Newspaper Page Text
Piedmont Agency's Cultural
Enrichment Program Succeeds
Avery unique six week
program was sponsored by
the Piedmont Area Commun
ity Action Agency this
summer. It was a Cultural
Enrichment Program but
was known to the partici
pants as “SCALP” (Summer
Cultural Achievement and
Learning Program).
The purpose of the pro
gram was to decrease the
drop-out rate of seventh,
eighth and ninth grade
students by one-fourth during
the 1976-77 school year by
implementing a program
which would improve the
cultural aspirations, and
academic levels of a select
group of participants.
The program (SCALP) had
twenty-seven participants
who were housed on a
twenty-four hour basis, at
Henderson Junior High Gym
nasium; courtesy of the
| Butts County Board of
Education. The twenty
seven participants whose
ages ranged from 13 to 15
were recommended by
teachers, counselors and the
visiting teacher. Selection
was based on absenteeism,
academic achievement
record and general conduct.
Five days per week were
devoted to morning sessions
designed to improve reading
and mathematics skills.
During the afternoons, they
were exposed to Industrial
Arts, pre-vocational training,
physical training and
The evenings were devoted
to preparing home work
assignments. Two adults
spent the evenings with the
participants at the gymnas
ium. During the weekends
the participants experienced
field trips to places such as
the Governor’s Mansion,
Fernbank Science Center
and major league sport
The six week program,
under the direction of George
fate, Jackson High School
Principal, realized tremend
ous results. The participants
were pre and post-tested,
musing the Slosson Reading
Test of Basic Skills. Asa
result of the six weeks
intensive program, the par
ticipants realized a cumula
tive gain of nine months
progress in reading and one
year’s progress in mathe
This unique success is due
to Mr. Tate’s leadership and
his outstanding dedicated
staff, the positive relation
ships that they were able to
develop with the partici
pants, and the positive
self-awareness gained by the
The Cultural Enrichment
Program (SCALP) was fund
ed by an ESAA grant from
the Office of Education.
Executive Director, Edluie
D. Walker said that he was
"particilarly pleased with
the results of the pilot
program and pleased to
receive the grant.”
He further stated that
"ESSA grants normally are
awarded to school systems
and rarely to non-profit
organizations, such as
PACAA. Only eight non
profit organizations received
ESAA grants during F-Y 76
and PACAA was the only
Community Action Agency in
Georgia to receive one.”
'Walker stated that there is a
follow-up program designed
to keep track and provide
positive re-enforcement for
the participants during the
regular school year.
The staff consisted of
James C. Lawson, Willie
Cash, Curtis Gaye, Menford
Bellamy, Connie McCrary,
Mary Solomon, Betty Evans,
Larry Jester, Veronica Bar
low and Lucile Ross.
Highly Productive
American fanners supply
215 million Americans with
a wide variety of food and
they also contribute to the
nutritional well-being of
millions of people around the
world. This year, American
farmers will supply about 55
per cent of all feed grains
moving into world trade.
They will also supply about
50 per cent of the wheat and
about 70 per cent of the
FMHA Drops
Interest Rate
Effective October 18th, the
interest rate on rural housing
loans made through the
Farmers Home Administra
tion (FMHA) was reduced to
8 percent.
This is a substantial
reduction from the previous
rate of B‘/ 2 percent. FMHA
provides loans in rural areas
to finance homes and
building sites. Rural areas
include open country and
places with a population of up
to 10,000 that are rural in
character and not closely
associated with urban areas.
Truth Should Not
Harm Friendship
I have always given this
good friend of mine advice
when she comes to me with
a problem. However, she hit
with her boyfriend She
thinks that by living with
him she will convince him to
marry her. I don’t know her
boyfriend that well, but I
really don’t think my friend
does either. She has only
been going out with him for
two months and they’re both
23 years old. I told her I
thought it was a bad idea
and that I thought she should
reconsider her reasons for
moving in with him before
taking such a step. She blew
up ran to her boyfriend
and told him how I disap
proved and what a straight
laced person I was. He
turned around and called
me to find out why I would
discourage such a thing.
Now they both ignore me. I
was only giving my advice
—and I certainly didn’t
mean for it to ruin a friend
ship. How do I approach my
friend and regain her con
fidence in me?
There’s nothing worse than
having a friend who expects
you to tell her only what she
wants to hear. Don’t com
promise yourself soon
enough the person will
realize that you weren’t ad
vising her not to move in
with her boyfriend just to
hurt her. Whenever you see
this lost friend try to be as
nice as you can —but don’t
go back on your advice. You
were merely telling her
what you think, and if she
can’t accept that, then she
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life insurance.
