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Karksmt 'Jragress-Argus
Volume 103 Number 39
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consecutive year, Fashion Pillows, of Jackson, has won the
Sears Symbol of Excellence Award. Mr. Roy R.
Kristofferson, Sears national buyer from Chicago,
presented the award at a recent ceremony. Shown in this
Fashion Pillows Wins Fifth
Consecutive Sears Award
A Jackson industry has
won the coveted Sears
Symbol of Excellence Award
for the fifth consecutive year.
Fashion Pillows, of Jack
son, has been chosen again
by Sears officials for this
signal honor. Only 479
suppliers out of 12,000 firms
which supply Sears received
the Sears Symbol of Excel
lence Award. Only 38 of these
479 firms have received the
award five years in succes
Presenting the Sears a
ward at a ceremony held in
the Fashion Pillows plant
was Mr. Roy Kristofferson,
Sears national buyer from
Accepting the Award on
behalf of all employees of
Fashion Pillows was Mrs.
Lamar (Jean) King, who has
been employed by Fashion
Pillows for 17 years.
The Youth Department of
Friendship Baptist Church
will observe its third annual
old-fashioned camp meeting
on Sunday, September 26th,
at 3 p.m.
Several Butts County mi
nisters, including Phil De-
More, J. B. Green, A. L.
Eusery, F. L. Harris and
Grady Head, will appear on
the program. Dinner will be
served on the grounds.
City Voters To Elect Three ;
Second Ward Seat Contested
The battle lines have been
drawn for the Jackson City
primary of Tuesday, October
sth, and the only contested
race of the three offices to be
filled will see J. K. (Red)
Godwin facing incumbent
Councilman Allen Byars for
the Second Ward seat.
Mayor C. B. Brown, Jr.
was unopposed in his
re-election bid, as was
Councilman Roy Goff of the
Third Ward.
City Administrator Lewis
Freeman reports that, after
a purge of the voter list and a
concerted effort to re
register those voters who had
lost their qualification, ap
proximately 1,450 registrants
will be eligible to vote in the
Booster’s Club
To Sponsor
Golf Tourney
The Butts County Athletic
Booster’s Club will sponsor
its annual best ball golf
tournament at Deer Trail
Golf Club on Wednesday,
September 29th.
Play in the 18-hole tourna
ment will begin at 1 p.m.
from a shotgun start.
Entrance fee will be SIO.OO,
and the tournament will be
open to all golfers who wish
to participate.
Those golfers wishing to
participate in the September
29th tournament are asked to
contact either Freddie Dod
son or Bailey Crockarell for
further information.
Dr. Jose Namer, 52, has
opened an office in Locust
Grove for the general
practice of medicine, ending
a lengthy search the towns
people of that town had made
for a physician.
Namer, a Cuban exile, will
practice initially on a part
time basis until his practice
is established, according to a
story in the McDonough
October sth primary.
Registration books at the
Jackson City Hall will close
at 5 p.m. Friday, September
24th, for the October sth
primary election. Those
residents of Jackson who are
not now registered to vote in
a city election may register
at any time during regular
working hours at the City
Hall before the September
24th deadline.
In addition to the mayor
and council seats, voters will
also choose members of the
Executive Committee,
Democratic Party, for the
City of Jackson. Present
members include Levi J.
Ball, chairman; Hugh Glide
photo are executive personnel of the Jackson industry,
including, left to right, Maurice Sears, W. H. Dupree, W. H.
Shepard, Mr. Kristofferson, Walter E. Jones, Jack Little,
Mrs. Lamar (Jean) King, Cecil Aaron and Walter
Rev. Burleson
To Speak At
Flovilla Meet
Revival services at the
Flovilla Baptist Church be
gan Sunday, September 19th,
and will continue through
Friday, September 24th.
Services begin each evening
at 7:30 o’clock.
