The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, March 04, 1921, Image 5

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Reliable D . the old story Progressive “The World’s Best By Every Test” ASHEPOO /gf%' BRADLEY bl i\ ))**}) OLD DOMINION V^^ UAL, SEA FOWL REG. U. S. PAT.OFF. DRY AND DRILLABLE FERTILIZERS BUILT UP TO A STANDARD—NOT DOWN TO A PRICE The American Agricultural Chemical Cos. Atlanta, Georgia Sold by J. W. Carter, Jackson, Ga. J. H. Jackson, Jenkinsburg, Ga. Courteous Service WOULD PAY TAY OFFICIALS SALARY (Continued! from first page) convicts; 9 misdemeanor convicts; 1 convict car, eighteen sleeper; 2 convict cars, twelve sleepers each; 2 guard cars; 1 dining- car; 4 tents; <i hogs. Respectfully submitted, W. A. White, R. A. Thaxton, R. O. Stodg hill, committee. Report on Public Buildings We the committee appointed on Public Buildings find that the court j house is very much in need of some immediate repairs, necessary for the preservation of the property. We find several leaks in the roof and one especially bad one in the tower v.hieh is causing considerable dam age to the clock, and will soon ruin it if not stopped. We recommend that these leaks all be repaired as soon as possible. The building needs painting inside and outside, and it is necessary tor all the exposed wood work to be painted in order to preserve the property. We rec ommend that this be done and that all broken glass in the windows be replaced and other necessary repairs be done to the sash before painting. We recommend that the coal and wood piled on the court house square be put in basement and the square be kept clean. We find the jail has recently been painted inside and is clean and san itary, no repairs being needed as far as we can see. R. P. Newton. J. W. Maddox, J. C. Jones, committee. Report on County Farm We the committee appointed to investigate the County Farm make this our report: We find on said 168 acres 2 miles below Stark, $35 per acre with terms. There are two settlements on this place with good pastures <jnd 4 horse farm open, 20 acres original woods. One lot on McDonough Road 65Va ft. front running back 220 ft., will sell for $606.00. J. B. GUTHRIE REALTY CO., Real Estate, Renting Agents and Insurance Hark ness Building Jackson, Georgia Hastings Seeds ¥ 1921 Catalog Free It’s ready now. 116 handsomely il lustrated pages cl worth-while seed and garden news. This new catalog, we believe, is the most valuable seed book ever published. It contains twenty full pages of the most popular vegetables and flowers in their natu ral colors, the flues i work of its kind ever attempted. With our photographic illustrations, and color pictures also from photo graphs. we show you just what you grow with Hastings’ Seeds even be fore you order the seeds. This cata log makes garden and flower bed planning easy and it should be in ev ery single Southern home. WTite us a post-card for it. giviug your name and address. It will come to you by return mail and you wilt be mighty glad you've got it. Hastings' Seeds are the Standard of the South and they have the larg est mail order seed house in the world back of them. They've got to be the best. Write now for the 1921 cata log. It is absolutely free H. G. HASTINGS CO„ SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. farm 5 inmates, 4 male and one fe male, well cared for. We find the buildings in fairly good condition. We find two mules, three cows, two yearlings, fifteen shoats, two hun dred bushels com, one thousand bun dles fodder, two tons hay, one ton cotton seed, eighteen bushels of peas, fifteen bushels of wheat, five hundred pounds of meat, eighty gal lons syrup, one two-horse wagon, mower, rake, harrow, and other farm implements, syrup mill and pan, two bales lint cotton. We also find that the superintendent has furnished the chain gang three hun dred bushels corn, five tons hay, one hundred gallons syrup, eight hun dred pounds beef, fifty bushels uo tatoes and lots of vegetables. We find six acres sowed bo wheat, eight THE JACASON PROGRESS-A RGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA acres to oats. We the committee recommend