Machen, and Dr. Hollis, of Monticello, were in the city Tuesday. Mr. Philip Head was down from At lanta Sunday, being the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Franklin. Rev. Mr. Bonner, pastor of Mace donia church, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barnes Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raz Stroud, of Mc- Donough were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gilmore. Mr. J. O. Andrews, of Atlanta, is visiting his daughters, Mrs. J. L. Barnes and Mrs. .T. W. Harper. George Manley was down from At lanta for the week-end, the guest of his mother, Mrs. Virginia Manley. Col. W. E. Watkins and Mr. J. 0. Gaston were business visitors to Mc- Donough Wednesday and Thursday. Close UNIONgJJJXS | A T you can wear a Union Suit with the comfortable assur ance that there will be no bunching—no surplus laps—no bagging or chafing—because, in the MANSCO “Slide-Back” you have a Union Suit that is easy to get IN or OUT of. Constructed on correct comfort lines. Materials are woven spe cially for the purpose by THE MANHATTAN SHIRT CO. in their own Solway Mills. Same standard of tailoring as in MAN HATTAN SHlßTS—therefore, safe and sound throughout. UNION SUITS $1.25 UP. SLATON-POWELL CLOTHING CO. Men’s and Boys’ Outfitters 109 S. Hill St. Griffin, Ga. Mrs. Park Newton and Park, Jr., are spending the week in Newnan, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Powell. Mr. H. L. Daughtry visited Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Burnett and Hamp ton Daughtry, Jr., in Athens the past week-end. Mrs. L. P. McKibben and children returned Monday from a week’s visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thornton in Tallapoosa. Mrs. George Damour and little son, George, Jr., of Macon, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carmichael. Mrs. L. P. Lester and little daugh ter, Anne, Messrs. F. S. and James Carmichael motored to Macon to spend Sunday. Miss Lucile Freeman and Miss Mary Webb spent Saturday in Atlan ta and saw “The Bird of Paradise” at the Atlanta theater. Mrs. T. M. Furlow, Miss Willie Ruth Pittman, Dr. Robert VanDeven ter and Warren Furlow motored to Winder Tuesday, Mrs. Furlow re maining for a visit with Mrs. Mac Potts. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Crawford and Virginia spent Saturday and Sunday in Hawkinsville. They were accom-: panied as far as Macon by Mrs. C. A. j Butner and Harry Bob Butner. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Settle had as their guests Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. W. ! W. Blackman and Mrs. S. J. Black man, of Atlanta, Lieut. Smith Settle and Mr. David Settle, of Camp Wheeler. Friends of Miss Tenella Tingle will be pleased to knov of her success in her piano recital given at LaGrange College the past week. Miss Tingle will receive a teacher’s certificate in piano at the college commencement in June. MR. M. J. PRUITT, OF DALLAS, TEXAS DIES HERE Funeral Arrangement to Be Made Af ter Arrival of Hi Daughter Mr. M. J. Pruitt, of Dallas, Texas, a traveling salesman, died in Jackson Tuesday night, paralysis being the cause of the death, it was said. He arrived in Jackson last Thursday. Mr. Pruitt was a relative of the Pruitt family of Butts and Henry counties. He was about 65 or 70 years old. The body is being held pending the arrival of his daughter, who is now on her way to Jackson. For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-POS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative pleasant to take. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi cine Cos., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine and Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic. FOY HOTEL Indian Springs, Ga. NOW OPEN All Modern Conveniences Good Home Cooking Congeniality Garage A Good Place to Rest. Write for Rates and Particulars* SHERWOOD THAXTON PROPRIETOR THIS WOMAN FOUND RELIEF Backaceh, sore muscles, stiff or sviollen joints, rheumatic pains, dizzi ness and like symptoms are caused by disordered kidney and bladder. Mrs. Thos. H. Davis, Montgomery, R. F. D. 3. Ind., writes: “I doctored montths without relief. I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and got re lief. Eight botUes cured me.” Th Owl Pharmacy, advt. CONGRESSMAN W. S. HOWARD ANNOUNCES FOR U. S. SENATE Of interest in political circles waS| the announcement for United States senator of William Schley Howard, congressman from the fifth Georgia district. His entry makes the sixth candidate to contest for senator Hard wick’s seat. The candidates are: W. D. Upshaw, Emmett Shaw, John K. Cooper, W. J. Harris, W. S. Howard and T. W. Harwick.