The Rev. James Burleson,
pastor, Union Hill Baptist
Church, of Cochran, and
pleasantly remembered by
many during his pastorate in
Butts County, is delivering
the series of evangelistic
A nursery will be provided
Arbitration Hearings For
Butts Tax Cases to Continue
At an open hearing
Thursday afternoon in the
Butts County courtroom,
agreement was reached to
continue arbitration of seven
additional tax cases arising
from the 1975 Butts County
tax digest.
Tax assessments of the
property of three members of
the Butts County Taxpayers
Protective Association have
been submitted to arbitration
and hearings completed.
Neither the TPA or the
County Commissioners were
willing to accept the verdict
in the three cases without
hearing additional suits
well, Jr., secretary; Mrs.
Mary Lee Martin, treasurer;
A. V. Maddox, J. 0. King and
Vincent Jones.
According to rules adopted
by the Executive Committee,
disabled voters may be
carried ballots by a poll
manager if parked in front of
the polling place at City Hall.
No ballots will be taken to a
voter’s home..
Absentee ballots will be
provided and may be
obtained from the election
manager at City Hall.
No write in votes will be
counted in the City primary
Jackson, Georgia 30233, Thursday, September 23, 1976
tommy McDowell
In a fishing trip Sunday
afternoon. Tommy McDowell
of Jackson hit the jackpot,
landing two catfish with a
combined weight total of 35 1 2
McDowell was fishing on a
private lake in Jasper County
with liver for bait when he
landed the two giants, one
measuring over two feet in
and special song services will
be a feature of each of the
evening meetings. Robert
Smith will be in charge of the
before arriving at a con
sensus verdict.
The original agreement
between the taxpayers group
and the County Commis
sioners called for not more
than ten cases to go to
arbitration, with the con
sensus verdict then being
applied to the 1975 digest.
Superior Court Judge Hugh
D. Sosebee Thursday re
quested both parties to get on
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TRAIN - TRUCK CRASH-A dry cement tank truck
rounded a curve and nosedived into a convoy of 117 freight
train cars, derailing 27 of them. The driver of the truck was
pinned in the wreckage of his cab for nearly two hours until
Annual Butts Cos. Fair
Opens On October 4th
The 1976 Butts County
Agricultural Fair will open
Monday, October 4th, for a
week’s run at the Jackson
Fairgrounds. The sponsoring
organization for this year’s
fair, as for many years past,
will be the Jackson Ex
change Club.
Fair Week in Butts County
annually attracts thousands
of viewers from Butts and
surrounding counties to view
the exhibits and participate
in the rides, shows and
games that make the fair a
fall fun festival.
John Moore is president of
the Exchange Club fair
association, Charles Rooks,
vice-president, Newt Ether
edge, fair manager and
treasurer and Larry Morgan,
One of the highlights of fair
week will be the announce
ment Monday night at 8 p.m.
of the winner of the coveted
Woman of the Year Award.
J. T. Beckham is chairman of
the Woman of the Year
Walter L. Bennett, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter J. Bennett of
Indian Springs, Ga., has been
assigned to Keesler AFB,
Miss., after completing Air
Force basic training.
During the six weeks
training at Lackland AFB.
Tex., the airman studied the
Air Force mission, organiza
tion and customs and
received special instruction
in human relations.
Airman Bennett will now
receive specialized training
in the administrative field.
with the proceedings in order
that the final arbitration
verdict will be reached as
guickly as possible.
A suit challenging the 1975
Butts County tax digest has
been filed in Henry County by
members of the Butts County
Taxpayer's Ass’n. which
could conceivably overturn
the entire 1975 County tax
committee, with Herbert
Moore and Dale Land
Those wishing to nominate
candidates for the Woman of
the Year Award are asked to
submit their nominations to
J. T. Beckham, at P. 0. Box
104, Jackson, Ga. 30233 as
soon as possible, in order that
the judges may have suf
ficient time to weigh the
qualifications of the various
A schedule of events for the
October fair shows Monday
as Entry Day: Monday
night-Licensed Nursery and
Kindergarten Night, Woman
of the Year Award (8:00
p.m.), Jack’s -n- Jill’s
Demonstration Dance, West
ern square dancing (8:30
p.m. ’til),
Tuesday, the ever popular
Flower Show and general
exhibit judging will be held.
