The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, April 26, 1918, Image 3

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Igruises and Sprains | V e Sloan’s Liniment handy (for bruise* and sprains and all l£ins and aches. Quick relief ISlows its prompt application. IVo need to rub. For rheumatic larhes neuralgia, stiff muscles, lame I back, ’lumbago, gout, strains, and Isprains, it gives quick relief'. I battles. SlOrVnlS Liniment •:' /• KillX--HA TN ' - ■r TO 8E PRESENTED | HI JENKINSBURG FRIDAY 8:30 o’clock Friday evening, 26, in the Jenkinsburg- cchool ■iitorium Miss Kathleen Pate, a of Chase’s Conservatory of Columbus, and of Brenau Gainesville, will present Sgambi,” a charming love story by ■arjori Benton Cook. | c t 1. Bambi wins a husband. First Bip to New York together. Bet 2. At home again. Bambi writes ■ book, keeping the authorship even H o m Jarvis, her husband. ■ Act 3. Jarvis' trials and tribula ■ons as a play writer; his dramatizing Bambi’s book, not knowing the author ■ Act 4. Jarvis falls in love vuith the Buthor, not knowing she is his wife. Be presentation of the play. Bambi ■eveals the secret. I You will be delightfully charmed ■or about one hour and a half. Piano ftnd violin music btween acts. Admis sion 15 and 25 cents. Proceeds will Be used for the benefit of the school. KANY FLOUR CARDS ARE BEING SENT TO DR. SOULE Large Numbers of Butts County Peo ple Reporting Stocks of Flour Since the publication of County Food Administrator Moore’s card about the flour supply,, large numbers of Butts county people have sent in Teports. Hon. S. J. Foster has had a supply of cards printed for the con- venience of the public in making re ports. These cards may be obtained at his office or at The Progress-Argus office. The cards should be sent to Dr. A. M. Soule, Atlanta, Ga. Time limit for making report expires May 1. LOST One pair of sore, tired, aching, sweaty, odorous feet with a bunion, three corns and two ingrowing nails. Applied Eu capine Salve, after bathing, at bed time. All soreness gone before morn ing and foot trou bles quickly disap peared. Worth its weight in gold. Get a jar, only 25c at Carmichael Drug 6 Book Company Last year Butts county grew crops worth between two and three million dollars. High prices for farm pro ducts are due largely to the war. Now the county is asked for only 5161,800 worth of Liberty Bonds. This ife only $11.87 per capita. Come on good citizens, let’s go “over the top” and then some. What to Use to Prevent Appendicitis Jackson People should know simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as - uiixed in Adler-i-ka, flushes the EN TIRE bowel tract so completely that a Ppendicitis is prevented. ONE SPOONFUL Adler-i -ka relieves ANY *-ASE sour stomach, gas or constipa t’On because it removes all foul mat ter which clogged and poisoned your system. The INSTANT action sur prises both doctors and patients. J. Turner, druggist. adv. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, IDI3 MR. C. A. NABORS SAID TO BE IMPROVING FROM BURNS Was Severely Injured by Electric Shock Last Week The condition of Mr. C. A. Nabors, who was injured by electric shock at the plant of the Central Georgia Pow er Company last week, is said to be improving at the Macon Hospital where he was carried for treatment. Mr. Nabors touched a high voltage wire and was painfully burned and was rushed to the Macon Hospital for treatment. His chances for recovery are good, it is stated. Mr. Nabors has been a valued em ployee of the Central Georgia Power Company for several years, and his friends hope that he will soon be re stored to health. •State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the eum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally and acts through the Blood on the Muaeue Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. INDIAN SPRINGS Mr. W. O. Brown who is now con nected •with the Dempsey Hotel in Macon is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wall, of Fitz gerald, were week-end guests at Rock Castle. They motored through the country in a beautiful new Club Roadster. Miss Wylon Nolen has been the guest of Miss Rosa Clifford Edwards. Little Dan Hoard is going around on crutches. He cut his foot on a piece of glass. Miss Mabel Smith, the efficient teacher of Indian Spring school had special mention of her school at the contest in Jackson last Friday. The exhibit of basket weaving, map mak ing and other fancy articles by her scholars was very creditable. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Scoville are at the Wigwam for a few day looking after preparations for the coming summer. The W. M. U. held an interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Carlos Lasseter Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. D. J. Thaxton is with her son, Mr. Sherwood Thaxton, at the Foy House. Dr. Robert VanDeventer, the pas tor, will preach at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. All are cordially invited. The Elder House presented quite a mid summer appearance Sunday with the numbe rof guests. Mrs. J. E. Cornell has returned after a visit to Jackson. There was an awful weeping and veiling in the dark days of 1914 when cotton went to 5 and 6 cents a pound. Then the farmers were glad to get help. The whole nation responded to the appeals of the southern cotton "rowers. Now, it is the nation that is asking you for a loan —not a gift. Show your appreciation by backing up the Liberty Loan. You may need help again. Real entertainment and in&rudtionforone and one half half hours if you see Bambi. Jenkinsburg April 26th. PASTE THIS ON YOUR MIRROR The soldier has twenty-nine chances of coming home to one chance of be ing killed. He has ninety-eight chances of re covering from a wound to two chan ces of dying. . , He has only one c hance in 500 ot losing a limb. He will live five years longer be cause of physical training. _ He is freer from diseases in the army than in civil life. He has better medical care at the front than at home. In other wars from ten to fifteen men died from disease to one from bullets. ~ In this war one man dies from dis ease to every ten from bullets. This war is less wasteful of life than any other in history.—Ex. Boy Liberty Bond* Worth Fighting, For 1 v; • ’ > ' ' ■; -• • ■ . ' ■ -.v,.? .-' v . : .V. ’ ' **V X, , -- , V I jjM J SHALL THIS LITTLE GIRL &row up in the sort of American home we know, healthy and happy? Skall ske have tke advantage of living, and learning, in a free land, under free institutions? Shall such children de velop into the Liberty-loving, citizens of which FREE AMERICA may be proud? For over two hundred years Americans have fought valiantly, and died gallantly, to win for themselves and hand down to their posterity the blessings of liberty, justice, self government and equal opportunity. This prec ious heritage, bought at so great a price, is now threatened. The question which now confronts Amer ica as a nation , and you as an individual ' is whether or not a FREE AMERICA is worth fighting for! Are American children in this and all fut ure generations to receive unimpaired, the leg acy of freedom, of which we are now the cus todians, or shall their country be turned over bodily to the brutal, rapacious, power-mad ene my which has forced us into this war? The question cannot be answered by word of mouth, but by deeds alone. LET TOUR ANSWER BE YOUR INVESTMENT IN LIBERTY BONDS Jackson Banking Cos. Jackson, Georgia TRACTOR ATTACHMENT BUILT FOR FARMER’S AUTO Of interest particularly to the small fanner is an appliance, shown in the May Popular Mechanics Maga zine, that enables any roadster or touring car to be employed conven iently as a tractor. The device may be attached or removed quickly and does not impair a machine's useful ness as a family vehicle at other times, or subject it to injurious strains. It provides a car owner cap able equipment at low cost for field and road work. The rear v/heels of a car are replaced by driving pinions that mesh with bull ring gears of big steel driving wheels when the side channels of the tractor frame are clamped to the chassis. Buy Liberty Bonds Get your name on the Liberty Bond Honor Roll.