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In addition, FMHA is
permitted to make loans in
cities of up to 20,000
population if it has been
determined there is a serious
lack of mortgage credit for
low to moderate income
Loans are made to pur
chase, construct or repair
homes and to provide
adequate water and waste
disposal systems. Homes
may be built on individual
tracts or in approved
subdivisions. Under certain
conditions, funds may be
used to refinance debts on a
Homeownership loans are
available to families whose
adjusted gross income does
isn’t much of a friend to
begin with.
* * *
I am now dating a guy who
is absolutely the best person
in the world. We’ve been
going out for almost two
years. He’s 24 and lives in a
town several miles away
from where I attend college.
He calls me every day and
drives up on weekends to
take me out. My problem is
that in the back of my mind
I’m always thinking of this
guy I used to date. He’s still
in college and I see him
everyday. When I was going
out with him he treated me
like a piece of dirt so I broke
it off. Yet I can’t get him out
of my mind. The guy I’m
going out with now has been
talking about marriage, and
I think he’s going to propose.
I want to marry him, but I
want to rid my mind of this
memory first. How do I stop
thinking about a lost-love
and concentrate on some
body who cares very deeply
about m%.
can’t help but think of what
you once shared with the
man you see everyday. He
was obviously a very impor
tant part of your life. But to
let those memories get in the
way of the relationship you
have now is unfair to
everyone concerned. Do you
really love the man you are
seeing now, or do you just
want to be married? Maybe
it’s best to review your
feelings about the man
you’re dating now even if
he’s the best person in the
world, that doesn’t neces
sarily mean you’re in love
with him. Step cautiously
and don’t get yourself in
volved with someone who
is a replacement for a
past love.
(If you would like Colleen's comments
on your particular situation or problem,
write COLLEEN, Box 639, Frankfort, Ky.
not exceed $15,600 annually.
These families must also
meet the following require
1 Be without decent, safe
and adequate housing.
2. Be unable to obtain a
loan from private lenders on
terms and conditions they
can reasonably be expected
to meet.
3. Have sufficient income
to pay loan payments, taxes,
insurance, and maintenance
costs and maintain a reason
able standard of living.
Families with an adjusted
income of less than SIO,OOO
may receive interest credit
assistance which may reduce
the interest rate to as low as
one percent.
Homes must be modest in
size and design but adequate
to meet the needs of the
family. Loans may be made
If You Open A 5V*%
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Cheese, Carrots, Celery, Radishes
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West Taylor at 10th 348 S - Mu,berr Y St.
In Griffin In Jackson
up to 1,000 percent of the
appraised value if the family
is financially unable to make
any down payment.
Anyone interested in ad
ditional information about
these loans should contact
Glen Staples, County Super
visor of the FMHA Office
located in McDonough,
Affairs or Relations
A constituent once cor
nered Alben Barkley and
asked, “Why is it the House
has a foreign affairs com
mittee and the Senate a
foreign relations commit
tee?” “Well, when I was in
the house,” replied the for
mer vice-president, “I was
told the difference was that
senators were too old to
have affairs. They only have
/'einp The lettersin'^n.
Vegetarian Diet
The most important
missing link in a vegetarian
diet is vitamin B (twelve) as
supplied only through ani
mal sources. This vitamin
is necessary for blood cell
formation and normal nerve
functioning. Strict vege
tarians would be wise to
supplement their diet with
vitamin pills or B (twelve)
fortified foods.
For and about Teenagers
I have a big problem. I’m
almost 17 years old and my
parents won’t let me go out
R/ g u y a lot and
y | as * cec * me
I had to say
OUR REPLY: First o*l°all,
understand that you don’t
really have a problem.
You’ve got a situation that
needs handling. The best
way to handle it is to be very
dear on what you want to
communicate to your par
ents. For now —at least
you are actually a guest
in their home. They pay the
bills, they get to make the
rules. You’ve got to accept
that. Once you accept things
for the way they are, you
can work to change them.
Your parents will recognize
when you’re accepting
responsibility. Then, they’ll
give you more. Make certain
you share with your parents
exactly how you feel about
going out with boys. Your
parents love you, you love
them. Learn to listen to what
they have to say. Get clear
on why they won’t let you go
out with boys. Be truthful
and honest with them on
why you think it’s time you
got to go out with your peers.
Together, you’ll work things
(Because of the volume of mail,
requests for personal rapes, cannot bo
accomodated Edit oriel panel selects
for srsekly use. letter srhich best
represents question, andfor comment,
front roadors. FOR AND ABOUT
KY. 40601.)