The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, April 26, 1918, Image 7

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glis History’s greatest * Barer! inißoris — think what that means! I aid: dies and dng, iacK sco; t to r to the rive lies, -ery &ers will > the lem- L” ailla is of :ame ills” si Liberty Bonds hr of these millions. Make the world s ■®y the penalty for his crimes. Show i®wcans will not submit to such atroci effST Liberty Bond you can —NOW. ffP BY THE FOLLOWING Si? MEN: A ■ Hundreds of thousands of homes were desolated by Napoleon’s am bition to rule a world that was just beginning, to learn the meaning, of freedom. These are all “pikers” to the man from Potsdam who slays his millions to enslave a world that glories in its freedom. The Belgians, the Armenians, the Poles, the Serbians who have perished—murdered by the Kaiser bring the total to more than four teen million. If the Kaiser had murdered sev en thousand human beings every year since Christ was born—almost 2000 years —he would now be just catching up with his record since August 1,1914. This is the man America is fight ing; this is the man to conquer whom your sons are taking their places in the blood-soaked trenches of Europe; this is the man who says: “AMERICA NEXT!” J. Arenaon F. S. Etheridge * Cos., Insurance Buttrill Bro. McDowell Grocery Company Georgia Wholeeale Company THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARC US, JMXSOK, GEORGE FRIDAY, /IRIL 23. 1918 You Can’t Rub It Away; Rheumatism is in the Blood Liniments AVill Never Cure. If you are afflicted with Rheuma tism, why waste time with liniments, lotions and other local applications that never did cure Rheumatism, and never will? Do not try to rub the pain, away, for you will never succeed. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain, and go after that. Remove the cause, and there can be no pain. You will never be rid of Rheuma- FOOD ADMINISTRATOR 6IVES RULES FOR BUYING SUGAR The rule governing the sale of sug ar is still in force, namely, 5 pounds to people in town, and 10 pounds to people residing in the country dis tricts. The following exception to the rule has been issued: U. S. FOOD ADMINISTRATION Sugar Pledge for Home Canning and Preserving Ga., 1918 Desiring to purchase sugar for im mediate canning and preserving pur poses, I hereby pledge myself to use such sugar exclusivly for such pur poses and under no circumstances to sell or loan the same. Permission is sought to buy pounds from (dealer) at Purchaser I hereby certify that the above amount of sugar was this day sold by me for use by the above purchaser for preserving and canning purposes only and I further certify that I have reas on to believe that such sugar will not be used other than in accordance with the regulations of the U. S. Food Administration. Signature of Retailer Address of Retailer The certificate shoul be carefully preserved by the merchant selling the ■sugar, who should make a record in a book of the date, name of purchaser and amount purchased, and at the end of each week, the certificate should be mailed to the County Food Administrator. Any person improperly using a cer tificate to obtain sugar will be denied the right to make any further pur chases of that commodity. J. T. MOORE, County Food Administrator. Real entertainment and and one half half hours if you see Bambi. Jenkinsburg April 26th. CUT THIS OUT—It I* Worth Money DON’T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with five cents to Foley & Cos., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, HI., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Holl and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathratic Tablets. The Owl Pharmacy, adv. MASONIC BODIES MEET IN MACON DURING THE WEEK Grand Chapter Held Annual Meeting Wednesday and Thursday Mr. H. L. Daughtry, high priest of Jackson chapter No. 54, Royal Arch Masons, is attending the grand chap ter meeting in Macon this week. The grand council, composed of sixty councils and 100 delegates, convened in Macon Tuesday, and the grand chapter, composed of 160 chapters and 300 delegates, was in session Wednesday and Thursday. There was a considerable amount of business to be transacted during the week by these Masonic bodies. ■ —Buy Liberty Bonds 54 Millions From 42 Agencies, an Increase of 38 Millions Insurance in force is the record of New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston, Mass. THOS. N. McKIBBEN Manager Griffin District GRIFFIN : : : : GEORGIA tism until you cleanse your blood of the germs that cause the disease. S. S. S. has never had an equal as a blood purifier and scores of sufferers say that it has cleansed their blood of Rheumatism, and removed all trace of the disease from their system. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at* your drug store, and get on the right treatment to-day. If you want spe cial medical advice, you can obtain it free by addressing Medical Director, 23 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. 000000000000000 O LEGAL NOTICES O 000000000000000 FOR LEAVE TO SELL Georgia, Butts County. .To Whom It May Concern. Notice is hereby given that J. W. Maddox, as administrator of Mrs. C. E. Carter, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said Mrs. C. E. Carter, deceased; and that an order was made thereon at the April term, 1918, for citation, and that citation issued. All the heirs at law and creditors of the said Mrs. C. E. Carter, deceased, vr.ll take notice that I will pass upon said application at the May term, 1918, of the Court of Ordinary of Butts county, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary at said time, said leave will be granted. This Ist day of April, 1918. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. FOR DISMISSION Georgia, Butts County. Miss Minnie T. Greer and H. M. Fletcher, executors of Thomas H. Greer, deceased, represent to the court in their petition, duly filed and entered on record, that they have ful ly administered Thomas H. Greer’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executors should not be discharged from their executorship and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in May, 1918. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS This is to notify the public that I will be at the Court House for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the year, 1918, from this date until the first day of May, 1918, when the time expires. This Ist day of February, 1918. J. P. VAUGHN, Tax Receiver Butts County. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Charlie Bell, colored, is under contract to work for me during the year 1918, and all parties are hereby forbidden under penalty of the lav. to hire said Charlie Bell during the year 1918. 4-19-4tp. W. F. KADERLY. PETITION TO SELL LAND J. G. Smith, Administrator Estate of W. F. Smith, deceased, Plaintiff vs Mrs. W. F. Douglass, C. F. Douglass, Mrs. W. W. Cunnyngham, Mrs. Z. V. Parker, or Mrs. Sarah Douglass Parker, Defendants. In the Superior court of Butts Coun ty, February term, 1918. Petition for Decree for Sale of Land, Fore closure of Lien, etc. To Mrs. W. F. Douglass, C. F. Doug lass, Mrs. W. W. Cunnyingham, Mrs. Z. V. Parker, or Mrs. Sarah Douglass Parker, Defendants. You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the third Monday in August, 1918, and make answer in the above named and stated case, as required by the order of said court. Witness the Honorable W. E. H. seacy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court, this 10th day of April, 1918. S. J. FOSTER, Clerk, 4-19-4 t Butts Superior Court.