The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, June 07, 1918, Image 2

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Jackson Progress - Argus PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDaY J. DOYLE JONES Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Three Month* 40c Six Month*-- 75c Single Copie*__sc IN ADVANCE Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Jackson, Ga. TELEPHONE NO. 166 OFFICIAL ORGAN BUTTS COUN TY AND CITY OF JACKSON NOTICE Card* of thank* will be charged at the rate of fifty cent*, minimum for 50 word* and le**; above 80 word* will be charged at the rate of 1 cent a word. Cash mu*t accompany copy in ail instance*. Shop early—buy your coal now. Lest you forget, order your coal now. Now for over the top in the War Sav ings Stamp sale. Has Snider of weather fame be come lost in the shuffle? You haven’t been hit yet. So don’t hollow. If you do it shows you are yellow. Well, at any rate, Bunk Cooper •will get as much fun out of the race as any of them. He laughs best who laughs last. We’ll get the Germans in the end. Be of good cheer. W. S. Howard ought to pay that liquor bill before he expects any de cent man to vote for him. Georgia has always nominated her officers without outside dictaton and we believe she is equal to the task again. Every county ought to have a ku klux, a Vigilance Committee, or some thing of the sort, to wait o nthe dis loyal ones. The people of Georgia will have to shut their eyes and swallow hard when they come to vote for senator this year. Both the Liberty Bond campaign and the Red Cross drive proved a glorious success. Now for War Sav ings Stamps. Despite the fact that newspapers make mistakes occasionally they are fetill human. The only perfect ones fere the dead ones. Now that local politics are out of the way, let’s boost the War Savings Stamp campaign. Your quota is $2O. How many stamps have you bought } Congress has just taken off the hal ter and will allow the President to call as many men as are needed to win the war. Congress sees the light occasionally. H H Dean charged in his Athens speech that W. S. Howard refused to pav a liquor debt. A man who refuses to pay a debt of any character is not flt to represent Georgia in tne United States senate- We can save more wheat than any nation on earth, because we have got it to save; we can raise more money than any other nation on earth, be cause we have got it to spare; we can raise more troops than any nation on earth, because we have got the men. Great is America. To hell with the kaiser. THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARCUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JOKE 7, BEWARE OF FAKIRS The safest policy is to do business with home people, with those you know and rely on, so if there is any dissatisfaction it can be straight ened out. There is not only good sense in such a plan, but it is the right hing to do. The Progress-Argus has repeatedly vnmed the public against fakirs. There was so much money in the South last years that the fakirs reap ed a rich harvest. We knew it would be so, and did all we could to warn the public. Recently there were a number of traveling agents or solicitors going hrough the county selling subscrip tions to a magazine. For fifty cents the subscriber was assured he would receive a certain magazine for a year. The small cost was made possible be cause, it was pointed out by the glib tongued artist, the government would pay the postage. Needless to say a lot of good people are taken by this schme. Any thinking person should have known better. It is impossible to get something for nothing. A lot of perfectly good money left the county through this scheme and the agent vanished— quickly without leaving any trace of his name. The promised magazine has never been received nor vsill it ever be. It was just the nefarious scheme of a “smooth guy” to get some “easy money.” Trade with the home merchants. Bank with the home banks. Order your reading matter through your local paper. Any of those concerns will back up, 365 days in the year, any guarantee they may make. Let the solicitors, agents and fakirs alone. The country is full of such trash that ought to be doing time building roads. A NEEDED ECONOMY Georgia has done remarkably well in the national food saving campaign. The people are saving wheat and meat for the soldiers. Other foods are be ing substituted and nobody has felt any hardship or suffering. The whole state has responded splendidly to this great call. But there is one economy the peo ple could practice with good results. That is getting rid of the great num ber of dogs that infest the state 1 . If every family that keeps a dog would get rid of the dog and keep a pig instead the state’s meat would be increased several fold. G*>r gia has at least 100,000 wortblfess dogs that ought to be put out of the way. When many nations are starv ing for bread, it is no tim eto keecp l a worthless dog. Dogs have practically viiped cwat the sheep industry in the South. More* sheep and fewer dogs would be a bet ter program. The dogs have aTsi>: practically eliminated all the game' i nthis country. The quail should Ese. spared to destroy boll weevils and other insects. A good dog is a noM? animal artuf the true friend of man. But there are * too many of the worthless variety. - They do not produce, but only con sume food that can be iff spared now. Georgia ought to have a dog swat-, ting day, when the worthless, food consuming, hydrophobia spreading;, canines should be killed The United States miuet furnish the men and the money to win this vvir. There