The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, April 26, 1918, Image 5

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LECTURES ON FOOD UNO HEALTH CONSERVATION Importance of Saving Food and Im proving Health Pointed Out Mr. Robert Bryan Harrison, direct or of the Food Administration’s Pledge Card campaign, delivered two lectures in Jackson Thursday. At 1 o’clock he spoke to the school chil dren in the school auditorium and at 3:30 o’clock he made an address, at the same place, to the women’s clubs, Parent-teacher’s association, canning A S Thi. is the Farqnhar Grjun Sep valor, the most * AV practical and economical Thresher for general use. 'W' V h handles all lands of gram succesrfully We ■i ' in construction and light to handle over the roads. We nowjtave the*e late v, ■■■ " ia e r*- ~> c * * /*-*““ ' >u * | % 1: * Eogiavcd on wood fot A. 13. Kirschbaum Cos. MORE QUALITY AND FEWER TRILLS UPON inward quality, rather than outward frills, the man who dresses in good taste always insists—and today more than ever .... Absolute simplicity of line and the elegance— the quiet but unmistakable elegance—of all-wool materials smartly cut and tailored sturdily through and through .... To see what we mean try on a suit of Kirschbaum Clothes - - - S2O to S4O Etheridge Smith & Co* TMP f nr*orta 1 ia - * , ,Ar,r< ON t GgQKOIA, Flip A. Y, APRIL 26, 1918 club members and general public. The address of the speaker dealt with the conservation of food and health. While here Mr. Harrison se cured a number of signatures to the food pledge cards. Plies Cured In 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund mwTMiVNT fails to core any case of Itching, B^.B&gor^otrudingrt.e.i-fitoHd^s. Th first application gives Esse and Rest. SO*" garden seed for neighbors Rev. T. J. Webb states that he has popcorn and pumpkin seed which he will give to any of his neighbors de siring them. BEST FOR CHILDREN Experience proves that Foley’s Hon ey and Tar is the best family meicine for children for coughs, colds, croup and vihooping cough. Mrs. M. E. Schlarb, 556 Ookland Ave., Ashland, Pa., writes: “When my little girl gets a cold I give her a dose of it and it al ways relieves her. I cannot praise it too highly.” The Owl Pharmacy, adv. BODY OF TEXAS MAN SENT HOME FOR FUNERAL, FRIDAY Mr. Pruitt’* Daughter Came to Jack son to Carry Body Back The body of Mr. M. J. Pruitt, Dal las, Texas, salesman, who died in Jackson Tuesday of last week, vuasj shipped to Texas Friday for funeral and interment Mrs. Callie Rogan, daughter of the dead man, arrived in Jackson Thursday night and accom panied the remains home. The fu neral and interment was held Sunday. Mr. Pruitt was well known in Tex as and came to Butts county on a prospecting tour. Mrs. Rogan, his daughter, operates a training school for nurses at Dallas. Buy Liberty Bonds For Croup ••Mother*- • Aheay* Keep thi* Handy (k* t*r of the Croup four* to otw for those poxeoto who wisely k** V Olay's Xomt and Tar Compound to tki iomj ritlT for Uitattl bm. W. C. All on, Boseley. Mo., writes: *1 have raised a family of four children, nnd have used holey's Honey and Tar Compound with all of them. I find It the heat croup and oough medicine I have ever used and Z have uaed It for eight or ten vears, and can recommend It for croup. If toward nightfall the little onea arrow hoarse or croupy. If their breath ing become# wheeey and stuffy, give them Foley's Honey and Tar Compound promptly and it will ward off an attack of croup. If you are awakened by the hoarso brassy cough that means croup, give Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound at once. It will ease tho little sufferers quickly, cut the thick choking phlegm, and soon they will have easy breathing and peaceful quiet sleep. * * * Sveary user to m friend. THE OWL PHARMACY FUNERAL OF MISS PARNELL HELD AT STARK SATURDAY The funeral of Miss Clara Parnell, aged 32, who died at Paynes Mill in Macon Thursday, was held at Stark Methodist church Saturday morning at 11 o’clock. Death vvis due to pel lagTa. The deceased formerly resided near the Southern depot in Jackson. MISS WALDROP SOON TO BE POSTMASTER HER APPOINTMENT CONFIRMED BY SENATE AND SHE WILL TAKE CHARGE OFFICE WHEN BOND IS ACCEPTED Miss Bessie Waldrop’s appointment as postmaster at Jackson has been confirmed by the senate, according to reliable information, and she will probably get her commission within a few days. She haa already filled out the blank for the bond and as soon as t'lis is returned she will assume charge of the office, possibly about the first of May. President Wilson sent Miss Wal drop’s appointment to the senate sev eral weeks ago. The senate confirmed the appointment on April 8, it is stated, and as soon as all the details can be worked out Miss Waldrop will take charge of the local office. Bambi’s great. You can’t afford to miss it. Jenkins burg Friday night, Api il 26. THIS WOMAN FOUND RELIEF Backaceh, sore muscles, stiff or sviollen joints, rheumatic pains, dizzi ness and like symptoms are caused by disordered kidney and bladder. Mrs. Thos. H. Davis, Montgomery, R. F. D. 3. Ind., writes: “I doctored montths without relief. I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and got re lief. Eight bottles cured me.” The Owl Pharmacy, advt. THREE MOONSHINE SI ILLS RAIDED AT INDIAN SPRINGS Three illicit distilleries were raid ed by Officers W. F. Lavender and J. E. McNair Monday, near Indian Springs. About 500 gallons of beer were found at one of the outfits and about 100 gallons at another. Two hundred pounds of sugar were seized by the officers. No arrests were made, but the of ficers believe they have some direct evidence that may lead to an arrest later. STRAIGHTFORWARD TESTI MONY Many Jackson Citizens Have Profit ed By It If you have backache, bladder troubles, days of dizziness, headach es, or nervousness, strike at the seat of the trouble. These are often the symptoms of weak kidneys and there is grave danger in delay. Doan's Kid ney Pills are especially prepared for kidney ailments—are endorsed by over 50,000 people. Your neighbors recommend this remedy—have prov ed its merit in many tests. Jackson readers should take fresh courage in this straighforward testimony of a Jackson woman. Mrs. F. L. Walthall, Lyons St., says: “I suffered severely from pains in the small of my back. I couldn't rest well at night and mornings I was sore and lame. When I bent over I got a sharp catch in my back and I could hardly straighten up. I stag gered at times from dizziness and objects floated before my eyes. My kidneys acted unnaturally. Doan’s Kidney Pills relieved these symp toms of kidney trouble and strength ened my back.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Walthall had. Foster-Milbum Cos., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. advt. POWERFUL GRADIN GOUTFIT HAS REVOLVING DIGGER A remarkable grading machine, which, it is claimed, does the work of 125 men, cutting a smooth path, 5 ft. 7 in. wide and as much as 2 ft. deep, is now being built to order for large contractors. Because it will rip out old macadam, or moist clajv about as easily as gravel, it practically stand ardizes grading costs, at the same time affording much needed relief from conditions caused by the labor shortage. Two views of the machine are shown in the May Popular Me chanics Magazine. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill*out Malaria, enriches the blood.end build* up the sys tem. A true tonic, for adults and children. uSc Buy Liberty Bond*