The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, August 05, 1976, Image 9
ey saving Tue.., Wed., Thurs. QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED r and Saturday V Lcfp rn /One Pound Thick or Reg. SliZc\ , , 12 ° Z ’ teakS / BO iS GNA \ /Bacon 89cN 159 \ ( 99C ) / smoked i < { lAliCkiFnr ) \ Pork Chops > AQ$ *| 69 / r^KOTKEBT N '->. SMOKED ”V. ffikw/ILEnUCE \ / PICNICS \ 5! ( 39* \ C.KED FREE 09 Lb > 49° ) > Tomatoes #fc) YBSED TROUTY 's.b ] V _ *g|l§jjks§! V * n||P J 49 / BAYER TIME RELEASE /JO Lbs. Eillbers\ /Is O, SWEET CUBE \ )IAL ASPIRIN /CHARCOAL r SALAD \ B9* 89 0 r 79* li delights J CUTEX tm Charcoal Lighter °| \ For 9 | POLISH REMOVER \ COO / “ I X _ VM* bush’s u Juice Bowl Al| \ JUMBO WHITE X [ SHOWBOAT CAN / CD I l|T \ P N VtO W ELS/SPAGHETTI V pffi \ 2 /T„ /X Hunt's 32 Oz. X, ] LA DDCAn V omato Past ¥fi rtxur * ;“L T rJz*t 1 .o„ JACOm THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS, JACKSON, GEORGIA f WE ACCEPT U SDA FOODSTAMPS THURSDAY, AUGUST S, 1976 Red £1 iWHITE; VvALUE CHECK'D Fall Catalog For Consumers Is Available Fall. Leaves fluttering from the trees. The first hint of frost in the air. The first fire of the fireplace. Wait! It isn’t fall yet. But now is time to write for the Fall edition of the free catalog, Consumer Informa tion. Published quarterly by the Consumer Information Center of the General Services Administration, Consumer Information lists more than 250 selected Federal publications of con sumer interest. Some of the topics covered are cars, money management, em ployment, child care, health, housing, and recreation. For your free copy of Consumer Information, write to the Consumer Information Cen ter, Pueblo, Colorado 81009. Why should you want a fall catalog in the summer’’ Well, many people like to plan for things they are going to do this fall and winter. For instance, In the Bank or Up the Chimney? (311D. $1.70) tells how to figure out how much insulation you need and gives step-by-step in structions on how to install it. And Renovate an Old House: (339D, 35 cents) suggests what to consider before deciding whether an older house is worth restoring. Or perhaps you are worrying about what the salt spread on the roads in your area during the winter will do to your car. Automotive Rust—lts Causes and Pre vention (291D. Free' tells how to prepare your car for that slushy-salty season. How to Deal with Automotive Emergencies <294D. Free) includes advice on skids as well as overheating, brake or steering failure, blowouts, and fires. What about the swine flu that has been in the papers so much 0 The New Flu (345D. Free) describes the symp toms of the flu. the purpose of the vaccine, and possible side effects. Going to be looking for a job° Merchandising Your Job Talents 251D. $1.10) has suggestions on preparing a resume, writing a letter of application, and interviewing for a job. If you aren't yet in the job market, but you are really looking ahead, get a copy of Jobs in 1985 <327D. Free). That way you can start preparing for the work you may be doing in the future. And now is none too soon. You can get these publica tions at the prices indicated and the free catalog. Con sumer Information, from the Consumer Information Cen ter. Pueblo. Colorado 81009. Bulk quantities of the catalog are available free to educa tors and consumer groups. IN MEMORIAL In memory of my husband. Mr. Herbert Walker, who passed away August 10. 1961. A precious one from us is gone. A voice we loved is still. A place is vacant in our home That never can be filled. Death is a heartache that nothing can heal. Memories are something that no one can steal. Some may forget that he is gone. But we will remember no matter how long. —Sadly missed by wife and children. WINNERS NAMED IN STAY AND SEE CONTEST The City of Thomasville, Deep South Festival, and Rose Festival; Rock City Gardens; Pr ater 's Mill Coun try Fair; Georgia Bureau of Industry and Trade; Georgia Mountains Arts Products, Inc. and Georgia South western College won first place honors for their Stay and See America In Georgia Week exhibits at Lenox Square on July 19-24th. Fifty-eight Georgia exhib itors competed in the six different categories. >l^4sfc7#*ol**T6*O<24-s*7> 1 FACTS! • & FIGURES i six'*4-.rG7o‘o!a'-s*7<joirA*n Since the Revolution, Amer ica’s population center has pro gressed westward. In 1790, it was about 23 miles east of Balti more, Maryland. By the 1970s it had moved to just 5.3 miles east-southeast of the Mascou tah City Hall in St. Clair County, Illinois. Since the 13 original colonies banded together 200 years ago, the United States has been growing steadily. From a land and water area of less than 900,000 square miles in the 18th century, we’ve grown to nearly 3.7 billion square miles today. In medieval Europe, people thought that the Devil combed a goat’s beard every day. SOCIAL SECURITY REP IN JACKSON THURSDAY The Griffin Social Security office sends a representative to the Butts County Court house every Thursday be tween the hours of ID a.m. and 1 p.m. Interested parties may contact this representative on Social Security matters in the S.S. office, downstairs in the courthouse. PERSONAL Miss Delia Watkins was admitted Saturday to Sylvan Grove Hospital, her many friends regret to learn. Progress-Argus Honor Roll ■New A Renewal Sabaenption* Of The Patt Few Day* Mary W Reeves. Jackson Mrs. G. W. Owens. McDon ough James W. Jenkins. Jack son Mrs. John Robert Pulliam. Jackson Fred T. White. Jackson Joseph Ash, Jr.. Jackson Mrs. E. L. Young. Jackson Cover Outdoor Furniture WITH CARRY-HOME Coverall TOP-QUALITY 4 MIL PLASTIC COVER \ 30 in * h ''fjV.V . roll Homemakers. Housewives. 1 Do-It-Yourselfers. Campers. Gardeners Ns <-_1 . . rii- CARRY HOME Made ONLY By WARP BROS. Chicago 60651 Displayed & Sold at These Hardware, Home & Garden Centers Jackson Hardware