Tuesday night the Youth Dog
Show will be held beginning
at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday will be Bake
Day and Wednesday night
Savings Bonds
Are Popular
In County
Butts County’s sales of U.
S. Savings Bonds for the first
six months of 1976 are
running ahead of all counties
in the immediate area, as
well as the entire state,
according to a report just
released by Mrs. Elizabeth
Watkins, local volunteer
chairman for the Savings
Bonds program.
Six months sales of the
popular Series E Savings
Bonds in Butts County were
$96,268. or 57 percent of the
County's 1976 goal of $169,000.
State wide. Savings Bonds
sales for six months totaled
51.8 million on a quota of
103.4 million, or 50 percent of
the state's goal for the
current calender year.
Surrounding counties re
port the following six-month
sales figures:
Newton. $192,000 or 54
percent of goal; Henry.
$284,000 or 51 percent;
Lamar $158,000 or 54 per
cent; Monroe, $20,000 or 29
percent: Spalding. $146,000
or 44 percent; Jasper. $36,000
or 57 percent.
rescue workers with the aid of a crane cleared him. He
entered the hospital in critical condition Thursday and died
Saturday. The collision occurred on Georgia 83 east of
Georgia 87 north of Juliette.
$6.24 Per Year In Advance
the ever-popular Beauty
Contest will be held at 8:00
Thursday night will be
devoted to the schools, being
designated as School Night.
Friday night there will be
String Music, beginning at
7:30 p.m.
Saturday night premium
awards will be made at 9:00
All exhibits must be on the
ground by 5 p.m. on Monday,
October 4th. The Fair gates
will be open from 5:30 to
12:00 on Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday and from
5:00 to 12:00 on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday. Admis
sion will be 50 cents and
parking 50 cents.
Miss Patricia Ann Smith.
Butts County home econom
ist. will be in charge of the
Youth Groups, Girls. FHA
and 4-H Club exhibits,
assisted by Ann Champion
and Deborah Stewart, home
economics teachers.
Miss Smith will also be
general chairman for all the
WS3m Sess'Sz:.
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ROCKING CHIEF-Jackson Fire Chief Cotton Vaughn
relaxes in anew rocking chair furnished by the Butts
County Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Dick O’Hara,
president of the local trade group, said that the chair was a
gift for the role the fire department played in getting fire
insurance rates lowered for Jackson property owners.
Professional wrestling will
Women’s Department ex
hibits, assisted by these
chairmen, Mrs. T. H. Price,
flow r er show: Mrs. Jimmy
O’Neal, canning; Mrs. Ma
rion Todd, clothing, and Mrs.
Barbara Stamples. handi
Milliard Daniel. Butts
County farm agent, will be
general chairman for the
FFA and 4-H Boy’s Youth
Section, with James McCor
mick and Willie Colvin,
vocational agriculture teach
ers. assisting.
O. L. Weaver. Jr. is
chairman and Bill Fletcher,
co-chairman, of the Field and
Horticultural Crops exhibits,
with Tom Taylor and Tobe
Davis assisting.
Millard Daniel will be in
charge of the committee to
obtain qualified judges and
Mrs. T. H. Price will assist.
Cash prizes for Community
School and Youth booths will
be $50.00. first; $35.00.
second; 525.00, third and Best
Fair Booth. $25.00. According
to the 1976 premium list, each
school or youth group having
a creditable exhibit will
receive $25.00.
come to the Monticello High
School gymnasium on Thurs
day. September 23rd. when
four matches will be held, a
men's tag team, two men s
mam events and one ladies’
main event. The matches will
begin at 8:30 p.m. and
admission is $3.00 at the gate.
Some of the wrestlers
featured will include The
Masked Spoiler. Mike
Seigler. Buddy’ Atlas. Tony
Ramano, Shelia Vaschon and
Tina Graham.
. i?
It isn’t exactly kindly of us
to swear our politicians into
office, and cuss them out