is no longer any doubt about that and it is up to every cit izen to do his part to bring the war to a speedy close. Little v Joe Brown is mighty quiet, these days. He must be going in for a bumper pumpkin crop. Little Joe is a giant compared to some of the pigmies parading thmraetves beftne* the people. The railroad men are getting their wages raised right often these tihys. It is another straw on the hack of an already burdened people. If the gov ernment does not own the railroads, the railroads will own the government eventually. United States soldiers and sailors wrote 1,600,000 letters on Mothers Day. A nation that holds womankind in the high regard that America does cannot be whipped by the flat-headed, hellish huns. And there is no joke about that. Don’t whine and howl about what you have done for the country. Too many big developments are taking place in Europe now for any loyal citizen to flinch. We must support all the demands made on us —and this in cludes the purchase of War Savings ‘ Stamps. FLORENCE m ~~~= II |w i. | Newton Hardware Cos. Phone IS Jackson, Ga. This is <&• convention season. It is a great time for conventions and gath erings and speech making. Indian Springs will entertain, a number of conventions during the year. People are finding Butts county’s good roads an added attraction, to pay Indian Springs a visit Ten years ago a Mind man could tell when he entered Butts county on account e£ the roadk. The same is true now, only the tables are turned. .Butts couinty has the best system of public roads of any inunty ira Middle Georgia- Neither W. J. Harris nor W. Si. Howard has a coraaer on alii the pa triotism in Georgia. Judging by the viy the people have been buying Lib erty Bonds and subscribing to the Red Cross there is more than two pa triots in the state. Look nut for the man who has nothing bat “patriot ism” to run on. It is, reported from Atlanta that 'Governor Hugh: Dorsey may noh be a •candidate to succeed himself. Attor ney General Clifford Walker, Commis sioner of Agriculture J. J. Brown* and Hon. G. Ogden Persons, former president of the senate, are among the probable candidates in case Gov ernor Dorsey does not run.. The worst of the labor shortage is over for the present. Cotton is chop ped out and the greatest part of the work toward making a crop has been done. The labor shortage will be come acute about gathering time, for the present the farmers are handling the situation very well. The politic ians and swivel chair artists are still howling about the labor shortage, but | none of the city fellows have exerted ! themselves to give the farmers a lift. Boy Scout organizations are active in locating black walnut trees. Black i walnut lumber is needed by the War ( Department in making airplane pro pellers and gunstocks. Deliveries aS the 8,030) motor trucks recently ordered by the: Motor Trans port Service of'the War Department are to be made between August 1 and! 4 December X. These trucks known as. “Class B Standard.,’* will have a car pacity of from 3 ta 5 tons,, and will be distributed as needed through the various branches of the army. Ten. thousand of these: class B. standardiz ed trucks have previously been order ;ed and are: now in process of manu- I factnre and delivery.. The Food Administration has sent out through a& State administrators STOMACH TROUBLE Mr. Marion Holcomb, of Nancy, Ky. f says: “For quite a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. ! would have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals* a most disagreeable taste in my mouth, If I ate anything with butter,oil or grease, I would spit it up. I began to have regular sick headache. I had used pills and tablets, but after a course of these, I would be constipated. It just seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were no good at all for my trouble. I heard THEDFORD’S black-draught recommended very highly, so began to use it It cured me. I keep it in the house all the time. It is the best liver medicine made. Ido not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more.” Black-Draught acts on the jaded liver and helps it to do its important work of throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use in time of need. Get a package today. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. Price 25c a package. All druggists. ONE CENT A DOSE am NO WASTED HEAT \ HEATLESS Mondays and a whole heat less summer in yemr kitchen —how would you like it? Come and we’ll show you just how the safe,., popular Florence gives you a hot stove, but a cool, comfortable, inviting kitchen This war-time stove will save you money because it burns kerosene. It’s perfectly safe and simple to use a Flor ence. It’s a sturdy stove. No wasted heat. No wicks to trim. You turn the flame high or low by simply moving the lever- Every Florence is guaranteed. “Look, for the Leser** OIL COOK STOVES SAVE COAL The Fuel Admin istration authorizes us to say that it con siders the use of Oil Cook Stovesand Oil Heaters at this time a very important help in the neces sary conservation of coal for war pur poses. millers and to wholesale and retail a warning to corn, barley and oats deakrs in the products that at the present prices of these grains coni meal and oat meal should be selling at ileast 20 per cent below the price of wheat flour and that com flour and barley floor should be selling at least 10 per cent below wheat flour. Production, of homy will be greatly increased during 10*18 in many local ities, according to the department of agriculture- The increase in Colorado St is said will probably be 100 per cent.