that the county farm do not plant any cotton at all, but de vote the whole farm to food and feed crops to furnish the county chain gang. We commend County Farm Superintendent, Mr. Harris, for his able management of same. J. W. Maddox, D. F. Maddox, J. S. Ball, committee. Report of County School Supt. Financial report of the County School Superintendent to the Grand Jury of Butts county, Georgia, at the February term Superior Court, 1921, from January Ist, 1920, through December 31st, 1920. RECEIPTS Bal on hand Jan. 1, 1920 $3,589.14 State of Ga. bal 1919 13,526.01 State of Ga. on 1920 2,000.00 Butts Cos. tax bal 1919-_ 10,446.06 Butts Cos. Tax 1920 12,300.00 County Line Schools 888.00 Loan (Jackson Bkg Cos) 5,000.00 Loan (Old Nat Bank) 5,000.00 State Dept Vocational Training for Illiteracy work - 225.00 I Total .$52,974.99 DISBURSEMENT C. S. Superintendent 1,000.00 Board Members 68.00 Incidentals 176.66 White Teachers 19,914.25 Colored Teachers 4,245.43 New Buildinp 500.00 Desks, Maps, etc. 224.74 Fuel Supplies, etc. 934.92 Repairs 306.46 Interest 456.18 Insurance 4.50 Transportation of pupils 210.00 Bal Loan of 1919 repaid Old National Bank __ 12,742.95 Loan repaid Old Natoinal Bank 1920 2,000.00 Loan repaid Jackson Banking Cos 5,000.00 Local System 3,460.90 Attendance Officer 231.00 Canning Club Agent 225.00 Illiteracy Work 360.00 Total Expenses $52,060.99 Bal on hand Dec. SI 1920 914.00 $52,974.99 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of Februray, 1921. VAN FLETCHER, County School Superintendent, Butts County, Georgia. Svorn to and s-übscribed before me, this February 19th, 1921. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. Report of Clerk of Court To the Honorable Foreman and Gen tlemen of Grand Jury for Feb ruary term, 1921, Butts Supe rior Court. Since my last report to the August term, 1920, of Butts Superior Court there has passed through my hands belonging to the county $2,054.75, said funds arising from the fines and forfeitures of said court for August term and August adjourned term, 1920. I hold proper vouchers. for the same from the County Treas urer of said county. Respectfully submitted, S. J. FOSTER, Clerk Superior Court. Sworn to and subscribed before me this February 21st, 1921. NETTIE RAE PITTMAN, Notary Public Butts Cos. Ga. Report of Sheriff To the Honorable Foreman and Gen tlemen of the Grand Jury for February term, 1921, of Butts Superior Court. I beg to hand you herewith my re port as required by law, that there has been no funds passing through my hands belonging to the county since my term of office began Jan uary 1, 1921. W. D. POPE, Sheriff. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Feby 21st, 1921. S. J. FOSTER, Clerk Superior Court. Report c,f Ordinary To the Honorable Grand Jury Butts Superior Court, February term, 1921. This is to certify that there has been no money passed through my hands directly since the August term, 1920, belonging to the county, J. H. HAM, Ordinary. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this February 21, 1921. S. J. FOSTER, Clerk Superior Court. , Report -cf Tax Collector Special Taxes Statement of J. F. Lane, Tax Col lector Butts county, beginning Jan uary Ist, 1921, of special taxes col lected by me up to February 21, 1921. Standard Oil Cos., for two oil trucks 20.00 A. A. Howell, live stock dir 10.00 Settle & Robiscn, auto dlrs 27.50 W. I. Wagner, garage 5.00 S H Thornton, undertaker 5.00 W. T. Wall, live stock dealer 10.00 W. J. Wood, life insurance 10.00 G. W.- Cochran, cigarette dll- 25.00 R. P. Sasnett, life insurance 10.00 The Farmers Bank -•-I 20.00 W. D. Compton, insurance 10.00 J. E. Bankston, cigarette dir 25.00 J. T. Edwards & Son, cig dir 25.00 Jackson Coca Cola Bot. Cos. 50.00 Total to date $252.50 Personally appeared before the undersigned J. F. Lane, T. C. of Butts county, and on oath says the above statement is true. J. F. LANE, Tax Collector. Sworn to and subscribed before me this February 21, 1919. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. Report of Commifiioner of Roadi and Revenues Georgia, Butts county. To the Honorable Foreman and the Grand Jurors of Butts county now in session, at the February term Superior Court, 1921. I, J. O. Gaston, County Commis sioner of Butts county, respectfully submit to you and your honorable body my report as said County Com missioner for the year 1920, as fol lows, to-wit: The amount of warrants issued on Public Road funds and small bridges $30,447.96. Amount of warrants issued on all other funds $37,462.16. Total amount -of dis bursement being $67,910.12 for the year 1920. You will find that the expenses have been very heavy for the past 12 months, high cost of material and foodstuffs, besides we had two large freshets in 1920 which destroyed practically all of the wooden bridges in the county. I expect to buy just as little this year as possible, and I am certain vis can run cheaper in 1921 than any year in the past. Very Respectfully, J. O. GASTON, County Commissioner. J. T. MOORE, Clerk. Fcby, 24, 1921. Report of Treaurer To the Honorable Foreman and Gen tlemen of the Grand Jury, Feb ruary term, 1921. I beg to submit the following re. port of receipts nnd disbursements to date for the year 1921. Reed from J. L. Bailey, Treas: Bridge and Bldg Fund 29.63 Public Road Fund 8.87 Cproner'-s F’und 48.29 Jail Fund 324.83 Jury Fund 1-33 Lawful Charges 33.87 Litigation Fund 344.16 Pauper Fund 428.90 Superior Court Fund 9.12 1915 Fund .. 1,208.77 1916 Mandamus Fund .. 2,740.31 1917 Mandamus Fund .. 1,937.66 1918 Mandamus Fund 1,529.01 1920 Mandamus Fund .. 4,103.04 $12,74778 1921 Jan. 7, Reed from T. W. Nelson, T. C. ..$ 3,149.75 $15,897.53 DISBURSEMENTS Various Warrants $ 202.47 Various Warrants 607.40 Various Warrants 9.06 Various Warrants 24.00 Variuos Warrants 290.50 Various Warrants 28.45 Various Warrants 1,842.37 / $ 3,004.25 Balance on hand 12,893.28 §15,897.53 Respectfully submitted, JNO. M. McMICHAEL, Treasurer Butts County. Report of Tax Collector To the Honorable Grand Jury now in session I, T. W. Nelson, Tax Collector in and for Butts county, submit this my statement for taxes collected by me for the year 1920, up to and including February 9th, 1921. . , Reed for state less commission for T. C. &T. R. $12,994.85 Paid state said amount $12,994.85 Reed for the county from tax digest less com missions 40,075.75 Received from corporations less commissions __ 20,920.60 Paid the county treasurer out of the two amts 59,149.75 Bal due county treasurer out of the tvia amts 1,846.60 Reed from county and corporations for school ' 13,722.83 Paid to county school commissioner 13,700.00 Bal due school commissioner from this statement 22.83 Total $87,714.03 $87,714.03 Georgia, Butts County. Personally appeared before the undersigned T. W. Nelson, Tax Collector, and after being duly swon says on oath that the above state ment is correct and true. T. W. NELSON, Tax Collector. Sworn to and subscribed before me this February 21, 1921. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. TOM JESTER ARRESTED ON CHARGE HAVING WHISKEY Sheriff Pope and County Police Made Raid Saturday Sheriff Walter D. Pope and C'oun- A Complete Line of BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS, AUTOMO BILES, Accessories, Tires, Gasoline, Oils, Greases. McKibben Buggy 6 Auto Cos. JACKSON - - GEORGIA Columbia . BatterieslSbld Charged, Repair- ed. Rented. S. H. THORNTON JACKSON, GA. Undertaking, Licensed Embelmer Full Line of Caskets and Robes to Select From My careful personal attention giv en to all funerals entrusted to me. All Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Day Phone 174 Night Phone 193 FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921 “It’* the Chapest Thing I Ever Bought,” Writes Mrs. J. Mason, V*. “T paid >1.25 for five cakes of Rat-Snapand judg ing by the large number of dead rats we've picked up. I reckon we’ve saved hundreds of dollars chicks, eggs and feed." Your pets won’t touch it. Rats dry up and leave no smell. 35c, 65c. ft H, Sold aad guaranteed by Carmichael Drug and Book Cos. Nevftton Hardware Company. ty Policemen Thornton and Asbury raided a still said to belong to Tom Jester, Saturday morning. Jester was arrested and placed in jail. A. quantity of liquor was found at the time of the raid.